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text Gift dulcie, Saturday, Jan 30 2016, 10:06am
international / poetry / post

zikaaedesmosquito.jpg image GM Mosquitoes Linked to Zika Outbreak Claire Bernish via gail, Friday, Jan 29 2016, 10:40pm
The World Health Organization announced it will convene an Emergency Committee under International Health Regulations on Monday, February 1, concerning the Zika virus ‘explosive’ spread throughout the Americas. The virus reportedly has the potential to reach pandemic proportions — possibly around the globe. But understandingwhy this outbreak happened is vital to curbing it. As the WHO statement said: (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

text Business is very simple -- benefits must be proportionate to all parties involved jess, Thursday, Jan 28 2016, 10:04pm
Today there exist two major competing interests in global business affairs, the Anglo-Zionist mercantile model, which is maintained and propelled by the military/police and the Eurasian model which needs no such costly enforcement as everybody wins.
international / prose / post

Former G Sachs employee, Hank Paulson and Lloyd Blankfein image Bankers Jailed in Representative Democracy Iceland Maurice Bedard via james, Wednesday, Jan 27 2016, 10:03pm
Iceland shows the way by jailing criminal bankers responsible for economic crimes. Perhaps there is something other so-called democratic nations could learn, especially the USA. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Malcolm Turnbull, unelected Oz PM image Confirmed: Turnbull is a Lying, Vacuous Narcissist Devoid of Ability and Conviction baz, Wednesday, Jan 27 2016, 2:53am
Turnbull has recently proven the only thing he is really interested in is himself and his obsessive desire to become Australia’s PM, as though that is an end in itself. Turnbull has been given ample time to prove himself, which he did. He not only hasn’t repealed any of the harsh social policies that Abbott inflicted on the struggling Australian people -- while of course favouring the corporate/banker elite – he failed to make his mark in the international arena. However, prior to continuing I would simply state that government revenue problems and the obvious lack of funds are the result of the corporate sector not paying their due – the simple, fair and Australian rule is, ‘those that benefit most from the nation should return most to the nation, what is fairer than that? Those who can afford to pay should pay their due, which clearly is NOT occurring, as Turnbull, a former banker and lying lawyer, represents the interests of the UNREPRESENTATIVE minority elite and NOT the people. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

american_flag.jpg image Syria and Iraq: The US “Military Solution,” Naturally! Bill Van Auken via claire, Tuesday, Jan 26 2016, 6:36pm
Analysts are aware that the so-called ‘peace’ talks in Geneva were designed to allow western interventionist, regime change forces to re-group in the face of rapid gains by the Syrian al-Assad government legally assisted by Russia. Well, this (regroup) they have achieved and now threaten the usual military ‘solution,’ which everyone should know is no solution at all, as every nation the US has illegally invaded and bombed over the past fifteen years has been destroyed and left in ruins and chaos. So more of the same destabilisation -- which is now impacting Europe -- from ‘peace loving,' interventionist America, which is in fact hell bent on precipitating WWIII due, not least, to its insane neocon pursuit/agenda of global hegemony. The greatest threat to world peace is in fact America, one need only review its 'peace policies' and destructive actions over the past fifteen years to confirm that REALITY -- the US retains the dubious 'honour' of the world's leading civilian killing nation, which cost does not bother the lunatic neocons! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Wall Street Sharktank: “A Whole Lotta Stealin’ Goin’ On” Mike Whitney via jake, Tuesday, Jan 26 2016, 2:04am
Let’s say you lend your brother-in-law, Pauli, 5,000-bucks so he can get his fledgling construction business off-the-ground. Then, you find out a week later that ‘good-old Pauli’ has shot the wad playing the horses at Long-acres and buying cocktails for his loafer-friends at Matt’s Mad Dog tavern? Would you feel like you’d been ripped off?
international / prose / post

oilworld.jpg image The BIG Oil/Power SCAM F. William Engdahl via cyd, Sunday, Jan 24 2016, 9:28am
If there is any single price of any commodity that determines the growth or slowdown of our economy, it is the price of crude oil. Too many things don’t calculate today in regard to the dramatic fall in the world oil price. In June 2014 major oil traded at $103 a barrel. With some experience following the geopolitics of oil and oil markets, I smell a big skunk. Let me share some things that for me don’t add up. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Stan Grant image Shame on Racist Australia - Indigenous Journalist's Speech Goes Viral staff report via claire, Saturday, Jan 23 2016, 9:37pm
A powerful speech by Indigenous journalist Stan Grant in which he says the "Australian dream is rooted in racism" has gone viral. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text ‘There’s no such thing as a free lunch’ – unless of course you are a member of the 1% james, Saturday, Jan 23 2016, 8:43pm
Laissez faire economist Milton Friedman, who promulgated the notion that ‘free’ markets would save the world, popularised that phrase/slogan, and that’s all it is, a meaningless slogan, similar to, ‘there’s light at the end of the tunnel,’ which simplistic metaphor/slogan conned an entire nation.
international / prose / post

