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Tony Abbott -- can YOU identify him? image Oz PM Tony Abbott launches probe into alleged Union Corruption jess, Friday, Oct 31 2014, 7:48am
You’ve got to read the headline to disbelieve in Australian law. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

woolieslogo.jpg image Woolworths Cited for Unethical Workplace Practices mod, Wednesday, Oct 29 2014, 10:54pm
I was recently supplied a copy of a letter taken from a Woolworths staff noticeboard addressed to Woolworths’ Director of HR and circulated to CEO, Grant O’Brien. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text 'Bullshit' vance, Wednesday, Oct 29 2014, 1:49am
The late George Carlin had a rare talent -- he was able to translate the hard truth into comedy.
international / prose / post

PDF Document The Ultra-conservative 'True Believer' Patrick J. Buchanan via greg, Tuesday, Oct 28 2014, 10:07pm
A mass movement," wrote Eric Hoffer in "The True Believer," "appeals not to those intent on bolstering and advancing a cherished self, but to those who crave to be rid of an unwanted self. (story and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

text Lions and Sheep dulcie, Monday, Oct 27 2014, 2:52am
What is it that transforms a powerful dignified lion into a timid sheep? In today’s cultural terms that is easily answered -- the corporate media. The mass media and the vested interests it serves, seek to maintain a fear driven, apathetic, divided society, which they have concluded is not fit to interfere with the self-serving decision making process of minority elites. The last thing these elites want is a unified population that resists THEIR status quo.
international / prose / post

censored.jpg image Australia backs copyright crackdown in TPP -- Murdoch is overjoyed Rohan Pearce via jess, Friday, Oct 24 2014, 9:40am
A document published by Wikileaks reveals a battle over the 'heart and soul of intellectual property law in the Pacific Rim,' says IP expert. Australia's consent at the behest of media magnates such as Rupert Murdoch is yet another blow to Australian sovereignty, as the Corporate created TPP has the power by consent to overrule the once supreme authority of local governments -- may democracy never rest in peace! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Spanish doctor advises drug users on the dark web's Silk Road Eileen Ormsby via stan, Friday, Oct 24 2014, 9:23am
Family physician and illicit drugs expert Dr Fernando Caudevilla has taken doctor-patient confidence to a whole new level. For the past 18 months, 40-year-old Caudevilla has donated his spare time providing tailored harm-reduction advice to users of the illicit drug markets on the so-called dark web.
international / prose / post

Tony 'false pretences' Abbott image Abbott orders Federal Police to drop Balibo case mitch, Friday, Oct 24 2014, 9:02am
Possibly the most treacherous example of Abbott’s callous and criminally deceptive character to date is the recent order to the AFP to drop the Balibo war crimes case against Indonesian special forces for the witnessed, cold-blooded murder of five Australian journalists covering events in East Timor during the brutal Indonesian invasion in the mid 70‘s -- which crime was, I would add, sanctioned by the USA. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Reprehensible Cowardice stacy, Friday, Oct 24 2014, 3:19am
The world’s leading civilian killing nation (an enduring statistical fact) is the USA.

To lead in this way a culture must have certain cultural dispositions that allow it to slaughter millions of innocent civilians without concern -- the most extreme example of which was during the Indo-Chinese war where the Americans adopted a ‘carpet bombing’ campaign that slaughtered millions of innocents, as carpet bombing means what it says, blanket, indiscriminate bombing with no regard whatsoever for innocent civilians.
international / prose / post

911.jpg image The Biggest Tragedy of 9/11 jay, Sunday, Oct 19 2014, 10:36am
The most tragic aspect today of the 9/11 false flag is that people continue to believe the Government Report which has so many holes in it, it makes Swiss cheese look solid. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Vladimir Putin, a response too late image Reprehensible Coward Putin Warns Globalist Puppet Obama druze, Friday, Oct 17 2014, 12:57pm
In a press statement delivered in Serbia -- a traditional ally that Russia callously abandoned in its time of greatest need -- Putin foolishly and blindly attempted to reason with America. Futility best describes Putin’s misguided efforts to reason with a ‘singularly and uncontrollably driven’ nation, to paraphrase Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in his recent address to the UN in which he described the NATO/US alliance as a manic pact of aggression and the greatest threat to world peace that exists. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

