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text Libya - A US/NATO 'Success' Story colin, Thursday, May 8 2014, 11:41am
Why aren't NATO and the US showcasing their success in Libya, where is the democratic paradise of a free Libya? Nowhere to be found, as the primary purpose of the intervention was to assassinate Gaddafi for threatening the US dollar and the global Reserve Banking network -- Libya was a sovereign, debt free nation with the highest living and social standards in the region, today it is a mess but please do not look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and the Ukraine!
international / prose / post

Hillary, "Over my dead body!" image Hillary doco, "Over my dead body!" swiss, Thursday, May 8 2014, 2:02am
It seems Hillary Clinton has much to hide -- much more than her buffoon husband, Bill. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Abbott and Gillard image Tony Abbott is chasing Gillard into Political Oblivion baz, Wednesday, May 7 2014, 1:36am
It is ironic that Abbott is falling victim to the same forces that defined Gillard as a pariah politician, who, I would add, remains the most reviled Oz politician in our history. But bigger fool Abbott as he led the field in bashing Gillard for ignoring the Oz population and serving minority elite interests -- Goldman Sachs designed carbon tax and Corporatists in general. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Ian McLeod image Oz Regulator (ACCC) hauls Coles before the Federal Court for Corporate ‘Extortion’ joe, Monday, May 5 2014, 1:15am
In the plainest possible language the ACCC, after a TWO YEAR detailed investigation, has once again dragged Coles before the Federal Court but this time for what clearly amounts to Corporate ‘extortion’ -- and people wonder how bonus-chasing CEO, Ian McLeod, ‘managed’ to pull a grand total of $55 million income as MD of Coles. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text A Short History of the Internet nano, Sunday, May 4 2014, 12:48am
The Internet was invented by a bunch of university hacks to facilitate data and information sharing for the enhancement of humankind -- bottom line. It was intended to be a free medium of communication where users could freely engage in private conversations anonymously or otherwise. It was an incredibly convenient and hyper-efficient development.
international / prose / post

text War is not Chess reese, Saturday, May 3 2014, 1:02am
With the situation in the Ukraine reaching the required level of 'crisis,' Russian forces must now support freedom fighters in all US/NATO occupied nations to undertake massive offensives and retake their sovereign nations and territories (Kosovo) in order to stretch both NATO's and Washington's resources as thin as possible and then it must mount a major offensive and retake the Ukraine and kick the fascist junta back to the Washington operatives that control and support it. Then it should allow the LIBERATED Ukrainian PEOPLE to conduct elections without fear or favour and elect a government of its own choosing without interference from Moscow or Washington.
international / prose / post

text Why May Day and today’s Protest Movements Fail jess, Thursday, May 1 2014, 12:20pm
Hit me with a brick if I do not finally learn! May Day and various modern protests have come and gone and failed to achieve their stated objectives or goal, but WHY? You all should know the obvious answer, but here it is again for the X and Y generations which lack staying power. Single day or slightly extended protests, strikes, demos and marches only succeed if they galvanise the population to act in concert with protesters and if they PERSIST as a continuous process until goals are REALISED. In other words, lamers, all DISSENT, protests and actions only succeed if they are CONTINUOUS.
international / prose / post

text US Economy Is A House Of Cards Paul Craig Roberts via sam, Thursday, May 1 2014, 8:35am
The US economy is a house of cards. Every aspect of it is fraudulent, and the illusion of recovery is created with fraudulent statistics.
international / prose / post

Treasurer Hockey (left) and Finance Minister Senator Cormann image Transparent Orchestrated Oz Audit and Austerity Budget baz, Thursday, May 1 2014, 1:54am
How do you pretend that you’re not making terrible vote losing decisions, you appoint an ‘external’ body comprised of sympathetic cronies and those that hold similar or more extreme views to conduct an ‘independent’ audit and then pretend to be moderate by not implementing pre-planned ‘recommended’ extreme cuts, like abandoning the sacred cow of universal health care, as one example, which working Australians have earned via the HUGE (relative to Corporate) TAXES they have paid during their entire working, productive lives. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Americans Return to Reason ben, Wednesday, Apr 30 2014, 11:57am
All America‘s wars waged over the past fifteen years are Corporate wars, that is, wars fought for profit. There is no honour fighting these wars as they are not fought in the national or public interest but are fought in the interests of the private sector for the benefit of the few. So it should come as no surprise that Americans are tiring of these dishonourable wars, which corporate-serving neocons wish to sell to the public/world as perpetual wars against 'terrorism.'
international / prose / post

text What or Who is Killing Bankers? reg, Tuesday, Apr 29 2014, 12:36am
A recent spate of 14 banker deaths in a few months defies all statistics or any other natural assessment criteria. So who/what is killing bankers? The answer of course is criminal Bankers themselves; some people simply know too much about the 2008 banker induced global economic collapse and are not part of the elite banker inner, CRIMINAL circle -- and so their lives are not worth the paper money they're printed on. Think again for whom you slave and pledge loyalty, it seems your privileged knowledge and position does NOT protect you from harm, in FACT, it CONDEMNS YOU!
international / prose / post

