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misdef.jpg imageaudio Missile Defense Computer Networks Easily Compromised lyx, Thursday, Aug 2 2012, 10:04am
The uninitiated would probably miss the point regarding employees and contractors working in US missile defense and accessing porn via critical systems/networks. The issue is not about sex or porn it relates to security and digital compromise. (story and 1 image and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

itstore.jpg image Aussies paying huge price for their renowned Apathy liq, Thursday, Aug 2 2012, 12:50am
To say apathy is a cultural plague in a nation where two favourite expressions are, "couldn't give a shit" and "who gives a fuck?" is gross understatement. This is the nation that has just accepted a Wall St, Banker, Corporate lackey PM IMPOSING a Carbon Tax on it when more than two thirds of the population vehemently opposed such a tax, BUT where's the outrage and social indignation? I'll tell you where, no-one gives a flying fuck 'round 'ere, mate! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

obamachildkiller.jpg image Congress Wants to See Obama's Cornflakes "License to Kill" Adam Serwer via sue, Tuesday, Jul 31 2012, 11:52pm
Congress is finally standing up to President Barack Obama on targeted killing. Almost a year after three American citizens were killed in US drone strikes, legislators are pushing the administration to explain why it believes it's legal to kill American terror suspects overseas. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

US Navy logo of Drone Command image The Obscenity of a civilian killing extra-judicial Kill List, Drone war President will, Tuesday, Jul 31 2012, 11:18am
No law or Constitutional provision allows any President, national leader or anyone else to target citizens for summary execution, period! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text The Carbon Tax and the Death of Democracy Kate Johnston via sal, Monday, Jul 30 2012, 5:46am
On July 1st 2012, Australia joined nations around the world in their move towards a carbon economy through the implementation of a Carbon Tax, which will become an Emissions Trading Scheme in 2015. Yet the underpinning justification for this move, the science behind man-made global warming, is not even close to being settled. In fact, an increasingly large body of scientists and researchers are telling us the exact opposite of what the United Nations and governments around the world would have us believe. It is now evident that the science behind man-made global warming that dictates government policy is false, manipulated and corrupt and exists solely to meet a pre-determined political agenda whilst attempting to pass it off as credible science.
international / prose / post

text Southern Ocean found to be Sequestering Carbon but at a Cost David Beniuk via joyce, Monday, Jul 30 2012, 3:58am
AUSTRALIAN scientists have helped discover that carbon is being buried in the Southern Ocean by huge diving currents.
international / prose / post

chinaprotest.jpg image People Power: Chinese FIGHTING for Their Rights staff report via quin, Sunday, Jul 29 2012, 11:29pm
Watch out cringing, indefinite detention round eyes, the Chinese/ASIAN PEOPLE are becoming aware of their MASSIVE and overwhelming GROUP STRENGTH/POWER; they are now flexing their muscle for the WORLD to see. The issue -- as USUAL -- is financial global corruption and the partnership between corrupt government and criminal corporate elites. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

NSA Director Keith Alexander image The NSA and the BIG SUCK at Defcon Elinor Mills via zuis, Saturday, Jul 28 2012, 2:22am
The director of the known criminal (illegal surveillance) National Security Agency (NSA) Gen. Keith Alexander, admits that Defcon hackers constitute the "world's best cybersecurity community;" he then, not entirely unexpectedly, begged for their help BUT elite Uber hackers are not buying the bullshit nor do they intent to give away their edge to the criminal enemy! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Google chair'woman', Eric 'arrogant' Schmidt image Google Lied, AGAIN! Cassandra Vinograd, Raphael Satter via judd, Saturday, Jul 28 2012, 1:37am
Is it arrogance or just plain contempt for the authorities and international regulators that Google consistently displays? Or perhaps, more accurately, is it a reflection of the attitude of its homosexual chair'woman', Eric 'Bilderberg' Schmidt, pictured below? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text 'Pig' Training in the US - and I use the term accurately zed, Saturday, Jul 28 2012, 12:49am
These 'types' will fill the ranks of the US police force shortly, notwithstanding they would have failed the initial screening in most other nations for obvious weight problems. And that not considering an IQ test!
international / prose / post

American imbecile, Romney image Romney as popular as a Fart in a Lift Paul Haven via jay, Friday, Jul 27 2012, 11:26am
Couldn't have put it any better, so I'll let the Poms do the work (for a change!) (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

binary_tube.jpg image Hackers Prove Point Ben Grubb via sen, Thursday, Jul 26 2012, 10:34am
HACKERS have stolen customer data from the internet company AAPT to highlight the dangers of a proposal to force telcos to store every Australian's web history for up to two years. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

hangedman.jpg image The Way Forward is Backward – for numerous reasons! kizz, Thursday, Jul 26 2012, 4:29am
It may appear counter intuitive but at times it pays to support your enemies or to hasten the realisation of some of their evil designs – I refer specifically to reducing the world’s population to a locked-down and monitored slave workforce. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

greenlanice.jpg image Unprecedented 97% of Greenland ice sheet surface melted in mid-July staff report via sam, Wednesday, Jul 25 2012, 1:58pm
Greenland’s surface ice cover melted over a larger area than at any time in more than 30 years of satellite observations in period of merely few days this month. Nearly the entire ice cover of Greenland, from its thin, low-lying coastal edges to its 2-mile-thick center, experienced some degree of melting at its surface this month, according to measurements from three independent satellites analyzed by NASA and university scientists. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

fukushimaworkers.jpg image Fukushima - An Under Reported Ongoing Catastrophe Takashi Sugimoto via marie, Wednesday, Jul 25 2012, 1:18pm
A little more than 500 days after the accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant threatened to force the evacuation of the entire Tokyo metropolitan area, the situation is certainly much improved. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Corporate lackey and war criminal, Tony Blair image Tony Blair Defends his Employers, Bankers! admin via stacy, Tuesday, Jul 24 2012, 10:35am
It seems that insular Banksters are beginning to feel the heat, even after the Colorado shooting spree. [One wonders why mass murdering American psychopaths never target the real vermin on Wall Street.] (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Antarctica image Oz Antarctic Scientist proves Carbon Tax will have no appreciable effect on Global Warming jenny, Tuesday, Jul 24 2012, 9:11am
An Aussie scientist is involved in breakthrough research on CO2 levels and rapid global warming after the last ice age. The discovery also completely exposes Juliar Gillard's Carbon Tax as a money making venture designed by Bankers; it is now clearly evident that the Carbon Tax will have no effect on global warming whatsoever. Tipping point was breached years ago -- the full force of the consequences are yet to be felt! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

David Hicks image Oz Torture Victim David Hicks wins case against Government jess, Tuesday, Jul 24 2012, 3:17am
David Hicks, Guantanamo Bay torture victim and sacrificial political lamb of the gutless Howard Government has today won his case against the government over profiting from the "proceeds of crime." (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Oz-Anon Hacks Government Web Sites staff report via larz, Tuesday, Jul 24 2012, 2:44am
The Australian arm of Anonymous warned that it will continue the attacks on ".gov.au" sites until plans to force ISPs to store user data and make it available to security services and others are shelved.
international / prose / post

American greed and criminality forces millions of human beings to live in appalling conditions image Unabated US Criminal Carnage and Devastation -- 5m Murdered, 7m Displaced since Vietnam judy, Monday, Jul 23 2012, 2:22am
The thought of an American president that boasts a personal, extra-judicial “kill list” would have been impossible only a few decades past, but, O, how the mighty have fallen! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

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