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text Chomsky Again directs peoples' focus to puppet politicians NOT Guilty Instigators judd, Thursday, May 23 2013, 10:50pm
All is revealed if focus and attention are directed in the right direction -- hence ruling elites/plutocrats have always utilised the services of owned political puppets to implement their policies -- and of course Obama is the most servile puppet of them all.
international / prose / post

Noam Chomsky image Chomsky Supports Bin Laden Assassination Myth zed, Wednesday, May 22 2013, 11:43am
Before proceeding, readers should be made aware that not one iota of hard evidence exists that supports or proves that Obama succeeded in assassinating Bin Laden -- most of Asia is aware that Bin Laden died of renal disease some YEARS before the Pakistani raid. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Manning pre-trial: 'Aiding the Enemy' -- which enemy? judd, Wednesday, May 22 2013, 1:13am
The criminal Pentagon (proven) and its prosecution in the Manning case is to proceed with the charge of "Aiding the Enemy;" however, that charge raises a number of critical issues -- foremost, which enemy?
international / prose / post

text 2022: Death of an Unrepresentative President -- A Review ned, Tuesday, May 21 2013, 11:01am
After decades tolerating bought politicians the public has finally ‘spat the pacifier’ and taken matters into their own hands. Traditional elites, which have ruled for centuries, are now targeted by an irate citizenry. It’s classic class warfare genre, criminal Plutocrats fighting for survival against the now liberated marauding masses hell-bent on eradicating the vulnerable but shrewd moneyed elite.
international / prose / post

Chris Hedges - Defeatist image More Defeatist Rhetoric from Chris Hedges sean, Monday, May 20 2013, 12:39pm
The subliminal message and sub-textual delivery in Hedges’ latest offering is plain as day to anyone with an analytical mind, a background in semiotics or that possesses simple insight. However, for those persons for which these terms or abilities are ‘Greek,’ do not despair as clarity is readily available. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Netanyahu and Brennan Plot Assassination of Assad Sy, Sunday, May 19 2013, 10:57am
Frustrated with the stubborn Syrian resistance to foreign intervention and recent rebel losses to government forces, John Brennan was dispatched to Tel Aviv to discuss and consider various assassination options with Netanyahu.
international / prose / post

text Syrian Standoff ami, Sunday, May 19 2013, 9:05am
Russia sends more warships to Syrian coast while Israel threatens Assad if he retaliates for Israeli air strikes on his capital.
international / prose / post

H. Clinton image US radio host threatens to shoot Clinton in the 'Cunt' jed, Saturday, May 18 2013, 10:50pm
An extremist media nutter in Arkansas has rightfully exposed the badly bungled and orchestrated Bin Laden assassination RUSE and then threatened (over the air) to shoot Clinton in the "Vagina" for her role in the plot -- direct quote of rant below: (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text The Universal Push to Consciousness justine, Saturday, May 18 2013, 11:02am
Imagine purchasing a superb racing car and only using one tenth of its power; why make the purchase if we’re not willing to put our ‘foot to the floor’ and experience the full potential of the racing machine?
international / prose / post

text The Criminal US Confirms Unrestricted Permanent War Anywhere it Chooses Glenn Greenwald via van, Friday, May 17 2013, 11:18pm
It must FIRST be clearly stated that the precedent was set by Imperial Germany in WWI -- the Germans openly publicised their brutal and inhumane intentions prior to committing their war crimes. They laboured under the same misapprehension/DELUSION the US labours under today; that is, by openly stating one's intentions it makes it legal. Well, the plain fact is, it DOESN'T, as the Germans discovered to their very great cost.
international / prose / post

