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US 'Special Operations' Training Centre in Amman image Oh, What Tangled Webs Washington Weaves! cyd, Tuesday, Nov 10 2015, 1:59am
Since the US armed and trained its initial proxy fighting forces in Afghanistan with the express purpose of combating and defeating its once arch rival the USSR, it has become addicted to utilising the services of fanatic Jihadi fighting groups on the ground that incidentally, have their own agendas -- bear that in mind if you wish to understand the US created fiasco in the Middle East today. The US has utilised the expensive services of murdering fanatics ever since Afghanistan and Libya; it is also well known that Americans have a pathological fear of death and injury but that should never extend to any military as facing death and injury is part of the job description. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Connect the Dots – WWIII Began 14 Years Ago stan, Friday, Nov 6 2015, 10:29pm
Aussie primary school kids once played a game in class when boring teaches failed to grab the attention of the class, it was silent in its design, it was called “boxes.” Students sat in pairs in those days so it was relatively easy to unobtrusively pass a sheet from an exercise book consisting of dots placed in square formation, the size appropriate to the time available. The objective of the game was to create more boxes than the opponent, the only rule was that only two dots could be connected with a single line at a time, nevertheless, try as one might to avoid giving the opponent the opportunity to create a box, the lines began to fill the dot-pattern and opponents were able to create boxes which gave them the next move.
international / prose / post

text The Massive FAILURE of the Mass Media Today judy, Friday, Nov 6 2015, 12:49am
Those of us old enough to remember the tragic and illegal (Tonkin incident) Vietnam war also remember how the mass media of the day saturated the air waves with stories and graphic imagery of that criminal intervention and the mass murder of innocents -- approximately 5 million peasants and others were slaughtered due to the indiscriminate “carpet bombing” of Indo-China and the murderous actions of American and allied troops fighting a people/nation that simply wished to be a sovereign independent State.
international / prose / post

text Buddha's Door lex, Thursday, Nov 5 2015, 10:10am
international / poetry / post

US Secretary of State, John 'dunce' Kerry -- the appropriate choice for the job! image Washington Scuttles its Own Ceasefire talks in Vienna mitch, Wednesday, Nov 4 2015, 12:31am
And here it is, ‘only in America!’ Panic-stricken Pentagon officials, ‘think-tankers’ and an assortment of other incompetent idiots are running around the Capitol like chickens without heads, why? Simply because, as is well known, any modern military could put an end to so-called terror groups causing mayhem in the Middle East almost overnight but where there is no will (in the USA) there is clearly no way. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Climbing Mountains james, Tuesday, Nov 3 2015, 9:34am
international / poetry / post

Vladimir Putin image What’s the matter with Putin? justin, Monday, Nov 2 2015, 10:46pm
You cannot and will not defeat the criminal USA in its preferred political arena, WAR! The US is addicted to WAR, as is plainly obvious in the amount it spends on its military and the ‘perpetual war’ industry. However, the USA and the madmen that control it are easily defeated in the courts, Iraq, Libya and Syria provide more than ample evidence of a host of gross illegalities and numerous crimes against humanity, including genocide – abundant proof is also available in the public domain, notwithstanding you once claimed you have satellite proof that 9/11 was an inside job, Mr Putin. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text This Way and That jack, Monday, Nov 2 2015, 11:02am
international / poetry / post

text Born Into This Charles Bukowski, Monday, Nov 2 2015, 9:22am
[Poets now exist on the fringes and are only recognised by the few as seers and intuitives. However, in a bygone era poets were once honoured and considered a necessity in the courts of Kings.]
international / poetry / post

text Spineless NZ and Genocidal Israel, Not So Strange Bedfellows baz, Sunday, Nov 1 2015, 10:23pm
New Zealand currently occupies the chair of the UN Security Council and if there was ever a good argument for Australia to deport more drunken, bludging, disrespectful, brown and white-skinned Kiwis from Oz then NZ’s outrageous Zionist stance as chair of the Security Council provides ample reason.
international / prose / post

