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audio It’s About TIME! darcy, Monday, May 16 2016, 12:33am
Any clown out there that imagines that the western world is not in crisis in dreaming, the corruption and rot of financial debt-enslaving institutions and tax-avoiding multinationals have brought the world to its knees – these corrupt, mega-wealthy criminal thieving interests have already plunged the world into an economic tailspin (2008) from which it hasn’t and can never recover, the western world continues its downward spiral and makes the $trillions in so-called ‘stimulus’ or QE look like charity for the wealthy one percent; millions of people in Europe, UK, America face AUSTERITY, refugee floods, due to US regime change wars and or economic exploitation, ask your parents about the standard of living they enjoyed if you wish to apprehend today’s reality. (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

text The Globalists are Pushing the World to the Brink of Nuclear War val, Sunday, May 15 2016, 12:13am
The nefarious global elite, the mega-bankers and corporatist elites, which own all major political parties in the western world and so pursue their heinous agenda for world domination via puppet politicians that legislate legal pan-surveillance states and ‘free trade deals,’ which subvert the sovereign rule of democratic nations, exploit and pollute everything that is exploitable and then utilise off-shore tax havens, which they created, in order to shirk their tax responsibilities, which immoral act results in national/global hardship for the masses, have come to the end of the line.
international / prose / post

text What is the Oz Election Really About? stan, Saturday, May 14 2016, 1:51am
This question is the most critical to be asked today as the two major parties are at it again, claim and counter claim, negative heaped on negative -- and in the end regardless of which lying major party gains office -- YOU/we, the people are WORSE off -- historical FACT, we lose every time. Why?
international / prose / post

Turnbull, smug, elitist, sellout, prick! image Hey, Australia, ever heard of Democracy? cyd, Thursday, May 12 2016, 2:41am
The current elite serving PM of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull, is a disconnected former merchant banker and former employee of Goldman Sachs, perhaps the most criminal large bank in the world today; he has also acted as legal advisor to Kerry Packer, who among other things, was a plutocrat. Turnbull has also been named in the Panama Papers for using shelf-companies in order to evade tax, but disavows any illegality, how so? Well, you see, the multinational globalists that today engineer ‘free trade deals’ in secret, to serve THEIR interests also created tax havens to be utilised only by the well-heeled in society, so of course multi-millionaire lawyer/banker/tax avoider, Turnbull, availed himself of these legal rorts, so technically no laws have been broken only moral codes of fair play, ethics and Christian values. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Rise of Extremist Demagogues ben, Wednesday, May 11 2016, 12:10am
It’s a sad indictment on humanity when demagogues are so easily able to manipulate the masses. True, people everywhere are sick and tired of sell-out, lying politicians, they are easily identified; and so demagogues are exploiting the public’s disenchantment with the political establishment/status quo.
international / prose / post

text Engineered DEBT and the Australian Federal Election dulcie, Tuesday, May 10 2016, 12:01am
The pivotal political discourse that 'occupies' most western nations today is debt and national deficits, but have you ever asked yourself to whom is national debt owed, because you should? The never ceasing political rants about debt, revenue and spending are merely surface rhetorical discourse. Debt, private and national is largely owed and/or underwritten by the mega-banks, the largest of which is the US ‘Federal’ Reserve, a private enterprise to be sure, as there is nothing Federal about the Federal Reserve. However, this privately owned banking enterprise has set up a global network of Reserve Banks (with governors - lol) that are all linked to the head of the octopus in the US. Sure, many dollar outlets, exist, IMF, World Bank etc., however, they ALL answer to the cartel which is the Global Reserve Banking cartel.
international / prose / post

banksyoon.jpg image I Am An Immigrant drue, Monday, May 9 2016, 12:07am
It was a clear summer day, when I first walked George Street Sydney as a four year old holding the hand of my mother who was raised in this country. I will never forget that day, the tone was easy, people were easy, the place was relaxed in stark contrast to where I was born in Eastern Europe -- it was 1955. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Tough Luck Aussie battlers image Oz Elections and Budget: No Breaks or Relief for MAJORITY of Aussies darcy, Saturday, May 7 2016, 11:11pm
Turnbull is playing his declining polls by calling an early election and has foolishly ignored the plight of average Aussies -- the voting MAJORITY -- in his do-nothing for the people disgraceful, UNFAIR budget, however, his party, as usual, offers breaks for those that do not need it -- it will cost him and his lying, heartless party dearly. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Greenpeace Leaks Expose the Social Horror of the TTIP Deirdre Fulton via gail, Tuesday, May 3 2016, 8:48pm
The secret documents represent roughly two-thirds of the latest negotiating text, and in several cases expose for the first time the position of the U.S.

It has long been known that western governments are subject to elite corporatist interests so it is little wonder why YOUR treasonous governments sell you out to minority elite interests.
international / prose / post

text Name just One nation where American Intervention has done any Good drake, Monday, May 2 2016, 9:32pm
Afghanistan is a cot case and so too are Iraq, Libya and Syria, US military interventionism has PROVEN to be a TOTAL FAILURE yet the CFR directed mass media/propaganda apparatus has kept the horrid TRUTH from the people. LIES, omissions, distractions and misinformation are the order of the day and so the masses are kept ignorant of the heinous crimes the USA and its allies commit on a DAILY basis.
international / prose / post

text NATO Turkey -- Criminal State darcy, Monday, May 2 2016, 12:11am
The relationship between ISIS (Saudi/US proxy fighting group) and Turkey couldn't be closer, no surprise for the informed. The following video adds to the already indisputable criminal connection between ISIS and NATO Turkey. Now watch the lies, omissions and feeble propaganda that issues from the CFR controlled western mass media.

