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text Washington’s Not-So-Invisible [Economic/Military] Hand Jason Hirthler via shirl, Friday, Jul 1 2016, 9:23pm
Scottish philosopher Adam Smith famously noted the “invisible hand” of the market that shaped the character of economies near and far. The rightwing neoliberal capitalist movement, dominant in the West since the early Seventies, has turned this phrase into the sacrosanct dictum of its secular religion. All human behavior must be submitted to the “free market.” (This is the notional credo, but in practice corporate elites are subsidized, bailout out, and given every possible taxpayer benefit to ensure higher private profits.) So now, when nations fail, it is typically said in the media to be the product of a) a crazed dictator threatening counter-intuitive genocide on his own people; or b) foolish state interventions by deranged socialist ideologues.
international / prose / post

Eureka Stockade image Oz Election: Final Word cyd, Friday, Jul 1 2016, 6:11am
On the eve of voting day it would probably assist those who have not as yet seen through the utter garbage issuing from the mouths of both major party puppet leaders. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

votingsheep.jpg image Pre-emptive Oz Election Results justin, Wednesday, Jun 29 2016, 9:52pm
After the majors receive the shock they deserve from a disillusioned, IGNORED public tired of the LIES, meaningless babble, scare campaigns, empty slogans and FAKE financial figures based on “future projects,” wishful thinking in other words -- as if in this extremely unstable world, created by American illegal interventionism and trade wars -- anyone could predict financial outcomes; however, one thing is clear, Shorten must, for the good of the party, GO! Not due to his inability or lack of negotiating and organising skills but simply because he has no presence or leadership bearing and would never be able to gain the support of the majority of Australians. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

rupertmurdochmono.jpg image How the Elite Owned Mass Media Easily Dupes the Public liz, Tuesday, Jun 28 2016, 11:26pm
Distraction and the mind-wiping 24 hour ‘news’ cycle are the principal means today’s mass media employs to shift the focus of the public away from critically important issues to meaningless/fabricated, emotively hyped threats/titillation. Now, choke on this outrageous story which has not been pursued by ANY mass media outlet. Heinous war crimes committed by Tony Blair and his government and G W Bush and his administration remain un-prosecuted! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Hysteria Grips Markets after Brexit tan, Tuesday, Jun 28 2016, 1:27am
Despite assurances from Wall Street, European Central Bank president Mario Draghi, and Britain’s Finance Minister, world markets are in a frenzy. Nevertheless, rational human beings -- unlike neurotic, hysterical, skittish brokers and traders -- are acutely aware that nothing in the real world has changed, trade deals remain, legal obligations/contracts etc, etc, remain in tact, so, what is the key to these losses, unstable currencies, credit downgrades, etc, and not to forget the GAINS made by the mega-wealthy few? Answer, the game is rigged, MANIPULATION -- there is no such thing as the ‘free’ market, the proof is in your face.
international / prose / post

text How The West Was Lost -- Brexit, Widespread Social Discontent and Demagoguery David Michael Green via cyd, Monday, Jun 27 2016, 9:56pm
Does it matter? Well, for some folks it does. In particular, if you’re dis-empowered, lacking a personal sense of agency, and you’ve watched your world get whittled down bit by bit over the last several decades; the sense of doing something, anything, even the sheer joy of authoring some real wreckage, becomes tasty. And all the more so because of its rarity. It’s been so long since you poked a ruling elite joker in the eye, who cares who it is or what comes next, eh? Just do it!
international / prose / post

text Brexit: Majority Repudiation of Faceless Elite Rule John Pilger via gail, Sunday, Jun 26 2016, 8:42pm
The majority vote by Britons to leave the European Union was an act of raw democracy. Millions of ordinary people refused to be bullied, intimidated and dismissed with open contempt by their presumed leaders in the major parties, leaders of the business and banking oligarchy and the elite-owned mass media.
international / prose / post

'Bill Turnbull,' PATHETIC, spineless, PUPPETS! image Oz Elections: Fear Campaigns only appeal to Feeble Minds claire, Saturday, Jun 25 2016, 11:04pm
The surest way to zero credibility for any politician is to engage in fear campaigns; and there they go AGAIN, both Oz leaders! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Disgraceful, owned, incompetent PUPPETS image Brexit and Oz Politicians bruce, Friday, Jun 24 2016, 10:29pm
What a piss-poor grasp our pollies have on REALITY! It is clear that western populations in developed nations have become totally disillusioned with status quo and dishonest, unrepresentative politics. The USA, now the UK, are clear blazing examples that people everywhere are fed up with the usual SLOGANS and hollow rhetorical banter of antiquated-thinking pollies. PEOPLE WANT INTEGRITY from their leaders and they are not getting it, as it is clear that political leaders serve minority elite interests. Put succinctly, PEOPLE EVERYWHERE want the TRUTH and representation not empty rhetoric, slogans and the usual boring TRANSPARENT shit that issues from the mouths of puppet pollies. It could all be summed up in a word INTEGRITY, or the lack thereof! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Paul Keating image Paul Keating Slams Turnbull’s Unfunded $50b tax Gift to Corporates (while population struggles) Jacob Greber via cyd, Thursday, Jun 23 2016, 10:00pm
It's in your FACE Australia; puppet Turnbull's BUDGET ignores the vast majority (75%) of Australians while favouring the corporate elite. Many commentators have already described Turnbull's assessments as "questionable and fanciful." Turnbull hopes that EXTRA benefits granted to the wealthy elite would 'trickle down' to the community at large. Well, history clearly informs us that "trickle down economics" not only FAILS but harms national economies. If more proof is required of Turnbull's INEPTITUDES, TREACHERY and DISHONESTY then just listen to his hollow, unsubstantiated rhetoric. The man CLEARLY serves the business elite NOT the people of AUSTRALIA. Judge him by his ACTIONS (budget) not his empty words! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