Immigration Minister, Peter 'Abbott' Dutton image The Hyper-costly Absurdity of Offshore Refugee Processing dulcie, Saturday, Oct 31 2015, 11:52pm
The latest news from our desperate and thoroughly incompetent conservative government is that it wishes to negotiate another – 40 million taxpayer dollars to Cambodia to resettle 5 refugees – FAILED, expensive deal to offshore refugees, but this time with undeveloped, Central Asian Kyrgyzstan -- what next, outer Mongolia? At this stage it may prove far more beneficial for Australia to resettle the entire conservative government, their incompetence is now made plain for all citizens to see. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Why is Oz Involved in the Middle East Fiasco? mitch, Saturday, Oct 31 2015, 12:25pm
The latest news from our spineless, conservative government is that it has “no plans” to follow America’s lead with an illegal troop presence in Syria to support al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist groups, which Russia is making short work of. Notice the double illegality here, (a) providing material support to terrorists groups and (b) an illegal, uninvited troop presence. Also, do not be fooled by the open-ended remark by our un-Australian knee-walking, jellyfish politicians, “no plans” certainly does not mean no Oz troop presence period, as Washington clearly loathes breaking the law alone.
international / prose / post

syriamap.jpg image Illegal US Invasion of Syria Begins Tony Cartalucci via sean, Saturday, Oct 31 2015, 10:16am
As previously warned about in June of 2015, the United States has announced that it will officially begin ground operations in Syria through the use of special forces. The Washington Post in its article, Obama seeks to intensify operations in Syria with Special Ops troops, would report that: (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text We the Sheeple of the Sheeple for the Criminal Elite flo, Friday, Oct 30 2015, 9:36pm
We the sheeple shall defer all our hard won liberties and rights to mega-wealthy, minority criminal elites responsible for eroding the very foundation upon which our Republic was formed. We shall close our eyes to genocide and all manner of crimes against humanity perpetrated by our puppet governments. We shall never question, protest or investigate the actions of the criminal elite and their owned puppet politicians or hold them to account for their crimes as we are no longer able to cope with reality.
international / prose / post

text The US-led Criminal War on Syria Finian Cunningham via jill, Friday, Oct 30 2015, 2:41am
It should be well noted prior to reading the article below that 'regime change' or the forced removal of a democratically elected leader and supplying 'material or any other support to KNOWN terrorist groups' are GROSSLY ILLEGAL under every international and local law in existence. That simply and obviously means that the US administration is a criminal organisation.
international / prose / post

ISIS with their fleet of new Toyotas image Syria and WWIII: Open Your Media-washed Eyes stan, Friday, Oct 30 2015, 12:02am
First consider the fact that ISIS is largely comprised of ignorant, inbred, barbaric fanatics with minimal skills yet they sprang into existence, jack-in-box style, overnight to take large swathes of Syria’s and Iraq’s sovereign territory while Obama sat in his armchair smoking; what did the 30,000 strong, modern equipped, Pentagon/CIA trained, compliant Iraqi regular army do when confronted by a very few thousand underequipped ISIS fighters in Mosul, which they could have wiped their arses with, CONVENIENTLY drop their modern weapons (unheard of) and RUN – give reason and the obvious a break! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Kim Dotcom image IT Privacy Advocate Outlines Realistic Plan to Neutralise Big Brother Claire Connelly via zed, Thursday, Oct 29 2015, 10:00pm
Eccentric [genius] entrepreneur and privacy advocate Kim Dotcom is building his own private internet, allegedly safe from the prying eyes of surveillance authorities. [The pros outweigh the cons.] (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Pieces trayce, Thursday, Oct 29 2015, 9:47am
international / poetry / post

colesdown.jpg image Coles to face legal action over unfair pay deal Dan Oakes and Sam Clark via mod, Wednesday, Oct 28 2015, 10:17am
A Coles supermarket worker has taken legal action to stop an employment agreement between the supermarket giant and the union representing retail workers, claiming it would leave tens of thousands of supermarket employees out of pocket. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text USA Hell Bent on Provoking WWIII jess, Tuesday, Oct 27 2015, 8:15pm
America’s latest psychopathic provocation after utilising its vassal Gulf States to threaten direct military intervention in Syria, after Russia’s spectacular successes in eliminating ALL terrorists from Syria, is deploying a missile destroyer, USS Lassen, to navigate WITHIN the 12 mile maritime limit of China’s territorial waters -- from the ABC:

“The USS Lassen passed within 12 nautical miles - the normal limit of territorial waters around natural land - of at least one of the formations the rising Asian power is building in disputed waters.”
international / prose / post

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