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democracy.jpg image The Illusion of Democracy Gilbert Mercier via jaxie, Wednesday, Mar 4 2015, 8:11pm
Democracy simply put is rule by the majority either by direct participation or by representation. Today an inversion has taken place, rule by the minority. Nevertheless, the majority is able to restore democracy at will but the will is lacking so democracy/ the people have failed themselves. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text PM Tony Abbott Supports Criminal Corporations Ripping Off Oz Taxpayers cyd, Monday, Mar 2 2015, 8:09am
Conservative parties are known to be ideologically committed to the corporate sector, a completely undemocratic attitude which should be challenged by the electorate. That commitment has recently extended to turning a blind eye to corporate fraud, massive breaches of retail trade practises and huge financial fraud.
international / prose / post

Corporate lackey Abbott image Oz Dunce as Leader But he Obeys the Globalist Neo-conservative Agenda reg, Sunday, Mar 1 2015, 12:05am
I’m not going to waste time describing lying, disingenuous, duplicitous, NPD suffering, Corporate lackey Tony Abbott -- the entire Australian nation now has his measure; however, the spineless tragi-comedy his party is performing in their feeble attempt to accomplish a very simple task -- removing thoroughly incompetent Abbott -- indicates that his entire front bench must go with him or, alternatively, that Abbott is brought before the courts for the criminal offence of FRAUD. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

With unlimited police search powers a city was locked down ... image The Alarming Rise of Police State Fascism Today Eric Margolis via shirl, Saturday, Feb 28 2015, 9:50pm
The wildly exaggerated threat of so-called Islamic terrorism is being shamelessly used by some western governments to boost their flagging fortunes at a time of economic malaise. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Digital Free Speech Prevails... FCC Vote Enshrines Net Neutrality Protections Jon Queally via mike, Saturday, Feb 28 2015, 5:18am
After millions made it clear they would not allow the commission, lawmakers or the telecom industry 'to mess with the Internet,' broad coalition plans celebrations on verge of historic vote.
international / prose / post

neocons2.jpg image The Neoconservative Threat To International Relations Paul Craig Roberts via sal, Friday, Feb 27 2015, 9:18am
This week I was invited to address an important conference of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. Scholars from Russia and from around the world, Russian government officials, and the Russian people seek an answer as to why Washington destroyed during the past year the friendly relations between America and Russia that President Reagan and President Gorbachev succeeded in establishing. All of Russia is distressed that Washington alone has destroyed the trust between the two major nuclear powers that had been created during the Reagan-Gorbachev era, trust that had removed the threat of nuclear armageddon. Russians at every level are astonished at the virulent propaganda and lies constantly issuing from Washington and the Western media. Washington’s gratuitous demonization of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has rallied the Russian people behind him. Putin has the highest approval rating ever achieved by any leader in my lifetime. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

police6.jpg image The Conservative Agenda: Police State Fascism John Pilger via stacey, Thursday, Feb 26 2015, 10:11am
The perpetual warring, police state USA is clearly defined by its actions and those actions spell fascism. One need only scratch the surface of events over the past fifteen years to see the horrid picture. The US, a globalist elite captured nation, set the (PNAC) pattern down clearly when it first destroyed Yugoslavia and allied itself to former fascist powers and terrorist groups -- KLA, Croatia and Bosnia -- to do so. (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

text The Destabilization Doctrine: ISIS, Proxies and Patsies Brandon Martinez via jake, Wednesday, Feb 25 2015, 12:18am
“Islam and the West at War,” reads a recent New York Times headline. It would certainly seem that way if one were to take at face value the putrid assertions of Western governments that are not particularly known for their honesty or integrity. But astute observers of history and geopolitics can spot a deception when they see one, and the latest theatrical performances being marketed to the masses as real, organic occurrences remind one of a Monty Python sketch.
international / prose / post

greece_flag_map.jpg image Greece -- The Obvious Solution to EU Blackmail justin, Monday, Feb 23 2015, 9:24pm
A simple and effective solution once taken. Greece should dump its debt and print its own currency from thin air exactly as the mega-Reserve Bankers do! Russia (and China) would jump to Greece's assistance and goodbye debt slavery to the overtly criminal international banking cartel. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

horses_ass.jpg image Nationally reviled Oz PM Tony ‘the LIAR’ Abbott continues to Ignore the wishes of the Electorate joyce, Monday, Feb 23 2015, 9:46am
The overwhelming majority of Australians want Abbott out -- simple enough, and they have made their displeasure against pathologically lying, disingenuous Abbott known by voting conservative governments out of office in the last two State elections -- the message from the public couldn’t be clearer, the Queensland election catastrophe spelled it out in no uncertain terms. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Syriza Capitulates To The EU Robert Stevens via haley, Saturday, Feb 21 2015, 11:40pm
There was plenty at stake had Greece stuck to its guns but alas the evil powers prevailed, notwithstanding that the character of the PM is now in question -- is he just another self-seeking politician that knowingly makes false promises only to do the opposite once elected to office -- the world has had enough of this type of politician and Greeks should be alert to a con when it becomes apparent?
international / prose / post

