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text The Coming HOT War on China John Pilger via ruth, Sunday, Dec 4 2016, 8:38am
The greatest build-up of American-led military forces since the Second World War is well under way and the mainstream media is intentionally keeping western populations in the dark.
international / prose / post

text America’s Detested Foreign Policy darcy, Sunday, Dec 4 2016, 2:33am
Most civilised nations engage in a series of complicated negotiations with other nations, usually focused on mutual benefit and trade, the last thing most nations need or desire is WAR. However, one nation stands alone in its attitude to foreign policy, the USA, which deliberately pursues WAR to steal what it requires from other nations.
international / prose / post

burning_constitution.jpg image Treacherous [Elite Owned] Congress Quietly Moves to Eradicate Alternative Media Donn Marten via jess, Saturday, Dec 3 2016, 6:57am
With the ongoing hysteria over "fake news" after the shocking defeat of Hillary Clinton and her neocon war cabinet now at a deafening pitch, it is an opportune time to eradicate the alternative media once and for all. That could easily be facilitated by dangerous legislation quietly moving through Congress that would create a totalitarian environment for government thought police to bring an iron jackboot down upon whatever a new intelligence committee with sweeping powers deems to be "Russian" propaganda. In layman's terms, this means that ANYONE who communicates views that are critical of the corrupt oligarchy's war machine is subject to harassment, prosecution and worse. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Do You Really Care? cyd, Saturday, Dec 3 2016, 1:06am
I would begin with a question. Under international and local law is any person, agency or entity allowed to murder with impunity? Some of you that have taken for granted certain events which have become ‘naturalized’ may be shocked by the answer, which obviously is NO! With REALITY, not media induced fantasy, now established, I would refer to the recent death of Fidel Castro, call him what you will, dictator, savior or whatever, as that is NOT the issue -- never allow your emotions to blind reason.
international / prose / post

Trump, Lenin and Steve Bannon image Totalitarianism by any other name is still Totalitarianism Pepe Escobar via desdemona, Wednesday, Nov 30 2016, 8:26pm
For those unfamiliar with history, which is 99.9% of the western population, some historical background or contextual information is required prior to reading Mr Escobar’s article.

Lenin and Trotsky were selected by, who else, the Zionist mega-wealthy global banking elite to transform Marxist theory into a practical system of centralist rule. History records that Lenin was transported by the elite in a security sealed train from Berlin to Russia to take hold of the revolution fomented by Trotsky, a Jew, who was married to a (Jewish) Rothschild, the most financially powerful family in the world. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

secguardsroids.jpg image Steroid (drug) Abuse CLEARLY Evident Among Parliament Security Guards darcy, Wednesday, Nov 30 2016, 3:48am
Let it be stated from the outset that unless otherwise medically prescribed, steroid use is ILLEGAL, though commonly used by muscle bound/brained imbeciles, notwithstanding the effect on the male genitalia -- 1 inch dicks is what I’m referring to, notwithstanding other psychological deleterious effects like explosive violence and loss of control. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Standing Rock: Divide and Conquer jess, Tuesday, Nov 29 2016, 10:20pm
“We must, indeed, all hang together, or [most] assuredly we shall all hang separately.” -- Benjamin Franklin.

Social unity of course is irresistible people power and that is why division is critical in controlling large populations. Self-evident are the divides of wealth, race, religion etc, all utilised adeptly by ruling elites to keep us -- ‘the mindless hordes’ -- fighting each other and from SUPPORTING each other, crowd management is easy using the tried and tested weapon of division.
international / prose / post

martinlutherkingjr_7.jpg image “Orders to Kill” Dr. Martin Luther King Edward Curtin via shirl, Monday, Nov 28 2016, 10:08pm
Very few Americans are aware of the truth behind the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Few books have been written about it, unlike other significant assassinations, especially JFK’s. For almost fifty years there has been a media blackout supported by government deception to hide the truth. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text 'Fake News' in a World of Mass Media Misinformation and LIES cyd, Monday, Nov 28 2016, 9:09pm
WMD, remember that chorus of lies from the CFR controlled mainstream media worldwide? But that wasn’t the first BIG LIE, do you remember who shot JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald of course, bunk! Or that 9/11 wasn’t an inside job -- consider just one of hundreds of implausibilities, all the surveillance cameras surrounding the Pentagon, which footage was confiscated by the FBI and secret service -- and what was offered to the public a very questionable few seconds of an airliner purportedly impacting the Pentagon. Of course no major airline wreckage was evident at the impact site, it couldn’t have been, as the Pentagon was struck by a missile, images of the entry point in the building were/are widespread.
international / prose / post

text Blacklists -- the Second Phase of the ‘Fake News’ Strategy to Stifle Truth claire, Sunday, Nov 27 2016, 11:21pm
Status Quo rag the Washington Post, known for its pandering to the elite CFR, has recently published a disgraceful -- from all journalistic perspectives -- piece listing over 200 so-called ‘fake news’ sites. Clearly, the only mirrors available to WP staff are in the lavatories, an appropriate location in this instance.
international / prose / post

