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text Carefully pre-planned NATO/Turkish Attack on Russian SU-24 Valentin Vasilescu via james, Monday, Dec 7 2015, 8:09pm
The elements presented during a Press conference in Moscow by General Viktor Bondarev, chief of staff of the Russian Air Force, leave no doubt – the Turkish aviation, which had been informed of the flight plan of the Russian Sukhoï, in accordance with the agreements on military co-ordination, had already recieved prior instructions to assume attack position. These elements invalidate the position of NATO.
international / prose / post

Father and son imagevideo Black Lives Matter – All Lives Matter grey, Monday, Dec 7 2015, 8:55am
The video linked below produced by the Oz ABC, is compelling and in my opinion is must see material. Aside from its powerful primary discourse its secondary no less important discourse highlights the fact that Barack Obama is a white man, as colour/race is principally determined by mindset or ideology and Obama, who recklessly murders innocent civilians with his drone attacks and his proxy Jihadi fighters in the Middle East, is no less culpable than US police that summarily execute numerous innocent, black Americans. (story and 1 image and 1 video)
international / prose / post

clintonobama.jpg image Total Disconnect – Obama’s Address to the Nation jude, Sunday, Dec 6 2015, 11:28pm
Obama once again displayed the complete disconnect he did at the recent UN GA, he seems to have learned nothing since, his address to the nation on Sunday clearly indicates a very dangerous failure to realise that the vast majority of the global and American population, KNOW BETTER and are aware of REALITY, particularly the complicity of Washington in supporting terrorist fighting groups in Syria acting as its proxies. The evidence supplied by Russia and others is OVERWHELMING, notwithstanding local media reports of USAF cargo planes dropping arms and supplies to proxy terrorist fighters in Syria after Russia wiped out their weapons caches and stores. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text What’s the point of Law and Conventions if they are Flouted? justin, Sunday, Dec 6 2015, 9:35am
The situation in the world today is critical, western powers have deliberately pushed the world to the brink of war, and what do you imagine the global masses are doing about it? Nothing, absolutely NOTHING! People wonder why justice is an empty word today but they fail to see that fault rests directly on their shoulders.
international / prose / post

ALL eyes are on Xi image NATO Provokes Russia, Turkey makes hay M.K. Bhadrakumar via darcy, Sunday, Dec 6 2015, 3:13am
The week has ended appropriately with the Russian President Vladimir Putin signing in the Kremlin on Friday the Executive Order on Immortalizing the Memory of Yevgeniy Primakov. In the name of Primakov, the great statesman from the Soviet era who played a seminal role in the state formation of the Russian Federation in myriad capacities, Putin decreed that ten scholarships will be established in higher learning in two of Russia’s most elite universities in the field of economics and international relations and that a Russian naval ship under construction will be named after him. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

obama_wallstreet.jpg image Obama Taunts Putin over Syria Sam Husseini via dulcie, Sunday, Dec 6 2015, 12:41am
President Obama mocked Russian President Putin for not fixing Syria during the past month and chided him about Moscow’s Afghan quagmire in the 1980s, proving that Obama has either no self-awareness or no sense of irony given the U.S. misadventures in both countries. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Putin plays Tiddly Winks while US/NATO play Hardball baz, Saturday, Dec 5 2015, 8:53pm
Opinions about the Syrian crisis are as numerous as dead civilian bodies since the US declared its perpetual war strategy using terrorism as the pretext. NATO is utilising Turkey to taunt Putin while it prepares for a direct intervention. Indeed, we are witnessing a slow but steady planned escalation by criminal western powers to fulfil their hegemonic agenda in the Middle East -- published countless times over the years by countless analysts and commentators. The entire western strategy however, is pinned on Putin's known cowardice and reticence to engage in a war with NATO/US powers, HOWEVER, it is UNAVOIDABLE as Putin will soon learn to his regret. There is only one sure means to stop the US and NATO pursuing its criminal agenda and that is for Putin to mobilise his nuclear arsenal and bring it all to a head sooner rather than later, and if the world's population prefers to sit back, watch and be vaporised then so be it! Video below.
international / prose / post

suarez_cannon.jpg image NATO’s Loose Cannon ‘Sultan’ Erdogan Invades Iraq staff report via stacey, Saturday, Dec 5 2015, 11:13am
It seems that criminal lunatic and self-styled ‘Sultan’ Erdogan has pulled another dangerous stunt after shooting down a Russian bomber engaged in legal and sanctioned by the UN, military operations to combat terrorists in Syria. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text NATO – Egg on its Face and Blood on its Hands vic, Friday, Dec 4 2015, 11:09am
After Russia exposed to the world NATO’s involvement in supporting ISIL, though Russia remains mute on the first instance US/NATO deployed its proxy fighting group ISIL in Libya due to Putin’s involvement, mass media focus on ISIL today is on Syria.
international / prose / post

text Putin’s Strongest Weapon, the TRUTH! mitch, Thursday, Dec 3 2015, 4:47am
Putin has exposed for the entire world to see, NATO Turkey’s role in the illegal support of ISIL, particularly facilitating the trade in stolen oil and supporting the movement of Jihadi fighters and weapons/supplies on the ground. Of course any NATO member is tightly associated with Brussels and Washington, and we note that immediately after the shoot down of the Russian bomber over Syria that Obama himself immediately expressed support for Turkey on behalf of NATO and the US, silly (complicit) boy!
international / prose / post

