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It’s About Trust
by darcy Wednesday, Aug 26 2015, 11:16am
international / prose / post

Indeed, today, worldwide almost no-one trusts their governments and political leaders, why? Simply due to the FACT that politicians everywhere are a pack of self-interested liars and scoundrels that engage in anything but representing the people and serving the national interest. They lack vision, a coherent narrative and real policies other than what is prescribed/dictated by elite corporate and banker interests -- and who do these institutions represent, themselves of course, so democracy – majority rule -- has become a farce, a pathetic joke everywhere. Is this situation sustainable? You can bet your life it isn’t!

Desperate dunce Abbott doing a Bush -- get real, you clown
Desperate dunce Abbott doing a Bush -- get real, you clown

Surely the criminal powers should be interested in their own survival -- one would think so but these elites are clearly irrational. We all witness, worldwide, politicians promise everything and deliver nothing other than the agenda of a self-serving unrepresentative minority that has clearly lost the plot.

When populations lose faith in their leaders, what ensues, national collapse, economic and social – history verifies the fact? However, lying duplicitous politicians employ evermore marketers, spin doctors and consultants that only know short term tricks that populations today are completely aware of; distractions, wars, fears, intimidation and more lies, which all amount to a greater loss of faith and of course, trust.

Great empires and their vassals all have one thing in common, they FAIL. They fail in a very predictable and coherent manner, but the first indication is the national loss of faith and trust in leaders and government – after all, who could tolerate anyone in personal life that makes promises and assurances and then reneges only to stab you in the back?

The Australian PM, among many other western leaders, faces this predicament; he has gone to the absurd and dangerous length of arranging for Washington to request Australia’s assistance in illegally bombing targets in Syria, a clearly illegal act regardless of how many commentators describe border regions as ungoverned; the fact remains that Syria is a sovereign nation and has not invited Australia to intervene in its civil war, notwithstanding that Australia’s idiotic intervention would hardly change the situation. Russia has recently involved its military after a request from the Syrian government; and that legal intervention has been okayed by Washington, which makes Australian PM Abbott a bigger ass than he was perceived to be.

Of course political consultants do not wish to lose their lucrative incomes so they advise evermore ridiculous means, distractions and tricks in an attempt to revive a dead dog – Abbott lost the trust of the people weeks after gaining office and he will never regain the public’s trust again, fact – that is the reality of the situation which his party seems to have difficulty in apprehending but the public knows too well. Abbott has no chance, not because he lacks vision, policies and is unable to develop a positive narrative but because he lied through his teeth to gain office then immediately stabbed the public in the back and began serving his elite masters; Aussies will never forgive or forget Abbott’s callous and contemptuous treachery – Abbott like so many other western leaders is a dead politician walking and the sooner his party acknowledges what everybody knows the better chance they have of not being driven into a political wasteland – lying, disingenuous Abbott and the ministerial buffoons he leads are toxic as far as the people are concerned and Murdoch, who installed Abbott into office, is well aware of the fact.

Abbott’s latest idiocy of arranging with the US to illegally bomb Syria really takes the desperation cake and will ensure that Abbott goes down in political ignominy. But who am I to tell our thoroughly disconnected politicians the reality on the ground, quite simply an Aussie citizen that is on the ground and is connected to the prevailing mood and disillusionment of the entire population – once trust is gone everything connected to what subverted that trust goes with it – you’d better believe it, Canberra!

Now, it is useless to replace one owned elite serving party with the other policy/vision devoid elite-serving party, so the loss of trust extends across the political divide; installing independents wherever possible may seem like an improvement but independents are unable to form a government and so the problem of disenfranchisement, disillusionment and a lack of confidence/TRUST becomes a disease that eventually brings down the nation – nothing short of a complete political revolution is able to restore society today, however, that eventuality is not for some time yet, the cycle of collapse must follow its course and our dreamboat, totally DISCONNECTED politicians must (they have no choice) continue employing their suicidal tricks and distractions in the vain hope of clawing back some support. Fair dinkum, my demented grandmother could do a better job of running the country than either major party, simply by outlining a vision and policies that would see that vision become a reality, something politicians are loath to do in today’s short term media cycle. Did I forget to mention she would represent the wishes of the PEOPLE, shock-horror, and re-establish trust thereby. With the public on board and the nation unified the task of realising the vision becomes a predictable eventuality – a process completely unimaginable for today’s political liars, cheats and frauds which serve, by choice, unrepresentative, irrational minority interests, are you reading this, Rupert, your latest errand boy threatens to blow the whole show? Better luck next time!

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