text 'Existentialism' Grischa, Monday, Apr 28 2014, 12:54pm
in order to understand the human condition, I wrote this article, trying to write about two 'common' assumptions used by many people: the first is religious, assuming that there is a God who can do miracles for us. The second one is what we find in existentialism. Here we find no assumption of God, but an insistence on "existential being," which is supposed to be a better quality of life than our ordinary, everyday life. [If we take a giant disconnected leap] it would seem that a second "fall of man" has occurred. Not only are 'we' (?) kicked out of paradise, but we also cannot believe in paradise any more, because of what modern 'science' [Existentialism is a philosophy?] teaches us. Could existentialism be our new "religion"?
international / prose / post

text U.S. Re-Colonises the Philippines henry, Monday, Apr 28 2014, 1:52am
Filipinos worked very hard to gain independence from the U.S. in the early 90's but they clearly have not estimated the degree of corruption in the current government, which has signed a deal to allow the U.S. to (in effect) re-colonise the region as a military outpost. The consequences are simple and devastating, like the servile Australian government, the Filipino government has allowed the U.S. to make a PRIMARY NUCLEAR TARGET of the Philippines when it provokes war with China, as it has done with numerous other sovereign nations over the past decade -- a very revealing track record that only a FOOL would ignore.
international / prose / post

Malcolm Fraser (left) with perpetually reviled John 'CIA facilitator' Kerr image Former Oz PM denounces current slavish attitude to criminal U.S. Robert Manne via lex, Sunday, Apr 27 2014, 12:08pm
Hated by progressives for his role in Gough Whitlam's [CIA instigated] dismissal and his ultra-conservative foreign policies as Liberal PM, Malcolm Fraser today believes Australia should cut all military ties to the US. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

audio America vs Russia - an Orchestrated Conflict Kuang, Sunday, Apr 27 2014, 1:07am
When two large dogs fight over a bone it’s always the ‘smaller,’ smarter and faster ‘fox’ that gets the prize, and so, the Russian-American conflict proceeds according to the irresistible forces that have been cleverly set in motion (plan). (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

obamalying.jpg image Big Lie American Politics and WWIII jude, Saturday, Apr 26 2014, 7:38am
It was fascist leader Adolf Hitler who said, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed!” Enter today’s neo-fascists in Washington -- note that America has allied itself since the Balkan wars with known fascist and extremist groups that all fought with Hitler during WWII, Albanians, Bosnians, Croatians and now western Ukranians -- coincidence? I think not! The world is CLEARLY dealing with a new fascist, military expansionist, America; and if you require additional verification, look no further than puppet dunces, John Kerry and Barack Obama, who have both been lying through their transparent teeth since they failed to capture the valuable assets of the Ukraine -- western (fascist) Ukraine has no natural resources to speak of, hence the panic to regain control of eastern and southern regions. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Abbott in Parliament image Simply Withdraw Support From American LIES and Imposed Realities trudy, Friday, Apr 25 2014, 11:43pm
Oz PM and pathetic Washington lackey, Tony 'errand boy' Abbott, is attempting to justify his purchase of "72" F-35 strike fighters which are known to have serious shortcomings and are proven dogs in aerial combat, especially against the Russian SU-30 Sukhoi, which Australia's very close neighbours have purchased at a fraction of the cost that servile Abbott is paying for the Lockheed F-35s. However, Abbott offers the Oz public an 'unassailable' excuse for his obsequiousness to Washington, "You never know what’s around the corner!" Is this transparent moron, lackey, clown for real? (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Hockey (left) and PM Abbott, no brain between them! image Dunce Hockey is taking fall for Abbott baz, Friday, Apr 25 2014, 12:08am
Perhaps a short history lesson for you, Joe. Did Keating take the fall for narcissist Hawke, NO, he showed him up to be the useless prick that he was/is and then took his job. [Please note, in no way am I extolling the non-existent virtues of ANY politician, I am simply stating historical fact.] Did corporate-serving, brazen LIAR Gillard accept responsibility for ‘show pony’ Rudd’s failings, whose idea of leadership was arranging photo ops, NO, she dispatched him with a Murdoch/Washington approved dagger in the back and he never got over it? Why then are you, Joe, taking the fall for Abbott, facilitator to the PLUTOCRACY? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Joe 'custard face' Hockey image Oz Treasurer - Air and Sunshine are NOT Free sarge, Wednesday, Apr 23 2014, 11:51pm
"Nothing is free" harps Oz treasurer Joe Hockey at every pre-budget press conference, but to be sure, allow us to enlighten you, Joe! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Joe Hockey, disingenuous image Corporate serving Oz Treasurer to target Vulnerable in May Budget sid, Wednesday, Apr 23 2014, 5:27am
Budgets should be simple, those that benefit most from Oz should return most to Oz; for private transnational corporations that run with their profits offshore to avoid their tax responsibility it should translate into large penalties or heavy tax burdens.

However, treasurer Joe Hockey is targeting vulnerable pensioners and not sharing the REAL burden with tax avoiding corporations -- it appears that the treasurer is just another stinking corporate lackey puppet! The Oz population should shove one those billion dollar (72 ordered) F-35 lemon fighter jets down Hockey's LYING, treasonous, throat -- and to think, what a nice guy brother Charles Hockey is! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

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