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text The Result jess, Wednesday, May 1 2013, 11:31am
For those whose minds are numbed by incessant propaganda and the distracting content of the corporate mass media, I would draw your attention to a few hard realities.
international / prose / post

"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire image Choice Tidbit caz, Monday, Apr 29 2013, 10:52pm
We recall only a few decades past how both the Soviet Union and the USA would fight proxy wars in various regions throughout the world. You could almost guarantee that wherever one superpower was backing rebels or fascists the other was arming and training the local fighting opposition, it was a fact of life prior to the collapse of the USSR. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Hamid Karzai image The Criminal CIA 'Biggest Source of Corruption in Afghanistan' Jon Queally via sal, Monday, Apr 29 2013, 11:26am
Confirming what many policy experts have known for some time, a New York Times headline in Monday's print edition describes how the most corrupting influence within the Afghan government of Hamid Karzai is not innate cronyism or tribal favoritism, but rather the suitcases full of US cash delivered to the Presidential Palace over the last decade by the CIA. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Corporate lackeys, Gillard and Treasurer, Swan image Gillard: Austerity by Any Other Name baz, Monday, Apr 29 2013, 9:22am
The reviled and extraordinarily INCOMPETENT Oz PM, Juliar Gillard, recently hinted at European style austerity measures for Australia in her latest press release, which is an extremely unusual/revealing turn of events considering her previous promises and the status of Australia as an extremely wealthy nation. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text SF Gay 'Pride' Abandons Gay Hero Bradley Manning tony, Sunday, Apr 28 2013, 1:06am
The supremely cowardly stance of American (SF) gays is not surprising given the gay CONSERVATIVE push to legalise gay marriage -- we should not forget that marriage is probably the most conservative of all social arrangements. And to think that the gay movement in the 80's was radical -- a persecuted minority group struggling against conservative values has now performed a complete inversion and EMBRACED conservatism -- so what else is new in upside-down, HYPOCRITICAL America?
international / prose / post

US Senator John McCain image U.S. ThinkTank: Use Al-Qaeda to Fight Hezbollah Franklin Lamb via do-little, Saturday, Apr 27 2013, 11:57pm
“This is one damn fine idea, what took us so long to see a simple solution that was right in front of our eyes for Christ’s sake” -- Senator John McCain.

"...Let ‘em all go at it and Israel can sweep out the shit when it’s over.” (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

wikilogo.jpg image Economic Blockade of Wikileaks Ruled Unlawful Elizabeth C. via bub, Friday, Apr 26 2013, 1:44pm
I have no time for Assange or any other despotic, fascist ego type and I couldn't give a fuck how 'gifted' or 'intelligent' others say he is. The issue is INJUSTICE and it seems that justice has finally been served; the clearly uncorrupted Icelandic Supreme Court ruled that the economic blockade of donations to WikiLeaks is unlawful. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

nsaspying.jpg image Obama Authorizes Warrantless ‘Cybersecurity’ Surveillance - Immunity Given to ISPs Trevor Timm via sal, Friday, Apr 26 2013, 9:31am
"Good evening viewers, our special guest tonight is, 'none of your business,' from the Ministry of Truth.

Minister NYB, would you care to clarify certain concepts that people may be having difficulty with.

"My pleasure, we all know that 'Peace is War,' 'Freedom is constant Surveillance, and democracy is indefinite detention without charge, trial or due process.'

Yes, but how do those policies separate the administration from organised crime?

Well, the short answer is they don't, but you have forgotten the 52nd statute, 'CRIME IS LAW'

O, of course, how silly of me!
(story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

noamchomsky.jpg imageaudioPDF Document Obama and the Chomsky Deception Mike Stivers via stan, Thursday, Apr 25 2013, 9:28am
There are no excuses for someone with Chomsky’s background, qualifications and current status as an influential commentator, to get it so totally wrong. (story and 2 images and 1 audio file and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

text Owned! leez, Wednesday, Apr 24 2013, 9:57am
Hacked on every front -- the stock market is easy prey as are the corporates and others that depend on digital technology.
international / prose / post