turnbullprick.jpg image Is Malcolm Turnbull LYING About Medicare? barry, Wednesday, Jun 22 2016, 9:01pm
Indeed, he is, as did his predecessor Tony Abbott, who failed to dupe the Australian public during his catastrophic, DISHONEST, chaotic, WASTEFUL and DESTRUCTIVE tenure in office. So let’s give it another shot with Abbott lite, Malcolm Turnbull! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Study Shows Americans' Bodies Are Filled With Carcinogens Julie M. Rodriguez via shirl, Monday, Jun 20 2016, 6:56am
It seems it's not enough that Americans' minds are full of media-infused mental pollution, their chemical, pharmaceutical and other toxic industries are now poisoning Americans' bodies during the course of their daily lives.

Do not imagine this entirely avoidable tragedy only applies to America, as it applies to ALL 'developed' nations.

international / prose / post

hyper1project_4202.jpg image Russia Dismantles the Myth of American Invincibility Valentin Vasilescu via dan, Saturday, Jun 18 2016, 11:20pm
The US rules the globe, having a navy three times stronger than that of Russia. Moreover, the Pentagon has created a strategic command to deploy large units of land forces, consisting of hundreds of cargo ships of large capacity. All of these vessels are organized in very strong expeditionary naval groups and around aircraft carriers, amphibious landing ships, and naval convoys of troops and military equipment. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Russian Surprise -- Attack Blows Up Kerry's Delaying Tactics Moon of Alabama via tom, Saturday, Jun 18 2016, 11:09pm
The U.S. is unwilling to stop its [proxy] war on Syria and to settle the case at the negotiation table. It wants a 100% of its demands fulfilled, the dissolution of the Syrian government and state and the inauguration of a U.S. proxy administration in Syria.
international / prose / post

text Hackers are selling access to hacked Corporate/Bank servers Ilya Khrennikov via sqizi, Saturday, Jun 18 2016, 11:59am
Russian hackers have a ten year lead on the rest of the world established in the very early days of computing, and as IT specialists are aware, closing that gap in skills is almost impossible. At the tail end of that Russian skill base a new economic model has emerged.
international / prose / post

David Cameron deferring to Murdoch image The REAL Power Behind ALL Western Governments james, Wednesday, Jun 15 2016, 10:58pm
I am often criticised for claiming that all Western governments are servile to nefarious elite interests. I am often branded a 'conspiracy theorist' by the media/propaganda-washed mindless herd; well, to clarify the point, indeed I am! Conspiracy is NOT a dirty word, it is part of the English lexicon, look it up and get an official interpretation. Better still, read this quote from a member of the Bilderberg and CFR elite, Rupert Murdoch. If you have any doubts about carefully researched claims, take it from the horse's mouth, not me: (story and 4 images)
international / prose / post

text We Must Understand Corporatism In Order to Defeat It Chris Hedges via gus, Wednesday, Jun 15 2016, 5:41am
Many wars are raging today even as I write; this 'perpetual war' strategy is the evil progeny of criminal Corporatism, PROFIT at any cost! We see the obvious wars as the corporate propaganda machine spews out its version of reality, however, there is another war that corporatism fights on the domestic front, and that war is designed to rob us of our democratic rights, liberties and freedoms -- keep the masses ignorant, uninformed, compliant, but above all, PASSIVE!
international / prose / post

notdumb.jpg image The Lesser of two Evils -- the Degeneration of Western Democracies claire, Tuesday, Jun 14 2016, 1:08am
Western populations today face an engineered electoral race between two owned major parties, some ‘choice!’ Whatever you may think about the current status quo, one thing is SURE, democracy has been backgrounded by the interests/forces that always win elections -- any differences veneers between the two major parties quickly evaporate post election, as has been proven time and again. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text A Surprising Way to Stop Bankers From Robbing the People Lynn Stuart Parramore via dulcie, Monday, Jun 13 2016, 5:23am
Does morality have a place in the realm of banking and regulation?

That it feels awkward to even raise the issue is convenient for bankers who engage in reckless and harmful activities every day without fear of punishment.
international / prose / post

hitler.jpg image Nazi Germany was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England Yuri Rubtsov via jess, Monday, Jun 13 2016, 4:44am
More than 70 years ago was the start of the largest human slaughter in history.

The recent resolution of the parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE fully equalizes the role of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany at the outbreak of the Second World War, except that it had the purely pragmatic purpose of extorting money from Russia on the contents of some of the bankrupt economies, intended to demonize Russia as the successor state to the USSR, and to prepare the legal ground for the deprivation of her right to speak out against revision of results of war. (story and 1 image)
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