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Desmond Tutu image Desmond Tutu Refuses to Share Platform with Tony Blair staff report via judd, Wednesday, Aug 29 2012, 12:00am
Integrity, morality and conscience are their own reward. They build character, courage and assuredness, come what may -- bravo, Mr Tutu! The global masses can hang their subservient, cowardly heads in shame allowing brazen, lying war criminals, Bush, Blair and Howard to remain at large and unpunished for their heinous roles in the 21st century's largest civilian HOLOCAUST. (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

namlogo.jpg image NAM - 118 Nations 'with the terrorists' corrine, Tuesday, Aug 28 2012, 11:05am
The 16th non-aligned movement summit hosted by Iran winds up on the 31 August and what a historic summit it was; if not for the conferences, new alliances and future plans, certainly for the assertion of national INDEPENDENCE of the 118 nations that attended. We recall now with considerable mirth America's feeble and simplistic attempt to dominate the world by dividing it into two camps. George Bush's now historically imbecilic ultimatum will go down in infamy; after the false flag 9/11 attacks Bush arrogantly stated to the world, "you're either with us or you're with the terrorists!" I wonder if Washington has added 118 nations to its terrorist list? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Satellite image of diminished Arctic sea ice image Arctic ice melts to record low levels staff report via sophie, Tuesday, Aug 28 2012, 1:38am
The sea ice in the Arctic Ocean has melted to its smallest point ever in a milestone that may show that worst-case forecasts on climate change are coming true, US scientists said Monday. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

BHP's Olympic Dam Uranium mine South Australia - an environmental and pollution disaster image Carbon Tax, ETS and Political Obfuscation sal, Tuesday, Aug 28 2012, 12:50am
The story below is yet another mass media sell story on the Banker and Corporate designed Carbon Tax/ETS PENALTY scheme. After the EU and other nations put a price on Carbon -- air will be next as water already carries a price, unless of course you are a Transnational mining company like BHP mining in South Australia which pays nothing while drastically depleting the nation's valuable artesian basin water resource, but I digress -- what happened to the CO2 levels in the atmosphere since Kyoto? (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

nam_summit.jpg image Tehran hosts 16th Summit of Non-aligned Movement of Independent Nations rade, Monday, Aug 27 2012, 10:25am
The non-aligned movement of nations (NAM) was founded in Belgrade in 1961 by Josip Broz Tito, Jawaharlal Nehru, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Kwame Nkrumah and president Sukarno of Indonesia, all legends of national liberation and independence. Founding members fiercely opposed colonialism and imperialism, advocating instead an independent course running between the two opposing Eastern and Western ideological extremes. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

John Howard, war criminal image Known War Criminal to re-enter Oz Politics judd, Monday, Aug 27 2012, 12:36am
John 'aluminium tubing' Howard former PM and member of the notorious 'coalition of willing criminals' that illegally invaded Iraq based on a raft of orchestrated LIES, is to re-enter active Oz politics as part of an, wait for it, "eminent persons" committee, give Oz a break! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Assange on Embassy veranda image UK Retracts Idiotic threat to storm Ecuadorian Embassy in London arrow, Sunday, Aug 26 2012, 10:03am
The Poms will never live it down -- how servile to America could a former colonial superpower get? As low as making extremely compromising threats that jeopardise national integrity and could result in negative economic consequences. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Bob Carr image Oz and Existing US Military Bases of Colonial Occupation dave, Sunday, Aug 26 2012, 3:50am
A spoon full of salt and it still doesn't cut it! Lackey (sorry Bob, but if the shoe fits) Foreign Minister, Bob Carr, attempts to sell the notion that Oz refuses US military occupation in the form of bases. What about Julia Gillard's signed, sealed and delivered pledge of FIVE FULL SCALE (including nuclear equipped) US bases on Oz soil, Bob, did you conveniently forget that outrageous ACT OF TREASON? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text 9/11, A Smoking Gun -- Essential Viewing for Thinking Citizens trudy, Sunday, Aug 26 2012, 2:13am
Excellent investigative documentary from the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
international / prose / post

Yes, you! image NT elections verify Gillard as Political Poison regard, Sunday, Aug 26 2012, 12:29am
After slaughters in other State elections the Northern Territory offered no surprises with a win for conservatives; however, what is surprising is the obstinate refusal of the LABOR PARTY, at both STATE and FEDERAL levels, to ACKNOWLEDGE and accept the OBVIOUS -- that Gillard is RESPONSIBLE for all Labor's recent defeats and that she is pure POLITICAL POISON. Never has the nation known such a universally reviled PM as lying and duplicitous, Julia Gillard. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Rafael Correa image 34 Latin American nations decide in favour of diplomatic resolution to UK-Ecuador Assange Standoff sunny, Friday, Aug 24 2012, 11:05pm
Nevertheless, these issues are SECONDARY to the CORE ISSUE of PROSECUTING American war criminals and other American allies, Tony Blair and John Howard, involved in heinous crimes against humanity. Everyone is capitalising on this ongoing saga except the people and JUSTICE -- IT IS TIME TO THE HOLD THE CULPABLE TO ACCOUNT! Proof of AMERICAN war crimes is now in the public domain and has become HISTORICAL FACT thanks to WikiLeaks! Do not lose sight of the principal issue, AMERICAN WAR CRIMES have been exposed to the WORLD and JUSTICE must be served! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

