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Leonard Cohen image So Long, Leonard rayn, Thursday, Nov 10 2016, 6:43pm
Leonard Cohen has 'kicked the frame' at 82, but as outstanding poets know, we all continue to write in the effulgence of universal creation. At times we see a work inscribed by a comet on the medium of the night sky; this universe is saturated in creative delight -- it never ceases.

People with the sense sojourning on this troubled sphere will miss one of our own. You have been released comrade, delight in your new journey and freedom. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Trump image Obama’s Response to Trump Victory jake, Wednesday, Nov 9 2016, 8:05pm
The following video (speech) is essentially damage control by elite servant/puppet Obama; there are some juicy undisguised nuggets in this clearly scripted ‘speech,’ the foremost being his analogous reference to the presidency as a “relay run,” in other words passing the baton in the SAME race -- the elite formulated STATUS QUO -- which Trump PROMISED the people to eradicate. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Insular, ‘let them eat cake,’ Global Elite are Approaching the Steps of the Guillotine ned, Wednesday, Nov 9 2016, 8:58am
You’d think they would have learned after the Brexit vote, but no, they tried to install Clinton in the White House using the same old tired -- now transparent -- media saturation and polls LIES.
international / prose / post

text Doomsday Election Mike Whitney via cyd, Tuesday, Nov 8 2016, 10:16pm
This is what it must feel like to be on Death Row, to be waiting for the moment when the iron door clangs open for the last time and four burly guards escort you arm-in-arm to the room where your life will be extinguished. That same sense of dread hangs over the presidential election of 2016.
international / prose / post

ropejourno.jpg image “Rope. Tree. Journalist.” dave via jake, Monday, Nov 7 2016, 9:33pm
A T-shirt worn by a Trump supporter vented the anger most people feel toward servile journalists these days -- AND not only in America. Never have we seen such overt distortion and partiality in the media. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text “Owned” karloz, Monday, Nov 7 2016, 7:44pm
The hacker term “owned” is taken to mean that a ‘system’ has been completely compromised, hijacked and that total control of that system is now in the hands of the hacker/intruder without the knowledge of the original owner. Elite hackers do not make their presence known, they remain invisible and utilise the captured system in various ways.
international / prose / post

Donald Trump image Trump leads grassroots crusade against America's 'rigged' system Chris Uhlmann via gail, Sunday, Nov 6 2016, 11:26pm
Three coal miners coming off shift at the Mountain Laurel mine in West Virginia sat at a long office bench doing time sheets, their faces and hands smeared black from their work. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text A Distinct Possibility -- Digital 'false flag' attack if Trump overturns Rigged Election Finian Cunningham via claire, Sunday, Nov 6 2016, 10:02pm
One thing in particular (among many others) the WORLD has learned about the farce/circus of the current US presidential election, is that anything is possible, as recent sordid history PROVES. The desperation of the ruling elite over loss of control is now obvious to all. It's filthy unrepresentative, interfering hand to install Hillary is now unmistakable. The following article by Mr Cunningham should not be dismissed out of hand though chances are unlikely, but that's what everyone has said about the election to date. It is clear that the elite would go to any length to install their puppet and obedient servant Hillary. Trump was clearly underestimated as a useful idiotic/fall guy, he has outsmarted the elites -- which is not difficult -- and become a REAL threat. So make what you will of Mr Cunningham's assessments in view of current, outrageous, obvious, 'deep state' interference/events.
international / prose / post

FBI director James Comey, a proven pathetic joke image The Integrity Devoid FBI Flips and Backflips on Hillary Yet AGAIN! Paul McGeough via cyd, Sunday, Nov 6 2016, 7:58pm
Whatever conclusion people in the US and around the world arrive at over this clearly forced decision by FBI director Comey, it does not augur well for the USA, which is demonstrating to the entire WORLD that it's coming apart at the seams. The evidence against Hillary is overwhelming and she should have been indicted many times over for her brazen past crimes. However, she is the elite's choice so the REAL powers that control the USA and most of the western world, have intervened and exposed themselves -- yes, it is now CLEAR to ALL that the USA is a non-representative FAKE democracy that is 'governed' by a self-interested and self-serving mega-wealthy MINORITY, which has demonstrated its supreme reign over once respected government institutions/apparatuses, including the FBI, which institution will never recover from this appalling acquiescence to the ruling criminal elite. (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

text Reaction to U.S. Election Zee, Saturday, Nov 5 2016, 11:04pm
Not only the USA but the entire WORLD is being treated to the most farcical, TRANSPARENT, U.S. presidential election in America’s history. We have a CLEARLY (staged) ‘race’ between a Washington, corporate/elite-serving criminal INSIDER and a narcissistic, demagogue that has been buoyed by the mass media (since day one) to run and lose against Hillary, formerly the chosen one.
international / prose / post

clintontrumpclown.jpg image There's No Use Pretending ... Chris Floyd via jake, Friday, Nov 4 2016, 11:34pm
There’s no use pretending that the wheels of the status quo train will click on its track when the new president is installed into office. There's no use pretending there is any 'hope' whatsoever, a word thoroughly denuded of meaning by Obama and his Democrats, and there’s no use in pretending that the situation we face today will improve, it will be the same trajectory only worse outcomes, as we have failed to arrest its diabolical progress. What we face a few days before this rigged election is NOT some terribly unlucky conflation of unforeseen circumstances coming together at this particular time. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Here we are AGAIN as Miserable as can Be sybil, Friday, Nov 4 2016, 12:07pm
Have YOU begun to wonder how we arrived at this point in modern history when we had everything going for us? In the USA there is a farcical race for the presidency between two of the most loathsome candidates of all time. So take your pick of the lesser evil, which is now routine for all western ‘democracies.’ Is the game rigged, well of course it is, even media-lobotomised Americans can see. I could go on in endless descriptive examples of a ruined humanity. Have you pre-empted the answer yet? It’s OBVIOUS. The entire world is as it is simply because WE, all humanity, allowed it to be so.
international / prose / post

text What Does it take in Corrupt State America to Bring Hillary to Justice? Pepe Escobar via james, Thursday, Nov 3 2016, 10:04pm
Virtually the whole planet holds its collective breath at the prospect of Hillary Clinton possibly becoming the next President of the United States.
international / prose / post

