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text 'Leaker' Snowden, may not be what he appears to be! Naomi Wolf via sal, Saturday, Jun 15 2013, 2:16am
I share some concerns with feminist activist Naomi Wolf and William Shakespeare. My major concern in this age of cyber warfare is Snowden's odd and inadequately explained choice of Chinese Hong Kong to make his stand. Indeed, it appears more like an awkward lure to Beijing as any double agent would inform you. Read well Wolf's suspicions but if we are correct that something rots in Denmark and Hong Kong then China which has thousands of years experience in these spying matters, would not easily be fooled and Snowden may end up in prison for the rest of his foolish life if it is determined that he is indeed an agent. Greenwald also appears to be a useful idiot at his stage. His failure to denounce 9/11 as a KNOWN false flag during a recent interview and to historically challenge the (clearly fake, reviewed numerous times in real time) assassination of Bin laden by trained seals are other concerning issues.
international / prose / post

Juliar Gillard image Perverse and Insular Gillard always in Reverse clancy, Saturday, Jun 15 2013, 1:23am
A headline in the Australian today speaks more than its few words indicate: "Gillard shrugs off Labor leadership rumblings!" And in her own words, "Juliar Gillard today brushed off continued leadership tensions as "rumour and speculation" and declared she is "getting on with the job". I wish I had a dollar for every occasion Gillard resorted to that idiotic, INSULAR 'defence' -- "the job" according to Gillard, as Aussies KNOW all too well, is kowtowing to Big Business and disregarding the interests of the PEOPLE, Labor's traditional support base. Gillard's disrespect for Australians was defined by her treacherous back-stab of the ENTIRE electorate regarding the carbon tax -- A POLICY THAT SERVES THE PROFIT INTERESTS OF BANKERS AND CORPORATIONS BUT PLACES AN ADDITIONAL BURDEN ON THE PEOPLE; notwithstanding that it is KNOWN the carbon tax ('trading' in pollution) will not mitigate global warming in the least, but there's more! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Obama plays Fabricated Iraqi WMD Card to Escalate Proxy war in Syria RT staff report via gatti, Friday, Jun 14 2013, 2:19am
Notwithstanding that special investigator for the UN, Carla Del Ponte, determined that US and Israeli backed Syrian rebel forces were using chemical weapons, puppet president Obama accused Assad's government forces of using those weapons as an excuse to arm his rebel forces which are currently being routed by the Syrian military! Déjà vu Iraq LIES, but will a much wiser WORLD tolerate such brazen fabricated 'WMD' deceit AGAIN? Your call Russia and yellow dog China!
international / prose / post

text Crowd Management and the Snowden ‘Revelations’ gus, Thursday, Jun 13 2013, 2:11am
Claims, counter claims, spin and propaganda are used by all governments everywhere; these methods are as old as ancient Egypt where ruling elites were successfully ‘sold’ to the masses as Gods. Later rulers, Alexander and the Emperors of Rome, all utilised the same methods and there is nothing new under the sun regarding propaganda and crowd management today -- though no-one pretends to be a God they just act as though they are omnipotent! So it may be time to get a grip on current events and cut through the mix of truth, garbage, spin, static and plain bulllshit.
international / prose / post

text Shit Floats! effie, Wednesday, Jun 12 2013, 1:29pm
A very fortunate occurrence indeed -- and what is the highest floating TURD in the limitless ocean today? The US government report on the 9/11 attack, of course; second is Hollywood Seal Team 6, which went to all that trouble to assassinate a man that had died of renal failure YEARS before. Add to this list yourself, but the real message of this post is the profound GRATITUDE we would like to express for the brave young men and women that have EXPOSED the USA as the most criminal State on the planet.
international / prose / post

colesstayingdown.jpg image Wesfarmers Coles Taken to Court by Regulator for Misleading the Public Ben Collins via suzie, Wednesday, Jun 12 2013, 11:12am
Conning the public is the least of it with sordid and offensive to the extreme Coles supermarket management. Coles 'customer care' should be renamed 'care-less!' A website dedicated to customer, staff and supplier grievances will soon be on the Internet. Abused customers, staff and suppliers will be able to comment and air their grievances against Coles for everyone to see and judge for themselves. Coles' inept and insular management are of the view that it is preferable to ignore valid customer complaints and other issues rather than to take the less costly and civilised approach of apologising and remedying the situation. This latest litigation is typical of Coles' arrogant and insular American style mis-management and attitude! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text U.S. Telcos Illegally Routed Data to the NSA prior 2008 lyx, Wednesday, Jun 12 2013, 3:11am
Were we asleep when it was OPENLY PUBLISHED that the US House of Reps passed LAWS retroactively that legalised unrestrained universal spying on EVERYONE? Why the surprise TODAY when NO-ONE reacted YESTERDAY to oppressive totalitarian policies -- are you people for real? The price of inaction in the face of ‘totalitarian’ oppression (look it up, kretins) is SLAVERY, how does it feel now, SLAVES?
international / prose / post

