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text Contrition Does NOT Absolve you of your CRIMES Mr Blair james, Sunday, Oct 25 2015, 9:56pm
In a recent interview former UK PM Tony Blair, member of the coalition of willing criminals, along with John Howard of Australia and G W Bush, admitted the illegal -- under UN Charters and the Geneva Convention (pre-emptive war is simply a crime) invasion of Iraq which resulted in the deaths of millions, the destabilisation of Iraq and contributed to the rise of ISIS, which in turn has resulted in today’s chaos and horror in the Middle East requiring the intervention of TWO superpowers.
international / prose / post

refugeechildren.jpg image My Heart Breaks when I witness Innocent Children paying the price for American Crimes Rory Smith via jill, Sunday, Oct 25 2015, 1:21am
Shame on you America and shame on you WORLD for allowing the world's leading civilian killing nation, the USA, to get away with its crimes against HUMANITY. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Putin whistling dixie image Exposé: An Insiders Account on the Illegal Dismemberment of Yugoslavia justin, Saturday, Oct 24 2015, 11:40pm
The 'Divide and Conquer' strategy revealed in the two videos below from one of the players involved needs little introduction. It leaves no doubt regarding the blueprint the US and Western allies followed in the Middle East and North Africa with the express purpose to illegally remove non-compliant governments/leaders, particularly those with socialist tendencies and create havoc, destabilise and install corrupt, compliant, powerless puppet governments that serve Western elite interests, not the interests of the people of the West or East. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

John Kerry, with the Truth in his eye image America the Farce Credibility in Tatters dan, Saturday, Oct 24 2015, 10:12am
If it looks like a stooge, walks like a stooge, and gallivants around the world acting like a stooge, it’s John Kerry, the US Secretary of State. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text The “Islamic State” (ISIS) Counteroffensive in Syria Crushed by Russia staff report via jaxie, Saturday, Oct 24 2015, 8:37am
On October 21, the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Al-Nusra” and its allies from Jund Al-Aqsa launched a powerful assault on the strategic town of Al-Si’in inside the Hama province. Intense firefights between the militants and the civilian-led “National Defense Forces” (NDF) have been going since yesterday.
international / prose / post

text Russia Granted Authorization To Strike ISIS Inside Iraq staff report via sam, Saturday, Oct 24 2015, 8:20am
The Iraqi government authorized Russia to target Daesh convoys coming from Syria, a senior Iraqi official said.
international / prose / post

text Birth Certificates and Subjection sylph, Friday, Oct 23 2015, 12:02pm
Have you ever considered the absurdity of State issued birth certificates, what’s the implication here? Answer: you are not born until the State decrees you have been by issuing a birth certificate verifying you have been born and exist, notwithstanding that nature is a difficult reality to undermine or deny.
international / prose / post

Would YOU allow this creature to trigger WWIII? image Qatar Threatens Direct Military Intervention in Syria james, Thursday, Oct 22 2015, 11:31pm
Qatar, a well-known US vassal and overt supporter of ‘moderate’ and extreme terrorists in Syria and Iraq, has for its own reasons and urgings from Washington threatened military intervention in response to Russia’s lightning success in ridding war-torn Syria of ALL terrorists. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

ew2.jpg image Russia Is Winning the Electronic War Paul Mcleary via zed, Thursday, Oct 22 2015, 11:30am
It comes at different times, and in different forms. But as they have charted the war in southeast Ukraine over the past year, drones flown by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe have run into the same problem: Russian troops on the ground are jamming them into virtual blindness. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Israeli Colonel Leading ISIL Terrorists Arrested in Iraq staff report via jess, Thursday, Oct 22 2015, 7:59am
It has long been known that Israel, Jordan, the USA and various US Gulf State vassals have together armed trained and supported ISIL, their proxy fighting force on the ground deployed in order to create havoc and eventually, it was hoped, to redraw sovereign State borders in the nations in which they invaded/operate. A previous account of Israeli involvement/support, which Netanyahu, now losing his mind, was forced to admit is accurate was the extraordinary fact that wounded high ranking ISIL leaders were flown from various battlefields to hospitals in Tel Aviv to receive expert medical care!
international / prose / post

text Putin Forces US to Whistle Another Tune on Syria Mike Whitney via sal, Wednesday, Oct 21 2015, 9:46am
The Russian-led military coalition is badly beating Washington’s proxies in Syria which is why John Kerry is calling for a “Time Out”.

