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911_never_forget.jpg image Redacted 9/11 '28 pages' threaten to Destabilise Washington and Incriminate Saudi Arabia Kim Sengupta via gail, Monday, Apr 25 2016, 12:10am
The TRUTH of 9/11 has never been revealed to the public for obvious reasons, it was an inside, 'false flag' operation involving Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Saudi Arabia, Israel (Mossad) and the Zionist banker elite on Wall St. However, as we all know and as history records, the truth finally emerges. A lot of high ranking people in the anglo-Zionist cabal have a lot to worry about, as they all consider Arabs to be expendable useful idiots -- are you reading this, house of Saud?

As public pressure increases to release the '28 pages,' people at the top are running for cover, watch the transparent cover-up unfold before your eyes, which will backfire and create even greater pressure and consequences, as the TRUTH of the sordid, criminal 9/11 operation becomes widely known.
(story and 1 image)
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text Puppet Obama Pledges to Protect Unelected Gulf Monarchies during Recent Visit -- KMA Democracy! gus, Sunday, Apr 24 2016, 1:56am
Puppet president extraordinaire, Barack Obama, this week proved to the world that America’s constant cry for democracy in the Middle East is a LIE. Obama not only proved he is a servant of the Globalist corporate/banker elite, he made it plain for ALL to see that democracy is a joke to the interests that control the USA and the western political system today -- a well known fact for many.
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cyberwar.jpg image Cyber War – The Reality that Anyone could Trigger a War between Superpowers nano, Saturday, Apr 23 2016, 12:05am
An interesting, though superficial, article appeared on Sputnik News recently. It reports that the USA and Russia will meet in Geneva to discuss the very real possibility that a third party could trigger a cyber war between superpowers, though the article goes to great pains to state that reality in muted terms -- though anyone with a functional brain, especially members of the ‘deep hacker elite,’ responsible for the so-called ‘dark net’ -- have been debating the issue for years with the same fervour and zealousness of superpowers. You see, as always it’s a power game, however, the power resides TODAY with those entities that have the greater skills, as distinct from the traditional (antiquated) reality of which party has the biggest gun/military. (story and 1 image)
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text Who Created Tax Havens and WHY? RNN via vance , Wednesday, Apr 20 2016, 12:45am
A revealing and informative interview with leading economist, Michael Hudson.
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text Can Social Media Seize Control of Our Elections? The Daily Take Team via jason, Monday, Apr 18 2016, 9:47pm
America and Australia face federal elections in the near future and so the same dilemma affects both populations.
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This smug idiot, you must be joking! image The Man from Dry River swag, Monday, Apr 18 2016, 8:46pm
There was panic at the Liberal station, the word had passed around, that Malcolm Turnbull couldn’t lead a gaggle of geese, least of all AUSTRALIA. (story and 2 images)
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obamalips.jpg image Saudi Arabia Blackmails USA to NOT pass 9/11 bill into Law Mark Mazzetti via jaxie, Saturday, Apr 16 2016, 1:02am
The bill ostensibly refers to the redacted "28 pages" of the government 9/11 report, which Congressmen say implicates Saudi Arabia in the 9/11 attacks -- neocons and Israeli's Mossad are squirming.

If indeed Obama decides to side with the Jihadist/terrorist supporting Saudis on this issue, it will prove to the world that the White House, as most commentators are already aware, is nothing more than a puppet house, controlled by the global economic elite. If you're looking for democracy -- representative majority rule -- or JUSTICE, you certainly won't find it in the USA!
(story and 2 images)
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Saudi Prince Salman, the 'git' of Arabia image Petro Dollar Teeters -- House of Saud (and Washington) Ready to Implode Pepe Escobar via drake, Friday, Apr 15 2016, 10:41pm
Better late than never, Pepe; a semiotic analysis reveals as much and more. Nonetheless, thank you for doing a journalistic presentation -- well done. (story and 1 image)
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text Oxfam: "Broken at the Top" - $1.4 Trillion Hidden by Tax-avoiding Multi-nationals Andrea Germanos via james, Thursday, Apr 14 2016, 10:07pm
Using an "opaque and secretive network" of subsidiaries in tax havens, top American corporations have stashed $1.4 trillion offshore, a new report from Oxfam shows.
international / prose / post

text The Boxer jess, Wednesday, Apr 13 2016, 10:16pm
"a man hears what he wants to hear And disregards the rest”
international / prose / post

Former G Sachs Banker, smug elitist Malcolm Turnbull, 'do your best peasants!' image Goldman Sachs Mega-Bank Gets Away with $5 Billion 'Non-Punishment' Deirdre Fulton via gus, Tuesday, Apr 12 2016, 11:36pm
Banking crimes are not specific to one nation they are global and one of the main criminal players is Goldman Sachs. It has managed via its political puppets and mass media allies to reduce criminal charges to a slap on the financial wrist when this bank was at the heart of the 2008 global economic collapse. Today Goldman Sachs has managed not only to avoid punitive measures, as in jail sentences, but has managed to install its former employees as heads of state in many Western nations, including AUSTRALIA -- Malcolm Turnbull is a former employee of Goldman Sachs. So if anyone in Oz is wondering why the Turnbull puppet government is avoiding a Royal Commission into the criminal, parasitic big banks, then wonder no more! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Australia's Big Four PARASITIC Crooked Banks image Investigating the Banksters: The Australian Banking Industry Dr. Binoy Kampmark via jaxie, Tuesday, Apr 12 2016, 9:30pm
“I know it’s completely wrong but fuck it, I might as well. I thought fuck it. We’ve got so much money on it, we just had to do it.” Colin Roden, Westpac managing director group treasury, ABC, Apr 6, 2016 (story and 1 image)
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text When it's Personal rade, Monday, Apr 11 2016, 9:42am
When or if you find yourself in custody for nothing or for making a joke about hopeless, corrupt puppet governments and sadist police or military interrogators begin their ‘enhanced interrogation’ techniques on YOU, you will soon learn what torture is and though you are unable to move, as you would have been restrained, do not imagine that you don’t move, something changes inside you; you begin to rage over the injustice and the needless cruelty. And if you are fortunate enough to be released back into a society of people that do not want to know, your rage increases and almost everyone is to blame, directly or indirectly, APATHY is the reason the world and civilisation have been lost to avaricious psychopaths and criminals in white collars and ties -- yes, YOU, and your stinking selfishness and cowardice are to blame!
international / prose / post

