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text Breaking the Fear Factor: Dismantling Propaganda, Opposing War, Financial Fraud and State Terrorism Peter Koenig via sam, Monday, Aug 24 2015, 8:13am
We are living in a (western) world dominated by neoliberal dictators, criminals and crooks. And many of us, impregnated with the human idiocy, as so well described by Andre Vltcheck (The West Spreads Intellectual Idiocy) are every day deeper and deeper immersed into fear – fear of action, fear of what’s next – fear of losing our comfort zone. The western propaganda machine paid for by the corporate and financial oligarchy through the presstitute media is constantly indoctrinating the little we have left of our free-thinking brains.
international / prose / post

text Central Banks Support Elite Interests While Debt-enslaving Underpaid Workers Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler via sue, Monday, Aug 24 2015, 1:39am
Are we witnessing the corruption of central banks? Are we observing the money-creating powers of central banks being used to drive up prices in the stock market for the benefit of the mega-rich?
international / prose / post

text America: a war zone where justice is missing in action Paul Craig Roberts via stan, Saturday, Aug 22 2015, 2:56am
America’s First Black President is a traitor to his race and also to justice. Obama has permitted the corrupt US Department of Justice (sic), over which he wields authority, to overturn the ruling of a US Federal Court of Appeals that prisoners sentenced illegally to longer terms than the law permits must be released once the legal portion of their sentence is served. The DOJ, devoid of all integrity, compassion, and sense of justice, said that “finality” of conviction was more important than justice. Indeed, the US Justice (sic) Department’s motto is: “Justice? We don’t need no stinkin’ justice!”
international / prose / post

dismalmaid.jpg image Revolutionary Street Artist Banksy opens 'dismal-land' theme park Abby Zimet via jaxie, Saturday, Aug 22 2015, 2:38am
After much secrecy, street artist and anarchist extraordinaire Banky has transformed a derelict seaside resort into his largest project yet: a dystopian "family theme park unsuitable for small children” boasting a decrepit castle, a Grim Reaper, a mangled Cinderella, a predatory loan booth, a pond for boats jammed with dead bodies and asylum seekers, an armor-plated, Northern-Ireland-era riot control vehicle become a kids' slide, a representation of 3,000 riot police called in the aftermath of major civil unrest a surly assemblage of greeters wearing Mickey Mouse ears and t-shirts reading, "Dismal," and an array of seriously macabre art by 50 artists hand-picked by Banksy, plus 10 of his own pieces. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text American Foreign Policy - the Truth behind the Lies via staff, Saturday, Aug 22 2015, 1:50am
The video below is essential viewing for all thinking persons that wish to know the truth.
international / prose / post

herdofcattle.jpg image Pan-Subservience the New Social Reality Andre Vltchek via jacey, Saturday, Aug 22 2015, 1:38am
Could any dictator desire more? Almost the entire population of the Empire is now thinking the same way! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Rupert Murdoch, a money wise "demented plutocrat" image Murdoch: global financial collapse imminent jake, Friday, Aug 21 2015, 9:12am
Rupert Murdoch, plutocrat, media mogul billionaire and member of the global elite, joins a list of respected economists that predict a monumental global financial crisis -- the indicators are clearly evident today. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Obama pets his dog, Abbott image Reprehensible corporate and Washington Lackey Tony Abbott “considers” war with Sovereign Syria. darcy, Friday, Aug 21 2015, 8:38am
Bombing targets in Syria without a formal request from its leader amounts to declaring war -- that is what servile, spineless dog Abbott is considering. The fact that the US created the mess in the Middle East seems to escape Abbott, we were all taught as children to take responsibility for our actions, however, the US takes a different self-serving stance, when it soils its nappy it wants its lackey vassals to wipe its arse and clean the mess for it -- give international law and common sense a break, Abbott. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests BUT …” jake, Wednesday, Aug 19 2015, 11:22am
I am not a religionist, God forbid (lol) though I have read the New Testament four times, principally as a manual for social reform and the elimination of corrupt social hierarchies, however, I do not completely dismiss the text only the obvious fantasy/theological aspects. So I would share a favourite saying of the mythic Christ: “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the son of man has no place to lay his head [to rest].” (Matt. 8:20) The implication being that Jesus was otherworldly.
international / prose / post

EXHIBIT - 4 image If You Cannot Distinguish Between Black and White Literally You Are in Big Trouble james, Wednesday, Aug 19 2015, 2:11am
The link below leads to a highly detailed legal and police report regarding the alleged guilt of the younger so-called, Boston bomber. Evidence furnished by the FBI clearly indicates that the accused is carrying a WHITE knapsack not the BLACK knapsack which contained the improvised, pressure-cooker explosive device, according to the FBI; now that reality reduces to a simple conclusion based on the ability to distinguish black from white, however, it would seem that America is incapable of performing the simplest distinction in this case. The entire legal theatre of this case is worthy of the great satirical writers of literary history; this case is almost as ludicrous as the trial of Chelsea (Bradley) Manning, in which the criminally accused Pentagon sat in judgement of the moral accuser and sentenced him/her to 35 years incarceration for exposing state crimes against humanity. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

