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text NATO Chief Joins U.S. Chorus -- Russian Ultimatum uri, Sunday, Mar 2 2014, 11:18pm
NATO chief and US puppet, Fogh Rasmussen, right on cue, joined the Obama and Kerry chorus of feeble minds, lies and GROSS hypocrisies. All one need do to get the picture from the video below is replace the word ‘Ukraine’ with Yugoslavia and ‘Russia’ with America!
international / prose / post

John Kerry, demented dunce image America’s 21st Century Dementia sal, Sunday, Mar 2 2014, 10:06am
Following Obama’s divorced from reality press statement threatening Russia over the Ukraine, US Secretary of State, John Kerry continued the psychopathology of disconnect by making the most profoundly divorced from reality statements yet. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Ukraine -- Storm in a Rothschilds' Teacup beauregard, Saturday, Mar 1 2014, 11:05pm
Honourable members, guests and representatives of the moronic masses it should be made clear at the outset that Obama and Putin are completely owned and serve EXACTLY the same international financial interests, which would make events in the Ukraine a theatre of the absurd or more cynically, entertainment for the global ruling elite and/or a major media distraction designed to shift focus away from the current and historical REALITY that the USA is guilty, ten times over, of every offence they accuse Russia of committing or are about to commit -- i.e. illegal military interventions, disregard of sovereign borders and crimes against humanity, an area of crime in which the USA leads the world by light years.
international / prose / post

Obama image Ukraine -- Obama the Poof Threatens Putin the Mouse druze, Saturday, Mar 1 2014, 9:44am
Really, when two bought and owned corrupt political puppets attempt to intimidate each other all we could do is laugh hysterically! Of course we could egg on this absurd theatre of fools, puppets and faggots -- like, hit him with your handbag Barack or squeal like a mouse Vladimir or we’ll freeze all your assets which you foolishly left in Western controlled banks. But we prefer to laugh over this ludicrous turn of anticipated events. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Ukraine -- Fighting Back by Targeting the Real Enemy luis, Friday, Feb 28 2014, 9:34am
If you’re fighting a war it would seem appropriate to target the enemy not the next door neighbour’s cat or people wearing military costumes, yes? The most underreported event of the US backed coup in the Ukraine is that Bankers have once again entered the fray and have frozen the liquid and other assets of the Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich and other members of his family! We should recall how banks rushed to freeze (steal) the assets of Libya’s Col. Gaddafi prior to his murder by US proxy assassins -- "we came, we saw, he died!" But that is not the half of it, recall how Banks intervened in what was clearly none of their business (or was it ?) to starve Julian Assange of funds -- now isn’t that interesting, Jethro?
international / prose / post

text Australian Censors Ban Award Winning Film stacy, Thursday, Feb 27 2014, 10:46pm
You had better believe it, ‘anal’ conservatives are back in government and Oz culture has consequently taken a giant REGRESSIVE leap backward. The Swedish film, Children’s Island, is over thirty years old and depicts, in thematic context, an 11yo pubescent boy masturbating, of course, with an erect penis!
international / prose / post

Glenn Greenwald image The Internet - A War Zone lex, Wednesday, Feb 26 2014, 10:50am
A recent article by Glenn Greenwald ‘exposing’ what we already know, namely that governments, commercial concerns, IT corporations and other vested interests use the Internet to spread mis/dis-information to suit their own purposes, well doh, Glenn! Active propaganda and ‘perception management’ is as old as the classic, ‘Art of War,’ a 2000 year old treatise on warfare, tactics, spying and propaganda. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

woolworthscoles.jpg image Oz Regulator ACCC moves on retail duopolists Coles and Woolies Mitchell Neems via sam, Monday, Feb 24 2014, 11:24pm
Wesfarmers Coles is being taken to court YET AGAIN by the Oz regulator the ACCC, for what Europeans and Americans call 'antitrust' violations which simply means squeezing out competition by sheer force of size and the competitive advantage that affords. But that is why we have regulators in Oz that always attempt to maintain a level playing field in the interests of the consuming public, national food producing industries and smaller independent retailers -- very large retailers are able to purchase globally and by consequence, destroy LOCAL food producing industries and jobs, as former MD of Coles, Ian 'bonus chasing at any cost' McLeod, has been cited for in the past. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Obama and Putin image Ukraine: Choke on it Putin Andrew Wilson via dusan, Monday, Feb 24 2014, 12:43am
Details still need to be decided, but the revolutionaries have won in Ukraine. Some elements of the old regime may survive, but that is precisely why the protesters on the “Maidan” (Kiev’s main square) don’t trust the mainstream politicians who claim to be negotiating on their behalf. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

oblahblah.jpg image Ideological Weapons of Ruling Elites clancy, Sunday, Feb 23 2014, 10:00am
The title of an article on a popular alternative website triggered an appropriate response in me; it read, “The Weapons of the Poor.” It was written by a Christian cleric who surprisingly exhibited a broader than average perspective and analytical skills, which are usually absent in religious clerics, as cleric is a profession characterised by blind belief, irrational faith and wishful thinking, or ‘hope’ -- remind you of a certain fake US president and his lying presidential campaign, does it? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text “All Politics is Local” dan, Saturday, Feb 22 2014, 12:54pm
The title is a phrase attributed to US politician, Tip O’Neill - and he couldn’t have got it more right. Politics is actually in your head (ideology) and what could be more local than that though O’Neill was referring to the immediate electorate.
international / prose / post

