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puppetstrings.jpg image Obama: who is this traitorous puppet trying to kid? jess, Tuesday, Oct 6 2015, 8:15am
Almost immediately after Obama delivered his jaw-dropping HYPOCRITICAL address at the UN General Assembly, Obama delivered yet another one of his divorced from reality, classic hypocritical diatribes this time addressing the nation and the latest mass shooting of innocents. Feigning concern -- he has none – as he himself admitted that ‘killing’ was his ‘strong suite,’ he took aim at the Constitution and the right to bear arms, which the founding fathers wisely included in the Constitution as they were aware of the forces from WITHIN that could threaten the liberties and freedoms of their new nation. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Unelected PM Malcolm Turnbull cosy with Washington representative FM Julie Bishop image Julie Bishop A Trained Washington Parrot jaxie, Monday, Oct 5 2015, 12:05am
Oz FM Julie Bishop, did herself and SOVEREIGN Australia a huge disservice on the ABC Insiders program on Sunday. She virtually spouted verbatim Lewis Carroll’s Washington rhetoric, that Russia’s LEGAL intervention in Syria, which has been spectacularly successful to date, has “complicated” matters, she stressed ‘complicated’ a number of times during the interview but useless/GUTLESS journo/interviewer, Barrie Cassidy, did NOT press her for an explanation, as there is nothing complicated about a SUCCESSFUL direct attack on bloodthirsty terrorists, in fact, Russia has done more to weaken ISIS and other terrorist groups in a few days than the US has done in years of mindless civilian killing bombing! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Russia Uses High Tech Smart Bombs to Wipe Out US Sponsored Al Qaeda Terrorists. Panic in Rebel Ranks Stephen Lendman via stan, Sunday, Oct 4 2015, 8:03pm
The entire free world wants terrorism defeated. Russia leads the effort to confront it head-on,

On October 3, Tass said Russian aircraft conducted over 60 sorties so far, bombing 50 ISIS targets, causing consternation in its ranks. National Defence Control Centre Col. General Andrey Kartapolov said “aircraft have been taking off from the Hmeimim air base (night and day), targeting the whole of Syria.”
international / prose / post

text The Trans-Pacific Free-Trade Charade Joseph Stiglitz, Adam Hersh via dulcie, Sunday, Oct 4 2015, 10:51am
As negotiators and ministers from the United States and 11 other Pacific Rim countries meet in Atlanta in an effort to finalize the details of the sweeping new Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), some sober analysis is warranted. The biggest regional trade and investment agreement in history is not what it seems.
international / prose / post

text "Russia is halting World War III" Jake Rudnitsky via sam, Friday, Oct 2 2015, 9:04pm
So says Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the head of Russia's Liberal Democratic Party, but I wouldn't be so sure, in fact, the opposite may be true.
international / prose / post

americangun.jpg image President Obama is wrong: Australia is not like the US Michael Pascoe via cyd, Friday, Oct 2 2015, 8:16am
Well, bravo Mr Pascoe, Obama is not only wrong about Australia, he is wrong on just about everything, but you should never forget he is America's well deserved president. Perhaps real Oz journalism is taking a breath of fresh honest air. I sincerely hope your article reminds all Aussies that we are a unique culture/nation that many other nations envy and that insecure, un-Australian conservative politicians should cease attempting to create a little America in the South Pacific. We are the envy of the world and we should never forget it -- are you reading this Mr ‘G Sachs’ Turnbull? If you wish to succeed you had better pay more attention to our culture of a fair go than your predecessor did -- "ISIS is coming to get every one of us;" a Yankee ploy that may get traction over there but not a hope in Oz. Abbott truly is the "suppository" of all wisdom as are his remaining Libs that continue to emulate the USA and its appalling, unfair policies and mindless violent culture. (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

Elitist lackeys, PM Malcolm Turnbull with Teasurer Scott Morrison image Oz Treasurer Attempts to Deny the Undeniable Regarding Government Revenue via jaxie, Thursday, Oct 1 2015, 9:35am
Conservative Oz treasurer Scott Morrison, politically appointed by the new unelected PM Malcolm Turnbull, an undisguised elitist, former merchant banker and former MD of Goldman Sachs Australia, stated plainly in one of his first media interviews in his new role that “we do not have a revenue problem ...” the fact is we do have a MAJOR revenue problem, Mr Morrison and here’s why. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Word james, Thursday, Oct 1 2015, 1:36am
As a poet and writer who instinctively utilises the power of words as a painter utilises the colours on his/her palette, I am acutely aware that words, unlike colours, do NOT possess any intrinsic meaning -- meaning is invested by culture and culture is a human creation.
international / prose / post

