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text Wikileaks’ Vault 7 exposes the CIA as a Malevolent Disease not an Agency protecting Americans baz, Friday, Mar 10 2017, 6:05am
Do you remember why and how the CIA was formed, to protect America from other STATES which could possibly do it harm. Which means the CIA was initially formed as an international operational espionage and counter-espionage agency. But after William Binney, Ed Snowden and now Julian Assange’s revelations, the CIA is now PUBLIC enemy No. 1. and MUST be completely cleaned out and restored to its former important role, protecting not attacking AMERICANS.
international / prose / post

text The Future of Freedom William Binney via shirl, Thursday, Mar 9 2017, 8:29pm
A 36-year veteran of America’s Intelligence Community, William Binney resigned from his position as Director for Global Communications Intelligence (COMINT) at the National Security Agency (NSA) and blew the whistle, after discovering that his efforts to protect the privacy and security of Americans were being undermined by those above him in the chain of command.

A must watch video.
international / prose / post

text The Criminal American Deep State is Big Brother Stephen Lendman via joyce, Thursday, Mar 9 2017, 8:20pm
US spy agencies trample on Bill of Rights protections. Their domestic and international spying is pervasive [and illegal.]
international / prose / post

text Total Screen: How Baudrillard Anticipated Trump Pepe Escobar via gail, Thursday, Mar 9 2017, 8:21am
Well, an entertaining and hilarious piece Pepe; stomping around our post-modern world like a drunken elephant becomes you. I think you have found your real calling. Well done and much appreciated as a break from the morbidity of actual reality, as opposed to Baudrillard's re-presentation of himself as an indigo coloured spectacles maker.

"Drunken Nietzsche" indeed, I'm not sure he even indulged, he was too busy going nuts though he contributed much to our latest mis-understanding of subjectivity taken to insane extremes, let's see which of them gets it right in the 'END'. Though I favour Nietzsche, he lived his last thesis as mental implosion, now that's integrity!

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audio Chaos Above = Cohesion Below lynkz, Wednesday, Mar 8 2017, 10:04pm
The ‘underground’ is swelling with remarkably skilled and talented people, which of course surface culture considers criminals, they should talk! I’m referring to ethical hackers that target and weaken criminal States, especially America, the undisputed leading criminal State in the world today. (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

text The ‘Blind, Deaf and Dead’ baz, Tuesday, Mar 7 2017, 7:37pm
Christian theologians should immediately associate the title with the New Testament text, as these words referred to the masses that Jesus considered to be mindless morons, indeed the mythical Jesus was an elitist, plain to see. The references to these unflattering labels are prolific and concerning in the text, especially considering that they all emanated from the mouth of the clearly elitist Christian saviour; and so it becomes apparent that the plague that infects the masses of today was strong some two thousand years past, and beyond in ancient Egypt where an elite system of social rule first appeared in the form of ‘divine’ Pharaohs or God Kings, which facts are also recorded.
international / prose / post

text The Deep State vs. President Trump Gary Olson via darcy, Monday, Mar 6 2017, 11:50pm
Corporate media like CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and elements within the intelligence community are singing from the same hymnal in denouncing and demonizing President Trump and are not at all subtle in suggesting that only impeachment can "save democracy." Democratic Party leaders hope to parley this into retaking the White House.
international / prose / post

text Trump Spends more time watching Cable News (about himself) than Running the Country cyd, Monday, Mar 6 2017, 9:58pm
It is clear that a person suffering from NPD would be self-obsessed, however, a president of a nation in decline and turmoil can ill-afford that narcissistic luxury.
international / prose / post

text Brooklyn Bridge For Sale -- Any Offers? suzie, Saturday, Mar 4 2017, 11:00pm
It’s a wonder my door isn't being bashed down with prospective buyers, after all, Americans believe the most absurd outrageous lies/fantasies from government that fly in the face of facts and known plausible realities.
international / prose / post

trumpangry.jpg image Trump Claims Obama Ordered “Wire Tap” on Trump Towers jess, Saturday, Mar 4 2017, 8:29pm
What next? Since the early days of declaring a Republic America has been embroiled in intrigue and subterfuge, but nothing like at present, one could easily interpret the latest insane claims and counter-claims as symptomatic of a nation unravelling. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text The Pathological Inability of Americans to Accept Criticism russ, Saturday, Mar 4 2017, 1:01am
Remember the little rhyme most of us learned as kids, “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Indeed, it was a form of inoculation to verbal abuse learned around the age of five! However, Americans, particularly those in politics, seem to have missed this form of early socialised inoculation, as is clearly evident with Trumple-thin-skin and former president Obama. The verbal slanging matches that characterised the recent presidential campaign were crude, insulting and direct; both Obama and Trump took great offence when exposed to any form of verbal criticism, which extraordinary responses from adults reveals much about American culture, it just can’t take it! Both Obama and Trump visibly trembled with rage over words that most mature adults would have dismissed as ineffectual, but not so those that live in the land of emotional insecurity -- ‘we just can’t take it here, in America.’
international / prose / post