americanflagmilitary.jpg image The Business of War is the Cause of War Ethan Indigo Smith & Sergey Baranov via shirl, Tuesday, Aug 18 2015, 1:22am
If you objectively and consistently observe the mainstream media and its interpretation of global events, its omissive and deceptive character soon becomes abundantly clear. This could hardly be called incompetence. The coverage, which is popularly called “news,” is in fact nothing but a propaganda mechanism, designed to persistently shape public opinion in favor of war. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Corporate lackey, liar, dunce and useless leader, Tony Abbott image Ahead of Australia Visit, Naomi Klein Brands PM Abbott a 'Climate Villain' Lauren McCauley via stacey, Tuesday, Aug 18 2015, 12:43am
In recent interviews given ahead of her upcoming visit to Australia, author and activist Naomi Klein branded Prime Minister Tony Abbott as a "climate villain" and said that Canadians and Australians can relate because they are both run by governments bent on destroying the planet. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text A Dose of Reality about Runaway Climate Change claire, Tuesday, Aug 18 2015, 12:17am
Dire warnings were given by government scientific research bodies back in '73, that date refers to the Australian CSIRO, however, corporate lobby groups and bought lackey politicians all refuted the claims though they didn't have any scientific evidence to back their groundless refutations at the time, so polluting corporations enlisted the services of a number of compliant scientists to support the myth that pollution induced rapid climate change was nonsense. Well today we should all know better.
international / prose / post

text What an Utter Tragic Farce! skip, Monday, Aug 17 2015, 10:38am
The title could refer to many things today, and I’m sure readers are not in short supply of situations where they could attribute the numerous farces and absurdities we all endure – but that’s the point, why on earth do THE MASSES, the greatest social force on earth, endure criminal rule, no functioning democracies, intrusive surveillance, illegal ‘laws’ such as torture, indefinite detention without trial, rendition, executive secret kill lists, police murdering unarmed innocent civilians with impunity, etc, etc, etc – get it? We are to blame all of us, for tolerating these horrendous injustices and allowing a pack of psychopathic criminals to determine our collective fate when these KNOWN criminals should be and would be in jail if the masses asserted their inalienable rights and moral prerogatives.
international / prose / post

text Chelsea (Bradley) Manning Victimised Yet Again for Speaking Out mitch, Monday, Aug 17 2015, 2:20am
There is one person on this earth, which is now overflowing with cowards, wimps and slaves that has earned my utmost respect and that person is androgynous Chelsea Manning. Manning has already suffered and survived the most horrendous psychological abuse while enduring illegally prolonged solitary confinement, and a ‘suicide watch,’ which allows prison guards to wake the unfortunate victim every fifteen minutes and ask if they are ok! Give me a break on this obvious form of TORTURE, notwithstanding that Manning’s cell was constantly illuminated with bright artificial light 24 hours a day while in restricted solitary confinement.
international / prose / post

Arrest and hold them all accountable for their many PROVEN crimes before it's too late image Is doomed dollar really behind Obama’s Iran warning? Finian Cunningham via jaxie, Monday, Aug 17 2015, 12:43am
US President Barack Obama has given an extraordinary ultimatum to the Republican-controlled Congress, arguing that they must not block the nuclear accord with Iran. It’s either “deal or war,” he says. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Jeremy Corbyn image UK Ruling Elite Running Scared as REPRESENTATIVE Politician Looks to Win Labour Leadership jason, Sunday, Aug 16 2015, 3:53am
Grass roots politician, Jeremy Corbyn, is tipped to win the leadership of the UK Labour Party, his secret, shock horror, is that he champions the wishes of the masses -- that sounds like DEMOCRACY in action to me! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

kundalini.jpg image The Emerald Tablet Rendered into Plain English sadh, Saturday, Aug 15 2015, 1:46pm
The document known as the Emerald Tablet is probably the most concise description of human transformation known to history. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

yuan.jpg image The Yuan Devaluation and the so-called ‘currency war’ jake, Saturday, Aug 15 2015, 1:21am
China maintains its sovereignty by owning its own currency; that means it has not surrendered its currency/sovereignty to Wall Street bankers and the Global Reserve Banking cartel with headquarters in New York. One need only look at who heads those banks to realise it’s a Jewish monetary game designed to enslave the entire world, however, China will have none of it, it plays according to its own best interests not those of a criminal, largely Jewish, western banking elite that is now chronically addicted to printing money from thin air – known as quantitative easing (QE). It should be noted that QE has become a permanent feature of the fake toilet paper economy today, and as every economist is aware ‘paper shuffling’ as opposed to real production, which is China’s strength, inevitably leads to economic implosion and ruin. This fate awaits America the Eurozone, Japan and numerous other nations that subscribe to the Jewish banker scam. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Oz: It’s Official, Wages Stagnant as Cost of Living Leapfrogs baz, Friday, Aug 14 2015, 2:53am
This is the result of Tony Abbott favouring corporations (increased prices/costs) and constantly assailing unions and average Aussie workers (stagnant wages); his latest outrageous attack is to remove penalty rates for Sunday workers who depend on these rates to make a living wage. This outcome is the stark Abbott reality, not the pre-election LIES of growth, increased jobs and improved living standards and opportunity for all Aussies. This is what happens when Aussies allow themselves to be duped by Murdoch propaganda and his puppet PM appointee.
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