"The signs will be there for all to read
When man shall do most heinous deed
Man will ruin kinder lives
By taking them as to their wives.

And murder foul and brutal deed
When man will only think of greed.
And man shall walk as if asleep
He does not look - he many not peep
And iron men the tail shall do
And iron cart and carriage too.

The kings shall false promise make
And talk just for talking's sake
And nations plan horrific war
The like as never seen before
And taxes rise and lively down
And nations wear perpetual frown."

Read entire poem here.
international / prose / post

Turnbull and double-talking Treasurer Morrison, we already have a tough, ASIC, (useless) 'cop on the beat!' image Tax-avoiding Criminal Multinationals at it Again -- Colgate fined $18m John Rolfe via hugh, Saturday, Apr 30 2016, 12:22am
The consumer regulator, ACCC, has hauled various colluding multinational companies before the courts for price-fixing, cartel behaviour, and Colgate-Palmolive has been first to taste Australian justice copping the third highest fine on record ($18m) for its breaches. May Woolworths and fellow colluding companies Unilever and Cussons follow suit. The Australian public has had enough of banker/corporate fraud/criminality and conservative governments protecting them while they attempt to distract the public with union bashing Royal Commissions; however, given the ineffectiveness of the financial sector's regulator, ASIC, a toothless no-account, which suits corrupt bankers fine, it seems that only the ACCC is able to deal with CORPORATE CRIME effectively, 'onya ACCC, the Oz public are right behind you, pity the same can't be said about the elite serving Turnbull led, conservative government, which always protects the big end of town! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text US Supreme Court Quietly Approves Rule to Give FBI 'Sprawling' Hacking Powers Nadia Prupis via jaxie, Friday, Apr 29 2016, 9:22pm
What next, thought control? The corrupt and criminal US government has just passed another of its new sweeping 'laws' which would allow US regulatory agencies to hack into your computer or smartphone for simply having privacy software installed. Now that criminal manoeuvre takes the cake. Note that no justifiable cause is required so everyone that simply wishes to maintain their personal privacy becomes subject to US agency hacking -- an illegality in most nations world-wide. So wherever you reside, in the US or elsewhere, you are now being treated as a criminal simply by having privacy software installed -- and people scoff at George Orwell, whose Big Brother state now looks like a kindergarten compared to police state USA.
international / prose / post

text The People will Have the Final Word Manuel E. Yepe via jill, Thursday, Apr 28 2016, 8:11pm
It has been repeatedly said that the American people are the only ones who could perform the Herculean task of bringing down the most powerful and bloodthirsty empire ever known to humankind. Humanity anxiously hopes to see the US people act, and will provide the solidarity they would have earned.
international / prose / post

abbottliar1.jpg image ‘Democracy’ – the great Con cyd, Thursday, Apr 28 2016, 5:59pm
First, let’s define real democracy, MAJORITY RULE, in a nutshell, and so what does that mean/imply? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

cunt.jpg image Piss-flaps and Designer Cunts Kali Holloway via shirl, Thursday, Apr 28 2016, 1:12am
Never underestimate the power of beauty myths to manufacture inadequacies where before there were none. A little over a decade ago, labiaplasty—the partial or wholesale removal of parts of the labia minora, aka the inner vaginal lips—was a relatively obscure plastic surgery, compared with nips, tucks and lifts to various other parts. In more recent years, the number of women opting for the surgery has grown exponentially. Now very young women—girls still in their teens—are requesting the procedure in numbers growing so quickly that even some practitioners are concerned. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

B1 nuclear capable bomber -- soon to be deployed to Australia image US Pivot to Asia Poised to Enter Nuclear Phase Peter Lee via jess, Wednesday, Apr 27 2016, 10:11am
I’m expecting tactical nuclear weapons to reappear overtly in the US military equation for Asia…but only after the US Navy gets its chance to feast at the pivot trough for its long-for but perhaps strategically less-than-vital conventional forces buildout in Asia. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Malcolm Turnbull, arrogant, conceited, useless prick! image The Real Election Issue is Trust jim, Wednesday, Apr 27 2016, 12:14am
Australia, like many other nations around the globe is facing yet another federal election to determine which of the two owned -- by big business -- major parties will more compliantly serve minority corporate/banker interests -- and doesn’t the public know it! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Former Goldman Sachs banker Oz PM Malcolm Turnbull, protecting his own image Untouchable Bankers: Too Big to Jail? Valentin Katasonov via jess, Monday, Apr 25 2016, 11:01pm
The latest news from Wall Street: according to Fortune magazine, the 'Big Six' banks in the US – Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley – paid a total of more than 30 fines, about $110 billion, for ripping off the mortgage market and thus sparking the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text You Want the Truth? cas, Monday, Apr 25 2016, 2:05am
Saudi Arabia and its Wahabists, Washington/CIA/NATO and Israel's Mossad are behind ALL the MAJOR terror events in the world. And who is behind these puppet players? The mega-wealthy trillionaires, Rothschilds, Rockefelles etc, which have had the world by the financial throat for centuries, known today as the global elite. That is the long and short of it. There is no democracy, it's a charade/joke and has been for decades. Watch Clinton 'win' the presidency as arranged, and other servants of the global elite in western nations take the highest offices in the land, while your wages, entitlements, freedoms and a secure future are continually jeopardised and diminished. And if you mass media and digitally distracted dunces decide to wake to the ugly reality that you are enslaved in a rigged social system, then you would easily be able to restore freedom and democracy to the world.
international / prose / post

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