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bibiobama.jpg image Middle East tour - Obama is Expendable ned, Wednesday, Mar 20 2013, 5:06am
The price of selling your soul to the devil or nefarious criminal ruling elites is that you become an expendable asset. At the present time of total disillusionment with American politics/leadership, Obama’s masters must be aware, as most commentators are aware that an assassinated Obama has far more currency and political value than a lying, transparent, well past ‘use-by date,’ puppet politician. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Eric Holder, reprehensible black slave image US Attorney General Refuses to Prosecute Wall St. Crime Mark Karlin via judd, Monday, Mar 18 2013, 7:50am
The above reality carries with it proof incontrovertible the USA is not a democracy but a Plutocracy, a nation run by a wealthy minority elite. Attorney General Eric Holder’s tragic and pathetic excuse for not pursuing Big Banks and the criminal Bankers that run them is that such an action may destabilise the economy. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text You can say that again! ivy, Thursday, Mar 14 2013, 10:09pm
A recent post to an alternative American news site ran with the title: "37 Percent of People in US Are Completely Lost"

The story, authored by Mark Morford, contained the following gross grammatical error/typo: "... it’s safe to say about 37 percent of Americans are just are not very bright. Or rather, quite shockingly dumb..."
international / prose / post

text Crosshairs on Washington gus, Thursday, Mar 14 2013, 8:24am
While that despicable black -- traitor to his race and people -- lackey sits in Washington deciding who he will assassinate (extra-judicially murder next) and rogues on Wall St continue to plunder the nation/world with impunity and gloat over the power they have over the president and Congress/Washington, the question needs to be asked, while they are killing, jailing and enslaving us for misdemeanours, when will we target them?
international / prose / post

text The New Propaganda -- The New Slavery John Pilger via baz, Thursday, Mar 14 2013, 8:19am
What is modern propaganda? For many, it is the lies of a totalitarian state. In the 1970s, I met Leni Riefenstahl and asked her about her epic films that glorified the Nazis. Using revolutionary camera and lighting techniques, she produced a documentary form that mesmerized Germans; her Triumph of the Will cast Hitler's spell.
international / prose / post

text Bank Immunity: When Do We Crack Down on Wall Street? Dean Baker via stan, Monday, Mar 11 2013, 10:20pm
The Wall Street gang must really be partying these days. Profits and bonuses are as high as ever as these super-rich takers were able to use trillions of dollars of below-market government loans to get themselves through the crisis they created. The rest of the country is still struggling with high unemployment, stagnant wages, underwater mortgages and hollowed-out retirement accounts, but life is good again on Wall Street.
international / prose / post

Bill Keller image Private [Bradley] Manning’s Confidant Bill Keller via stacey, Monday, Mar 11 2013, 9:49pm
The following apologetic editorial piece by CEO of the NYT and CFR puppet, Bill Keller, is primarily compensating for his failure as a journalist and his social and moral failure to rally behind a brave young man that has reported heinous war and other crimes against humanity committed by the US military -- without 'fear or favour' Bill, REMEMBER? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text US: Psychotic Superpower on a Hair-trigger Finian Cunningham via ivy, Monday, Mar 11 2013, 9:00pm
The US has become a psychotic superpower, high on paranoia induced by its own poisonous propaganda. This unstable, lawless rogue state, armed to the teeth and deluded by its own self-righteousness, poses the greatest risk to world security.
international / prose / post

text Hackers attack Czech Banks staff report via creo, Saturday, Mar 9 2013, 1:20am
The Czech Republic has been hit by an unprecedented wave of cyber attacks this week, with investigators stumped over their origin amid concerns they could lead to worse mayhem.
international / prose / post

text US and Europe in major airlift of arms to Syrian rebels via Croatia Richard Spencer via stan, Saturday, Mar 9 2013, 12:52am
The United States has coordinated a massive airlift of arms to Syrian rebels from Croatia with the help of Britain and other European states, despite the continuing European Union arms embargo, it was claimed yesterday.
international / prose / post

text Elusive Realities stan, Thursday, Mar 7 2013, 9:22pm
Hugo Chavez, the democratically elected socialist president of Venezuela, died this week of cancer and only hours after his death was announced puppet president Obama released a prepared press statement, not expressing his remorse over the death of a great reformist leader that survived all CIA attempts to remove him from power, but the usual bribe 'incentives’ message to the remaining Venezuelan leadership. That is to be expected from ‘buy or bomb,’ America; however, the following assault on reality was not expected.
international / prose / post

