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text It Didn’t take much to Blow the Lid off US/NATO involvement with Terrorists justin, Monday, Dec 21 2015, 11:41pm
All it took was one power with the means to supply PROOF of the WIDELY KNOWN FACT! So why did it take so long for Putin to do what he could have done years ago? Simply because Putin was on the payroll and western elites filled his head with “partnership” crap to keep him from reacting to the offensive missile installations on Russia’s land borders, notwithstanding the Russian military spitting chips all the while. Make no mistake, Putin is as sleazy and rotten as the rest. However, his military would have no more and so Putin was FORCED to defend Russia and expose the entire fraud of the ‘war on terror’ and the use of western supported proxy fighters including ISIL/Daesh to destabilise and topple targeted resource rich and strategically located SOVEREIGN nations. More crimes have been committed by the western alliance over the past fifteen years than any other bloc on the planet.
international / prose / post

text Syria Peace Talks – US/NATO Stalling for Time jess, Monday, Dec 21 2015, 12:31am
These so-called ‘peace’ talks are nothing but an obvious sham to allow the US/NATO more time to deal with their public exposure by Russia for supporting proxy Jihadi fighters, including ISIL, in Syria and Iraq and facilitating the sales of ISIL's stolen oil, which income replenishes the coffers of the terrorists and numerous criminal nations involved in this sordid illegal trade. And remember that Syria and Iraq have every legal right to institute proceedings to recover their losses from ALL criminal nations proven to be involved in this criminal trade.
international / prose / post

Vladimir Putin just another criminal in a suit image While You Are Watching … rade, Sunday, Dec 20 2015, 2:50am
While the US, its NATO lackeys/vassals and the CFR directed media constantly bleat al-Assad of Syria must go, guess what? You have all fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the propaganda book, ‘BLAME THE VICTIM!’ The Nazis plunged the entire world into war by this means. Of course blaming the victim keeps the mass mind occupied and focused away from the REAL criminals; Oh, you’ve been watching Fox and other western ‘news’ outlets for far too long and you’re not aware of the identities of the REAL criminals. Okay, try this and arrive at your own conclusions. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

bushobamahug1.jpg image What has the US/NATO Criminal Alliance Really Achieved with its Wars over the past 15 years? CHAOS! darcy, Friday, Dec 18 2015, 9:42am
Since the USA embarked on its now widely known criminal rampage under the now transparent and tattered veil of its ‘war on terror,’ the world clearly has not been improved one iota as promised by the lying, resource thieving hounds that designed the (PNAC) perpetual war doctrine in order to plunder the coveted resources of weaker nations. The world today is now a much unsafer place than it was prior to US/NATO embarking on its criminal misadventures, PLAIN to SEE! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text The King is Perplexed luka, Thursday, Dec 17 2015, 7:58pm
A new court jester -- the previous jester was beheaded for failing to amuse the King -- approached the Monarch, “what troubles you sire?” The King, deep in thought, slowly responded, “I am losing the faith of my subjects.” Do not trouble yourself sire, all subjects respond according to their bent.” “How so,” inquired the King? “If your subjects are fickle, entertain and distract them, if they are tame, feed them lies and myths of wonder, if they are uneasy, parade your royal guard in the streets; however, if your subjects possess valour and integrity speak only the Truth and they will support and preserve your Kingdom in all manner of circumstance and tribulation,” the jester replied.
international / prose / post

orion.jpg image Canberra’s sickening Obsequiousness to Washington Unnecessarily risks Lives and Relations james, Wednesday, Dec 16 2015, 9:19am
It is often joked among political analysts and commentators that newly elected Australian governments are issued with knee-pads in order to prevent injury to their knees when dealing with Washington. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text World War III and how it would be Fought judy, Wednesday, Dec 16 2015, 2:34am
The US/NATO criminal alliance is frantically pursuing a war against superpowers Russia and China simply because this lunatic and murderous alliance cannot tolerate a multi-polar world where other nations may not agree with American policies, particularly those dominant policies of attacking, ruining, destabilising then stealing the resources of weaker nations that do not readily submit to unfair exploitation by the west. The world has witnessed numerous US/NATO illegal wars of this nature over the past fifteen years many of which continue today.
international / prose / post

Saudi crown prince Salman -- take a good look at this prick, Saladin he ain't! image Proven World’s Leading Terrorist Sponsor Announces Muslim Coalition to Fight ‘Terrorism’ – LOL! baz, Tuesday, Dec 15 2015, 9:13am
Saudi Arabia has just crossed over from an inverted Orwellian presentation of reality to the theatre of the Absurd, however, few if any western media (propaganda) outlets are willing to state things as they are so a little background information is required. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

video Top CIA Intel Briefer to Bush-Cheney Confirms Administration Lied zed, Tuesday, Dec 15 2015, 12:38am
Well, many years after the event, a little Truth is made public to the banjo-playing Americans living in an Orwellian propaganda State. However, the fact remains that numerous analysts and commentators of the time referred to Hans Blix's UN investigation, which found no evidence whatsoever of WMD or nuclear weapons in pre-invasion Iraq. So WHO failed the nation -- THE PEOPLE OF COURSE? (story and 1 video)
international / prose / post

text Backfire: US Economic Warfare is Leading to a New Model to Replace the Parasitic Banking Model Ellen Brown via dulcie, Sunday, Dec 13 2015, 12:56am
America's thoughtless, violent and mostly counter-productive pursuits for world hegemony are proving to be its downfall. In other words all America is really achieving is its own demise.
international / prose / post

