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Lying US lackey dunce, Tony Abbott image MH370 – Foul Play jim, Friday, Apr 17 2015, 10:28pm
The obvious answer is usually the correct answer, however, in western 24-hour-memory and attention deficit societies the obvious becomes blurred by not only the attention-grabbing but attention directing mass media, this unfortunate reality is exactly how it’s meant to be according to the ‘perception management’ agenda of the ruling global elite – free analytical thinking is fast becoming a crime, just ask any real investigative reporter, or understand why western puppet governments are targeting ‘sensitive’ information disseminators. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text We can do it but you cannot – because we are exceptional! jovan, Friday, Apr 17 2015, 11:27am
Exceptional indeed, exceptionally hypocritical. Well, the world has had enough of American double standards and bullshit, or is America too exceptionally stupid to realise that the tide is turning away from passive acceptance of brazen US criminality -- America remains the world’s leading civilian killing, therefore terrorist, nation and no amount of Orwellian double-talk is able to alter that statistical, criminal, REALITY. The next time America attempts to blame a victim by screaming terrorist, simply hand it a mirror and tell it to withdraw from its one thousand ‘Fort Apaches’ strategically placed around the globe.
international / prose / post

evil_google.jpg image Google, '.. be evil' staff report via gail, Thursday, Apr 16 2015, 11:07am
Overnight, the European Commission filed a complaint against the internet giant following a five-year investigation into how the company operates. The result could lead to billions of dollars in fines and change the way everything from booking flights to mobile software works in Europe. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Oz PM Tony Abbott, corporate lackey extraordinaire image The System is Rigged justin, Thursday, Apr 16 2015, 10:30am
If you want incontrovertible proof, simply look at those that pay the least and most (percentage of income) in taxes. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Watershed Event - Indigenous Australians Declare Sovereignty gemma, Wednesday, Apr 15 2015, 11:28am
Well, numerous Oz governments asked for it, and the very best of luck to the North Queensland Yidindji people for seceding from the antiquated crown and buffoon Abbott government, which serves the global elite and not the Australian people.
international / prose / post

text One Truth Defeats a Million Lies via zed, Tuesday, Apr 14 2015, 11:50pm
It seems the US mass media propaganda apparatus is up against it, the TRUTH that is, not least because Truth stands immutable, CONSTANT and is impervious to lies. Truth is free but lies cost plenty, the more lies the greater the expense for the liars and so the following report is no surprise, America is losing its propaganda war.
international / prose / post

text A Nation's Shame: Trillions in Corporate Wealth, Millions of Children in Poverty Paul Buchheit via stacey, Tuesday, Apr 14 2015, 11:25am
What price a child's life? Ask Jesus Christ, who likened children to his Kingdom of Heaven. Now compare so-called Christian nation America's behaviour. When former Sec. of State Madam Albright was questioned on 60 minutes over the horrific death toll (500,000) of innocent Iraqi children -- resulting directly from US sanctions and embargos -- she responded, it was "a hard choice, but WE think it was worth it!" Our question is, worth what America, a few barrels of stolen oil? This truly abominable response from a high ranking US official reveals the true black, mass murdering heart of America and the horrific effects of its sick ideology of imperialistic, permanent war. As with all ideologies the effects are felt by the domestic population and the results are horrendous and unforgiveable. How much longer must we passively tolerate inhuman policies from a clearly sick, criminal administration?
international / prose / post

The result of US foreign policy image US Foreign Policy - Bribery, Sanctions and Bombs Joseph Clifford via judd, Tuesday, Apr 14 2015, 2:27am
There is nothing complex about primitive, rustic brutes. With its ability to print the world default currency, the US uses its printing presses to bribe and buy national leaders wherever, particularly Eastern Europe and Central Asia, that means is likely to succeed. In the case of resource rich undeveloped nations with independent leaders, buying amenability proves impossible so the US resorts to outright intimidation with economic and other sanctions, embargos and bombs. Not very sophisticated and civilised to say the least, notwithstanding the criminal aspects of this behaviour. It is quite striking to note that China, which has far greater needs than the US, relies on good international relations and business to procure its resource and other needs, how thoroughly civilised and legal - everybody wins. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Mass murdering neocon, Paul Wolfowitz image The Gross Illegality of ‘Regime Change’ Ray McGovern via stan, Tuesday, Apr 14 2015, 1:00am
Yes, that’s correct, “regime change,” which actually translates as illegal military invasions/bombings and the outright murder of State leaders, is UNIVERSALLY illegal, a CRIME, in whatever jurisdiction you care to name, international and domestic. However, the striking and deplorable reality is that KNOWN neocons directly responsible for targeted assassinations and mass murder have not been held accountable for their overt and horrific crimes which parallel those of the Nazis last century. A civilian holocaust was the result of the illegal, based on EXPOSED lies, invasion of Iraq. If the American people allow these criminals to smugly flout the law then they allow criminal cabals to do as they please. This is a searing moral and legal issue which must be addressed by the MORAL MAJORITY, failure to do so would result in an escalation of State criminal activity, which of course is evident today! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

PDF Document ‘Independent’ media – by name only jess, Monday, Apr 13 2015, 10:47am
I have a question that refers to the meaning of ‘independent’ and a claim that the so-called alternative or independent media is not what it purports to be. (story and 2 attached files)
international / prose / post

