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text The Power of Exaggerated Fear Paul R. Pillar via shirl, Monday, Jan 18 2016, 12:56am
Journalists have noticed how much current political campaigns are trading on fear. As observed in a recent article in the Washington Post, “Most of the Republican presidential contenders and their allies are now waging campaigns focused on fear — bombarding voters with ominous television spots that warn of national security threats and amping up their alarming rhetoric on the stump.
international / prose / post

text The Bottomless Oil Price in an Unstable Global Economy Michael T. Klare via cyd, Sunday, Jan 17 2016, 1:45am
As 2015 drew to a close, many in the global energy industry were praying that the price of oil would bounce back from the abyss, restoring the petroleum-centric world of the past half-century.  All evidence, however, points to a continuing depression in oil prices in 2016 -- one that may, in fact, stretch into the 2020s and beyond.  Given the centrality of oil (and oil revenues) in the global power equation, this is bound to translate into a profound shakeup in the political order, with petroleum-producing states from Saudi Arabia to Russia losing both prominence and geopolitical clout.
international / prose / post

text Lake ryall, Saturday, Jan 16 2016, 7:34am
international / poetry / post

text Shadow Play gemma, Saturday, Jan 16 2016, 7:12am
international / poetry / post

ISIL's 'magical' new Toyotas - simply trace how ISIL is funded, trained and supplied for proof image The Exposed Hoax of the Century Stephen Lendman via stacey, Friday, Jan 15 2016, 7:53pm
US post-9/11 war on terror reflects state-sponsored deception – with the media complicit in conning the public to believe Washington opposes what it actively supports. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text The ‘Terror’ News Cycle jess, Friday, Jan 15 2016, 12:49am
Today after 15 years of media saturation by the CFR controlled mass media, ‘terror’ has become naturalised, the tailored daily ‘news’ is saturated with terror attacks and couches every crime against the people as terror attacks, when in fact they are simply crimes committed by gullible, demented murderers with jelly for brains.
international / prose / post

text Obama’s Last State of Union -- Totally divorced from REALITY zayn, Wednesday, Jan 13 2016, 9:41am
Obama the president of extra-judicial killing and secret kill lists, a nation that leads the world in killing civilians and millions of innocent children by whatever means, sanctions, embargos on medical and other essential supplies or direct military intervention, feebly attempted to portray the world’s leading criminal State as a democracy, referring to the Constitution opening of, “we the people ..” which reality translates as ‘we the oligarchy and fuck the people except when needed for slave labour and cannon fodder.
international / prose / post

petrodollar.jpg image Killing the Petrodollar F. William Engdahl via sue, Tuesday, Jan 12 2016, 9:02am
It has taken some time for large oil and resource trading nations to wake up to the fact that they are indirectly financing America's perpetual wars, and to finally do something about it. For lay-readers it simply means that the collapse of the petrodollar puts an end to America's ability to wage continuous horrific wars for the sole benefit of large banks and corporations. However, the following article explains in more detail why certain nations have been forced to withdraw from the petrodollar's monopoly over international resource trade and to hopefully reduce it to the un-pegged value of the paper its printed on. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Confirmed: Black and Yellow Gold Behind ALL Recent Wars james, Monday, Jan 11 2016, 9:47pm
The link below provides documented proof from the highest sources of what astute analysts have been stating for years, i.e. that ALL so-called wars on terror are primarily concerned with oil resources, gold/money, strategic lands and pipeline corridors.
international / prose / post

text Released jace, Monday, Jan 11 2016, 8:59am
international / poetry / post

text US Government - World's Leading Criminal Organisation Paul Craig Roberts via cyd, Sunday, Jan 10 2016, 11:18pm
When history and facts are soberly considered Washington stands condemned as the criminal organisation it is. Dr Roberts has provided only a few recent examples of the outrageous crimes that Washington has committed in recent history, however, further research and recent Russian exposure of Washington's complicity in creating and supporting terrorist groups in the Middle East and elsewhere (Central Asia, Afghanistan, North Africa, Balkans, etc) is undeniable. The Orwellian inversion of reality propagated by the criminally owned American mass media only serves to reinforce the fact that the criminal American ruling elite is entrenched in that hapless nation of cowards. The American people have allowed various criminal regimes to oppress locals and make a mockey of the founding documents of the nation and all civilised law, domestic and international.
international / prose / post