Obama, arrogant, disconnected and deluded image Obama’s Self-Deceit Joe Lauria via shirl, Wednesday, Sep 30 2015, 8:55am
President Obama, who has boasted of ordering military strikes on seven countries, chastised Russia and China for not abiding by the rules of international behavior, a breathtaking example of hypocrisy or self-deceit. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Barack, the absurd image Obama's UN Address: A Disconnected Fool's Attempt to Redefine Democracy as Compliance with US Policy Michael Hudson via jess, Wednesday, Sep 30 2015, 1:14am
Notwithstanding the fact that Putin ran rings around Obama's feeble scripted speech and highlighted his tenuous grip on reality, it is worth viewing the video of his fantasy-laden, denialist and ultra-hypocritical address to the UN General Assembly, populated by world leaders and members that know better. Indeed, US disconnect and its persistent opposition to reality are now the major reasons for American decline -- who is that disgraceful Uncle Tom trying to kid? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Putin toasts his Victory at 2015 UN Assembly image Master Strategist Putin Runs Rings Around American Neocons jason, Tuesday, Sep 29 2015, 9:17pm
It is known by any ranking military person that ISIL could be routed almost overnight by a real military, it hasn’t occurred to date simply due to the FACT that ISIL is a created and supported US/Israeli/vassal Gulf States proxy fighting force deployed in order to redraw maps of the Middle East and install Washington compliant puppet governments in the ‘new’ Middle East, but check by master strategist Putin! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

braveheart.jpg image You can’t take our freedom, but you can make us want it less Raphael Vassallo via sal, Tuesday, Sep 29 2015, 3:42am
‘Freedom’ of the national, self-determination variety is no longer viewed as a romantic ideal worth fighting and dying for. On the contrary, it is regarded as an inconvenience (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Obama’s 2015 UN Address: The Searing Hypocrisy and Inversion of REALITY by US Propagandists jude, Tuesday, Sep 29 2015, 2:25am
In a carefully scripted speech handed to elite puppet and errand boy, Barack Obama, the thinking, aware world, which clearly excludes the US population, was treated to yet another example of undisguised US disinformation and propaganda that flies in the face of obvious facts/reality.
international / prose / post

text Reality no longer Bites in America justin, Sunday, Sep 27 2015, 10:12pm
Most Americans believe that Russia is an aggressor though it only has two bases outside its borders in comparison to nearly 1000 military bases of occupation the US has planted and actively maintains around the globe. According to Obama -- corporate serving puppet extraordinaire -- Putin is a “thug,” though Obama wages constant (perpetual) illegal direct and proxy wars in regions where the US has no business intervening, notwithstanding the reality that everywhere the US intervenes, on some pretext or another, it creates havoc, failed states and is responsible for millions of innocent deaths and displaced persons, which today affect the entire world. Ask yourself how many sovereign nations Russia has invaded or bombed in the new century compared to the criminal USA and you may begin to see the nose on your stupid media washed faces – and the above is not the half of it!
international / prose / post

text No Brains In Washington Paul Craig Roberts via vance, Saturday, Sep 26 2015, 10:09am
Washington's IQ follows the Fed's interest rate -- it is negative. Washington is a black hole into which all sanity is sucked out of government deliberations.
international / prose / post

text Russian Bear Untroubled by Neocon Mosquitos justin, Saturday, Sep 26 2015, 9:27am
By way of introduction to Robert Parry’s sober article on the infantile insults and outright lies levelled at the democratically elected, popular, Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, by Washington schoolyard children masquerading as adults, it should be noted that the US is clearly attempting to provoke Putin with personal insults in order to have an excuse (if Putin reacted) to pursue their insane dream of world domination, hegemony. Well it’s time for Washington’s ‘enfant terrible’ to face hard reality; no one nation today is able to dominate the entire world -- OBVIOUS FACT -- PNAC is arsewipe! The sooner world superpowers enter into constructive dialogue and mutual cooperation the sooner needless, destabilising extremist wars and global economic instability cease. So what are you doing Washington neocons, making total asses of yourselves before the international community?
international / prose / post

abbottturnbull2.jpg image Abbott Hobbles Turnbull and Exposes Him as a Lying Fraud suzie, Friday, Sep 25 2015, 9:39pm
In a not so subtle, but subtle enough attack on sleazy, smooth-talker Malcolm Turnbull, vanquished former PM Tony Abbott confirmed that nothing will change for the long suffering Australian people under Turnbull. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text America: ‘Entitled’ to Kill via jess, Thursday, Sep 24 2015, 11:29pm
After the deaths of mass murdering leaders, Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot, the dubious honour of the world’s most murderous nation is awarded to the United States, hang your heads in shame Americans. Over SIX million innocent civilians, including 500,000 children in Iraq, countless Indo-Chinese peasants, North Africans and Arabs have been slaughtered by the USA since the Korean conflict. These needless deaths have been ‘justified’ by various ‘humanitarian’ pretexts and outright illegal ‘regime change’ wars. However, the criminals responsible for these horrendous atrocities have never been held to account and the killing continues unabated.
international / prose / post

Elitist corporate lackey and enemy of the people, conservative treasurer, Scott Morrison image ATO reveals one in five of Australia’s largest private companies paid no tax last year Eloise Keating via jane, Thursday, Sep 24 2015, 9:18am
We DO have a revenue problem Mr novice, inept treasurer, Scott Morrison, and this is why; choke on some hard facts, you elite serving errand boy. Good work Malcolm, pinning you and your un-Australian elitist cabinet to the wall will be child's play. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Morrison: NO REVENUE problem, WHAT! stacey, Wednesday, Sep 23 2015, 10:09pm
New conservative treasurer, Scott ‘clueless’ Morrison, displayed his thorough ignorance on economic matters by stating plainly on the ABC 7.30 program that “we do not have a revenue problem we have an expenditure problem,” when statistics CLEARLY indicate WE have BOTH!
international / prose / post

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