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text Pro-Israeli Saudi Royals Livid over Exclusion in U.S.-Iranian Talks Jay Solomon via jan, Monday, Dec 16 2013, 9:18pm
The U.S. has historically stabbed almost every former partner and ally in the back in pursuit of its own interests -- so what's new, you inbred, corrupt Saudi Royals?

Perhaps a future that excludes Israel and a diminishing Saudi oil supplier is troublesome to some. The South Australian Coober Pedy basin contains more oil reserves than the Saudis ever had -- you have just lost your leverage, Faisal, now contend with the angry Arab masses you have screwed for centuries.

international / prose / post

text Oz Immigration Minister seems less capable when dealing with Sex Slavery and Organised Crime Michaela Whitbourn via bill, Monday, Dec 16 2013, 5:04pm
Women trafficked into Australia to work as sex slaves are being given a chance to start a new life thanks to a groundbreaking program giving them access to state-funded compensation.

international / prose / post

text Racist Policies of new Conservative Oz government staff report via bill, Monday, Dec 16 2013, 4:40pm
A professional immigrant family in Australia faces deportation because their son has been diagnosed with autism, even though the parents are prepared to pay the extra cost for the child's special schooling.
international / prose / post

PDF Document Digital Money and the Toilet Paper Money Shuffle mike, Sunday, Dec 15 2013, 11:51am
The video below spells out how the new non-production economy functions -- what becomes painfully evident as the video progresses is that this model is entirely unsustainable and self-destructive. What is worse is that this fabricated money is utilised to enslave the masses that are forced to toil -- real work production -- to service fabricated debts. (story and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

2frank.jpg image The CIA created Frankenstein -- al-Qaeda -- breaks loose stan, Saturday, Dec 14 2013, 11:16pm
The following story from Beirut should not be taken at face value though some of it is accurate reporting. Try and understand Arab cultural ‘inferred communications’ and you would do well. The major story unfolds behind the scenes (between the lines) particularly Saudi and various Gulf States support of extremists. It is known that these Arab, pro-Israeli nations, are truly pissed off at America’s softening attitude to Shia Iran. However, regardless of how these peripheral issues pan out -- America forced to toe the Arab line no doubt -- it all adds up to one glorious REALITY; the DUMBARSE USA HAS LOST CONTROL! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

A 'friend' like Putin you don't need imageaudio Russian mouse Putin making noises like a man again dane, Friday, Dec 13 2013, 11:47pm
Little Vladimir Putin, president of Russia (shame on you Russia) seems to be suffering from memory loss. On the very rare occasions he makes assertive noises and behaves like the leader of a superpower, he invariably fails to follow-up on his stern words with ACTIONS or at least indications that he means what he says. (story and 1 image and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

text Reaping the Whirlwind major mitchell, Thursday, Dec 12 2013, 10:37pm
The USA has been using its CIA asset, al-Qaeda, to fight its wars in predominately Islamic nations in the Middle East and North Africa for some time. It appeared as an effective strategy though the situation always had the potential to backfire, as has just occurred in Syria.
international / prose / post

Clive Palmer, MP image Clive Palmer MP, the ‘Pissed off’ Plutocrat styx, Tuesday, Dec 10 2013, 9:59pm
Oz mining billionaire Clive Palmer entered the parliamentary arena for one reason only and that is because the conservative party he lavishly supported failed to favour him in his business dealings. Unlike other elite plutocrats that utilise more ‘subtle’ means of eliminating political impediments, like direct assassinations (JFK) and new ‘kill lists,’ Aussie Clive is a hands-on man and decided to enter Federal politics and teach them all a lesson in the exercise of real power -- in that sense he has one over traditional plutocrats Murdoch and Rinehart that rule via puppet proxies, Tony Abbott at the present time. But as we all know the DIRECT, hands-on approach is far more efficient and effective, eat your hearts out Rupert and Gina! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

afpbadgecolourprint.jpg image The AFP does a NSA darcy, Tuesday, Dec 10 2013, 7:49am
The insular Australian Federal Police (AFP) seemingly undaunted by the entire world denouncing NSA style ‘deep packet’ surveillance is in the process of adopting the new technology for ‘real time’ surveillance/mega-information gathering and to hell with public opinion and Oz democracy. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Eric Schmidt image Tech Giants Feign Security Indignation sylph, Monday, Dec 9 2013, 11:06am
In probably the worst kept secret in Silicon Valley large data ‘management’ companies, including Google, MS, Facebook and Yahoo are making a very public scramble to encrypt user data in the hope that the uninformed buy the bullshit and continue to support their services -- it’s all about reputation loss and the bottom line. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