Paid and duped protesters in the Ukraine image Puppets and Puppeteers - Confrontation in the Ukraine Paul Craig Roberts via stane, Thursday, Feb 20 2014, 10:32pm
I appeal to the patriots in the Russian military -- it is time to put an end to the traitorous sell-out of Russia to Western Plutocrats by Putin, the oligarchs and other corrupt officials. The West will never stop unless stopped -- HAS VERY RECENT HISTORY TAUGHT YOU NOTHING? Demonstrate the real cost of treason to the WORLD; act suddenly, decisively and thoroughly then target Western Europe and the North American continent with your nuclear armory -- China is either for or against, no idle spectators allowed. FORCE the situation or must we demonstrate how that is done on a minor scale? Look to the fearless Serbs for skilled subversives and operatives; Serbs today live and are fully integrated into every western nation on earth and they have not forgotten the treachery of former Western allies. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

wallzhang.jpg image Open Letter to ‘Mother’ Russia dragan, Thursday, Feb 20 2014, 7:04am
You turned your back on fellow slavs in the Balkans and then watched as Iraq, Libya and Eastern European nations and former allies were overtaken by the US/NATO -- salivating western hounds were well pleased. Had you stood ground in the Balkans and with other former allies you would not now be subject to America’s overt interference in the Ukraine and on your borders. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

coleslogo3.jpg image Wesfarmers Coles Feebly Attempt to Deceive Federal Court baz, Wednesday, Feb 19 2014, 11:44pm
The case against Coles for “false, misleading and deceptive” practices brought by the ACCC proceeded in the Federal Court today and one would think that a Company that is able to pay its ‘former’ (by a few days) CEO, Ian McLeod, an astonishing $55 million could afford lawyers that are reasonably competent. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Former Justice, Michael Kirby image Owned Institutions -- the UN and the Hague Courts judd, Monday, Feb 17 2014, 11:08pm
The following headline in the LA Times today reminds us of GLOBAL corruption on an unprecedented scale, it reads: “U.N. report catalogs North Korean 'crimes against humanity.' “ North Korea is an oppressive totalitarian State and deserves to be cited in this way; HOWEVER, the USA remains the WORLD'S most heinous, leading civilian killing, drone assassinating, regime interfering, invasive and occupying, resource thieving TERRORIST nation and yet it is strangely excluded from Hague war crimes prosecutions and UN investigations for crimes against humanity. This situation has persisted over the past 15 years and sends a very clear message to the world that the Hague Courts and the UN are clearly partial and thoroughly corrupt institutions. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

audio Americans -- ‘we don’t do critical thought!’ ziggy, Monday, Feb 17 2014, 10:10am
Consider the tragedy of the moron capital of the western world, America. It was only a few decades past that people of integrity and moral courage were on he streets demanding social justice and the cessation of illegal wars -- now consider the past 10 years and weep, America. (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

PDF Document Secrets of Jnana Yoga sadh, Monday, Feb 17 2014, 7:32am
Greetings saints, sinners, the worthy, unworthy, the coarse, genteel and every other category of human being -- you’re all the bloody same to me! (story and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

Dunce PM Tony Abbott in 'deep thought' about national issues image Successive Servile Oz Governments do America's Criminal Dirty Work cyd, Sunday, Feb 16 2014, 6:37am
Aussies are fully aware of their spineless governments doing 'backflips' for the criminal USA -- the population does not approve but unwisely tolerates the well known services Oz gov agencies provide for its criminal allies, particularly the UK and USA. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

The corrupt, traitorous, COWARD, Vladimir Putin image Saudi Arabia To Supply Syrian Rebels With Anti-Aircraft Missiles – Report staff report via sal, Sunday, Feb 16 2014, 12:27am
These are the same inbred Saudi Royals that threatened to disrupt Putin's Olympics to his corrupt, cowardly, face. What now, Vladimir, you piece of dog shit? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Russia Under Attack -- the Success of US Subversive Operations Confirmed Paul Craig Roberts via stane, Sunday, Feb 16 2014, 12:06am
Mr Roberts has done an admirable job describing how the US is running subversive rings around the corrupt, western-owned, Russian leadership particularly, sell-out Putin!
international / prose / post

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