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Oz PM Tony Abbott supplicating to his master Rupert Murdoch image Widest Wealth Disparity in Modern History – is the Real Global Economic Problem zed, Monday, Jul 20 2015, 8:59am
The most common trick utilised by ALL western politicians today is to distract from the core issue and create a tangential narrative in order to shift focus from the critical issue and continue to present IMPOSED, underprivileged living conditions to the people as natural and unavoidable. Politicians are loath to address the real issue, the outrageous concentration of wealth/power in the fewest possible hands, as they are installed into office by elitist media moguls in order to serve elite interests and constantly deceive (and shaft) the public – that is the long and short of it in ALL western democracies today and I challenge anyone to contradict this REALITY. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Global Ruling Elite Comes out of Shadows darcy, Monday, Jul 20 2015, 2:09am
The Greek crisis has proven without doubt that mega-bankers connected to the global Reserve Banking Cartel with headquarters in New York, and voracious corporatists call the shots and could care less for democracy, freedom, social welfare or humane living conditions for the masses.
international / prose / post

text Criminal Nation – “American Interests” lee, Sunday, Jul 19 2015, 12:39am
Has it struck you yet that America, like all other nations cannot enforce its so-called ‘interests’ past its own borders – that is the international legality of the matter. However, America extends its 'interests' well beyond its national jurisdiction and borders. I refer specifically to energy resource issues here.
international / prose / post

text Exotic Garden jae, Saturday, Jul 18 2015, 12:11pm
international / poetry / post

Abbott seeking approval from his master image MH-17 Tragedy turns into Propaganda in Australia tanya, Friday, Jul 17 2015, 10:28am
The tragedy of the downing of Malaysian airliner MH-17 and the understandable grief of relatives has been crafted into the most outrageous and transparent propaganda -- on the anniversary of the disaster -- I have ever witnessed in Australia, which is no stranger to American CFR propaganda and the elite agenda. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

audio Masters of War Bob Dylan, Thursday, Jul 16 2015, 10:04pm
Bob Dylan referred to evil corporate and banker elite cowards and psychopaths that profit from human misery and war in the past. The situation is far worse today with the USA pursuing the 'perpetual war' doctrine of the neocons.

The 60's generation stopped the illegal Vietnam war which slaughtered over five million S. E. Asian rural peasants and civilians with indiscriminate "carpet bombing" tactics -- a war crime if ever there was one, Mr Kissinger of death and destruction.

It remains to be seen whether today's generations are able to oppose and contain the very same evil forces today. Criminal elites should never be allowed to determine the course of nations. Quite simply they should be locked up for their known, proven and obvious crimes against humanity.
(story and 1 audio file)
international / poetry / post

text Russia: successful Investors assess Reality not absurdist Propaganda sraff report via cyd, Thursday, Jul 16 2015, 9:32am
Indeed, for all the western mass media's demonisation of Russia and the crap spewing forth from the Pentagon and Washington vassal States, successful investors have a keen realistic eye for opportunity and wealth. One such view follows.
international / prose / post

text Greece Suicides -- Draconian Austerity demands pass through traitorous Parliament darcy, Thursday, Jul 16 2015, 3:55am
Greece’s fate was sealed when Brussels, with its eye on Greece’s currency printing presses, saw they failed to roll. With the knowledge that Greece had not prepared for a default/exit, or plan B, Brussels hit as hard as was possible and destroyed Greece as an independent, sovereign nation, who is to blame if blame should be apportioned?
international / prose / post

text The Myth of WMD – bullshit first answer for it after the illegal Act jaxie, Thursday, Jul 16 2015, 1:33am
An official American report has recently been released confirming what UN weapons inspectors, Hans Blix and Richard Butler clearly stated before the illegal invasion of Iraq – there were NO WMD in Iraq!
international / prose / post

text It’s TIME for PEACE to enter and hopefully dominate the social discourse jane, Wednesday, Jul 15 2015, 9:00am
It seems that few have noticed how the elite’s propaganda arm, largely directed by the CFR, has naturalised ‘perpetual war.’ The mass media has effectively made war, the lowest form of human interaction, acceptable. Parasitic and psychopathic bankers and corporations that profit from human misery and the destruction of entire (once stable) nations, couldn’t be more pleased. Well, I will shout it from the rooftops, war is not only UNNECESSARY and contrived by evil elites, it threatens the stability and peace of all nations/peoples everywhere.
international / prose / post

