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Identity -- whether it’s really as important as it Pretends
sybil, Monday, Dec 25 2017, 12:22am
It ‘seems,’ a word I would be forced to use often here, that identity or a notion of a separate self is crucial not only to society but to its units, individuals, and note definitions of individual, all dictionary definitions reduce to, ‘a SINGLE separate Self as distinct from others or a group,’ indeed that should be the case, however, reality dictates it is not! And it should be noted that dictionaries avoid defining what it is that creates the difference.
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War Solves Nothing for the Masses!
jaxie, Sunday, Dec 24 2017, 9:26pm
The proof of the title is that after the war to end ALL wars, WWI, we had WWII, a tragic consequence of moral bankruptcy and erroneous thinking; so let’s analyse WWII, essentially a fight against fascist/totalitarian nations wishing to dominate the entire world via violent military means, sound familiar? So who really won WWII? Shallow thinkers immediately blurt, we did, the allied democratic nations of the world! It seems so except for the fact that those nations today have overtly become fascist/totalitarian, oppressive surveillance states, particularly the USA which was once the beacon of world democracy. So who really won WWII? THE FASCISTS, THAT’S WHO -- plain to see, or would you care to name just one representative Democracy in the world TODAY?
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Have YOU Ever Wondered Why?
stacey, Saturday, Dec 23 2017, 8:59pm
The most obvious change in the media today is that the horrors and consequences of needless wars are no longer reported on a daily basis as they were in the 60‘s when media ownership was diversified and less amenable to the control of nefarious elites. Rather than highlight the shocking devastation and cruel injustices of largely criminal wars of aggression, we have bogeymen and fabricated enemies confronting us all around, interesting considering that no western nation has been attacked by another state since WWII.
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Assessed Misinformer of the Year: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
Matt Gertz via melanie, Friday, Dec 22 2017, 8:51pm
A dubious and ironical distinction indeed, especially if we consider that Facebook and Google are the primary vehicles of government CENSORSHIP, commissioned by the nefarious CIA and NSA (which agencies financed the creation of these two IT giants) to remove or background ALL opposing political views that PROVE the government fictional/propaganda narrative is rubbish.or fake at best. Facebook and Google stand out as the primary mediums working for government bodies and agencies AGAINST free speech and the best interests of the people. And so it is ironical that Facebook has been assessed as the leading purveyor of fake news and misinformation this year, via its "personalised news" medium. In fact, Facebook's "personalised newspaper" has become the leading global clearinghouse for misinformation! (story and 1 image)
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UN Defies Trump by Passing Resolution on Jerusalem
Kambiz Foroohar via shirl, Friday, Dec 22 2017, 2:09am
The United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly backed a measure critical of President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel despite U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s warning that the move could put funding for their nations and the global body at risk.
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Russia Tells U.S. Military to Get Out of Syria
John Haltiwanger via jaxie, Friday, Dec 22 2017, 2:02am
Russia ramped up its calls for the U.S. military to depart from Syria on Thursday, contending it has no substantial reasons to be in the country and its presence there "must end."
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$21 trillion of unauthorized spending by US govt discovered by economics professor
staff report via jane, Friday, Dec 22 2017, 1:42am
The US government may have misspent $21 trillion, a professor at Michigan State University has found. Papers supporting the study briefly went missing just as an audit was announced.
Two departments of the US federal government may have spent as much as $21 trillion on things they can’t account for between 1998 and 2015. At least that’s what Mark Skidmore, a Professor of Economics at MSU specializing in public finance, and his team have found.
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Russia and China [Forced to] Challenge Dollar Domination
F. William Engdahl via shirl, Thursday, Dec 21 2017, 7:52pm
Indeed, it is no secret that US power reduces to the dollar as world's default trading currency, not its military which is supported by the dollar. It was an extremely foolish move by the US to engage in a currency war via economic sanctions on Russia, Iran and other nations to a lesser extent, as it has forced those nations to seek alternatives which are now ready to launch on international trading markets.
Sooner rather than later, the dollar will suffer and lose its privileged position as the Yuan would be convertible to GOLD, unlike the worthless paper of American dollars, which value is entirely based on subscription. This is a HUGE incentive for other nations and traders alike. We shall see what eventuates. Though financial 'wizards' (crooks) on Wall Street clearly have planned for this outcome but their control is more tenuous today than ever before, and they have only themselves to blame.
