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Known LIAR and deceiver Oz PM Abbott makes awkward recent comments on MH370 wild goose chase
by jared Thursday, Jul 30 2015, 9:35pm
international / prose / post

Firstly, it should be appreciated that it was DUNCE Abbott, under the directions of Washington, who led the world on a costly wild goose chase for the missing airliner, based solely, at the time, on a semi-submerged shipping container in the Southern Indian Ocean, not in the western Indian Ocean as advised by contributors to this site that have researched ALL available evidence including the known fact that Boeing computer systems allow for hardware backdoor take over by remote systems, probably in this instance, from the highly secretive US military communications station at Diego Garcia. I’m not about to pursue the matter now as the 'wreckage' found in the correct vicinity is unconfirmed to date and as a professional analyst, I do not believe in coincidences or make knee-jerk assumptions based on Murdoch press releases.

Tony Abbott, obedient lackey and reprehensible liar
Tony Abbott, obedient lackey and reprehensible liar

If you wish to investigate the matter use top search box in left column with strings, ‘370’ and ‘Diego Garcia’ and learn that conspiracies are indeed real, especially considering what was at stake, ownership of a revolutionary IC design and prototype chip, which would fall into the hands of the Rothschild’s in the event of the deaths of other party holders that conveniently went down with MH370. Sounds wild to the uninitiated I know, almost as far fetched as the 'ocean currents' theory in the story but if you were familiar with all the known facts, you would be better informed and able to assess more accurately the evidence that points directly to powerful dynasties that run this world and the errand boys like lying Abbott that assist, for the reward, in his case, of being installed as an obedient puppet PM. You would also be able to understand that things are never as they are presented in the mass media. We shall assess the matter after the criminal bunglers reveal more truth via the patterns in their lies, in the near future – understand that all lies NECESSARILY reveal the truth they attempt to hide, ask any specialist semiotician for confirmation.

In the meantime analyse text in Murdoch – who installed puppet Abbott as Oz PM – rag, The Australian, and Abbott’s scripted comments to entertain yourselves: What we do know is that the plane was taken to an intolerable altitude to force decompression killing everyone on board and then navigated to the area around Diego Garcia where it was remotely landed in the sea, probably over a deep trench, the main fusilage and wreckage sit safely on the bottom to this day and if the search had been conducted in the correct area it would have been found via black box transmissions, but dutiful scoundrel Abbott did his job as directed by his masters and led the WORLD on a wild goose chase until black box transmissions failed after 30 days.

MH370: ‘Gentle turn’ the key to mystery of missing airliner
by Brendan Nicholson

The bit of plane wreckage found on an island is “by far the most encouraging sign so far”, according to Tony Abbott, who says the mystery behind Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has been “grappling” up until now.

The Prime Minister said he hoped the scrap of wing found on a beach on the French-owned Indian Ocean island of Reunion did turn out to be the “first bit of specific evidence” of the whereabouts of the plane.

“We have long thought it went down somewhere in the Indian Ocean and at last, it seems, we may be on the verge of some confirmation,” Mr Abbott said on Sydney radio station 2SM.

“We owe it to the families of the six Australians on board, we owe it to the families of all on board, we owe it to the travelling public — because there’s hardly one of us who doesn’t travel by air at some stage — to do everything we humanly can to get to the bottom of this.”

If the wreckage does turn out to be from a Boeing 777, Mr Abbott said analysts would do their best to work out exactly where it came from.

“I don’t know how accurate it will be but I dare say that will give us some more evidence and it might enable us to further advise the search area, it might,” he said.

MH370’s ‘gentle turn’ off course

Whoever was flying Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 when it disappeared in March last year made a gentle turn away from its planned course, possibly to avoid alerting passengers to the change of direction.

As what might be the first piece of wreckage from the missing jet was found on a beach on the French-owned Indian Ocean island of Reunion, ­aviation sources told The Australian that after more than a year exhausting all other possibilities, investigators believed the plane could not have behaved as it did, and followed the course it travelled, without “human hands on the controls”.

MH370 vanished during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to ­Beijing on March 8, 2014. No distress signal or message was sent and all 239 passengers and crew on the Boeing 777 are presumed dead. The aircraft is believed to have made a radical change of course less than an hour after it took off and to have crashed in the ocean far off Western Australia six hours later.

Aircraft experts have said the large piece of debris found on Reunion appeared to be a control surface known as a “flaperon” from the back edge of a wing. They have confirmed that it closely resembled a part from a Boeing 777. The wreckage will be sent to France for investigation.

