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text The Reckless Guns of October 2015 Daniel Lazare via jaxie, Saturday, Oct 17 2015, 12:10am
Reports that U.S. and Russian warplanes came within 10 to 20 miles of one another – just a few seconds at supersonic speeds – illustrates how dangerous the military situation in Syria has become. So are calls by Al Nusra, Al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, for jihadis in the Caucasus to kill Russians in retribution for every Syrian death.
international / prose / post

text “Providing Material Support for Terrorism” is a Crime! jess, Friday, Oct 16 2015, 10:50pm
Many individuals have been prosecuted, persecuted, jailed or Drone assassinated/murdered by the USA for committing the above crime, including misguided Australian David Hicks who spent many years in Guantanamo Bay suffering many extreme abuses and psychological tortures similar to those endured by Chelsea (Bradley) Manning, now serving a 35 year sentence for disclosing Pentagon crimes against humanity to Wikileaks. But the list of the persecuted does not end or begin there.
international / prose / post

drone_21.jpg image Drone Papers: Leaked Military Documents Expose US 'Assassination Complex' Nadia Prupis via stacey, Friday, Oct 16 2015, 8:37am
After years of outlining the illegality -- Drones are essentially an imprecise, civilian killing US terrorist weapon -- the insider leaked information below confirms the obvious and already known. The result of course will be the usual inaction of the population, as previous compromising material was comprehensively ignored by American and global dreamboats too busy taking 'selfies' to concern themselves with reality and State criminality. The REAL 'drones' are not well known US terrorist weapons they are the couldn't care less masses. Indeed, what hope is there for a nation that is led by a FLAGRANT war criminal that openly boasts of secret 'assassination/kill lists' and says that 'killing is his strong suite.' Fuck you, America! (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

text Washington’s Response to Russia’s Successful Campaign in Syria – supply MORE weapons to Terrorists! justin, Thursday, Oct 15 2015, 9:23am
I mean really, do the dunderheads in Washington really believe there is such a thing as a ‘moderate’ TERRORIST? Little wonder the entire region has been plunged into chaos for YEARS. Take a sober look at Washington’s achievements to date: a ruined chaotic Iraq, which spawned ISIL, the absolute horror and degradation of war torn, occupied Afghanistan, and the granddaddy of all US/NATO criminal efforts to date, Libya, now a destabilised anarchic state of total chaotic ruin!
international / prose / post

Unelected, conceited PM Turnbull, full of shit and himself image More Crap from Turnbull baz, Thursday, Oct 15 2015, 2:45am
OK, Mr ‘G Sachs’ Turnbull, we know it’s all legal but so what, it’s the globalist corporations, which you diligently serve that have engineered the creation and use of tax havens in the Cayman Islands and elsewhere in order to avoid taxes in the nations from which they rape their profits. So, who do these tax havens benefit most and primarily serve? Answer, large corporations/banks and the filthy rich or the elite 1%, that’s who, and Turnbull is a member of that UNREPRESENTATIVE, exclusive club of money grubbing, anti-Christian values, and un-Australian, selfish pigs. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Unrepresentative PM, Malcolm 'G Sachs' Turnbull image Unelected, Representative of the 1%, Oz PM Malcolm Turnbull Feebly Defends Cayman Island Investments justin, Wednesday, Oct 14 2015, 1:25am
It seems that the Oz opposition Labor Party has finally realised how easy it is to expose and DEFEAT an unelected, ELITIST PM whose background with Goldman Sachs and lawyer to Plutocrat Kerry Packer DEFINES him not only as an elitist but as a SERVANT of the MINORITY, elitist 1% – but why did it take so long to see the obvious, you Labor dummies? So there’s no mystery as to why Turnbull has not reversed any of Abbott’s harsh policy attacks on average Aussies and the vulnerable in the community, while at the same time allowing the big end of town a free ride. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text MH-17 Shootdown Critical Evidence Withheld from Dutch Investigators dale, Tuesday, Oct 13 2015, 9:38pm
Immediately after MH-17 was shot down, America accused Russia of the crime and claimed it had satellite evidence to prove it. You would think that if this evidence did not 'compromise the USA' it would have been furnished to the official Dutch investigative team but not so; it seems that deprived of critical evidence the Dutch conclusion, which was expected, may be as trustworthy as the Swiss Cheese US government report on the 9/11 attack. America would do well to realise that its transparent and inept attempts to distort reality no longer cut it in today's aware world. So Mr screaming (at the time) Sec. of State Kerry, let's see your evidence and let's see if it holds up to international scrutiny, you lying, criminal dunce.
international / prose / post