text Zionist Neocon Ari Fleischer Supports Surveillance State gladys, Tuesday, Jun 11 2013, 11:18am
In a recent (easily forgotten) CNN interview with journo Glenn Greenwald and neocon Ari Fleischer, it wasn't surprising to see Zionist neocon Fleischer come to the assistance of embattled fag, Barack 'where's my script' Obama, in defence of the world's first hyper-intrusive surveillance State.
international / prose / post

text It only takes ONE dasha, Tuesday, Jun 11 2013, 1:15am
A seminal paper written on the parent site encodes in writing for the first time what was a hot topic in the underground -- that is, a single individual with determination and skill, is now capable (thanks to the digital age) of overthrowing a Nation/State and indeed a Superpower, which actually presents as an easier target than underdeveloped nations. This situation has never before presented itself in human history. This is asymmetry taken to its logical and final conclusion. It is simply a matter of hacking into sensitive military infrastructures/systems that orbit the earth and constantly monitoring their control centres and other facilities on the ground -- too fuckin’ easy -- and might I say since the publication of that first seminal paper, which has already altered the course of modern history, momentous inroads have been made into realising the INEVITABLE EVENT, which has become the holy grail for Uber hackers of the world.
international / prose / post

Edward Snowden image Blow Whistle, Blow pauline, Monday, Jun 10 2013, 9:45am
Regardless of all the efforts anal and ultra-conservative personalities pursue to control everything; Bradley Manning, and more recently, Edward Snowden are examples of how it will always be. The tighter you turn the screw the more people with a conscience and courage will reveal the sordid secrets of government and the cabals that control it. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Rudd and Gillard, servants to Big Business interests image Murdoch Paper The Australian, finally prints Truth about Gillard larry, Monday, Jun 10 2013, 8:23am
Most Aussies would remember Rudd's infamous lunch (job interview) with Rupert Murdoch in New York, after which Rudd emerged with a beaming smile; Murdoch for his part, said he thought Rudd, "would make a good Prime Minister," and that was that; Australia had to suffer an intolerable ego maniac that pandered to the cameras rather than getting down to the business of running the country. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Bradley Manning, not abandoned or diminished image Chris Hedges Reinforces Mainstream Negative Propaganda Once AGAIN baz, Monday, Jun 10 2013, 12:28am
In his latest diatribe Hedges begins by legitimising the ‘judicial’ trial of Bradley Manning, the title of his latest piece supporting the status quo is, “The Judicial Lynching of Bradley Manning” -- give REASON a break, there is absolutely NOTHING “JUDICIAL” about the Manning FARCICAL 'trial,’ that is OBVIOUS to anyone the least bit familiar with the LAW or possess the least amount of COMMON SENSE to claim social competence! It is patently absurd that the criminally accused places the accuser on ‘trial’ for exposing CRIMES, as is clearly encoded/OUTLINED in INTERNATIONAL and LOCAL LAW -- informing the world that the US is guilty of the most heinous immoralities and crimes against humanity is not a crime it is a SERVICE to ALL CIVILISED HUMANITY. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Oz Labor Party -- too little too late ocker, Sunday, Jun 9 2013, 9:09am
Juliar Gillard is indisputably the most politically insular and toxic PM Oz has ever known and it seems the Labor Caucus has finally confronted that Reality and is withdrawing their support for nationally REVILED leader, JuLIAR 'carbon tax,' 5 US bases,' Corporate cocksucker' Gillard! However, brain-dead Federal Labor should have acted after successive State election slaughters and realised that Gillard was responsible for the unprecedented backlash -- I mean where does she get off LYING blatantly to the population and then stabbing them in the back in exactly the same way she stabbed Rudd in the back. Well, it may be acceptable within party ranks to misrepresent, LIE and politically assassinate standing prime ministers BUT not so trying that same tactic on an unforgiving public.
international / prose / post