wolfinsheepsclothing.jpg image Behind the Mask of Democracy Lurks Tyranny John Wight via gail, Wednesday, Jul 15 2015, 6:23am
Events in Greece have succeeded in ripping the mask of democracy off the face of the EU to reveal a cold, callous, and brutal tyranny of blind economic forces. Not since the end of the Second World War has a people and nation in Western Europe been forced to endure the economic hardship and privation that Greece and its people are suffering today. The fact that such privation is being delivered as a clear violation of democracy and national sovereignty is evidence that the values of freedom and human rights for which so many sacrificed their lives in World War II are still to be won in Western Europe. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Corporate stooge, Tony Abbott image A Viable Alternative to Banker/Corporate Captured Governments is urgently Required justin, Tuesday, Jul 14 2015, 12:36pm
Western politics today has become a means and end in itself and the people/representative democracy have been left out of the picture, yet people constantly vote for the best of the worst options rather than reject both. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text A Dose of Reality re: Eurozone Instability cyd, Tuesday, Jul 14 2015, 1:00am
The US/NATO has its tentacles and bases across Europe, which have recently been enhanced by a larger US military presence fearing social unrest due to the Greek 'crisis' -- the important factor to note here is that this force is a UNIFIED broad-reaching military force. The so-called peoples 'leftist parties' are scattered throughout southern European nations -- the important fact to note is, they are NOT UNITED under a single 'banner' and are of course unarmed. Now in the event of social unrest and a conflict between a UNITED military force and divided, unarmed leftists that live in a dreamworld, who would you imagine would prevail in a conflict? Exactly!
international / prose / post

text US Military Prepared for Social Unrest in Eurozone Finian Cunningham via jake, Monday, Jul 13 2015, 11:50pm
The capitulation of the Greek government to Berlin-led finance capital is a daunting watershed moment. It marks the “disciplining” of the wider European electorate under corporatist financier rule. What is happening in Greece is a forerunner for other European Union states.
international / prose / post

text THE Problem is Moral Disintegration NOT Oligarchs and Plutocrats stacey, Monday, Jul 13 2015, 11:31am
I have just completed reading the bleating of commentators such as Pilger of the UK and Hedges of the US; both writers are currently discoursing on the topic of the day, the tragedy of Greece’s capitulation to neoliberal greed and plutocratic standover tactics yet both commentators easily fall prey to these forces by inadvertently depicting their enemies, the oligarchs and plutocrats, as winners and to counter these radical, truly revolutionary forces both writers offer a nineteenth century ideological solution, to “fight,” physically [implied].
international / prose / post

text Agreement reached - Alexis Tsipras Caves to Unreasonable Demands Dow Jones newswires and Amber Plum via stavros, Monday, Jul 13 2015, 3:32am
How any self-respecting national leader could agree to the terms imposed on Greece by Eurozone leaders is simply beyond comprehension -- especially considering a far more viable alternative existed. Greeks have just become the shit-eaters of Europe. National assets handed over as surety will no doubt be appropriated by Eurozone financial apparatuses leaving Greeks slaves in their own nation
international / prose / post

Useless, Bill Shorten image Labor has NO HOPE with Shorten as Leader darcy, Monday, Jul 13 2015, 2:57am
Bill Shorten shouldn’t resign over his compromising performance at the Royal Commission, he should resign simply because he clearly is not up to the task of defeating pathologically lying, divisive and incompetent Abbott who continues to target the vulnerable in the community while allowing his elitist masters a free ride, especially on TAX issues. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The ‘German group’ is forcing Greece out of Eurozone stavros, Sunday, Jul 12 2015, 8:45pm
Draconian preconditions to a desperately needed bailout for Greece have been set by Eurozone leaders – they amount to the most outrageous and humiliating attack on any sovereign nation in Europe in peace time.
international / prose / post

text 'Grexit' likely as Eurozone leaders fail to reach Agreement on Greece Ian Traynor via stavros, Sunday, Jul 12 2015, 2:08am
Germany leads the exit hawks and is demanding that Greece is booted from the Eurozone for five years, however, Germany also wishes to gut Greece of its national assets at the same time -- impossible! A last ditch meeting has been scheduled for Sunday and the US will play a major role though behind the scenes. If a suitable agreement is not reached then clearly it's goodbye Eurozone, though it may take a little time.
international / prose / post

Turncoat Tsipras with extremely pleased Merkel image Greek PM Alexis Tsipras hands Greece’s Sovereignty to Brussels on a Platter jane, Saturday, Jul 11 2015, 1:56am
What was the point of a democratic referendum if capitulation to the appalling conditions set by the ‘troika’ and Wall Street have been met by Greece’s parliament, one may truly ask? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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