mandelamirror.jpg image The Media Sainthood of Mandela and how to Compromise Freedom jagga, Sunday, Dec 8 2013, 9:41pm
Firstly, allow me to neutralise inane criticism and state, with the utmost respect, that Nelson Mandela was an exceptional individual with a rare determination and tenacity -- his life is his testimonial. However, Mandela learned late to compromise his principles and allow the ruling overlords of his nation to maintain their hold on its resources, wealth and economy, the nation’s sovereignty in other words. Media figure-heads, fanfare, slogans, songs and waving flags do not constitute real FREEDOM -- OWNERSHIP of a nation’s natural wealth by the people is the first prerequisite for a just and free society and that clearly has not occurred since Mandela took leadership of South Africa. Today the nation is much the same as before, minus the overt racism; a two tier society of wealthy elites and a black slave class. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text An Empire Built on Misinformation and Propaganda sirg, Saturday, Dec 7 2013, 10:03pm
The short-lived American Empire was unique in that the primary means utilised for its imperial expansion were misinformation and propaganda. The USA was able to spread its influence mainly via the LIES it disseminated to the global population. It wasn’t until the information revolution in recent decades that the charade was fully exposed and global consciousness turned AGAINST the vile, mass murdering, thieving nation that America actually is.
international / prose / post

text The Self-Evident quill, Friday, Dec 6 2013, 10:03am
Due to the amazing level of dissociation suffered by post-modern man it becomes necessary to remind ourselves of the obvious.
international / prose / post

digitalsurveillance.jpg image Major Australian telco 'vacuums' all data Philip Dorling via digby, Thursday, Dec 5 2013, 11:27am
Australia's leading telecommunications company, Telstra, has installed highly advanced surveillance systems to "vacuum" the telephone calls, texts, social media messages and internet metadata of millions of Australians so that information can be filtered and given to intelligence and law enforcement agencies. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Follow-up Story sol, Thursday, Dec 5 2013, 10:27am
The masses have a pea brain, research this fact academically or simply observe media magnates (maggots) like Rupert Murdoch, who verify the fact by arrogantly flying in and out of nations and influencing the outcome of Federal Elections.
international / prose / post

Chinese J-15 naval fighter image America Provokes China with nuclear capable B-52 Bomber fly-overs lars, Tuesday, Dec 3 2013, 11:47pm
There is nothing unusual regarding America’s bullying tactics except for the fact that the U.S.A -- like all cowardly bullies -- usually applies its CLEARLY terrorist, stand-over tactics on much weaker small nations, like Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Somalia etc; however, it has never attempted, for obvious reasons, to intimidate a nuclear superpower. So whoever initiated this provocative fly-over of Chinese air space under puppet Obama’s watch, requires a good carpeting if not a complete career trashing. What reaction did the U.S. hope to achieve, China cowering in fear and running? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

digiputer.jpg image Oz government dodging heat on domestic spying revelations len, Tuesday, Dec 3 2013, 2:19am
Various government ministers including the PM are displaying their ignorance of the term “metadata” or are simply attempting to use the word incorrectly in a feeble feign designed to reduce 'heat' resulting from local spying allegations. It has been revealed that Oz spies and responsible government ministers were not just willing but eager to share (personal) citizen details with FOREIGN -- US, UK, NZ and Canadian spook agencies -- which (data) included medical, legal, phone records, names etc, Internet usage history, emails, social networking, all digital information etc; in fact, almost everything that is considered PRIVATE by Aussie citizens. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Sharon Stone in 'Basic Instinct' image Female employees of U.S. legal firm instructed to close their legs jaxie, Monday, Dec 2 2013, 12:19pm
The simple response to this outrageous hyper-personal assault is to abandon wearing knickers altogether and engage in Sharon Stone leg cross-overs; but alas, we are in corporate controlled America where unchecked corporate power is now invading women’s crotches and cleavages -- how does it go again? “Only in America!” (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Blue Rock image Stark sirg, Friday, Nov 29 2013, 1:17pm
It's PLAIN to see, SLAVES -- there is no freedom if the people are subject to State surveillance. In fact, global surveillance is the most intrusive form of slave management. That is obvious fact and the current REALITY -- you pathetic cowards! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

The Enduring Symbol of the French Revolution image The Repository of All Social Power suzie, Friday, Nov 29 2013, 11:09am
Ruling elites find it imperative never to allow the people to realise the truth about themselves.

The previous paper took an ideological perspective, this short piece will be more direct and address issues point blank. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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