text As SICK as can be -- Yes, America, I’m talking to YOU! jess, Tuesday, Feb 28 2017, 9:39pm
I recall a news report some years ago in Australia, which nation’s beach culture is strong. All sorts of competitive beach/surf oriented sports between Surf Life Saving Clubs are a common affair in this nation.
international / prose / post

text Dissonance and Disconnect dulcie, Monday, Feb 27 2017, 10:21pm
The overwhelming majority almost automatically accuse today’s politicians of disconnect, that is, they do not ‘feel’ our pain or represent ‘our’ wishes -- how absolutely vain and narcissistic is this view? It’s all about me, isn’t it? Social media have designed it so. So why are ‘MY’ opinions and beliefs ignored? Answer, because the opinions and beliefs of the scoundrels that lied their way into power matter more, yes, it really is about ME! As is extremely apparent today. The world today is an individual self-serving nightmare on the verge of implosion. Understand if you are capable, that coherence is required for any society to persist.
international / prose / post

text The ‘Post Truth’ Fantasy justin, Monday, Feb 27 2017, 10:18am
I had to laugh when the greatest English language torturing nation, America, coined the expression ‘post truth;’ why, because it’s yet another American lie, it implies that a truth age once existed in the past; well, the obvious question is, WHEN?
international / prose / post

Former Goldman Sachs banker Turnbull, elitist to the core image The Australian People KNOW when they are getting Shafted, Mr. Turnbull suzie, Sunday, Feb 26 2017, 9:38pm
Indeed, regardless of limited education, class and every other social factor the Australian population has always been acutely aware of hard reality. And that reality under the Libs, is struggle, hardship and NO HOPE of home ownership, while the 1% minority that need it least are gifted $50 billion in tax and other breaks by of course fellow eitist (birds of the feather ...) PM Turnbull -- and this insular clown hopes to survive the wrath of the very hard done by Oz MAJORITY -- in your harbour-side dreams, Mr Turnbull. (story and 1 image)
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media_monkeys.jpg image White House blocks CNN, BBC, New York Times, LA Times from media briefings Justin Carissimo via gail, Friday, Feb 24 2017, 10:13pm
Well, it's about time someone kicked the outrageously BIASED and information-shaping mainstream media in the teeth, it is well overdue. The CFR led and controlled western mass media (elite owned propaganda apparatus) is so absurdly partial it pains informed people to watch the sewage that spews, non-stop, from its outlets. Trump, for all his faults has done at least one good turn for the American people and western world. And shove it up your coit, CFR! (story and 2 images)
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coralbleaching.jpg image Alarming New Coral Bleaching Event Has Begun at the Great Barrier Reef Dahr Jamail via jaxie, Thursday, Feb 23 2017, 7:19am
Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia -- After a major coral bleaching event killed 22 percent of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) in 2016, the reef is once again undergoing what could be another major bleaching event. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

This picture is worth a million words image The Pope is supposed to be God’s representative on Earth -- what a Laugh! zed, Thursday, Feb 23 2017, 6:04am
That is if you are a clearly deluded Roman Catholic, and I do not exclude other Christian faiths, as the same could be said about them. Isn’t it about time brainwashed Christian imbeciles (and Muslims) realised that ALL religions are man made FAKE representations of reality. Religions are nothing more than ideological prisons where believers are led by the nose to serve the interests and bank accounts of church leaders. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text U.S. Directly Responsible for Millions of Civilian Deaths, numerous Failed States and Mid-East Chaos Danny Sjursen via dan, Thursday, Feb 23 2017, 12:07am
The United States has already lost its war for the Middle East, which couldn’t be clearer to me after having been involved in combat and soldiering in both Iraq and Afghanistan. However, Washington continues with its reality aversion, the hard facts continue to be ignored in favor of mythologizing.
international / prose / post

text NATO/US’ Very Visible Hand at work in Montenegro jake, Monday, Feb 20 2017, 9:15am
Give thinking people a break! The UK Telegraph recently published details of a ‘Russian’ plot to assassinate the leader of the minuscule (600,000 population) statelete of Montenegro, formerly part of surgically divided, by NATO/US, Yugoslavia.
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