text Erdogan is Blowing the Entire Sordid Syrian Conspiracy Wide Open Tyler Durden via stan, Wednesday, Dec 2 2015, 1:15am
As anticipated megalomaniac and criminal supporter of terrorism, Turkey's leader, 'Sultan' Erdogan, is blowing it for Washington and Brussels. We could have told them so in advance. Oh, what tangled webs we weave with proxy terrorist fighters and supporting corrupt criminal State leaders.
international / prose / post

text Turkey's Foolish Declaration of War on Russia Ekaterina Blinova via jill, Wednesday, Dec 2 2015, 12:41am
What is taking place today is a battle for global dominance, waged by major Western geopolitical players, and what is at stake here is the future of our planet, an anonymous US analyst who goes by the name ‘The Saker’ told Sputnik; as for Daesh, it is simply a weapon, he adds.
international / prose / post

text One Constant of War – the People are Always Losers jude, Sunday, Nov 29 2015, 10:22am
Indeed, few could argue against the obvious reality stated in the title and for those that know all too well – leaders of warring nations -- they prefer to ignore the price civilians pay in their megalomaniacal dreams of conquest. Do US leaders consider civilian death tolls in their insane bid for world domination as outlined in their ‘Project for the New American Century,’ which touts ‘Pax Americana’ and ‘Full Spectrum Dominance,’ document, which is clearly reminiscent of the ‘Thousand Year Reich’ of a previous mass murdering megalomaniac.
international / prose / post

text China announces military overhaul to make PLA Combat Ready Angus Grigg and Lisa Murray via jun, Saturday, Nov 28 2015, 9:00pm
Chinese President Xi Jinping has moved to give himself greater control over the country's armed forces as part of sweeping reforms which will also see Beijing establish its first overseas military outpost. The changes announced late on Thursday aim to bolster the navy, dilute the power of individual commanders while making the armed forces more responsive in combat situations.
international / prose / post

text The Only Thing that Survives a Black Hole is Consciousness nano, Saturday, Nov 28 2015, 12:18am
The reason being that consciousness, NOT mind, which is formulated by time-space/culture, is without physical measurable properties, it is of the essence of existence itself so is not incompatible with the forces that defy all known ‘knowledge,’ or mind productions that exist in and through black holes, which if understood correctly, are merely portals to other dimensions of existence completely distinct from our universe.
international / prose / post

Putin image Putin Caves to Western Provocation mitch, Thursday, Nov 26 2015, 9:38am
Forget Turkey’s role in this direct US/NATO affront – SU-24 shootdown -- to Putin, who was basking in his self-deluded fantasies regarding his successful campaign in Syria. We note from Putin’s feeble response in a meeting with the King of Jordan (interesting timing) that the US/NATO initiative to test Russia’s resolve and true capability was successful in the sense that it confirmed that Putin is unwilling to assert his legal rights and nation’s prerogatives when directly provoked regarding a proportionate military response to an unwarranted and outrageous attack on a Russian warplane conducting legal and UN sanctioned missions to eliminate the terrorist threat in the region. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Self-styled 'Sultan' Erdogan in his Palace image Russian SU-24 shootdown: Erdogan is Lying through his Teeth jess, Thursday, Nov 26 2015, 12:10am
There are a number of factors that clearly indicate that NATO/US pawn Erdogan is lying. These facts are based on the now known and published flight path of the SU-24, its airspeed limitations and capability and Turkey’s feeble explanation to the UNSC, excerpt follows: "This morning (24 November) [two] 2, SU-24 planes, the nationality of which are unknown have approached Turkish national airspace. The Planes in question have been warned 10 times during a period of 5 minutes via 'Emergency' channel and asked to change their headings south immediately." (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Putin’s Weak and Timid Response to Turkey’s Attack mitch, Tuesday, Nov 24 2015, 10:41pm
The world has noted Putin’s response to Turkey’s clear act of aggression on Russia, and it was very weak indeed. Readers will note from the article below that Putin is feigning surprise and treachery, when in fact he knows better and is not surprised, however, he is clearly exhibiting cowardice and is at a loss on how to deal with the situation -- 1 NATO/US alliance, Russia Nil!
international / prose / post

text Putin's Response to Turkey's Act of Aggression via a meeting with King Abdullah of Jordan jude, Tuesday, Nov 24 2015, 9:24pm
The King of Jordan recently attended a meeting with Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Putin utilised the occasion to make plain Russia's response to Turkey's provocation. The text below is Putin's response only, those interested in Abdullah's gracious accord follow link to read entire text.
international / prose / post

text Obama and Erdogan Deliberately Provoke Putin james, Tuesday, Nov 24 2015, 6:27pm
A Russian SU-24 bomber targeting terrorist troop movements along Syrian and Turkish border regions was deliberately shot down by Turkish jets for allegedly entering Turkish air space yesterday. In telephone talks with Erdogan Obama immediately emphasised Turkey’s right to defend its ‘sovereignty ' and that Turkey is “supported by the United States and NATO,” notwithstanding that Turkey is not engaged in a military conflict with Russia, at least not prior to this provocative incident.
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