Reports last night suggested a suitcase had also been washed up on Reunion but it was not clear whether it was from the missing plane.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said the piece was “very likely” from a Boeing 777 but it remained to be seen if it indeed came from MH370.

Deputy Prime Minister and Transport Minister Warren Truss said that if the wing section proved to be from MH370, that would be consistent with it drifting on currents for several thousand kilometres in 16 months from what was believed to be the crash site west of Australia.

Mr Truss said it was too early to say the wing section was from the missing aircraft. But it was the first real lead, he added.

“It certainly is an interesting discovery,” he said.

Mr Truss said marine experts were examining shellfish and other marine life attached to the debris to advise on where they might have originated and how long they would take to grow.

This morning he said the suitcase had been handed to police on Reunion and investigators have made arrangements to retrieve it.

“It may just be rubbish and there is no attached marine life to indicate that it’s been in the water for any great time, but it will be examined,” he told AAP.

A search led by Australia has so far covered 55,000 square kilometres of ocean floor up to 4km down. The search could eventually cover 120,000 square kilometres and is expected to cost Australia up to $90 million. Australia has already spent $76m on the search.

In Beijing, anxious families of the 153 Chinese passengers on the doomed aircraft were nervously awaiting the official forensic ­investigation of the debris.

It is understood Chinese officials may have been sent to join the investigation. In a group statement, Chinese victims’ family members said they were desperate for information. Xu Jinghong, whose mother was on the flight, said families were sceptical each time an announcement about the plane was made.

“I find it hard to believe, it’s contradictory to investigations during the past year,” Mr Xu told The South China Morning Post.

The Australian has been told that, as it diverted from its course, the aircraft made a slow “half standard rate turn” which would have taken several minutes to swing it back over the Malay Peninsula. Then it headed southward to the ocean west of Australia.

A standard half-rate turn is a very gentle change of course and it would take several minutes to complete. Whoever was flying the aircraft could well have also turned off the system of moving maps viewed in the passenger cabin, an aviation source said.

“Aircraft just don’t turn their transponder and their ACARS system off and then make an ­actual turn in direction all at the same time without someone being at the controls,” a source told The Australian. “Somebody made that happen. The aviation community is convinced there was a human hand involved.”

ACARS, the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System, is a digital datalink system that transmits messages between aircraft and ground ­stations via radio or satellite.

“The systems were turned off and the aircraft then made a rate half turn across the Malay peninsula and joined the air route across the top of Sumatra and over the Indian Ocean,” a veteran aviator said. “Somebody either programmed that to happen or flew that course. Aircraft just don’t fly themselves. Somebody had to actually manoeuvre the aircraft and transponders don’t just stop transmitting.

“That was initiated by somebody and events then followed from there.”

The aircraft is believe to have flown on for six hours before it ran out of fuel, the engines flamed out and it crashed into the ocean.

Exhaustive examination of ocean currents by the investigators trying to find MH370 has confirmed that the wing section found on La Reunion could have drifted there from the apparent crash site off Western Australia.

The currents would have ­initially carried the section towards the Indonesian island of Sumatra and then circled out across the Indian Ocean.

Australian investigators say they hope to know within days if the debris is part of a Boeing 777. Mr Truss said the numbers BB670 found on the debris were not a serial number that could immediately identify the plane but could prove valuable if they were added during maintenance. ­Malaysia has sent an investigation team to Reunion.

A leading oceanographer who has helped in the search said the arrival of debris on Reunion ­Island was consistent with his own modelling of the likely drift from the crash site.

Charitha Pattiaratchi, professor of coastal oceanography at the University of Western Australia, produced a model last year showing the MH370 debris could have been carried by the Indian Ocean’s characteristic anticlockwise towards Madagascar, west of Reunion, within 18 months.

“The debris would have meandered, it would have gone around and round in swirls and eddies, and it would have taken some time to reach the west,” he said.

If the debris is confirmed to be part of a Boeing 777, that would rule out two other Indian Ocean crashes. Ethiopian Airlines flight 961, a Boeing 767, crashed into the Indian Ocean near the Comoro Islands in 1996, killing 125 of the 175 passengers and crew. The dead included three hijackers. South African Airways flight 295, a Boeing 747, crashed into the ­Indian Ocean east of Mauritius in 1987 after an in-flight fire, killing all on board.

Additional reporting: Scott Murdoch, Wang Yuanyuan, Victoria Laurie, Agencies

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