colesstayingdown.jpg image Australian Food and Grocery Council welcomes ACCC court action against Coles Amy Bainbridge via gail, Friday, Oct 17 2014, 1:22am
The Australian Food and Grocery Council says testing allegations about the mistreatment of suppliers by Coles is the best way to ensure a competitive market and fair deals for consumers. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov image Russia’s Belated 'Verbal' Response to US/NATO Imperialism -- Lavrov’s UN speech jake, Thursday, Oct 16 2014, 12:13pm
I feel like beginning this piece with a howl, which would be the most appropriate response to Lavrov’s recent speech at the UN. However, I will do my best to remain cool-headed but I will not succeed as I am a realist and do not have a 24 hour memory. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Pretender PM, Tony 'idiot' Abbott image Abbott told to curb his infantile mouth: Russian PM Mark Kenny via stan, Wednesday, Oct 15 2014, 12:31pm
Didn't we know that Abbott's imbecilic image-boosting strategy would backfire in his stupid face. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Western Ukraine's Fascists image The Extremist Allies of the USA Robert Parry via sven, Wednesday, Oct 15 2014, 11:43am
Who would have thought that the USA would so rapidly degenerate to the depth where it now openly jumps into bed with Jihadists, neo-Nazis and similar ultra-right fascist groups -- of course the US only supports “moderate” fascists/terrorists (my ass) and ‘reformed’ neo-Nazis but as the old adage goes, ‘you are known by the company you keep,’ and so we have an American police state today to replace ‘democracy, freedom and liberty’ that is so often spouted by lying dictator presidents that brag kill lists, indefinite detention without charge or trial, rendition, torture, total domestic surveillance and a host of other ‘legal’ totalitarian policies -- need I say once again, it’s time to wake up America and remove the criminals that have hijacked your REPUBLIC? (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Disingenuous, duplicitous, loud-mouthed clown, Tony Abbott image Abbott-(Putin): “If you Repeat a BIG LIE Often enough it will be Believed” -- Adolf Hitler stace, Monday, Oct 13 2014, 11:21pm
The Australian media industry is currently saturating the airwaves with stories of PM Tony Abbott putting on a tough show regarding Putin and flight MH-17. Now, notwithstanding that Abbott is a political pipsqueak in comparative terms next to Putin, the only weapons he has in his pathological, duplicitous toolkit are LIES and misinformation. Abbott is LYING through his teeth yet AGAIN and acting tough for political gain and to enhance his image and distract from his crimes (FRAUD). If we stand back from the media onslaught for a moment and take stock we immediately apprehend that Abbott is a very WELL KNOWN PATHOLOGICAL LIAR who gained office by premeditated fraudulent misrepresentation, that is the REALITY and leopards/politicians do not change their spots. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text America’s Internal War jack, Monday, Oct 13 2014, 10:17am
Empires do not fail they implode one way or another depending on how they function. The USA has created a monumental problem as it is ‘contractionist’ to the extreme; contractionism is much like a classic Freudian ‘anal retentive’ that attempts to control every minute thing or detail and so we have hyper-contractionism with pan-surveillance, indefinite detention without trial or charge and ‘legal’ assassinations at a stroke of the president’s pen. Of course the natural reaction by free thinking, intelligent creative people employed in sensitive demanding fields that are aware of the government's criminal activities is to leak vital information and subvert the criminal government and the shadowy forces that control it.
international / prose / post

Australian Numbat facing extinction image The ‘Thrive’ Movement numbat, Monday, Oct 13 2014, 1:23am
I was recently sent a link to a video presentation on a group calling itself ‘The Thrive Movement.’ The presentation is a reasonably slick production which covers the existence of an evil moneyed elite that has an agenda for world domination, the existence of which is known by socially informed and aware individuals. However, one of the person’s utilised to support the theories of this movement is David Icke, who is featured in the video; for those unfamiliar with this character suffice to say that Icke invented the insane and totally absurd theory that lizards (reptile humanoids) have ruled the world for thousands of years and us poor mammals are their enslaved subjects -- clearly a textbook schizophrenic delusion. Immediately any sane person is alerted! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Restoration gan, Sunday, Oct 12 2014, 2:39am
l almost titled this piece The ‘Great’ Restoration, as indeed it would be if the global population simply and easily exercised its LEGAL prerogatives to maintain and ensure personal and national SOVEREIGNTY in a world where certain malevolent forces are hell-bent on eradicating all notions of independence, self-determination and sovereignty.
international / prose / post

Diego Garcia image Diego Garcia: It Does Everyone Good to Help the Persecuted and Unjustly Treated judd, Saturday, Oct 11 2014, 11:10pm
Could you imagine a situation where you and your family ancestors that have lived and died on your island home for hundreds of years are forcibly removed and scattered around other Indian Ocean islands because the USA wants to build a military base without interference from the 'native' rightful owners -- I am not referring to the 19th century this is happening NOW! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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