text The Domino Effect of Falling Gulf State Monarchs Heads justin, Saturday, Jan 9 2016, 8:19pm
You really have to laugh over the predicament the House of Saud has got itself into due to its gullibility and acquiescence to Washington. The US ordered a deflation of oil prices which was designed to break the Russian economy, however, it has backfired as the impact has devastated the House of Saud, which finances are now flowing more freely into desert sands than the blood of innocent civilians Saudi supported Wahhabi terrorists spill in the region, though it is no historical secret that the House of Saud has been a long time puppet of western imperial power, now centralised in Washington.
international / prose / post

bloombergyuan_panic.jpg image Soros: Global Economic Crisis Looms as China Falters Anusha Ondaatjie and Adam Haigh via jill, Thursday, Jan 7 2016, 10:49pm
The one obvious fact that emerges is that China is the economic powerhouse of the world NOT paper-shuffling criminal Wall Street. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

tzar_bomba.jpg image The Instant War Occurs jess, Thursday, Jan 7 2016, 9:05pm
Indeed, as we all should know, war occurs as result of a series of escalations reaching critical mass. WWI and II followed this pattern and so will WWIII, which actually began 15 years ago. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Saudis Seek Chaos to Cover Terror Tracks Finian Cunningham via gail, Wednesday, Jan 6 2016, 5:58pm
Russia's incisive military intervention in Syria has succeeded in not only stabilizing the Arab state and salvaging it from a terrorist takeover. Russia's maneuver also exposed the foreign-fueled nature of the conflict - as a criminal covert war of aggression for regime change.
international / prose / post

americangun.jpg image The Ludicrous and Shameless Hypocrisy of Obama on Gun Control stacey, Tuesday, Jan 5 2016, 5:45pm
A tearful Obama recently pleaded his case to the lobotomised American public for gun control highlighting the damage guns cause in the USA, not least those utilised by Police. From an international Australian perspective, Obama, who once touted that (drone) ‘killing is his strong suit,’ his recent ‘tearful’ rhetoric smacks of the usual fakery, hypocrisy and double standard. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Obama is doing all the leaning image If You Sleep with Dogs You Wake up with Fleas jake, Monday, Jan 4 2016, 11:50pm
And America is doing all the scratching as its Saudi and Turkish allies have blown the entire sordid machinations of Washington WIDE OPEN, i.e. using Saudi/Turkish financed and supported jihadists to fight US ‘regime change’ wars and facilitate the sale of ISIL stolen oil from Syria and Iraq. And so scratch on exposed America, as YOU are as guilty as the filthy beheading Wahhabi scum you support, indeed, we are all known by the associates and friends we keep and the barbarism of America’s allies/friends now compromises Washington and so it should as the situation has now changed dramatically. You see, these once controlled allies have cut loose as America loses its grip on the world not only on the Middle East. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

alnimr.jpg image The Saudi Execution Of Al-Nimr Was A Smart Tactical Move? Moon Of Alabama via cyd, Monday, Jan 4 2016, 10:05pm
The Saudis are in trouble over their war on Yemen. After nine month of bombing the hell out of the country there is no chance that the aim of their war, reinstalling their proxy government in Sanaa, will be reached anytime soon. Meanwhile Yemeni forces raid (vid) one Saudi town after another. The Saudi regime change projects via Salafi jihadists in Iraq and Syria are also faltering. The low oil price make it necessary for the Saudi government to introduce taxes on its people. New taxes are hardly ever popular. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Goldtops teal, Sunday, Jan 3 2016, 9:16am
international / poetry / post

text Japan's Master Plan to Destroy the Chinese Navy in Battle Harry J. Kazianis via darcy, Sunday, Jan 3 2016, 1:48am
The author misses the point. TWO can play the missile game. The Japanese offensive strategy simply escalates the Asian cold war as China reacts to the threat with increased missile solutions and counter-measures of its own.
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