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Barnaby Joyce “Comes out Swinging” according to The Australian Newspaper
jane, Tuesday, Feb 13 2018, 11:32pm
Really, one could only wonder what Joyce is swinging besides the shit he is drowning in? (story and 1 image)
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Assange’s Hopes of Freedom Trampled
justin, Tuesday, Feb 13 2018, 10:16pm
A UK judge trampled all over Assange’s legal team’s arguments that it was not in the “public interest” to enforce an arrest warrant for Assange for skipping bail. Assange’s completely inept, divorced from REALITY, legal team, argued that his self-incarceration at the Ecuadorian Embassy was punishment enough for skipping bail and that further enforcement of the warrant was a “disproportionate punishment,” which ‘defence’ Judge Emma Arbuthnot stomped all over by stating that Assange was FREE to leave the embassy at any time and face charges in UK courts, which outcomes he could appeal if he chose. (story and 1 image)
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True Confessions of a Poet
saph, Tuesday, Feb 13 2018, 6:09am
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The FBI and President Trump
James Petras via gail, Tuesday, Feb 13 2018, 2:25am
Few government organizations have been engaged in violation of the US citizens’ constitutional rights for as long a time and against as many individuals as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Seldom has there been greater collusion in the perpetration of crimes against civil liberties, electoral freedom and free and lawful expression as what has taken place between the FBI and the US Justice Department.
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Barnaby Joyce, the flaming powder keg in the Liberal Ship
cyd, Monday, Feb 12 2018, 8:05pm
Barnaby Joyce’s position is untenable regardless of which perspective you take, he MUST resign otherwise the entire party is doomed. However, in view of this searing reality, Turnbull, forever the short-term thinker and political opportunist, cannot let Joyce go as the government would lose its majority. And there lies the hapless conservatives, between a rock and a hard place, damned if they do and damned if they don’t. What better predicament for the lying, elite serving, unrepresentative conservatives to face. (story and 2 images)
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Trump takes from the Poor and gives to the Rich
jaxie, Monday, Feb 12 2018, 7:03pm
Is there any American that now doubts Trump’s true character? He is an elitist through and through who doesn’t give a damn for the suckers that voted for him, his budget spells it out in no uncertain terms. (story and 1 image)
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jude, Monday, Feb 12 2018, 6:09am
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The Biggest Threat to US Elections are Facebook and Google's Youtube -- NOT Russia!
Steven Rosenfeld via jane, Sunday, Feb 11 2018, 6:45pm
Silicon Valley algorithms while suppressing alternative news sites help spread conspiracy theories peddled by questionable American sources.
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The Big Unraveling
justin, Sunday, Feb 11 2018, 6:02pm
Israel has effectively declared war on Syria with intrusions into its sovereign air space and the bombing of Syrian ground targets the Israelis seem to think threaten its existence as a stolen State. So bombs away and to hell with international LAW, which is the point the complicit, corporate western mass media is very careful to AVOID.
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Major Sexual Scandal Hits Oz Politician -- the deputy Prime Minister no less!
jaxie, Saturday, Feb 10 2018, 9:15pm
I have to hand it to my fellow Australians, when they throw mud it’s REAL mud that sticks, not the fabricated innuendos currently typical of Washington. (story and 2 images)
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The Political Whores of Washington [and Elsewhere]
Susan Trotter via jaxie, Saturday, Feb 10 2018, 7:39pm
It is established fact/REALITY today that people in the western world never get representation. LIARS, deceivers and cheats are elected to office only to openly renege on all their promises and serve minority elite interests. How many more times must we fall for the deceptions of professional rogues, liars and cheats before we wake to the fact that we are all being screwed? Clearly a vote for ANY major party anywhere in the West is a wasted vote; regardless of political stripe the elected always serve minority interests -- and we call this democracy, forced to choose between a vomit and a turd.
