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text Libya today a NATO created failed State Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya via sam, Saturday, Nov 22 2014, 9:59am
Under the pretext of a humanitarian intervention western Imperialist powers committed horrendous war crimes and outright stole Libya's substantial foreign investments and national resource wealth.
international / prose / post

Errand boy Tony Abbott image Abbott blasted by his beloved England Paola Totaro via rochelle, Thursday, Nov 20 2014, 9:23pm
When British conservatives attack their Australian counterparts it serves to highlight the retrogressive, insular, out-of-touch mentality of the Oz prime minister who fraudulently stole office by engaging in a campaign of calculated lies, fraud and DECEIT to gain office -- a crime under local statutes. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

woolworthscoles.jpg image Woolworths HR Refuses Formal Response to Letter of Inquiry mod, Tuesday, Nov 18 2014, 8:04am
The arrogance of Woolworths’ upper management, which is largely comprised of foreigners that are clearly not familiar with Australian values and ethical standards, knows no bounds, their feeble attempts to avoid and deflect from the serious issues raised in a letter citing Woolworths Ltd for harassing staff and un-ethical workplace practices only damns the company further. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Frankly, the Koala would be preferred as PM image Australia left to cringe once again at a leader's awkward moment Robyn Dixon via stan, Tuesday, Nov 18 2014, 1:14am
[Abbott's Australia] The adolescent country. The bit player. The shrimp of the schoolyard. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text If we all focus on Injustice ... stephanie, Monday, Nov 17 2014, 11:12pm
Indeed, social reform is all about focus especially on the major issues and global threats to sustainable life that require immediate remedies, climate change is one such issue.
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott, imbecile image G20: Abbott Portrays Australia as a Parochial, Insular Backwater leslie, Saturday, Nov 15 2014, 5:52am
People forget that the leader of a nation becomes its face to the world. Tony Abbott, who has all the diplomatic skills of a gnat, addressed leaders of the 20 most influential nations in the world today with his personal woes and LOCAL political issues, international leaders could care less. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Russell Brand image Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges known 9/11 truth Avoiders lex, Friday, Nov 14 2014, 1:07pm
It was Amy’s recent interview with Russell Brand, during which he praised Noam Chomsky that prompted this little piece. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Putin image MH17: Disgraceful ‘Journalism’ in support of Abbott from Biased Murdoch Rag tracy, Friday, Nov 14 2014, 1:15am
Can you imagine the deal struck between Tony Abbott, a KNOWN LYING scoundrel, and media mogul Rupert Murdoch prior to Murdoch installing Abbott into Office; ‘yes, Rupert, I will dismantle the Oz ABC for you and implement every enslaving globalist policy you request just support me and it’s done!' (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

PDF Document Oz Data Retension Bill Infringes Human Rights Leon Spencer via cyd, Thursday, Nov 13 2014, 11:44pm
Political concerns are being raised in Oz regarding the real threats of a surveillance State and the right to privacy. (story and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

text The So-called ‘Independent, Alternative’ Media nano, Wednesday, Nov 12 2014, 10:25pm
The corporate mass media (MM) with its huge resources did a study some time back which was extremely revealing, to summarise; it concluded that the corporate MM, largely directed by the CFR, continues to lead in thematic and topical directions and the (stupid) ‘alternative’ media follows that lead as is occurring as I write, which of course defeats the most basic purpose of INDEPENDENT reportage.
international / prose / post

text Analysis: The Extreme Cultural Sociopathology of an Empire in Decline jake, Wednesday, Nov 12 2014, 9:37am
A 90 year old veteran and Christian has been arrested in Florida for feeding the homeless, “the poorest of the poor,” and now faces up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine for his Christian values -- and this nation calls itself Christian!
international / prose / post

netanyahuobama.jpg image The Silence of Netanyahu darcy, Tuesday, Nov 11 2014, 7:08pm
Sometimes silence speaks much louder than words particularly with regard to our usually verbose political leaders. So what gives with Israel, which usually screams like a stuck pig at even a hint of threat to Israel? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

save_the_internet.jpg image Saving the Internet - Power to the People Lauren McCauley via dulcie, Monday, Nov 10 2014, 11:31pm
Responding to the call of millions of Americans and years of grassroots campaigning, President Obama on Monday took what net neutrality proponents called a "major step" towards the protection of the Internet by issuing a statement calling for the safeguarding of "one of the most significant democratizing influences the world has ever known." (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Another Fake Bin Laden Story Paul Craig Roberts via stan, Monday, Nov 10 2014, 10:09am
I would add to Mr Roberts' proof of the Bin Laden croc of total codswallop that former Pakistani prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, stated emphatically in an interview that Bin Laden had died in the early 2K's -- it is also noteworthy that she was assassinated soon after her disclosure by US linked ISI operatives.
international / prose / post

text A new look: U.S. twisted facts to pin anthrax attacks on ill scientist Paul Conant via gail, Sunday, Nov 9 2014, 7:35am
The Justice Department severely distorted the evidence it used to pin all blame for the 2001 anthrax attacks on a mentally ill scientist, a new review of federal documents shows.
international / prose / post

text A new look -- Continued from above -- Part II Paul Conant via gail, Sunday, Nov 9 2014, 7:30am
.... Both Ivins and the FBI scientist obtained a 10 10 (or 10 billion) measure.

international / prose / post

Tony Abbott, LIAR and Criminal Fraud image How many Jihadists does it take to change a light bulb? lucifer, Sunday, Nov 9 2014, 6:11am
I know feeble jokes is one way to reach the media-lobotomised herd, so we'll give it a go. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Organised Crime is Running the World judd, Friday, Nov 7 2014, 9:25am
Far fetched, the mass media herd would say -- to be expected. However, for those that are able to see past the propaganda, distractions, assaults on language and meaning, there is no doubt.,
international / prose / post

text GOD -- get over it! jake, Saturday, Nov 1 2014, 1:11pm
As I look at all the historical accounts of religious wars I see them all played out today by religionists of various denominations -- man has created over 10,000 Gods since writing was invented just to give you an example of the screaming insecurities of the species and its need to hide behind some God or another and explain away personal actions as religious, which is a monumental cop out and supreme display of cowardice in not accepting responsibility for personal actions!
international / prose / post

Rupert Murdoch image Big Media Has Betrayed the People Greg Maybury (Perth, WA) via stacy, Friday, Oct 31 2014, 10:47am
For years, Americans relied on the mainstream U.S. news media for information; some folks were even convinced the MSM was “liberal.” But the current reality is that the major papers have become mouthpieces for the national security state while amassing a sorry record of deception. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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