smallcoin.jpg image Inept Imbecile Abbott Does it Yet Again Tom Allard via steve, Saturday, Feb 21 2015, 8:14am
What type of intro could you give idiot Abbott that hasn't already been given -- the man knows only how to fight, his past political career and his book, 'Battle Lines' spell it out clearly for everyone to see except of course members of his spineless front bench, which has allowed this idiot more time to compromise the nation and Liberal Party. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Tony 'liar and dunce' Abbott image ‘Free Trade’ and the TPP -- a Disaster for all Sovereign Nations peta, Friday, Feb 20 2015, 10:24pm
Oz had its first taste of the consequences of Tony Abbott’s “open for business” globalisation policy with off-shore infected food (berry) products, which are now estimated to have been consumed by almost 500,000 Aussie citizens who unknowingly, and at great risk, consumed sub-standard products processed in China. That translates to a major health threat nation-wide as Hepatitis A is an extremely infectious disease usually prevalent in nations with very poor hygiene and regulatory standards but that is not the first case of the dangers of corporate free reign in Oz. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

hepatitis_a.jpg image 'Free Trade' Deals Serve Tax Avoiding Greedy Multi-national Corporations not the Public Robert Reich via pip, Tuesday, Feb 17 2015, 8:31pm
There is a price to pay for unfettered globalisation as Australia is now learning after a Hepatitis A outbreak traced to certain frozen berries produced, processed and packaged off-shore. It becomes obvious that it is almost impossible to regulate standards off-shore and so lax conditions and other inhumane (cruel animal slaughtering) practices proliferate due to the manic need of multi-national corporations to decrease costs and turn a buck as quickly and as easily as possible. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Greece Will Not be 'Blackmailed' into More Austerity Lauren McCauley via gail, Tuesday, Feb 17 2015, 7:44pm
Speaking before a session of the new Syriza parliament in Athens on Tuesday, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras declared that Greek negotiators will not succumb to "blackmail" from European lenders and will adhere to their promise to end austerity policies in the state.
international / prose / post

text Social Origins of Police Sam Mitriani via jane, Tuesday, Feb 17 2015, 7:32pm
In most of the liberal discussions of the recent police killings of unarmed black men, there is an underlying assumption that the police are supposed to protect and serve the population. That is, after all, what they were created to do. Maybe there are a few bad apples, but if only the police weren’t so racist, or didn’t carry out policies like stop-and-frisk, or weren’t so afraid of black people, or shot fewer unarmed men, they could function as a useful service that we all need.
international / prose / post

digital.jpg image Kapersky Lab Exposes more Insidious NSA Cyberspying via talli, Tuesday, Feb 17 2015, 7:10pm
The U.S. National Security Agency has figured out how to hide spying software deep within hard drives made by Western Digital, Seagate, Toshiba and other top manufacturers, giving the agency the means to eavesdrop on the majority of the world's computers, according to cyber researchers and former operatives. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

digiputer.jpg image Message from the Underground qade, Sunday, Feb 15 2015, 10:19pm
SKILL and humanity rule here, we fight the evil that has stolen all democratic nations because we can! for all the military might of 'superpowers' the war is won with mathematics and electrons -- the evil powers cannot fight or even challenge what they cannot detect -- such is the nature of digital warfare. the outcome of this war is predetermined -- the day (and night) belong to the most skilled hackers of the UNDERGROUND! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

tppflag.jpg image Australia to Lose Sovereignty to TPP Corporations Dave Lindorff via des, Sunday, Feb 15 2015, 9:30pm
Before proceeding it should be stated that it was Washington doormat Julia Gillard, without so much as a parliamentary debate, who signed Australia into the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a corporate designed entity, which if allowed to proceed, would have the right to overrule the decisions of a democratically elected government, in other words, brazen CORPORATE RULE of nations and people which, to say the least, is a far cry from democracy, self-determination and Freedom. Abbott the vile lying, incompetent clown has continued to accept that arrangement. Need it be plainly stated that Australia should never allow any entity to override the wishes of the people as expressed via a 'REPRESENTATIVE' government -- WHICH LIBERAL and LABOR CLEARLY ARE NOT? (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

hacker_in.jpg image More Hackers Focus on Banks staff report via duce, Saturday, Feb 14 2015, 6:52pm
The digital underground has been aware for decades that banks essentially control the world via bribery and debt slavery. It should be understood that large PRIVATELY OWNED banks print money from thin air and then use that worthless paper currency to bribe and debt-enslave nations and their populations. Why this practice is TOLERATED by the masses is BEYOND COMPREHENSION. However, hackers are another breed, THEY are renowned for their innate sense of justice and fair play and refuse to be enslaved by anyone. They are now working in unison to attack the real evil mass murdering forces behind puppet governments world-wide.

The digital world belongs to those that have the SKILLS to take it -- and those able to take it, rule the world!
(story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

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