turkish_riots1.jpg image Turkey Pays Price for Dancing with the Devil Charis Chang via darcy, Tuesday, Oct 13 2015, 8:38pm
Indeed, allowing the US and Gulf State vassals to utilise Turkey to supply ISIL has led to internal instability, it seems megalomaniac neo-Sultan Erdogan has completely lost the plot especially by attempting to embroil NATO (shooting down Russian jet) in its fight to eliminate Kurdish opposition. Well Mr megalo president, suck on the very real possibility of a Turkish failed State. Hopefully the current nation-wide unrest should sound a clear warning to other players that dance with and support ISIL. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The America Syndrome – Kill, Destroy and Conquer, War in a Word rade, Tuesday, Oct 13 2015, 12:15am
The title encapsulates a hard historical and current reality, yet few see the obvious which presents the undisguised USA as it is, a genocidal, conquering, avaricious brute.
international / prose / post

Abbott and Turnbull, two peas in a pod image Australia, to its Great Shame, Proposes Extending Anti-Terrorism Laws/Powers Over Minors baz, Monday, Oct 12 2015, 10:28am
As an Australian, I am truly aghast at the latest appalling news regarding labelling and targeting minors as young as 14, as terrorists and placing them under restrictions and monitoring, what fuckin’ next, restricting kindergartens where children throw mud pies at each other, notwithstanding that the measure would CREATE TERRORISTS out of sensitive, impressionable, confused, persecuted (by authorities) youths undergoing biological changes to adulthood. At the very least the experience would scar them for life – what a thoroughly mindless action that should be immediately opposed by ALL rational, thinking politicians in parliament. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text WWIII ALERT: Cameron gives OK to RAF to shoot down Russian Jets Jake Burman via jason, Monday, Oct 12 2015, 1:01am
It's confirmed, lunatic UK government gives all clear to RAF to shoot down Russian fighter jets and bombers over Syria/Iraq, if 'provoked!' The world is now facing the distinct possibility of escalation and WWIII. The threat comes after allied forces have lost face after years of ineffective bombing campaigns and Russia's spectacular success fighting terrorists in Syria of all stripes. Russia, as any rational person would agree, makes no distinction between so-called 'moderate,' al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist groups and ISIS. In fact, the reason that allied forces have been unsuccessful to date is that they support terror groups on the ground which change sides after obtaining western money and weapons; the result of course is more chaos and an unnecessarily prolonged conflict.
international / prose / post

turkishflag.jpg image Turkey is the next failed state in the Middle East David P. Goldman via sal, Saturday, Oct 10 2015, 10:59pm
We do not know just who detonated the two bombs that killed 95 Kurdish and allied activists in Ankara Saturday, but the least likely conjecture is that President Erdogan’s government is guiltless in the matter. As Turkish member of parliament Lutfu Turkkan, tweeted after the bombing, the attack “was either a failure by the intelligence service, or it was done by the intelligence service.” (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Russian jet 'shot down' by Turkish forces after entering Turkish air space Taku Dzimwasha via jason, Saturday, Oct 10 2015, 10:31pm
A Russian air force jet has been shot down by Turkish forces after it strayed into the country's airspace, according to unconfirmed reports. Eyewitnesses reported a large explosion in Huraytan, northern Syria, as three fighter jets were sighted flying overhead, the Express said.
international / prose / post

text US Forced to Abandon Program to Train and Support 'Moderate' Terrorists in Syria Deirdre Fulton via gail, Saturday, Oct 10 2015, 7:56am
For all the tax-payer money that was spent the return has been abysmal as was the original idea to utilise al-Qaeda affilitates as a proxy fighting force in Syria to oust Assad. The end result of this gross incompetence is that it forced a dormant superpower to LEGALLY intervene to quell the violence and chaos -- well done American DUNCES. Is there no end to American stupidity and the wanton violence, destruction and chaos it causes?
international / prose / post