text US/NATO Idiotic and Criminal Antics in Syria jaxie, Saturday, Dec 12 2015, 9:29pm
Russia, as a result of the overt provocations by the US-NATO criminal alliance now has legal carte blanc to conduct its legal campaign against international terrorism in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere – another backfire in the stupid faces of Washington/Brussels’ strategists.
international / prose / post

iilyushin_ii80.jpg image Russian 'doomsday' plane to take to skies as Vladimir Putin prepares for Nuclear War Pat Flanagan via shirl, Saturday, Dec 12 2015, 7:43am
This is what happens when the masses forfeit their democratic rights and prerogatives and allow criminal psychopaths to determine their future. The US has clearly pushed Russia over the edge and Putin now feels he has no choice, well done American war hawks and imbeciles! It may be too late for the people to intervene not that they are able or capable, as they have been trained to passively consume not act in their own best interests. Well, we all reap what we sow and don't sow. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text ISIL and its Criminal Links with the Western Criminal Alliance justin, Saturday, Dec 12 2015, 3:23am
First, it should be clearly stated that the ISIL group is not a nation or state as it does not fulfil definitions of same therefore it is unable to claim legitimate sovereign rights under international law and UN charters. ISIL resides in temporarily occupied territories of sovereign Syria and Iraq currently engaged in eliminating this criminal group. Regardless of whether ISIL declares a Caliphate or creates a semblance to state structures it clearly remains only a criminal organisation involved in the mass murder of civilians, trading on an industrial scale, in stolen property especially oil and precious historical artefacts of sovereign nations. The receivers of stolen goods, NATO/Turkey and Israel, are therefore liable under international law for the losses incurred by Syria and Iraq. The nations that support this criminal group and facilitate the sales of stolen property should be extremely concerned about the inevitability of proceedings against them for the recovery of all losses.
international / prose / post

text NATO is No Better Than Turkey Martin Berger via jill, Friday, Dec 11 2015, 9:16am
While the White House keeps telling the world the tale about America’s pivotal role in the so-called “war on terror”, the people of the world want to know what role the US-led North Atlantic alliance is playing in the sponsoring and arming of the Islamic State (ISIL). Such tales, as well as Washington-backed propaganda campaigns about the “ever-growing threat of the Islamic State” have a common goal: to excuse the staggering expenditures on arms that the US military keeps burning through in order to satisfy a number of arms manufacturers. Yet, the White House is using terrorist attacks around the globe that were supposedly carried out by Islamist groups to carry on its own wars in the Middle East, subjecting the countries it doesn’t like to bombings and devastation.
international / prose / post

abc.jpg image Where to turn when your ‘aunty’ (Oz ABC) loses Integrity? staff report, Friday, Dec 11 2015, 8:34am
We lament what is happening in the CFR captured western mass media, particularly to public broadcasters that were once relied on for REAL, in-depth news coverage. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

'Caliph' Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi image ‘Brainwashing’ and Crowd Control jess, Thursday, Dec 10 2015, 10:45pm
Turning enemy combatants into compliant puppets first became headlines during the Korean war. The American military and political hierarchy were astonished to witness trained USAF pilots and other US military personnel (patriots) captured by the enemy spouting North Korean propaganda against the USA. And so they were desperate to learn these age-old methods of mind manipulation developed in Asia to perfection. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Obama and Bush - mass mudering war criminals image 'Get a lot of blood on your hands, boy … and hang for it!’ staff report, Wednesday, Dec 9 2015, 9:34pm
The title is a variation of a popular song, however, it applies to the US/NATO alliance in a particularly direct way. The US and its collection of spineless lackey States and vassals have much to answer for regarding the horrific and needless spilling of INNOCENT blood over the past 15 years – since America made plain to the world in a publication (PNAC) that it is pursuing an insane agenda for hegemonic control over the entire globe. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Vladimouse Putin image The Apple of His Eye … nano, Wednesday, Dec 9 2015, 7:27am
It has recently been revealed that Russia discussed declaring war on Turkey after the SU-24 incident, that action would have been an entirely legal and appropriate response given the circumstances of the pre-planned attack on Russia, and would also have flushed NATO/US cockroaches from the woodwork, but alas, Putin’s well known hesitancy and cowardice prevailed. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

'MAD' Sultan Erdogan image Turkey Given 24 Hours To Withdraw Invasion Forces From Iraq wire report via jill, Tuesday, Dec 8 2015, 8:43pm
Several hours ago, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi reiterated his demand for Turkey to withdraw its invasion forces from Iraq within 24 hours. This follows on from the previous days demand that Turkey had 48 hours to leave Iraq following its incursion into northern Iraq. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

circusbear2.jpg image “He who hesitates is Lost,” Mr Putin and Mr Xi mitch, Monday, Dec 7 2015, 9:24pm
The above well-known adage applies far more to geopolitics than interpersonal relations as is easily appreciated today. NATO/Turkey has effectively declared war on Russia, an intentional act (downing a Russian bomber engaged in UN sanctioned and legal military operations against international terrorism) to provoke and assess Putin’s reaction. And to date Putin has reacted with ‘words,’ while the western alliance reacts with its military – you are supposed to be an intelligent man, coward notwithstanding, Mr Putin and your failure to act decisively to the increasing challenges you face has of course – as any military officer could have told you -- only intensified western alliance pressure/attacks against you, you mouse. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

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