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text Why ALL Doctrines and Ideologies FAIL sonny, Monday, May 23 2016, 11:27am
Indeed, the proof is in your face. Religion is a failure. Capitalism and Socialism are failures, all doctrinaire, encoded superimpositions on human nature inevitably fail, WHY? Can you guess, because deliberative thought would lead you astray, understand? Doctrines and Ideologies are the fruits of thought and just look at the blood curdling ‘success’ rates of thought-out doctrines on how we should live and structure our lives/societies.
international / prose / post

'Bill Turnbull,' neither is fit to lead the nation image Tinder jess, Monday, May 23 2016, 2:22am
Australia is a land of physical extremes, it is beset by raging bush fires, infernos, more accurately, and the cause, tinder, dry dead undergrowth, or fire fuel, which must be regularly burnt off to avoid raging infernos. A social analogy can be immediately drawn, the social equivalent is disillusionment with the political status quo, the population sees through the entire ruse today. The number of Aussies fed up with Oz mainstream politics is staggering. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Take Back YOUR Nation ben, Sunday, May 22 2016, 10:19am
Today it is obvious, western and other governments do not represent the people they are commissioned to SERVE. Does anyone doubt it?
international / prose / post

text American Propaganda: what REALITY Says justin, Sunday, May 22 2016, 12:28am
NATO is increasing its military forces in preparation for an illusory aggression by Russia in Europe and the Baltic States -- Putin has refused to play ball as he shamelessly did with Bush, which allowed NATO/US to install ‘defensive’ missile systems along Russia’s European land borders, which affords the west a tactical proximity advantage.
international / prose / post

text Strike at the Root stacey, Saturday, May 21 2016, 12:17am
The world is fraught with seemingly insurmountable problems today not the least of which is a tiny cabal of mega-wealthy psychopathic interests (mega-bankers and transnational corporations) that have effectively taken control (via money) of western governments and have inflicted their doctrine of permanent war, population containment, stagnant/depressed wages, pan surveillance and the erosion of liberties and freedoms, which were once taken for granted. They do this with scant regard for human life, the environment, or anything else while they engage in destructive wars and economic policies, which are tearing the social fabric and world apart – clearly we a dealing with homicidal psychopaths, as social injustice and needless wars only end in ruin for all including this mega-wealthy elite.
international / prose / post

Bill Shorten, no account where it counts image McDonalds, Coles, Woolworths workers lose in union pay deals Ben Schneiders, Nick Toscano, Royce Millar via gail, Thursday, May 19 2016, 2:33am
Hundreds of thousands of Australian workers ripped off by SDA union's cozy deal with multinationals. This is clearly Shorten's province and unfortunately Shorten has a track record of selling out workers. SUPPORT your traditional support base Bill, or be confirmed as just another puppet of the corporations. The following story reveals much, especially the dirty trick the SDA pulled on its members. The union is incredibly supporting Coles, not workers, in its case against an employee taking action against Coles for decreased overall wages -- which, according to industrial law is illegal as no EBA should leave workers worse off than legally set award rates. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

PM Turnbull with minister, Peter Dutton image Major Faux Pas by Oz racist Conservative Party marie, Wednesday, May 18 2016, 3:14am
Oz political commentators seem to be in agreement on one thing in relation to the unusually extended Federal election campaign, the longest in half a century, and that is the election will be lost by the party that commits the most blunders and so far the leaders in that area are the incumbent conservatives. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Forced to Vote for the Lesser of two Evils is not Democracy stacey, Tuesday, May 17 2016, 11:54am
Here we go again, candidates from the two major corporate owned and controlled parties are feeding the voting public simplistic emotive slogans. Xenophobic, parochial Australia is obsessed with ‘boat people’ thanks to the Murdoch press, though dumb Aussies fail to ask the price in tax-payer dollars ‘border protection’ policies are costing every Australian.
international / prose / post

dronetruth.jpg image The Great Leap Backward: America’s Illegal Wars on the World Luciana Bohne via trudy, Monday, May 16 2016, 7:11am
Can we face it in this election season? America is a weapons factory, the White House a war room, and the president the manager of the neoliberal conspiracy to recolonize the planet. It exports war and mass poverty. On the economic front, usurious neoliberalism; on the military front, illegal wars. These are the trenches of America’s battle for world domination in the 21st century.

If not stopped, it will be a short century. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

audio It’s About TIME! darcy, Monday, May 16 2016, 12:33am
Any clown out there that imagines that the western world is not in crisis in dreaming, the corruption and rot of financial debt-enslaving institutions and tax-avoiding multinationals have brought the world to its knees – these corrupt, mega-wealthy criminal thieving interests have already plunged the world into an economic tailspin (2008) from which it hasn’t and can never recover, the western world continues its downward spiral and makes the $trillions in so-called ‘stimulus’ or QE look like charity for the wealthy one percent; millions of people in Europe, UK, America face AUSTERITY, refugee floods, due to US regime change wars and or economic exploitation, ask your parents about the standard of living they enjoyed if you wish to apprehend today’s reality. (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

text The Globalists are Pushing the World to the Brink of Nuclear War val, Sunday, May 15 2016, 12:13am
The nefarious global elite, the mega-bankers and corporatist elites, which own all major political parties in the western world and so pursue their heinous agenda for world domination via puppet politicians that legislate legal pan-surveillance states and ‘free trade deals,’ which subvert the sovereign rule of democratic nations, exploit and pollute everything that is exploitable and then utilise off-shore tax havens, which they created, in order to shirk their tax responsibilities, which immoral act results in national/global hardship for the masses, have come to the end of the line.
international / prose / post

text What is the Oz Election Really About? stan, Saturday, May 14 2016, 1:51am
This question is the most critical to be asked today as the two major parties are at it again, claim and counter claim, negative heaped on negative -- and in the end regardless of which lying major party gains office -- YOU/we, the people are WORSE off -- historical FACT, we lose every time. Why?
international / prose / post