Hillary Clinton, universally despised, expendable puppet of the ruling elite image The Unravelling of the American Oligarchy jess, Tuesday, Nov 1 2016, 10:15pm
The race for the U.S. presidency by two social ‘bottom-feeders,’ Clinton and Trump, is mass media depicted in vassal Australia as the “most unpredictable” election race in U.S. history -- this type of presentation is a media device well known in mass communication studies. Shift focus away from the central point of any explosive event, which in this case is sordid high level criminality and depict it as “unpredictable,” a very soft, misleading term intended to distract and shift focus away from the UGLY truth/REALITY. Now consider all the sordid details involved in this orchestrated (by the Oligarchy) “race” for the office of chief puppet/SERVANT of the ruling elite or ‘shadow government,’ as it is popularly known. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Hillary Clinton, criminal psychopath and LIAR image The Real Reasons Why FBI Reopened the Hillary Email Investigation Joachim Hagopian via james, Tuesday, Nov 1 2016, 12:29am
This last Friday it became public record that FBI Director James Comey reopened the Hillary Clinton email server investigation after repeatedly testifying before Congress and the world up to last July that he’d closed the case, after in his words not finding sufficient evidence of “any criminal wrongdoing" to indict her in spite of her four years as Secretary of State egregiously breaching our national security by: (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Chris Hedges, manic depressive, accomplished journalist and writer image American Irrationalism -- A Culture in Rapid Decline Chris Hedges via shirl, Monday, Oct 31 2016, 8:12pm
Chris Hedges, known for his defeatist and melancholic writing, accurately portrays American culture AS IT IS TODAY. The following piece is a 'downer' for Americans and to a lesser extent nations that have allowed themselves to be led by this ruinous and supremely destructive culture -- nihilistic is too mild a term for American culture, it is downright suicidal, an outcome that has historically plagued all dominant imperial cultures; however, today the decaying process is rapid, what used to take hundreds of years now takes decades. If Americans do not intervene in a very short space of time the nation faces total ruin and perhaps complete annihilation -- be advised American dreamboats! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Two useless lackeys, reject both major parties at all and every election local and federal and give Oz a chance image The Coming War on China John Pilger via darcy, Saturday, Oct 29 2016, 9:50pm
Expatriate Australian John Pilger discusses his new film with interviewer TJ Coles. And although Pilger speaks casually and plainly about highly critical issues confronting the world today, we should not be lulled into a false sense of laxity by his tone. The issues he speaks of affect the entire world especially Australia which has foolishly allowed itself to become a platform for likely attacks on China by the war mongering, criminal (proven) USA. It is truly lamentable that Australia would rather become a primary nuclear target than declare its independence as a peaceful sovereign nation. Australia, and any other allied un-corrupted nation needs America like it needs a hole in the head. Australia is well placed to become the leading non-aligned negotiating and mediating nation in the world today; however, the necessary requirement is real statesmen and women leading the nation and the world to a better outcome instead of mindless aggression and WAR! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Moscow Calls Washington's Bluff Pepe Escobar via james, Friday, Oct 28 2016, 12:40am
Mr Escobar omits to emphasise one critical point; his reference to "Dr Strangelove," aka Pentagon, neocon and CIA extremists, are LUNATICS and actually believe that a nuclear confrontation with Russia and China is winnable. Surely the past actions of the US indicate clearly the lunacy of those in ACTUAL control of the USA, notwithstanding the nation has been functioning on bluster and gross crimes for the past two decades. However, sooner rather than later, these desperate American extremists begin to believe their own fabrications, propaganda and outrageous lies. We shall see after Nov. 8 whether the US is able to apprehend reality, to which it has demonstrated extreme aversion in the recent past.
international / prose / post

text The Original Aim of the TPP and its Inevitable Failure Prof. James Petras via shirl, Thursday, Oct 27 2016, 1:37am
This following piece by Prof. Petras is perhaps the most elucidating on the subject of the TPP and Washington's 'pivot to Asia' (failing) plan. It is concise, accurate and informative. A must read for any nation that has been duped into surrendering its sovereignty to the TPP's corporate/political interests. An excellent piece of work. Are you reading this, spineless Australian political lackeys?
international / prose / post

Lackey, un-Australian Defence Minister, Marise Payne image Australia has learned nothing since Gallipoli Massacre -- Foreign command and another Syrian Fiasco Mike Whitney via mitch, Wednesday, Oct 26 2016, 10:08pm
History records that Australian fighting forces under foreign imperial command were often NEEDLESSLY sent to their slaughter and treated as expendable -- those peasant, slave, colonialists! Well, General Blamey changed the status quo on foreign command and attempted to ensure that Oz forces would never again fall victim to such treachery and/or incompetence. Australian troops must be commanded in the field by Australians, it's as simple as that, as too many times since Gallipoli Australians have paid the price for foreign treachery and incompetent command. Yet TODAY we have learned that the current, apron-string,Turnbull government has been blindly led by American forces to commit another war crime in Syria. One which could land Australia in very serious trouble in international courts. (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

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