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text The Plan jude, Friday, Jul 10 2015, 12:06pm
In the eighties the global (banker) ruling elite implemented a plan that has far exceeded their wildest dreams – debt-slavery for citizens and nations as a means to contain, enslave and plunder. Issue easy credit to indebt everyone and depress real wages while incrementally increasing costs. This strategy also applied to nations but on a macro scale.
international / prose / post

Yanis Varoufakis image Greek-Aussie Yanis Varoufakis may have just done It! justin, Thursday, Jul 9 2015, 1:13pm
What, you ask? Bring down the house of cards that is the EU/NATO and the debt-enslaving, paper money printing, PRIVATELY OWNED global Reserve Banking Cartel headquartered in New York – That’s what! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Undemocratic corporate puppets, Bill Shorten and Tony Abbott image Corporate-serving UNREPRESENTATIVE Major Oz parties Ignore Public's Wishes/Democracy Waleed Aly via gail, Thursday, Jul 9 2015, 1:04am
Both sides of politics offer people outrage or seek to assuage them. Neither side tries to engage voters with persuasive arguments. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Austerity Has Failed: An Open Letter From Five Leading Economists via cyd, Thursday, Jul 9 2015, 12:41am
The never-ending austerity that Europe is force-feeding the Greek people is simply not working. Now Greece has loudly said no more.
international / prose / post

obama_toasting_dead_babies.jpg image HOLD FIRM GREECE – global Banking elite sends in errand boy Obama to strike a ‘compromise’ george, Wednesday, Jul 8 2015, 1:12am
Immediately after Obama declared the neocon doctrine of ‘perpetual war’ for his masters, the banking and corporate elite, true to his servile form, White House errand boy has intervened in the Euro crisis to force a settlement between creditors and debtor Greece; however, as is plainly obvious, Obama has been sent on an errand for Wall Street and European banking interests that fear a domino effect if Greece defaults, leaves the Eurozone and embraces the ‘Silk’ group of powerhouse nations, which would benefit Europe far more than the war mongering Americans. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

audio Puppet Obama Declares the ‘Perpetual War’ Doctrine of the Neocons mitch, Tuesday, Jul 7 2015, 12:21pm
Perhaps a little background is warranted for victims of the 24/hour corporate media ‘news/propaganda’ cycle. (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

trojanhorse.jpg image A Trojan Horse in the Home of Austerity Pepe Escobar via sam, Tuesday, Jul 7 2015, 3:50am
Odysseus/Ulysses took 10 years to go back home after the Trojan War. His descendants are now making history in the original home of democracy. And they are not going anywhere. They have already placed their Trojan horse in the home of intolerance and austerity. There's no turning back from restoring dignity. And if the Muses rule it, it will be back to the drachma. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Austerity and Ensuing Economic Contractionism have Proven Disastrous jude, Tuesday, Jul 7 2015, 2:35am
An Australian Greens parliamentarian put it succinctly, “you can’t cut your way to prosperity,” and unfortunately small European nations have become living examples of her accurate statement.
international / prose / post

text Global SOLIDARITY for Greece and Real Democracy Owen Jones via jon, Monday, Jul 6 2015, 3:53pm
By implementing participatory democracy Greece has overcome the first major hurdle in its pursuit of freedom from financial oppression and debt SLAVERY. Make no mistake, an economic WAR is being waged against Greece, its government and DEMOCRACY as I write. However, the first battle has been won by the people of Greece, which rejected the cruel, demeaning and ruinous demands of the global banking cartels.
international / prose / post

boundchains.jpg image The Creation of the Euro was designed to Debt-enslave European Nations/People jude, Monday, Jul 6 2015, 11:57am
As we all should be aware the ability of a nation to create its own currency ENSURES political and economic sovereignty, as that nation is able to control the varying needs of monetary supply to counter various economic pressures that periodically eventuate. In other words, national currency creation protects a nation by allowing it to meet economic/fiscal challenges while maintaining its all important SOVEREIGNTY. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Yanis Varoufakis, Finance Minister image Our NO is a Majestic, big YES to a Democratic, Rational Europe -- UPDATED. Yanis Varoufakis via sally, Monday, Jul 6 2015, 1:29am
On the 25th of January, dignity was restored to the people of Greece.