Turnbull, smug, elitist, sellout, prick! image Hey, Australia, ever heard of Democracy? cyd, Thursday, May 12 2016, 2:41am
The current elite serving PM of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull, is a disconnected former merchant banker and former employee of Goldman Sachs, perhaps the most criminal large bank in the world today; he has also acted as legal advisor to Kerry Packer, who among other things, was a plutocrat. Turnbull has also been named in the Panama Papers for using shelf-companies in order to evade tax, but disavows any illegality, how so? Well, you see, the multinational globalists that today engineer ‘free trade deals’ in secret, to serve THEIR interests also created tax havens to be utilised only by the well-heeled in society, so of course multi-millionaire lawyer/banker/tax avoider, Turnbull, availed himself of these legal rorts, so technically no laws have been broken only moral codes of fair play, ethics and Christian values. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Rise of Extremist Demagogues ben, Wednesday, May 11 2016, 12:10am
It’s a sad indictment on humanity when demagogues are so easily able to manipulate the masses. True, people everywhere are sick and tired of sell-out, lying politicians, they are easily identified; and so demagogues are exploiting the public’s disenchantment with the political establishment/status quo.
international / prose / post

text Engineered DEBT and the Australian Federal Election dulcie, Tuesday, May 10 2016, 12:01am
The pivotal political discourse that 'occupies' most western nations today is debt and national deficits, but have you ever asked yourself to whom is national debt owed, because you should? The never ceasing political rants about debt, revenue and spending are merely surface rhetorical discourse. Debt, private and national is largely owed and/or underwritten by the mega-banks, the largest of which is the US ‘Federal’ Reserve, a private enterprise to be sure, as there is nothing Federal about the Federal Reserve. However, this privately owned banking enterprise has set up a global network of Reserve Banks (with governors - lol) that are all linked to the head of the octopus in the US. Sure, many dollar outlets, exist, IMF, World Bank etc., however, they ALL answer to the cartel which is the Global Reserve Banking cartel.
international / prose / post

banksyoon.jpg image I Am An Immigrant drue, Monday, May 9 2016, 12:07am
It was a clear summer day, when I first walked George Street Sydney as a four year old holding the hand of my mother who was raised in this country. I will never forget that day, the tone was easy, people were easy, the place was relaxed in stark contrast to where I was born in Eastern Europe -- it was 1955. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Tough Luck Aussie battlers image Oz Elections and Budget: No Breaks or Relief for MAJORITY of Aussies darcy, Saturday, May 7 2016, 11:11pm
Turnbull is playing his declining polls by calling an early election and has foolishly ignored the plight of average Aussies -- the voting MAJORITY -- in his do-nothing for the people disgraceful, UNFAIR budget, however, his party, as usual, offers breaks for those that do not need it -- it will cost him and his lying, heartless party dearly. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Greenpeace Leaks Expose the Social Horror of the TTIP Deirdre Fulton via gail, Tuesday, May 3 2016, 8:48pm
The secret documents represent roughly two-thirds of the latest negotiating text, and in several cases expose for the first time the position of the U.S.

It has long been known that western governments are subject to elite corporatist interests so it is little wonder why YOUR treasonous governments sell you out to minority elite interests.
international / prose / post

text Name just One nation where American Intervention has done any Good drake, Monday, May 2 2016, 9:32pm
Afghanistan is a cot case and so too are Iraq, Libya and Syria, US military interventionism has PROVEN to be a TOTAL FAILURE yet the CFR directed mass media/propaganda apparatus has kept the horrid TRUTH from the people. LIES, omissions, distractions and misinformation are the order of the day and so the masses are kept ignorant of the heinous crimes the USA and its allies commit on a DAILY basis.
international / prose / post

text NATO Turkey -- Criminal State darcy, Monday, May 2 2016, 12:11am
The relationship between ISIS (Saudi/US proxy fighting group) and Turkey couldn't be closer, no surprise for the informed. The following video adds to the already indisputable criminal connection between ISIS and NATO Turkey. Now watch the lies, omissions and feeble propaganda that issues from the CFR controlled western mass media.

"The signs will be there for all to read
When man shall do most heinous deed
Man will ruin kinder lives
By taking them as to their wives.

And murder foul and brutal deed
When man will only think of greed.
And man shall walk as if asleep
He does not look - he many not peep
And iron men the tail shall do
And iron cart and carriage too.

The kings shall false promise make
And talk just for talking's sake
And nations plan horrific war
The like as never seen before
And taxes rise and lively down
And nations wear perpetual frown."

Read entire poem here.
international / prose / post

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