Hugo Chavez image Hugo Chavez Dead at 58 staff report via juan, Tuesday, Mar 5 2013, 7:26pm
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- President Hugo Chavez was a former paratroop commander and self-styled "subversive" who waged continual battle for his socialist ideals. He bedeviled the United States and outsmarted his rivals time and again, while using Venezuela's vast oil wealth to his political advantage. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text American Culture Today Henry A. Giroux via sam, Sunday, Mar 3 2013, 9:03pm
"You write in order to change the world knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that [writing] is indispensable to the world. The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter even by a millimeter the way people look at reality, then you can change it." - James Baldwin
international / prose / post

text Rotten to the core -- God is not a Banker Lynn Stuart Parramore via sal, Saturday, Mar 2 2013, 12:21am
It’s a place where angels fear to tread; where criminals, frauds and mysterious corpses turn up as regularly as rats in the metro. The Institute for Works of Religion, commonly known as the Vatican bank, was set up in 1942 by Pope Pius XII to manage the vast Vatican finances. Often referred to as the world’s most secret bank, the operation is run by a CEO and overseen by five cardinals who report directly to the Pope.
international / prose / post

Bradley Manning, hero of our time imagePDF Document Bradley Manning a Moral and Heroic Stand against all odds staff report, Friday, Mar 1 2013, 11:29pm
Tortured, persecuted and misrepresented by the mainstream, prisoner of conscience, Bradley Manning, made a statement in his own defence on Friday, 1 March. Manning admitted that he alone was responsible for furnishing WikiLeaks with graphic information detailing the US military’s systemic corruption and criminal activities. Manning explained that he was forced to release that information to the public as his command refused to admit or acknowledge any irregularities whatsoever. Thanks to Manning’s selfless bravery and high moral standards the world is able to assess the situation for itself and the material is as damning for the Pentagon and US administration as it could be. (story and 1 image and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

Predator Drone, 'impressive' image Stinking Yanks Impose on Oz Defence Minister, 'kneepads' Smith mitch, Tuesday, Feb 26 2013, 6:56am
Thanks to the obsequiousness of Julia Gillard, Oz is now permanently occupied by the US military; though that troop occupation only extends around Darwin. However, with four other sites already granted by treasonous Gillard and surveyed by Hillary Clinton before she stepped down, that loathsome American moronic twang could soon be heard in many Oz capital cities. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Poisoned America Paul Craig Roberts via rees, Monday, Feb 25 2013, 8:34pm
No need to worry; the owned government and the 'responsible' corporations that own it are taking good care of you. Especially, Vilsack, Monsanto, Big Pharma and all the polluting Oil/petro-chemical, fracking energy companies.
international / prose / post

text Moral Depravity Sam Husseini via sam, Sunday, Feb 24 2013, 8:26pm
In view of all the pathological propaganda garbage depicting psychopaths as heroes and everything non-American as demonic that is issuing from the Corporate mass media and Hollywood these days, the question arises:

"Where are the movies about Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was executed by the Nazis? About Nat Turner who led a slave uprising? About John Brown, who, in the words of David S. Reynolds' biography: "Killed Slavery, Sparked the Civil War, and Seeded Civil Rights?"
international / prose / post

banglaprotest.jpg image Bangladesh Erupts in Protests Nick Cohen via rashid, Saturday, Feb 23 2013, 8:34am
Bengalis have watched and learned from the orchestrated (by America) fake and co-opted social 'revolutions' in North Africa and the Middle East. Egypt is an abysmal co-opted failure as are the slaughters of Libya and Syria --Bengali youth are not about to lose the plot in a hurry. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

gillard12.jpg image ‘I’m your girl’ -- Gillard flags Banking/Corporate sector sal, Thursday, Feb 21 2013, 9:35am
The traditional Oz Party of the people is led by a Corporate sucking traitor of the first order.

It was Gillard who introduced the loathed Carbon Tax, a scheme whereby carbon credits and trading benefits Banks and Transnational corporations but burdens the public with yet another broad based tax. Interestingly, it was/is known that the ETS would have no appreciable effect on climate change and would do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to avert climate catastrophe. However, true to her LYING form, Gillard sold this policy to the people proclaiming it would help prevent catastrophic climate change. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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