Reprehensible corporate lackey and moron, Tony Abbott image Vaccination - It's Not about health, it's about Profits for Big Pharma Prof.James F Tracy via shirl, Sunday, Apr 12 2015, 9:28am
Tony Abbott, Oz PM, pathological liar, corporate lackey and bully emerged from his hole this week with another attack directed at the vulnerable in our community. Slogan crazy Abbott has invented another facile slogan in relation to vaccination, “no jab, no pay,” which primarily targets those least able to defend their rights, people on welfare! Notwithstanding that the vulnerable are Abbott’s favourite targets -- his callousness and corporate affiliations are well known -- this latest action is a clear case of social ‘blackmail,’ which under Oz law remains a crime and those affected should mount a class challenge, via legal aid, on the government. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text When Psychopaths take over the Asylum jude, Friday, Apr 10 2015, 11:43pm
Just as informed people are aware that Gaza is an open air concentration camp run by Judo-Nazis that subject the population to the most horrific crimes and survival restrictions, the WORLD is aware that America is an asylum nation run by psychopaths.
international / prose / post

Joe Hockey image Oz Treasurer Joe Hockey decides to tax citizens instead of Rorting Corporations Leon Spencer via josie, Friday, Apr 10 2015, 12:19am
Australia's Treasurer Joe Hockey makes plans to broaden the country's GST to include internet content, he has been warned against unilaterally closing tax loopholes for multinational companies without the support of the OECD. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

obamaanddrones.jpg image US Wages ''War on Terror'' in the Philippines Adam Hudson via jill, Thursday, Apr 9 2015, 8:34am
The global population is not only aware of the feeble facade that disguises the imperial US agenda of world domination, it is sick and tired of the excuse, the declaration of an endless war on a noun, 'terror,' which enables the US to wage war on any person, State or group, it chooses.

If the USA were truly serious about eliminating terrorism it would wage war on the two largest perpetrators of chaos, destabilisation and civilian killing in the world today, NATO and itself – so let’s get real and refuse the bullshit sandwiches which Washington and Brussels imagine the global population would readily devour.
(story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

breadfruit.jpg image Breadfruit Food Security in the Face of Global Crises Jon Letman via stan, Thursday, Apr 9 2015, 7:56am
Hawaii - Political instability, poverty, war, disease and climate change are testing humanity like never before, but in a world beset by rapidly compounding crises, one thing remains constant: People need to eat nutritious food. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Known corporate lapdog, Oz PM, Tony Abbott imagevideo Oz Senate Inquiry into Tax Avoidance by Multi-national and Large Corporations jess, Wednesday, Apr 8 2015, 7:32am
Google, Apple and Microsoft appeared before an Australian Senate inquiry today for massive tax avoidance. And the most outstanding initial features of this inquiry was the smugness, arrogance, and contempt company chiefs displayed toward the elected representatives of the people, which translates as undisguised contempt for all battling Australians who pay their (often large) due in taxes. (story and 1 image and 1 video)
international / prose / post

text How America and the Western World Became an Oligarchy Ellen Brown via jace, Tuesday, Apr 7 2015, 10:23pm
According to a new study from Princeton University, American democracy no longer exists. Using data from over 1,800 policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page concluded that rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of – or even against – the will of the majority of voters. America’s political system has transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where power is wielded by wealthy elites.
international / prose / post

text The Most Bloodthirsty, Murderous Religion on the Planet justin, Tuesday, Apr 7 2015, 10:06am
Take a guess, Islam right? WRONG, in upper case! Christianity has no peer as the most murderous religion on the planet no other religion comes close to its record of blood, guts, inhumanity, torture, constant wars and mass murder. Any good historical text would verify this for those still able to research the truth and arrive at realistic conclusions.
international / prose / post

text Sanction and Divest Parasitic Corporations and Mega-Banks billie, Monday, Apr 6 2015, 10:13pm
The absurd mass media discourse that myopically sees only debt and austerity for the masses is a ruse, a distraction designed to lead the mindless, unthinking masses to believe there’s no money available and everyone, excluding of course the mega-wealthy elites responsible for propagating this giant lie, must accept harsh belt-tightening measures in order to survive -- nothing could be further from the truth.
international / prose / post

Abbott licking Murdoch's arse image Rupert Murdoch Siphons $4.5b from His Australian businesses virtually Tax-Free Michael West via jaxie, Sunday, Apr 5 2015, 8:33pm
Now if we add that amount to Gina Rinehart's and other local and international mega-corporate Tax Avoiders like Apple and Google etc, the government -- the Australian nation -- is being robbed of trillions of dollars in revenue per annum, which clearly accounts for the budget shortfall. Blaming and then targeting the people for this shortfall is merely a 'blame the victim' game that tax avoiding elites play so well. The current failed Oz PM, Tony Abbott, who stole office with lies, deceit and Murdoch's help, is left in no-man's land as Abbott is loath to restore a FAIR taxation system for fear of losing the only support he has. Abbott promised the plutocrats he would implement THEIR policies and follow THEIR AGENDA in exchange for their support -- which he has unsuccessfullly tried to achieve by pushing/forcing unrepresentative policies through parliament. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

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