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dulcimer, Thursday, Dec 21 2017, 9:13am
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blake, Thursday, Dec 21 2017, 5:07am
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Enforcing War Reparations Ends Wars for Profit
jess, Wednesday, Dec 20 2017, 9:12pm
A recently published article alerts readers to the reality that the USA, the leading war mongering, civilian killing nation on earth, avoids the responsibility of its grossly illegal and devastatingly destructive war crimes by shifting consequences and costs onto other nations; Germany for one, was forced to absorb most of the millions of displaced refugees from the war-torn Middle East, notwithstanding that the USA and Saudi Arabia were/are DIRECTLY responsible for the refugee crisis the entire world is now facing.
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US War on ISIS Is the Biggest Lie Since the 2003 Iraq Invasion
Darius Shahtahmasebi via gail, Wednesday, Dec 20 2017, 7:18pm
On November 13, 2017, the BBC dropped a bombshell report that exposed how the U.S. cut a secret deal with “hundreds” of ISIS fighters and their families to leave the Syrian city of Raqqa under the “gaze of the U.S. and British-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city.” The convoys reportedly included some of ISIS’ “most notorious” members, as well as its foreign fighters and tonnes of weapons and ammunition.
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Tenuous Bindings that Hold Large Societies Together
justin, Wednesday, Dec 20 2017, 2:01am
Large societies are held together by shared value systems and beliefs, however, these ideological for the most part ‘bindings’ begin to fray when, due to poor leadership, entire societies begin to unravel, as is occurring under Trump in the United States. Trump is a pathological liar, extremely flawed personality and thoroughly self-seeking; he is oblivious to the fact that his absurdist transparent lies and pathological behavior are undermining the very foundations of America itself and subverting American society. His latest foray into the autocratic absurd is a word/expression ban list, which ‘decree’ he has issued to state entities to follow. (story and 1 image)
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CIA Tips Russia About planned ISIS Attack on St. Peterburg
darcy, Monday, Dec 18 2017, 4:40am
A very interesting story (link below) considering that IS/ISIL/ISIS was jointly created, trained, armed and supplied by the CIA and the Saudis, fact, if you care to research the matter, particularly the CIA training ground in Jordan.
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USA is 'World Champion of Extreme Inequality'
Ed Pilkington via claire, Sunday, Dec 17 2017, 8:20pm
Special rapporteur Philip Alston, fresh from fact-finding tour, issues devastating critique of US society and condemns ‘private wealth and public squalor’
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cyd, Sunday, Dec 17 2017, 6:48pm
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zed, Saturday, Dec 16 2017, 10:39pm
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Nearly 20 State AGs to Sue FCC for Putting Corporate Profits Over Consumers
Jake Johnson via claire, Saturday, Dec 16 2017, 10:04pm
Adding to the growing backlash among the public and members of Congress against the FCC's party-line vote on Thursday to repeal net neutrality protections, nearly 20 state attorneys general have lined up to sue the FCC, calling the Republican-controlled agency's move a violation of the law and a serious "threat to the free exchange of ideas."
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The Single Dynamic of all US Politics
jake, Saturday, Dec 16 2017, 9:10pm
The image below says it all, money and more money not only determines political outcomes in the USA, it determines policies, ensuring of course that giant corporations/banks/media continue to reap the highest percentage of available wealth while average people are sent to needless wars for the profit of the FEW and are forced to eat shit at home while unrepresentative others live high on the hog. (story and 1 image)
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“Knowledge is Power,” and that is Precisely Why the FCC is Attempting to Choke/Censor the Internet
justin, Friday, Dec 15 2017, 7:06pm
Any attempt by a government self-styled ‘authority’ to interfere with the free flow of information on any medium is an enemy of the people, a self-evident Truth. It is the duty of every freedom loving, responsible citizen to oppose all such attempts to stifle free speech and opposing views no matter how bizarre, people are intelligent enough to filter codswallop and crap for themselves, and yes, even whackos like Alex Jones and 'lizards rule the world,' David Ike, should be allowed to have their demented say. Real knowledge is power indeed, not the crap/propaganda that is disseminated by the lying, CFR directed, mass media, owned by vested interests.
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