killlist.jpg image America's long journey into night via sal, Friday, May 17 2013, 8:42am
There is a very pertinent Indian story about a courtesan that seduced a revered ascetic Holy man who lived in a forest and survived on a meager diet of leaves and other basic forest foods. The Holy man was held in such high esteem by the people that the local Raja became jealous and plotted to disgrace him and so become the most revered man in the Kingdom. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Senator Elizabeth Warren demanding answers image Sen. Warren demands to know why criminal bankers aren’t being locked up Stephen C. Webster via stan, Thursday, May 16 2013, 9:33pm
Senator Warren can't do it alone -- it is a given today that Bankers and Wall St in general OWN Washington and the puppet Presidency. Elizabeth Warren is YOUR REPRESENTATIVE and she NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT in her/your FIGHT against the filth that have stolen our democracy and are responsible for launching every US war over the past decade. And all this they do for their stinking bottom line while millions of innocents are slaughtered and YOU are foreclosed and thrown onto the streets. Gird your loins America and D-E-M-A-N-D JUSTICE -- stand with Senator Warren in her good fight against the evil that infects the nation. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Bilderberg Group and what they may be Planning Now Stephen Lendman via sal, Thursday, May 16 2013, 6:42am
For over 14 years, Daniel Estulin has investigated and researched the Bilderberg Group’s far-reaching influence on business and finance, global politics, war and peace, and control of the world’s resources and its money.
international / prose / post

Attorney General, Eric 'errand boy' Holder image Totalitarian US Regime Intrudes on Media Privacy spleen, Wednesday, May 15 2013, 10:00pm
Errand boy to the plutocrats, Eric Holder, abused his office once again and demanded phone records from the Associated Press mass media organization -- how does INACTION in the face of Nazism feel now, PEOPLE? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text A Virus Called Fear -- Short movie lenni, Tuesday, May 14 2013, 7:16am
This excellent short doco film addresses what most people avoid -- their terrified state of being. Fear enables politicians like Bush, Cheney, Obama and their ilk to manipulate the masses to their advantage. See how rational fears have been displaced by irrational fears, which are used today to advantage by various elite groups, politicians, and of course propagandists/advertising agencies.
international / prose / post

text UN Promotes Insects as Food ira, Monday, May 13 2013, 9:12pm
A recent report on the mass media is promoting the consumption of insects as a valuable food source -- well why not? The ruling elite has already got Americans eating 'shit' and loving it! Do anything you like with the moron hordes, it is already a given that the more they are abused the more abuse they will take -- unfortunate but TRUE. They deserve everything they get for being such cringing COWARDS and allowing a tiny minority of wealthy criminals to rob them of their 'inalienable' rights, privileges and liberties, well now eat SHIT, while your masters dine on the best the planet has to offer!
international / prose / post

text Empires Kill, Steal and Fail liz, Monday, May 13 2013, 9:06am
It is the nature of all Empires to kill inordinate numbers of innocent people, as they stand in the way of expansion/appropriation. The USA is no exception, in fact it promises to be the most heinous of all murdering Empires. Remember the 500,000 Iraqi children needlessly killed with sanctions and embargoes; according to US policy makers it was "worth it" -- what's half a million dead children compared to a barrel of oil?
international / prose / post

text "How UNSW creates the world's best hackers" Ben Grubb via lyx, Monday, May 13 2013, 1:13am
So ran the headline in the IT section of the SMH; to put it simply a 'slight' exaggeration or more accurately, a well over the top claim, Mr Grubb -- is someone from UNSW giving you head?
international / prose / post

text Greedy Oz Banks Refuse to pass on Cuts Clancy Yeates and Esther Han via judd, Sunday, May 12 2013, 10:51am
Big banks have failed to pass on most interest rates cuts to their credit card customers, despite the Reserve Bank cutting them to their lowest level in more than 50 years.
international / prose / post

banglariots.jpg image Bangladeshi Fundamentalists Riot Again staff report via sam, Sunday, May 12 2013, 9:55am
A fresh outbreak of violence in Bangladesh followed a tribunal that sentenced a top Islamist opposition party politician to death. But those radical Islamist groups currently challenging the government, experts say, pose a wider regional threat. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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