text 'Free Trade' Deals, Understand what they Really Are -- Corporate RULE over Elected Governments Paul Craig Roberts via jaxie, Sunday, Apr 10 2016, 1:57am
The panama papers, whatever their original intent, clearly paint a sordid picture of the law-subverting, tax avoiding elite corporatist ruling plutocracy. Who do you imagine engineered tax havens, which are almost exclusively exploited by very wealthy entities? Who is behind corrupt western governments deregulating the banking and financial sectors, which allows banks and corporations to engage in activities which were once CRIMES? And who do you imagine owns every single 'democratic' government on the planet? Answer to all the above, the mega-wealthy corporate-banker elites. And now they have the public beguiled with so-called "free trade deals." Do not be deceived, surely now after the panama papers, it is time to withdraw support from corrupt major political parties, jettison puppet governments and RE-regulate the PARASITIC, exploitative, corporate-banker elites.
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The chosen ones image Hillary, the Bilderberg-CFR Errand Girl that has been PROMISED the Presidency drake, Friday, Apr 8 2016, 9:48am
The charade that is the presidential elections in the USA is as transparent as it could be, almost the entire non-American world is aware that the presidential race is a contrived/orchestrated media charade run primarily so rustic Americans continue to believe they live in a democracy not the oligarchy/plutocracy that the USA has been from almost day one of the founding of the elitist Masonic Republic. (story and 1 image)
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'Blue tie' Shorten as he really is! image Bill Shorten’s Farcical Royal Commission Threat into the Banking/Financial Sector cyd, Thursday, Apr 7 2016, 10:10pm
It’s a well-played political strategy no doubt, as the population is fed up with the parasitic banks and their outrageous fees for everything and general cartel approach. BUT Shorten failed to outline the parameters or terms of reference of this proposed RC, which is the critical issue. I suspect, based on Labor’s track record, a political, ‘Clayton’s’ Royal Commission. Why? (story and 1 image)
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text The Panama Papers - dance to the tailored Leak Pepe Escobar via jade, Wednesday, Apr 6 2016, 12:40am
Many seasoned analysts and commentators are suspicious of this unprecedented "trove" of information involving corporate/banker political and criminal elites -- not that there's much distinction between these groups. However, the suspect view cast on these papers, particularly as they seem to focus on enemies of the ruling criminal global elite is justified. Indeed, in initial press releases not one American or German was mentioned and very little in the way of compromising information for leaders of NATO nations -- I mean really, what about Turkey's Erdogan and family??
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Un-elected, elitist PM Malcolm Turnbull -- the people can do their best, my concerns are with my own! image 'The Panama Papers' -- how corporate and political elites hide their money Deirdre Fulton via jane, Sunday, Apr 3 2016, 10:52pm
Every government should have a corporate/banker and political elite watchdog with full investigative powers and authority to arrest and prosecute.

Commendations and many thanks to the whistleblower, you have done humanity a GREAT service exposing the filthy criminal elites -- 'onya, mate!

The Australian Senate now has an exceedingly strong case to reject Turnbull's DD trigger and force the inclusion of a corporate watchdog with exactly the same powers as the ABCC -- screw Turnbull and his favourable bias toward his fellow 'criminal' elites.
(story and 1 image)
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text FBI Illegally Hacks into Apple iPhones lynkz, Saturday, Apr 2 2016, 9:12pm
In recent weeks various tech and mainstream news sites have run stories about the FBI’s successful hacking of an Apple iPhone, which high tech company Apple prides itself on security and privacy. So much for security and privacy! However, that is not the essential point here; Apple is a huge IT corporation and hacking is illegal regardless of who the offender is, I cite the numerous hackers now serving time, many of whom were arrested by the FBI and prosecuted for contravening hacker laws. So, as Richard Nixon once erroneously and infamously stated, ‘when the president does it (break the law), it’s not illegal.’ Well, one need only review history to assess how very wrong Nixon was.
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Turnbull -- Hopeless! image Turnbull: What’s ‘Exciting’ about a Useless, Spineless PM? darcy, Friday, Apr 1 2016, 8:08pm
Australia’s conservative government has PROVEN itself to be one of the most dysfunctional governments in Australia’s political history. The sitting government’s tenure has been marked by an appalling series of calamities, first inflicted on the public by corporate puppet and supreme dunce, Tony Abbott, who was leading his party to ruin at speed. Then with much fanfare and media affection, a do-nothing Rudd type narcissist took the helm with promises of “innovative, agile, exciting,” leadership. Well, I need hardly mention the inability of the Turnbull government to make ANY coherent decision or offer any acceptable policy to the people. In fact, the Turnbull government is hopeless, however, the people must assess the Liberal Party from the time it gained office to today, and what an abysmal performance record it has. (story and 1 image)
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