Puppet Obama defends surveillance/his masters imagePDF Document A Reiteration: NO Privacy, open slather Surveillance and it's Legal Marcy Wheeler via judd, Sunday, Jun 9 2013, 12:22am
Notwithstanding the millions of mindless fools around the globe that VOLUNTARILY submitted sensitive personal information to (CIA supported) social networking sites with the understanding that that information would forever belong to the company that requested it -- I find it difficult to fathom why all the current ballyhoo over the latest surveillance expose's in the media. People submitted their personal, private information KNOWINGLY and with clear warning that the information supplied could be used for any purpose whatsoever, in other words OWNERSHIP of that data was FORFEITED! Is it clear now, think about surrendering sensitive data about yourself FOREVER, data that is stored in a supremely hackable digital 'cloud system,' notwithstanding that government agencies are 'LEGALLY' able to mine that data at WILL? (story and 1 image and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

text Utter Contempt for the People slim, Saturday, Jun 8 2013, 11:43am
Recent revelations about global data-mining by large American IT corporations such as, Google, Apple, Facebook, Yahoo etc., display the utter contempt large American corporations, and their puppet politicians, have for the privacy rights of citizens. It seems that the ANONYMITY cardinal rule for HACKERS should now also apply to the broader community.
international / prose / post

digitalsurveillance.jpg image Corporations Surrender Data to Spy Agency in Corporate Controlled America, Doh! staff report via harry, Friday, Jun 7 2013, 9:56am
It becomes tedious informing a population of zombies that they are being shafted by their own lackey governments, a penny for each warning could now buy an island.

So, we have the displeasure of re-posting the results of non-action in relation to the eroding of privacy and liberties by minority serving governments. But it matters little to a population of dead-heads. So suck on the latest facts that CIA funded Facebook, Bilderberg Google, Apple, Yahoo, Skype (compromised by MS) and almost every other social networking and data site have offered ALL their data to NSA spooks, suckers!
(story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Kevin Rudd image Former Oz PM Kevin 'grudge' Rudd Seals Labor's Fate jake, Friday, Jun 7 2013, 8:54am
Kevin Rudd, the former Oz PM that was stabbed in the back by his treacherous deputy, Juliar Gillard, has emerged from the shadows to destroy all hope of any positive outcome for Labor in the approaching Federal election. Rudd doesn't have to say a word about the past, his constant presence in the media is enough to seal Gillard's and Labor's fate; indeed, Rudd is acutely aware he is hammering the last nail into Labor's coffin. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

PDF Document Unprecedented Wealth Disparity, Debt Slavery and Subservient (Lobotomised) Consciousness David DeGraw via lil, Thursday, Jun 6 2013, 11:43pm
Nice effort Mr DeGraw, but it's all been done (almost to a tee) before. A captured mass media, CFR; create a bogeyman/scapegoat, Muslim 'terrorists;' then stage a national shock, Reichstag Fire/9/11, then wage war with executive powers that allow for a multitude of illegalities! Yes indeed, the American cabals are so completely unimaginative they borrowed the entire formula for social management from Nazi Germany. But the real TRAGEDY is that the American people fell for it even though the precedent was set only 'yesterday.' There's not a lot you can do with the level of sublime ignorance that plauges America today Mr DeGraw, but keep trying nevertheless; your tragic optimism regarding the OTPOR/CANVAS (paid for) 'Occupy' (stationary) 'movement' was misplaced, but ten points for your blind optimism. That 'movement' even failed in its single declared OBJECTIVE -- to O-C-C-U-P-Y WALL STREET! Better luck next time. (story and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

text The Reason sam, Thursday, Jun 6 2013, 12:18pm
Have you ever asked yourself why America indiscriminately slaughters MILLIONS of innocent people (carpet bombing, Indo-China) or has secret mafia kill lists, or conducts illegal Drone warfare that murders and maims women and children, or denies nations (Iraq) medical supplies that result in needless deaths -- 500,000 innocent children?
international / prose / post

text Criminal America -- Interventionist, Expansionist, Terrorist Nation dee, Thursday, Jun 6 2013, 10:17am
Rather than distract, convolute or deny -- SIMPLY READ A GOOD HISTORY BOOK to VERIFY the title as accurate FACT!
international / prose / post

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