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gigero.jpg image Don’t kid yourselves - the fight has always been between opposing elite groups nano, Saturday, Oct 26 2013, 10:57pm
Recorded history since ancient Egypt (where elites deified themselves) verifies that small groups and exceptional individuals have always been responsible for momentous social and technological change -- the masses have consistently behaved in the same manner throughout history, i.e. as mindless, moronic herd animals until explosive trigger-events spur them en masse into action, after which they return to their servile passive state as mindless herd animals! That is the undeniable social historical reality and types (there are many) like David McGraw, who I admire for his zeal and dedication (but not his blind and misplaced optimism) had better learn late never to flog dead horses. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

obamaperformingpuppet.jpg image For Pete's sake, what does it take ..? john, Friday, Oct 25 2013, 9:38pm
The above title should finish, 'TO GET THE MESSAGE ACROSS?' (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

video Lucid and articulate REALITY Response to bought Mass Media Host lil, Thursday, Oct 24 2013, 11:37pm
Russell Brand eloquently spells it out for servant to the global plutocracy and bought BBC media host, Jeremy Paxman, and reduces him to silence with stunning logic and simple FACTS! (story and 1 video)
international / prose / post

Angela Merkel image Ally Merkel: are you spying on me? Jon Queally via stan, Thursday, Oct 24 2013, 12:44pm
According to government sources in Germany, there was enough speculation that Merkel herself phoned President Obama on Wednesday demanding a clarification about the accusations. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Effective counter-strategies against NSA spying Martha Mendoza via sal, Thursday, Oct 24 2013, 12:23pm
'Give them enough rope;' this popular adage applies particularly to the USA and its manic, indiscriminate policy of viewing the entire global population as an imaginary enemy -- remember McCarthyism?
international / prose / post

PDF Document No Time/Space rudi, Wednesday, Oct 23 2013, 10:00am
Science falters on its initial premise i.e. that the universe began or started -- the big bang of idiocy -- infinity has no beginning or end! Of course, it follows, if something begins it MUST end, as its beginning marks a reference point and all reference points require by definition at least one other antithetical (related) comparative reference point, in this case an END! That is all you need know to overturn the most sacred beliefs of measurement-based science. (story and 2 attached files)
international / prose / post

Proven "dishonest and misleading" (ACCC) Coles CEO, Ian McLeod image Supermarkets Resume Discussions with Local Producers sal, Monday, Oct 21 2013, 1:53am
These talks seem to be missing a major point and that is that Tony Abbott, party leader and PM, is in the pocket of the plutocrats that installed him into office -- remember that (wish list) gala dinner for Abbott hosted by Rupert Murdoch and Gina Rinehart? Regardless of what ministers may wish or present to the public, Abbott is boss and will dictate policy according to the wish list he has been given by his masters, make no mistake! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

video eBay Founder Commits $250m to New Global Media Outlet Dominic Rushe via stan, Thursday, Oct 17 2013, 11:11pm
Since the complete takeover (see attached video) of the western global news media by the plutocracy the world has been fed propaganda disguised as news -- the story below could be the best real news of the Century!

There is no doubt whatsoever that a REAL independent news outlet would be an overnight success and an extremely viable business in the world today -- people are fed up with transparent media propaganda, outright distortions/omissions and lies!
(story and 1 video)
international / prose / post

Greenwald image Glenn Greenwald: poof journo to go it alone stan, Wednesday, Oct 16 2013, 12:47pm
In the 70‘s and 80‘s gays and saphhics were radical; they hit the streets with a do-or-die attitude to demand their rights/recognition and to overcome decades of prejudice and persecution from social and religious conservatives. We (political radicals) gave them every support in their fight. Then after substantial social successes, radical gay leaders were displaced by conservative gays that began to emulate mainstream society, gay 'marriage' for instance! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Sociopath Cheney image The U.S. Shutdown: Turning The Social Tide liz, Saturday, Oct 12 2013, 11:58pm
The global plutocracy is demonstrating -- though they have orchestrated events from the start -- that democracy doesn’t work. The U.S. shutdown flies in the face of representative democracy and highlights that ‘our’ reps do not really represent us, the MAJORITY, but serve minority interests and themselves instead. In fact, the U.S. shutdown has clearly demonstrated something unintended i.e. that western democracies are OWNED and are simply a means by which ruling UNREPRESENTATIVE minority elites are able to exert influence over nations while remaining in the shadows -- we should never forget that the global plutocracy, which has orchestrated this shutdown scenario, is (temporarily) the most powerful minority interest group on the planet! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text The Guardian asks: Are Americans Dumb? sooz, Thursday, Oct 10 2013, 10:28pm
A short question begs a short but accurate answer -- YES, it is no secret that the U.S. is the dumbest of all the developed nations; so how do we account for its criminal and other amazing successes -- short answer again, Americans are CAPABLE but extremely perverse.
international / prose / post