text The Hardly Mentioned War jake, Friday, Nov 25 2016, 11:55pm
Not since Dr Alfred McCoy’s, “Politics of Heroin in South East Asia,” has anyone dared to address the current Heroin war being waged primarily against Russia and China by the USA via Afghanistan and Central Asia.
international / prose / post

googlecensored.jpg image Google to Censor 'Fake News' Robert Parry via jess, Saturday, Nov 19 2016, 10:53pm
Google is at it again, working hand in glove with government to participate in a new internet information-suppression trick to censor and eliminate what it calls, "Fake News." This is an almost comical endeavour from a government and 'real' news outlets that lied about WMD in Iraq, the Washington orchestrated coup in the Ukraine, etc etc. However, Google is ready to run with this absurd big brother tactic to control information on the net by labeling it, "Fake News." Be aware people. I would add that Google is not the only good search engine out there, or that Facebook's compliance is primarily to secure the CEO's bottom line. Anyone attacking free speech is mortally afraid of something -- could it perhaps be the Truth? People are sick and tired of the FAKE news and raw propaganda issuing from the mainstream media, not from alternative sources. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Trump’s $1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan Ellen Brown via gail, Wednesday, Nov 16 2016, 10:44pm
In Donald Trump’s victory speech after the presidential election, he vowed:

'We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We’re going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none. And we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it.'
international / prose / post

text The Worst Is Yet To Come, America John W. Whitehead via claire, Wednesday, Nov 16 2016, 9:37pm
“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” — George Santayana
international / prose / post

text The Elite Status Quo jude, Wednesday, Nov 16 2016, 12:51am
Dynastic elite families have ruled the world since the time of the Pharaohs, so it’s no surprise they rule the world today. However, history informs us time and again that when the “let them eat cake,” elites lose touch or apply harsh living pressures on their enslaved subjects, the slaves revolt and take their revenge on their elite rulers.
international / prose / post

text Core Issues Confronting Human Survival Remain in Background jess, Monday, Nov 14 2016, 10:43pm
But do not despair, there’s plenty of packaged ‘news/media distractions’ on the American elections, which continues to fascinate the mindless. It must be admitted, corporate media moguls know their stuff, never have I seen such effective mass mesmerism. But isn’t the American presidency a critical matter? Well, yes, if it mattered at all, BUT it DOESN’T for the simple reason, stated by a previous contributor, the White House is simply the servants quarters of the REAL rulers of America and the Western world, fact. American presidents have been taking ORDERS since JFK. Presidents do NOT lead anymore they serve minority interests which of course completely subverts democracy, or majority rule by representation. It is almost immaterial which puppet is installed in the White House as the Status Quo never misses a beat. So wake up nose-ringed masses, your well being and lives are at stake.
international / prose / post

text Democracy my Arse! jo, Sunday, Nov 13 2016, 11:02pm
Anyone that claims that we live in a democracy is either a liar or deluded -- name one western society that is a democracy, which, by definition, is characterised by MAJORITY rule, either by direct PARTICIPATION or by REAL representation. The rude shock for all western dreamboats is no such system prevails in any western nation. ALL winning political parties, though making the most absurd pre-election promises, instantly capitulate to MINORITY interests once they take office -- FACT, and the sooner you confirm that REALITY the better chance you and your respective nation have of surviving unrepresentative, enslaving, elite rule; which interests today have all western societies tightly harnessed via DEBT SLAVERY and MEDIA management, which mechanisms are elite owned.
international / prose / post

trumpmakeamericagreat.jpg image Americans -- Do Not Fall for the Usual Post-election Anaesthesia justin, Saturday, Nov 12 2016, 9:22pm
The global ruling elite are not altogether unhappy with Trump’s ascendancy to the White House, after all he’s a billionaire and emerged from their ranks. Notice the stability of ALL elite enterprises, primarily the stock market, it only fluttered for a day, less in fact than the Brexit impact. So all appears fine in the shadowy halls of elite global power. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text A New Face On the Same Old System Roger Boyd via jess, Saturday, Nov 12 2016, 12:50am
When something is broken beyond repair you trash it, literally. However, the common sense approach doesn't seem to apply to broken political systems that are beyond repair. Various factions from the entire political spectrum have reacted to billionaire Trump's election by up'ing the ante on their political beliefs and going to extremes, which beliefs in falied systems are of course the reasons/causes that broke the system/machine. We should all realise that current political systems are beyond rehabilitation, they MUST be trashed if we are to survive, and those that resist must be trashed with the failed systems they foolishly cling to.
international / prose / post

text Did TRUTH get a Look-in During the Presidential Election? Zed, Thursday, Nov 10 2016, 9:40pm
The title is a rhetorical question, the media (saturated) distraction of the presidential ‘race’ served to COMPLETELY CAPTURE THE MINDS of not only the easily led moronic masses, but alternative media analysts and independent journos. It seems that every commentator was feeding from the carefully placed (by CFR media moguls) trough of unadulterated media ‘perception management,’ distractive shit, WHICH ALWAYS SERVES TO HIDE TRUTH/REALITY!
international / prose / post

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