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text A 'Post West' Future Pepe Escobar via judd, Monday, Feb 20 2017, 7:03am
The 2017 Munich Security Conference arguably gave the game away right at the outset, via its annual “conversation starter” for the three-day event, a report titled Post-Truth, Post-West, Post-Order?
international / prose / post

text What’s the real Alternative to Trump? jess, Sunday, Feb 19 2017, 11:34pm
The western media is doing a fine job of distracting the masses as usual. Almost the entire western media apparatus is saturated with Trump this, and Trump that, fiasco, they’re having a field day. Indeed, Trump is anything but settling, however, the shrill screams of the media, all aimed at eliminating Trump, offer or suggest no viable alternatives and that is the major problem, as the existing alternative is the deep state/establishment and status quo, and that is precisely what the masses voted AGAINST. So take a deep breath and step back from the media induced hysteria and THINK!
international / prose / post

VP Mike Pence image VP Mike Pence waiting in the Wings to take the Stage as President Ronald L. Feinman via jane, Saturday, Feb 18 2017, 11:46pm
The news of the forced resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, due to the scandal that he, as a private citizen, spoke to the Russian ambassador in December after President Barack Obama issued sanctions on Russia for their aggressive behavior, has rocked the Donald Trump Presidency. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Social Engineering is Easy as Mind is a Cultural Product gemma, Friday, Feb 17 2017, 11:44pm
For those not familiar with the concept of mind a brief explanation is warranted -- put simply but accurately mind is its content, thought, and all thought symbols, 'language,' are culturally derived; mind cannot be separated from thought, a fact which anyone can prove for themselves -- simply sit quietly and cease thinking; it will take a little time to reach quietude; however, once quietude is achieved your inherent consciousness, which nature/the cosmos provides, as completely distinct from the culturally manufactured mind, is able to express itself in all its limitless, harmonious, knowing, glory.
international / prose / post

Turnbull image Trump views Australia as Insignificant cyd, Thursday, Feb 16 2017, 11:31pm

Reactive, imbecile Trump tells truth about America’s regard for Australia, insignificant! Referring to the call between himself and Oz PM Malcolm ‘useless’ Turnbull, the US president, regarded the call as “unimportant”, which view is clearly a smack in the gob of Mr harbour side mansion, supreme narcissist, Turnbull -- you’ve really got to laugh when two distinctly flawed personalities lock weenies. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

audio Do You See What I See-ee? jess, Thursday, Feb 16 2017, 9:13pm
Yes, indeed, it's the title of a song by Hunters and Collectors, however, I would use it in another context, reality vs media induced fantasy. (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

deepstate.jpg image The “Washington Swamp” will not be Drained reg, Wednesday, Feb 15 2017, 8:30pm
With the forced exit of Michael Flynn from the Trump administration rogue elements in Washington remain safe, the ‘swamp’ will not be drained. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Worst Joke Ever - US Spy Chief Gives Saudi Prince Highest Award for 'Fighting Terrorism' Mike Whitney via cyd, Tuesday, Feb 14 2017, 9:06pm
On Friday, the Director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo, used his first trip abroad to present Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef with the CIA’s highest award for fighting terrorism, the George Tenet Medal. Although the ceremony wasn’t covered by any of the major media, it was picked up on various blogsites where the news was greeted with predictable howls of outrage. Not surprisingly, most American’s still see Saudi Arabia as the epicenter of global terrorism, a point which was underlined in a recent article at The Atlantic titled “Where America’s Terrorists Actually Come From”. Here’s an excerpt:
international / prose / post

text Trump Will Spark a War With Iran – Which is Great News for Isis Patrick Cockburn via gus, Monday, Feb 13 2017, 9:38pm
President Trump made great play when he came into office with his return of a bust of Winston Churchill to the Oval Office, presenting the move as a symbol of his admiration for adamantine patriotic resolve in pursuit of patriotic ends. Presumably, Trump was thinking of Churchill in 1940, not Churchill in 1915-16 when he was the leading advocate of the disastrous Gallipoli campaign in which the Turks decisively defeated the British army with great slaughter.
international / prose / post

Useless image Oz Parliament Resumes and it’s back to Kindy Politics darcy, Friday, Feb 10 2017, 10:53pm
You would think Canberra pollies have learned, not least from the plummeting support from the Australian people, which are so sick and tired of major party petty, UNPRODUCTIVE, personal political attacks and being ignored that a tidal wave of disgruntled response is hurtling toward the political capital, which, when it surely strikes, would see both major parties completely devastated. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