video 2081: Film Adaptation of "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut billy pilgrim, Tuesday, Apr 23 2013, 1:27pm
A short film adaptation of Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron -- 2081 depicts a dystopian future in which, thanks to the 212th Amendment, 'indefinite detention, presidential kill lists' and the unceasing vigilance of Police and Intelligence Agencies the talented and exceptional are forced into uniformity and "finally made equal...." -- a conservative wet-dream! (story and 1 video)
international / prose / post

min_wages.jpg image AUSTERITY BULLSHIT: "Hard cuts needed to save budget ..." Adam Creighton via sam, Sunday, Apr 21 2013, 11:01pm
This AUSTERITY story is repeated by the corporate mass media in all western nations and if we remember the cogent words of Hitler and Goebbels, "repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it" -- AS THE MASSES BELIEVE IT TODAY! It's a croc of shit, just look at the profit figures for the major corporations over the past decade -- Transnationals and major Banks -- and the soaring wealth of the criminal 1% of society and you too will see that wealth is abundant; however, it is CLEARLY being stolen from its rightful owners, those that create it -- THE PEOPLE! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Who said so? verity, Sunday, Apr 21 2013, 11:32am
There is more money around today than ever before though average people are seeing less and less of it - WHY?
international / prose / post

obamatorture.jpg image Bipartisan Torture Inquiry: U.S. 'Indisputably' Guilty of Torture staff report via sal, Friday, Apr 19 2013, 9:07am
Note that almost ten years have elapsed since Bush enlisted the services of John Yoo to 'legalise' torture -- another stillborn inquiry. Releasing "indisputable" findings or proof that the USA tortures is hardly news or a revelation, the WORLD is fully aware that criminal US administrations approve and sanction the use of torture! Detained suspects (including Bradley Manning) were/are regularly TORTURED in order to extract confessions and/or force compliance. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Plain American Truth that Everyone Avoids like the Plague cyd, Wednesday, Apr 17 2013, 11:10pm
"I'll show you politics in America. Here it is, right here. "I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs." "I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking." "Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding both puppets!" "Shut up! Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control." -- Bill Hicks
international / prose / post

text Gold price crash is further evidence of market rigging Thomas Pascoe via ned, Wednesday, Apr 17 2013, 1:29am
Before I begin I would affirm that paper currency and gold have no intrinsic value whatsoever. Have you ever tried to eat a paper or gold sandwich? Now that we have basic value in perspective I would ask who or what stands to benefit most from an unorthodox (against market forces) gold sell-off? Answer, paper currencies, especially default currencies printed by the Reserve Banking System. Gold and money affect each others’ value according to fluctuations determined by supply and demand -- at least that should be the case; however, the latest gold sell-off defies those laws, as no good reason for the gold sell-off is apparent to any market analyst of repute; notwithstanding the now clear incidence of market manipulation or direct intervention of some sort.
international / prose / post

Obama image Obama -- ''cowardly'' act of terrorism! judd, Tuesday, Apr 16 2013, 10:43am
As the toll of innocent victims rises in the wake of the Boston bombings, black lackey, Corporate puppet, extra-judicial kill list and indefinite detention president Obama has called the Boston bombings a "cowardly" act! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

bostonbombing.jpg image Civilians Targeted in Boston Marathon candy, Monday, Apr 15 2013, 11:19pm
In a dastardly attack on innocent civilians two bombs ripped through a crowd at the finish line of the prestigious Boston marathon killing three instantly and severely injuring dozens more. Up to thirty people are said to have lost lower limbs in the explosions. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Message from the Underground klix, Monday, Apr 15 2013, 12:39pm
thnx for all the support extended in our time of need. the more they try to block, corral or control the more we hack open the entire (cyber) front -- the war rages as never b4 - and of course we have the upper hand against nefarious mass murdering corporate forces. we have traded secrets with other states in our fight against US corporatism -- whatever it takes to rid the world of types like Eric 'Bilderberg' Schmidt and Mark 'Zion CIA' Facefuckburg
international / prose / post

text The US Federal Reserve is 'Fixing' the Gold Market Paul Craig Roberts via sal, Monday, Apr 15 2013, 11:15am
I was the first to point out that the Federal Reserve was rigging all markets, not merely bond prices and interest rates, and that the Fed is rigging the bullion market in order to protect the US dollar’s exchange value, which is threatened by the Fed’s quantitative easing. With the Fed adding to the supply of dollars faster than the demand for dollars is increasing, the price or exchange value of the dollar is set up to fall.
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