Elitist PM Malcolm Turnbull, "leave," if you dislike Australian values image Insidious American Propaganda and the Demonization of the Australian Muslim Community darcy, Saturday, Oct 10 2015, 12:30am
A recent ‘terror’ event in Parramatta Sydney perpetrated by an alienated, impressionable and clearly disturbed 15yo Muslim youth, which resulted in the death of a police accountant and the ‘suicide by the other,’ death of the perpetrator has sparked various forms of mindless community outrage and appalling announcements by the current unelected PM Malcolm Turnbull, who immediately announced to the press that if some people dislike Australian values they should ‘get out, leave the country,’ piss off in other words, which amounts to a monumental cop out and flags the INABILITY of the new PM to effectively deal with OUR social problems, which, as will be explained, have been created by US propagandists to serve their own interests of global hegemony and plunder. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Double Standards and Hypocrisy by‭ ‘‬new‭’ ‬Oz PM Malcolm Turnbull Exposed jane, Friday, Oct 9 2015, 2:19am
It has recently been revealed that Mr‭ “‬transparent‭” ‬government,‭ ‬Oz PM,‭ ‬Malcolm Turnbull,‭ ‬is using a private email server,‭ ‬a la Hillary Clinton,‭ ‬to communicate with colleagues,‭ ‬journos and‭ ‘‬others,‭’ ‬who knows their identities and the content of those emails,‭ ‬hackers of course‭? ‬But security is not the issue here it is the usual lying and searing hypocrisy of conservative politicians.
international / prose / post

text The Pope is a Socialist jude, Thursday, Oct 8 2015, 9:49am
The truth is I cannot say one way or the other, however, what is clear is that if the Pope followed the teachings of Christ he would be, as the overriding theme in the Gospels is Jesus’ detestation of wealth and privileged ruling elites that exploit the masses; indeed, Jesus was a man of the underclass, the oppressed and abused. However, to distract from the dominant social reform message of the New Testament Christian religious institutions focus on the miracles and absurdities, walking on 'water' (unruly emotions), curing the 'blind,' raising the 'dead' and other 'miraculous' misinterpretations, fodder for the mentally bereft, while elite religious leaders of today enrich themselves exactly like the priest class that Jesus detested and constantly railed against.
international / prose / post

text Australian Democracy and the TPP claire, Thursday, Oct 8 2015, 2:00am
By definition democracy is MAJORITY rule either directly or by political representation, as is most often the case. Representation occurs by political hopeful’s spruiking their support/policies in favour of the public/MAJORITY interest, as it is the majority that votes representatives into power, granting support or a mandate from the majority to rule in their interests – the entire procedure is open and transparent, an absolutely critical factor in democratic systems of government.
international / prose / post

beareagle.jpg image Putin: The Emperor Has NO Clothes zed, Wednesday, Oct 7 2015, 10:01pm
With that reality emphatically stated by Putin to the ENTIRE WORLD over recent months in various venues, most notably the UN GA, America stands naked as it is, a bumbling nest of liars, delusionists, lunatics, gross INCOMPETENTS and other assorted mass murdering psychopaths that have no idea what to do now that their propaganda/mesmerising balloon has been burst. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Deputy Police Commissioner Burn image Preventative Crime and Inept Policing in Australia shane, Tuesday, Oct 6 2015, 10:47pm
Murdoch rags are in full sensationalist swing over the tragic death of an accountant working for the NSW police. The Daily Sensationalist (Telegraph) is portraying the perpetrator, an obviously disturbed impressionable, deluded, underage youth, as a “terror gunman” but clearly the perpetrator was far from a man responsible for his own actions, but why let a rational perspective get in the way of sensationalist news and reporting when the bottom line is PROFIT, isn’t that right Mr Murdoch, who incidentally should be arrested for incitement to cause community unrest and perhaps violent retaliatory action from the morons that read his rags. (story and 1 image)
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