On Monday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called for an emergency summit later in the week so that leaders from Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Jordan could discuss ways to avoid the “total destruction” of Syria. According to Kerry, “Everybody, including the Russians and the Iranians, have said there is no military solution, so we need to make an effort to find a political solution. This is a human catastrophe that now threatens the integrity of a whole group of countries around the region,” Kerry added.
international / prose / post

blair_noose2.jpg image The Smoking Gun Memo: Tony Blair Should Stand Trial for War Crimes, Say 96% in British Poll Tom Steele via tracy, Wednesday, Oct 21 2015, 8:51am
In a recent poll by ATIS, and before the release of the “smoking gun memo”, an astonishing 96% of people agreed that Tony Blair should stand trial for war crimes. The poll sample was taken from over 4700 votes spread over several websites, so even allowing for a very large margin of error, I think we can safely conclude that the majority of people believe Tony Blair is a war criminal and should stand trial for war crimes. (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

Maram Susli image Why Russia is Serious About Fighting Terrorism and the US Isn’t Maram Susli aka 'Syrian Girl' via jaxie, Wednesday, Oct 21 2015, 12:39am
Russia in the few days it has been fighting terrorism in Syria has achieved far more than the US coalition. According to the New York Times, Russia’s fighter jets are conducting nearly as many strikes in a typical day as the American-led coalition has been carrying out each month this year, a number which includes strikes conducted in Iraq – not just Syria. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Obama, liar, traitor and fraud, swearing to protect against all enemies, domestic and foreign image “The Enemy of My Enemy” is NOT My Friend according to Washington justin, Tuesday, Oct 20 2015, 10:07pm
In perhaps one of the most lame-brained PUBLIC shows of thorough stupidity and idiocy beyond rational comprehension, Washington has refused to cooperate with Russia in its LEGAL fight against ALL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. The reason, which is also widely publicised, is simple, AMERICA SUPPORTS TERRORIST FACTIONS in Syria that it once considered a threat to the entire civilised WORLD, the ‘al-Nusra’ front, which is the al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

glen_copper.jpg image Reading the Chinese Dragon -- the Impact on the Global Economy Jim Edwards via bruce, Tuesday, Oct 20 2015, 3:13am
To put it simply, as far as the west is concerned, we’re in for it, by that I mean a massive recession. China is eminently readable and only fools and economists not interested in divulging the truth would state otherwise. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Self-satisfied, unelected elitist, Malcolm Turnbull - a smooth version of corporate-serving Abbott image ‘Wow! Latest poll shows Malcolm Turnbull is really killing it’ gail, Sunday, Oct 18 2015, 9:28pm
The Google news listing for this Murdoch trash of an article is, “Malcolm Turnbull is really killing it,” indeed he is, “killing” the living standards of the vast majority of Australians, but are we surprised? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Sycophant and demented dunce, Paul Myler image Obsequious Vassal Australia Compromises Itself Yet Again staff report via reg, Saturday, Oct 17 2015, 9:42pm
Notwithstanding Australia's well trained Washington parrot FM Julie Bishop spouting almost verbatim US demented foreign policy at every opportunity, now we have the Australian ambassador to Russia attempting to take the knee-walking trophy for himself. Mentally bereft diplomat Paul Myler said the US led coalition requires no help from Russia in its fight against terrorism, REALLY! Would he care to explain why YEARS of coalition bombing campaigns have done virtually nothing to halt the advance of ISIL and eliminate terrorists from the region! Russia, in less than a WEEK of targeting ALL terrorists in Syria has done more to disrupt and defeat them than years of 'brilliant, strategic' and ILLEGAL bombing by the USA and its vassals, an undeniable REALITY Mr Myler -- choke on it you servile, demented clown. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

nazigenocidalzionism.jpg image Israel’s Friday Bloodbath. Washington Condones Israel's Actions Stephen Lendman via sam, Saturday, Oct 17 2015, 8:40pm
Here's the ideological, doctrinal background of Zionist genocide:

7:6 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.

7:16 And thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them: neither shalt thou serve their gods; for that will be a snare unto thee.
(story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

freshfood.jpg image On World Food Day, Celebrating the Power of Regenerative Organic Farming Deirdre Fulton via stacey, Saturday, Oct 17 2015, 9:07am
As environmentalists, humanitarians, and farmers from around the globe celebrate the 35th annual World Food Day on Friday, sustainability advocates are heralding the capacity of organic regenerative agriculture and agroecology to address wide-ranging challenges from climate change to public health to hunger. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Turnbull Supports Corporate mates NOT the People shirl, Saturday, Oct 17 2015, 1:58am
While opposition parliamentarians fail to connect the dots on unrepresentative elitist Turnbull and appropriate tactics, unelected (let’s hope he never is) elitist Oz PM Malcolm ‘G Sachs’ Turnbull, passes NON-transparency legislation for his corporate and big business mates, did we expect an undisguised, arrogant and conceited elitist not to support the elite minority of which he clearly is a member? Businesses that earn over one hundred $million per annum now are not required to disclose how much tax they pay, indeed, a very convenient and ‘helpful’ law that ONLY assists tax-avoiding companies some of which pay no tax by manipulating the system while average working Aussies that are not able to exploit these tax avoiding avenues shoulder the greater tax burden, notwithstanding their wages have remained stagnant for years while living costs and prices have soared.
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