Ian McLeod, corporate sociopath and CEO of Wesfarmers Coles image Irate Aussie consumer launches full frontal attack on Coles sal, Thursday, Oct 10 2013, 12:30am
There is no doubt that this and associated stories serve the public interest; it is a very revealing saga and clearly highlights the very soft and vulnerable underbelly of profit-only-driven Corporations and the sociopathic mentalities that run them. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text A Criminal Farce of Monumental Proportions judd, Tuesday, Oct 8 2013, 10:47pm
Today America is without peer as the leading law-breaking, criminal nation on the planet; its civilian killing record alone amounts to more than the rest of the world combined; it engages in extra-judicial assassinations; it commits war and other heinous crimes against humanity almost on a daily basis and has done so continually for over a decade and YET it has never been held accountable by the International community or courts. The reason is simple, the WORLD is temporarily under the control of criminal Plutocrats that are using the USA and its resources as a means to further their aims and evil ambitions, which are global hegemony, resource theft and enslavement/containment of the global population. Just take a good look at what its agencies strive to achieve on a GLOBAL level TODAY!
international / prose / post

Civilian targets image The US/NATO Crime that is Libya Today Stephen Lendman via stan, Tuesday, Oct 8 2013, 10:47am
The most memorable event of the Libyan 'humanitarian' (pretext) intervention was the 26,000 bombing sorties conducted by US/NATO forces, which ruined the most progressive, completely debt-free nation in North Africa. Today Libya is a zone of perpetual conflict by design, thanks to the US and the fundamentalist, al-Qaeda-linked puppet government it installed. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

helix_nebula.jpg image Conscious Choices and Quantum Politics nano, Monday, Oct 7 2013, 12:42pm
I am a mystic not a physicist so do not expect mathematical formula or equations, simple discourse is sufficient for the transmission of this information/knowledge. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Chomsky, too easy image Chomsky: here we go again! len, Sunday, Oct 6 2013, 11:36pm
The title of the latest propaganda piece, “American Exceptionalism And The Obama Doctrine," from that reprehensible sell-out traitor, Chomsky, who it must be remembered supports (on record) the government MYTH of the Bin Laden assassination by a Navy Seal team, which is based on heresay -- no hard evidence whatsoever -- and who also attributes the now proven false flag inside 9/11 job to Bin Laden when even the FBI dares not venture into that precarious ground, has once AGAIN deflected attention AWAY FROM THE GUILTY CRIMINAL ZIONIST PLUTOCRACY to their presentation/fall guy, PUPPET president and Kissinger protégé, Barack Obama. But should we be surprised, Chomsky is just another Jew keeping the faith -- his academic qualifications scream that he KNOWS better! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

31xhduryol.jpg image Pitfalls of Yoga for Western Students sadh, Sunday, Oct 6 2013, 12:36pm
This short paper addresses the most common mistake western students make when engaging traditional eastern practical philosophies, Yoga in particular. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

audio Mass Media LIES -- It is NOT Hopeless, YOU are NOT POWERLESS! ryall, Sunday, Oct 6 2013, 2:41am
Do not believe the overt, covert and subliminal messages that constantly issue from the Corporate mass media; messages that attempt to convince you that it’s hopeless, you can’t do it, you can’t make a difference, it’s all too much to change the status quo etc., because it’s a LIE! The list of individuals that changed the entire world in positive and negative ways is enormous; individuals invented everything we take for granted and enjoy today, from electricity (AC current) to every other major development known to society -- they did this because they BELIEVED -- not in some external enslaving God or power but in themselves. (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

text Facing Political REALITY lor, Saturday, Oct 5 2013, 10:21am
I could write a long winded treatise on democracy, which would be an exercise in utter futility, as democracy has never existed, it was always an ideal, a theoretical political system. From the first days of its attempted implementation in ancient Greece evidence of corruption was recorded, in particular the detection of counterfeit pottery shards that ancient Greeks used for voting -- portends of things to come, some would say!
international / prose / post

Comrade Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap image Legendary Military Hero Dies at 102 Margie Mason And Chris Brummitt via dru, Friday, Oct 4 2013, 11:34am
This man proved that it is always the human factor that wins regardless of the technological advantages of the adversary. Against overwhelming odds, Comrade Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap defeated French and then American colonialists in Vietnam proving that his first amazing victory against the French was no fluke. Vietnam gained independence and freedom largely due to the planning brilliance of this man. However, it should be remembered that no-one does it alone; who could forget Uncle Ho's devastating and prophetic message to the USA, "you will never succeed!" Today's world of spineless wimps has a lot to learn from the integrity and tenacity of yesterday's heroes. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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