cctv.jpg image Oz [puppet] Senate votes against 'Trapwire' Disclosure circe, Friday, Aug 24 2012, 1:09pm
Voting no to a motion that would force the government to simply disclose whether or not it is using Orwellian surveillance technology, 'Trapwire,' is a clear indication that it is; it is also well known that both major Oz political parties have been captured by corporatists and elites. The extraordinary Senate decision also brands the majority of Oz senators as UNREPRESENTATIVE US corporate lackeys and servants to the plutocrats. Who would have thought? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Abraxas, mythological Gnostic God that embodies light and dark image 'Trapwire' an Orwellian social nightmare jax, Friday, Aug 24 2012, 1:19am
Stolen emails from 'security' company Stratfor (published on WikiLeaks) reveal a very disturbing direction certain secretive groups/companies are taking with society in general. The recent revelation seems to reinforce the view that extremely frightened minority ruling elites view the masses as the enemy; the government supported development of comprehensive surveillance packages like 'Trapwire' does not help allay fears of totalitarian forces working behind the scenes with government and regulatory agencies against DEMOCRATIC principles and the best interests of the people. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Narcissistic ‘all about me’ generations fall victim to Big Brother cyd, Thursday, Aug 23 2012, 2:25am
New Oz cyber laws to be implemented by the reprehensible lackey Gillard government on behalf of US ruling elites target the desperate and socially alienated digital ‘me’ generations that have foolishly published reams of personal data on various social networking sites, most notably (trace)Facebook. The security Bill, recently passed in the Senate, was barely debated, which speaks volumes about corporate CAPTURED Australian politicians.
international / prose / post

scalesjustice.jpg image The US and Assange -- Proof, Lies and the Art of Deflection/Deception ricco, Tuesday, Aug 21 2012, 11:25pm
The Corporate controlled mass media is currently saturated with reports on Assange, who appears to be a genius at attracting media attention but some are beginning to wonder at possible machinations behind the scenes. British MPs and former diplomats have recently added to the sensationalist media activity by introducing ridiculous sexual assertions regarding the guilt or innocence of Assange in the alleged sexual misconduct issue -- it's not a 'case' yet! HOWEVER, the corporate mass media appears to be pushing a 'line' or is, at the very least, extremely happy to distract the WORLD from the CORE ISSUE, and that is what, you easily distracted dunces? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Ecuador ready to negotiate on Assange conditional to UK withdrawing Threat to Raid Embassy Eduardo Garcia via juan, Tuesday, Aug 21 2012, 10:47pm
QUITO, Aug 21 (Reuters) - Ecuador is ready to negotiate over the fate of Julian Assange if Britain withdraws a threat to raid its embassy in London where the WikiLeaks founder has sought refuge, President Rafael Correa said on Tuesday.
international / prose / post

obamasmug.jpg image Duplicitous LIAR Obama now openly blasphemes judd, Tuesday, Aug 21 2012, 1:07pm
In a stunning and extraordinary outburst Obama now expects the WORLD to believe that God is responsible for HIS 'kill list,' indefinite detention and HIS child/civilian killing illegal Drone warfare! In a recent interview (see link) Obama probably went as low as it is possible to go by attempting to shift responsibility for HIS personal evils onto God! “First and foremost, my Christian faith gives me a perspective and security that I don’t think I would have otherwise: that I am loved. That, at the end of the day, God is in control," Obama said. Well, anyone with a brain and some familiarity with Jesus Christ would simply say, reprehensible, LYING, murdering, bastard! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The musings of scientists over the 'beginning' of the universe reg, Tuesday, Aug 21 2012, 2:14am
You would think that after centuries of recorded declarations emphatically stating that the universe is INFINITE -- which means it has no BEGINNING or END -- the modern scientific community would have caught on by now, but no, scientists are bound by their own self-imposed limitation of 'measurement,' which word in Sanskrit (ma-ya, 'to measure') means illusory! How do you measure infinity?
international / prose / post

Universally reviled lying bitch, Juliar Gillard image Oz Carbon Tax - Price Hikes Across the Board rex, Monday, Aug 20 2012, 11:55am
While opposition leader Tony Abbott has been harping on energy price increases and haranguing reprehensible LIAR, PM Gillard in parliament, the Oz population is facing monumental hikes in prices across the board particularly where it hurts at supermarket checkouts. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

dnastrand.jpg image DNA Data Storage next Quantum Leap Geraint Jones via digby, Monday, Aug 20 2012, 10:29am
The amazing data storage capability of DNA notwithstanding, this story is primarily extolling the virtues of extra-dimensional advantages. The primary reason DNA dwarfs known digital storage methods is simply due to the fact that DNA stores its information in THREE dimensions whereas today's conventional digital storage methods only encode data in two dimensional form. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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