by sadh Monday, Jun 12 2017, 5:57pm
international /
poetry /
if you could ...
catch me as the stream steals me away
your pipes issue a net of sound
that is inescapable
the goat-foot god is maddening,
his lightning fingers and iridescent lips burn bright
as he pipes and plucks the strings of the cosmos
frenzied, he pulses and gyrates
sweating profusely as he dances and plays
the throb and pulse of life
sweeping everything into his orb
caught, i struggle initially
then realise it’s Him again,
resistance is indeed futile
so i let go of everything
until no-thing remains
not a vestige of individuality
only him/infinity
which screams in bliss and expands with every note/pulse
he creates
catch me if u can --
dense bamboo groves
entrap but blue-winged dragons
offer escape, ascend with every breath
steal me away flying serpent of liberation
help, i once squeaked but now i know
there’s no place to hide,
location, time/space are his
and he knows before i know
which way i would take
where then to run but into his
magical creation
tho i need not exert a fibre
all impetus/power issues from him,
i am caught in the blissful gyrations
of continuity
neptune on the nadir
homeless, nowhere to make a stand
invisible and misunderstood by the world
but who would trade formlessness/invisibility
for recognition and end ignorant like
the formulated drones of this plane, blind and deaf
to his presence and insensitive
to His everlasting, shattering Bliss?
The Love
do not, never abandon me
issue from the very core
and exit from every pore
of my be-ingness,
i am vacant and dread-full
without you,
you know it --
do not slumber in exquisite beauty
awaken and infuse every fibre of my being,
i am yours, you created me
from the dust that is cast away,
the refuse of existence
you came and showered me with
particles of light and i awakened to the purest,
the un-defiled
and rose from the ashes as a Being
granted life by you alone
how is it you would leave me now?
i am lost without you and would return
to the dross where you found me
have mercy my love
the Love that saturates existence
and imbues everything with meaning,
there is no-thing without you
you are the Life and Light,
my Love
every drop of dew on every blade and petal
sparkling in its purity is you
deny me not that sparkle
allow me to light the darkness
that blinds so many from your
it is not me that denies you
you have turned your back
on my children
they are blind and my gift
they deny, the brilliance you experienced
must be given freely or it will depart,
give freely of it or you would deny yourself my
unconditional presence/love
do not judge or draw conditions
and impose them on others
you were granted Love unconditionally,
and unconditionally it must be granted to others,
to the forlorn, lost and those in despair
i promise you, if you show them the same love
i granted you, you would never again feel abandoned
i never forsake any soul, though i am ignored
and cast aside by many
be my light in their darkness
in tears i stand before your soft brilliance
it is my regret alone --
i shall never turn my back on you again
your pledge is my pledge
only in Love do we survive and endure against all
only Love cures the ills of humanity
and the world,
turn not your back on it as i have not
turned my back on You
in thought and deed may your Light
shine in and through me
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