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Brazil's Largest Paper Ditches Facebook as it "Effectively" Suppresses Professional Journalism
Jake Johnson via lex, Friday, Feb 9 2018, 8:12pm
Accusing Facebook of discriminating against "quality" content and accelerating the spread of "fake news" with its newly-unveiled algorithm, Brazil's largest newspaper Folha de S. Paulo—which boasts a print and online subscriber base of 285,000 people—has announced that it will no longer publish its articles on the social media platform. (story and 1 image)
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Surveillance Capitalism -- How CIA Supported Google is Tracking Your Every Move
jess, Friday, Feb 9 2018, 7:05pm
Google and Facebook's algorithms are insidious and have been proven to be detrimental to youth development and society at large -- in fact, these two CIA supported and shaped mega-IT companies are, as they stand, horrendous threats to the social fabric of any society. They are now engaged in outright censorship of the free flow of information on the internet. This site receives less than 5 unique search hits from Google per month, more often less than 2 -- ridiculous as we are fully aware of SEO methods -- though our sys-admins have successfully compensated for this overt censorship/backgrounding via advanced IT methods and a huge subscriber base and mailing list. Nevertheless, our record from logs over 15 years since the inception of our parent site, easily illustrate Google's unsavoury tactics with sites that do not comply or agree with the government/CFR fake news propaganda discourse. (story and 2 images)
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America After Losing the Proxy War in Syria Directly Engages Syrian Forces in Battle
Jon Queally via shirl, Thursday, Feb 8 2018, 11:33pm
America's presence/occupation in Syria today is grossly illegal. However, when have legalities ever stopped the world's leading civilian killing terrorist nation from pursuing its criminal goals? (story and 1 audio file)
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‘Dubya’ Bush Crawls out of his Hole to Support Russiagate
baz, Thursday, Feb 8 2018, 10:19pm
Man, certain people (neocons) in Washington are becoming extremely desperate it would seem. Rolling out former ‘IDIOT president’ (now a tradition) George W Bush to support the baseless, evidence devoid, media hysteria over whether or not Russia directly interfered with the 2016 election outcome, speaks volumes on political DESPERATION. (story and 1 image)
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Anti-Russia Think Tanks -- Who Funds the US Propaganda Machine?
Bryan MacDonald via gus, Thursday, Feb 8 2018, 8:22pm
It should be noted that the Atlantic Council, listed in the following article, has been exposed as a major player behind the 'Propornot' web site which resulted in massive censorship of alternative news web sites, particularly by CIA supported Google and Facebook.
There is always a background story behind presented stories in the mass media. In this case revealing a sinister plot to background, if not entirely eliminate, dissenting voices on the Internet, which was the last democratic medium for the FREE flow of information before net neutrality was quashed.
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As Endless Wars Rage, 'Aspiring Dictator' Trump Orders Massive Military Parade
Jake Johnson via jaxie, Wednesday, Feb 7 2018, 10:36pm
"He wants thousands of soldiers to publicly salute him, as he recklessly sends them off to escalate wars from Afghanistan to Syria and start new conflicts with North Korea and Iran." Indeed, the most outstanding symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is the pathological need for Adulation, and so goesTrump, the dangerous, sicko president. (story and 2 images)
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Who in their Right Mind Voted for Nuclear War?
jack, Wednesday, Feb 7 2018, 9:29pm
America’s new nuclear weapons policy has rightly alarmed the WORLD. Instead of decreasing the chances of a nuclear holocaust America and its neocon lunatics in Washington have increased it to critical mass level -- the doomsday clock, recently moved to 2 minutes to midnight, now reflects that INSANITY for ALL to SEE.
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Pentagon to Allow Nuclear Responses to Non-Nuclear Attacks
Marjorie Cohn via dee, Tuesday, Feb 6 2018, 10:50pm
Amid the media frenzy surrounding the Nunes-Trump memo, the Pentagon officially released its 2018 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) last week. The NPR calls for the development of leaner, meaner nuclear weapons and lowers the threshold for the use of nukes. Donald Trump must be thrilled. During the presidential campaign, he questioned a senior foreign policy adviser about nuclear weapons three times during a briefing, asking, "If we have them why can't we use them?" (story and 2 images)
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The Wisdom of Idiots: A Brief Sufi Morality Tale
Cesar Chelala via cyd, Tuesday, Feb 6 2018, 9:29pm
Idries Shah was a teacher in the Sufi tradition whose seminal work was The Sufis. He presented Sufism as a universal form of wisdom that predated Islam. In his writings, he frequently used teaching stories and humor to transmit this philosophy. His stories contained multiple layers of meaning and were written with the idea that they could trigger insight and self-reflection in the reader.
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