ussyrianbase.jpg image US Confronts Russia - Troops Illegally Invade Syria Andrew Tilghman via max, Friday, Jan 22 2016, 10:29pm
U.S. special operations troops have reportedly taken over an airfield in northeastern Syria, potentially clearing the way to flow more American military support to friendly militias fighting the Islamic State group. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Who is Putin Talking To? Mikhail Khazin via james, Friday, Jan 22 2016, 9:46am
An interesting analysis from a Russian perspective.
international / prose / post

bitcoin_representation.jpg image China’s central bank mulls issuing digital currency staff report via max, Friday, Jan 22 2016, 1:50am
The People’s Bank of China on Wednesday said it wants to issue its own digital currency to cut the costs of circulating traditional paper money, boost policymakers’ control of money supply and improve the efficiency of global transactions. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Global Unemployment to Reach 200 Million by 2017 jaxie, Thursday, Jan 21 2016, 1:05am
The International Labour Organisation has predicted the global unemployment rate will exceed 200 million by 2017, and that is a conservative figure according to the ILO.
international / prose / post

You got it, punk? image Oz PM Turnbull in Washington – just another knee-walking Canberra Politician mitch, Wednesday, Jan 20 2016, 9:04am
It seems that whenever an Australian leader is beckoned to Washington knee-pads become essential accoutrements. Oz PM Malcolm ‘un-exciting’ Turnbull has been called to Washington along with other western lackey leaders to be briefed by the US ruling elite on the course they are obliged to take as obedient vassal States, of course the agenda is full of the usual criminal activity Washington is noted for, more illegal resource and regime change wars and other orders to participate in American crimes abroad. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text If the Truth be Known, WWIII -- and Washington is to Blame darcy, Tuesday, Jan 19 2016, 11:32pm
After the demise of the Soviet Union the USA had a golden opportunity to pursue peaceful, harmonious, stable and PRODUCTIVE relations with the entire world and prove itself to be truly the leader of nations. But what did it do instead, embark on a now FAILED megalomaniacal ambition to rule the world via military force. The cost of this criminal enterprise, as the past fifteen years verifies, is now being extracted from vassal and lackey States that supported this historically impossible, lunatic dream.
international / prose / post

text IMF Economist: Global Economy Faces "Headwinds" and a “Bumpy Ride” in 2016 baz, Tuesday, Jan 19 2016, 7:31am
You've got to marvel at the use of maritime metaphors used by economists when describing a monumental downturn and grim forecast, "headwinds," indeed; we have a suggestion allow those 'winds' to blow your bullshit out your arse, Mr Maurice Obstfeld! Furthermore, we detect another, railways this time, metaphor, suggesting that illusory global growth could be "derailed" by China's not so accidental downturn in its stock market while ensuring its real economy is sound -- you see, it was the Chinese that wrote the Art of War, a masterful treatise on all manner of warfare. China is actually exploiting the situation to teach the West a lesson, notwithstanding that it didn't engineer the market instability but the Chinese are nothing if not able to take advantage of a situation. Watch western markets and bubble economies face REALITY, courtesy of Sun Tzu. Or to draw from a Western literary genius, "things are not what they appear to be!"
international / prose / post

Washington lackey and brazen Liar, Oz FM Julie Bishop image Continuing Obfuscation by Oz Government Relating to its Illegal Syrian Bombing Campaign James ONeill via darcy, Tuesday, Jan 19 2016, 6:27am
On 16 November 2015 the present writer published an article in Australia’s New Matilda magazine. The article had two main objectives. The first was a discussion of the legal bases upon which one State could attack another State. The second purpose was to provide an outline of my attempts to obtain a copy of the legal advice that the Australian government said it would seek before announcing a decision on whether or not to join the United States bombing campaign in Syria. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

incomplete_infrastructure.jpg image The Citadel is Breached: Congress Taps the Fed for Infrastructure Funding Ellen Brown via dulcie, Monday, Jan 18 2016, 7:50am
For at least a decade, think tanks, commissions and other stakeholders have fought to get Congress to address the staggering backlog of maintenance, upkeep and improvements required to bring the nation’s infrastructure into the 21st century. Countries with less in the way of assets have overtaken the US in innovation and efficiency, while our dysfunctional Congress has battled endlessly over the fiscal cliff, tax reform, entitlement reform, and deficit reduction. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

PDF Document Short Sweet and to the Point james, Monday, Jan 18 2016, 7:26am
Sometimes I lament the global state of affairs and the complacency of the majority that would rather, it seems, allow a tiny group of mega-wealthy psychopaths to lead them to hell and ruin than stomp them underfoot like the cockroaches they are. The mega-wealthy today are criminals pure and simple, they have stolen most of their wealth under the noses of the global majority and yet THEIR status quo continues: needless wars for the profit of the few, mass murder on an industrial scale, huge disparities on every front and yet the status quo continues, give sanity and reason a break! Nothing is able to resist the popular will once mobilised, and so if YOU want peace and real freedom then EARN IT, and take back OUR world before the psychopaths make it uninhabitable. (story and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

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