'The Donald' -- duck, actually. image Lots of Shouting, Tiny Dick Pepe Escobar via dan, Thursday, Feb 9 2017, 10:47pm
Donald Trump won't be winning any wars against Islamist terror if he imagines dismantling the Russia-China-Iran alliance is possible. His loud mouth and saber-rattling against Iran is pointless (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Trump, Lenin and Bannon share far too many similarities image Trump can only be stopped with a bullet jorge, Monday, Feb 6 2017, 6:13am
Much to my personal displeasure I have a duty as a real journalist to follow world events, which revolve around the new president of the USA, Donald Trump. So much for broad impartial news coverage. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Steve Bannon image Bannon/Trump: The Absurdity of UN-representative Leaders jess, Saturday, Feb 4 2017, 6:27am
What would we expect if we elect leaders not of our own kind? The simple answer is of course, non-representation. Sure, anyone can make empty promises to the moronic masses, politicians and demagogues specialise in this type of deception, but a far more dangerous threat lurks. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

donald_trump_flag.jpg image The Show Must go On -- while Elites Pursue THEIR agenda unhampered bruce, Friday, Feb 3 2017, 6:33am
Do you imagine the Trump show is for real? If you do you are simply of the moronic herd, led this way and that by the elites that own western MASS communication infrastructures/outlets. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

trumpvsturnbull.jpg image Trump vs Turnbull darcy, Thursday, Feb 2 2017, 7:19pm
I recently wrote an article for this site regarding Australia’s inability to stand on its own two feet as a sovereign, independent, proud nation. Oz since colonial days has never really grown up as a nation, it has hung tenaciously onto Imperial apron-strings, first British then after WWII, American. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Andrew Scipione and his deputy sitting before a government Inquiry image Scipione and Baird -- Supreme Cowards justin, Thursday, Feb 2 2017, 9:19am
It follows that Andrew Scipione would also bail from his position as NSW police chief after his partner in CRIME and boss, NSW premier, ‘smiling assassin’ Mike Baird, cut and ran when the shit was about to hit the fan, the shit here being the consequences of Baird’s un-Australian policies which amount to privatising every government asset he could, including government housing, worth $billions to developers, and the trashing of greyhound racing, in order for large dog tracks, now located in prime real estate areas, to be handed over to private developers. Under instruction, Baird also attempted to castrate (via amalgamation) local councils that could frustrate large development projects based on legitimate community concerns -- in other words, clearly CORRUPT Mike Baird was/is in the pocket of developers and the private sector, so much for representation of the PEOPLE of NSW. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Their Man in Office baz, Tuesday, Jan 31 2017, 11:31pm
In a lost nation of sheep, the few that think and are aware of the appalling reality, lament the current situation. However, some cling to hope, remember ‘HOPE’ from Obama’s campaign? Hope is a word devoid of substance its principal usage is in theology -- where there is no proof or substance, refer to hope -- a preposterous dream as it paralyses social ACTION and self-determination. So we have a hope plague today, the desperate and deluded imagine that candidates that run for president are somehow representatives of the people or independent, now note REALITY, Trump is a born elitist and remains one through and through.
international / prose / post

text Peace is the Enemy of the Ruling Elite Not Terrorism and Chaos, which They Promote dulcie, Tuesday, Jan 31 2017, 8:29am
Step back a minute from the onslaught of mass media lobotomising and consider that all Trump’s actions to date are intentional and entirely compatible with the agenda of the global ruling elite.
international / prose / post

saudibig_four.jpg image Trump Lets Saudis Off His ‘Muslim Ban’ Robert Parry via darcy, Tuesday, Jan 31 2017, 6:13am
President Trump’s ban against letting people from seven mostly Muslim countries enter the United States looks to many like a thinly concealed bias against a religion, but it also is a troubling sign that Trump doesn’t have the nerve to challenge the false terrorism narrative demanded by Israel and Saudi Arabia. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

swat_police.jpg image Obama Criticises Trump's Immigration Ban -- what about TORTURE, you stinking HYPOCRITE? jess, Monday, Jan 30 2017, 10:05pm
The elite-owned American mass media is at it again, full throttle, with its selective, distractive ‘news’ policies. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

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