In the five months that intervened since then, we became the first government that dared raise its voice, speaking on behalf of the people, saying NO to the damaging irrationality of our extend-and-pretend ‘Bailout Program’. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Greeks celebrate Democracy and Sovereignty in Athens image Despite the predictable Multi-million dollar Mass Media scare campaign, Greece Votes “NO” to Slavery george, Monday, Jul 6 2015, 12:14am
It was to be expected that the global financial elite would spare no expense with its propaganda apparatus to scare the Greek population into submission. However, yet again people in Greece, and world-wide, have seen through elitist LIES to vote for their own interests, democracy and national sovereignty. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Elite serving 'blue tie' puppets, Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten image Public Approval Rating for both Major Party Leaders Plummets Michael Gordon via cyd, Sunday, Jul 5 2015, 10:12am
It seems the Oz population has had enough of non-representative, elite serving, major parties. A recent poll has reflected public sentiment in no uncertain terms. "Make no mistake. These are the worst set of numbers recorded by a prime minister and leader of the opposition in the recent history of modern polling."

Hopefully the abused disenfranchised population will withdraw all support for puppet politicians and corporate owned major parties at the federal poll by installing as many REPRESENTATIVE INDEPENDENTS into both houses of parliament to sort the traitorous bastards out, once and for ALL.
(story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

text ‘Regime Change’ for America claire, Sunday, Jul 5 2015, 1:34am
Most of the world is already aware that the American doctrine of ‘regime change’ is a highly illegal act under international law whereby a foreign nation -- almost always the US or one of its allied minions, militarily intervenes in another, usually weaker nation, murders its leader and replaces the government with a Washington compliant ‘government’ and puppet leader.
international / prose / post

greeceeurocrisis.jpg image As Referendum Looms, Troika Charged with Plotting 'Regime Change' in Greece Jon Queally via jill, Friday, Jul 3 2015, 12:24pm
That elite financial forces in Europe are using financial muscle to provoke political outcomes in Athens has never been more apparent, say critics. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Iceland, land of freedom and democracy grows booming economy after jailing bankster criminals J. D. Heyes via claire, Friday, Jul 3 2015, 11:53am
Parasitic banks around the world are no longer the quaint little savings-and-loan depositories of yesterday. Today, most of them are owned or co-opted by giant mega-wealthy criminal conglomerates that charge customers for everything from cash deposits to ATM fees.
international / prose / post

This way, bozo image Washington Retriever Tony Abbott Does a Bush des, Friday, Jul 3 2015, 4:38am
Clad in a military leather jacket, well-trained Australian attack dog Tony Abbott flew by helicopter to a US naval vessel ‘inside’ Sydney harbour to dine with the ‘admiral’ and discuss Australia’s vassal status. Of course, we already know it will be ‘yez boss’ all the way with the war mongering yanks -- ‘owzat for an invertebrate leader of a sovereign nation that should be neutral and exploiting its position in the region as a mediator between East and West but that requires a real statesman with political skills, like Josef Broz Tito for example, who was able to keep both the USSR and the Americans at bay and maintain INDEPENDENCE for his tiny Balkan nation during the cold war; however, well trained dogs being what they are always fetch the bone. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

buckhandshake.jpg image TPP Trade Officials Received Hefty Bonuses From Big Banks Lee Fang via jason, Friday, Jul 3 2015, 12:01am
How surprising! Surely, it should now be obvious that corporate and banker owned politicians and officials are anything but representative; clearly they serve corporatist interests, which as we all know are NOT representative of the democratic MAJORITY. Political betrayal of democracy notwithstanding, it is clear that unrepresentative elite interests are interfering with the democratic process, a CRIME in most democratic nations. A full inquiry into this unsavoury 'state of affairs' is absolutely necessary and a clean sweep of bought officials and corrupt politicians infecting OUR democracy should follow. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

King Abdullah, as corrupt and pliable as they come image Jordanian Monarchy Announces Plans To Invade Syria Brandon Turbeville via cyd, Thursday, Jul 2 2015, 11:15am
To be expected, I was informed by a Jordanian journalist -- who will remain unnamed for obvious reasons -- his actual comment was, "The king of Jordan doesn't go to the toilet without first ringing Washington!" It should also be remembered that this compliant, sell-out king handed the 'Dome on the Rock', possibly the second holiest site of Islam, to the Israeli's under Washington's instructions, regardless of his pathetic and feeble performance afterwards. So it becomes plain that Washington, baulked by Russia's pledge to Syria to intervene if the US intervenes, is using its obedient vassals to do its dirtywork. However, if the history of Israel's conflicts with Jordan in the past indicate anything it's that Jordan is not up to the task and furthermore the endeavour could make matters extremely problematic for the corrupt Monarch. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Both Major U.S. Parties are Plagues on Humanity Glen Ford via jill, Thursday, Jul 2 2015, 3:27am
Indeed, all major parties in the western world are owned by the corporate, banker elite. If no third REPRESENTATIVE party exists the only remaining option for the people is to vote for representative INDEPENDENTS. Whatever the case may be one thing is certain, all support for unrepresentative major parties should cease.
international / prose / post

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