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text The Real News that never makes the Headlines sadh, Thursday, Jan 22 2015, 6:59pm
Foremost of course are the innumerable crimes committed by the USA and its allies -- the western propaganda machine milks every instance of death that ‘useful extremists’ commit whereas the death of millions in Indo-China, Iraq and elsewhere never get a mention in the privately owned, partial mainstream media! So let’s hear it for REALITY -- the world’s leading civilian killing TERRORIST nation is the USA by a country mile and yet no war crimes prosecutions! Isn’t that strange or maybe not if you control the ICC and the western media apparatus, which specialises in hiding the grizzly truth and distracting the masses?
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott image Abbott Displays utter contempt for Australians and his Party judd, Wednesday, Jan 21 2015, 9:34pm
In a recent interview Tony Abbott, who fraudulently stole the office of PM, continues his pathological lying to the Oz public. Abbott displays such a gross contempt for Australians it is truly astonishing his party hasn’t already removed him surgically from its ranks -- the man is far more toxic than Gillard ever was to her party and it is abundantly clear today that the only place Abbott could lead the Libs is to utter ruin! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

convictlogo.jpg image France Suckered Oz Unshaken baz, Wednesday, Jan 21 2015, 7:02am
Did you notice how Obama avoided mentioning Oz in his recent state of the union (delusion) speech? Obama’s script could have been written by a Rothschild or Rockefeller speech writer. That disingenuous black-white man, a Kissinger protege, pledged ongoing perpetual war on Bush’s enemy, the noun ‘terror,’ after citing Paris and other staged extremist attacks; but Obama was very careful not to mention Oz! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Baghdadi ? image ISIL Leader a US Fiction Tyler Durden via riley, Tuesday, Jan 20 2015, 10:26pm
With increased overt military attacks on Syrian government forces by Israel and the US, launched under the transparent pretext of opposing ISIL -- which is in fact a US/Israeli sponsored proxy fighting group -- it is little wonder that recent research has revealed that the mysterious ISIL leader that no-one ever sees, even on favourite US propaganda medium, Youtube, is a fictitious character? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Washington doormat, dunce and laughing stock, Tony Abbott image China Stole Plans for F-35 Strike Fighter mitch, Sunday, Jan 18 2015, 7:16pm
The F-35 strike fighter lemon, which ill-advised Oz lackey conservatives purchased from the failing Lockheed Martin corporation is a widely known failure by design and China is welcome to all the plans of how not to do it! The Russian made Sukhoi series, high performance, jet fighters, which our Asian neighbours have purchased at a fraction of the cost of the F-35, fly rings around it in ALL combat scenarios. Good work Tony Abbott and the RAAF for giving away our air supremacy in the region -- a bigger pack of spineless inept dunces you will not find in generations. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text “Je Suis CIA” Larry Chin via lou, Saturday, Jan 17 2015, 10:07am
Since 9/11, the imperial playbook has consisted of a favorite and time-tested tactic: the false flag operation.

Carry out or facilitate a spectacular atrocity. Blame it on the enemy of choice. Issue a lie-infested official narrative, and have the corporate media repeat the lie. Rile up ignorant militant crowds, stoke the hatred, and war-mongering imperial policy planners and their criminal functionaries get what they want: war with the public stamp of approval.

Here we go again.
international / prose / post

text "One Transmitter a Million Receivers" drew, Friday, Jan 16 2015, 9:42pm
Do you remember? Probably not as your minds are wiped clean every 24 hours and re-focused by the corporate mass media. For those impervious to tinsel distractions, sensational sell and the extremely crude propaganda of the Mass Media, it was the slogan of the first break-away province of the former Yugoslavia, Slovenia. Which former nation was also home to the Serbian OTPOR now CANVAS group financed and supported by Washington.
international / prose / post

nukeblast.jpg image I am Charlie and Every Child that has died in Iraq, Afghanistan .... suzie, Thursday, Jan 15 2015, 7:30am
Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Horoshima, Nagasaki -- and on it goes today with criminal drone attacks against the innocent.

Let's have a march and saturation media coverage for the MILLIONS of innocents killed by America, NATO and its vassal States or is that too much reality for the western world to cope with?

You do not have to be a prophet or genius to know what's in store for western Europe and the USA. (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

Eric 'sweetie' Schmidt image Mass Media Apologetics for the OBVIOUS failures of intel Agencies and NSA pan-Surveillance mitch, Wednesday, Jan 14 2015, 10:07pm
It is becoming very clear that the Paris ‘terrorist’ event was staged and almost as badly bungled as the infamous USS Liberty and 9/11 events -- particularly with the latest video release of the so-called ‘terrorists’ shooting a defenceless supine police officer in the head, which is clearly a complete fabrication as the video exposes. No doubt more proof of the nefarious influence of the CIA/MOSSAD will soon surface as this event reeked from the start -- principally because of media saturation of a SINGLE scripted story/message, you inept pathetic dunces! It becomes readily apparent that these dunces are their own worst enemy, as their tragic bungled attempts to manage society are now exposed almost immediately after they blow it -- very soon one of the operatives will be apprehended by citizens and the lid will come off the entire sick, globalist agenda, you can back it in! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

puppetstrings.jpg image Non-Hyped view of the Paris Staged Event Paul Craig Roberts via stacy, Wednesday, Jan 14 2015, 6:53pm
The Charlie Hebdo affair has many of the characteristics of a false flag operation. Here's some food for thought. The attack on the cartoonists' office was a disciplined professional attack of the kind associated with highly trained special forces; yet the suspects who were later corralled and killed seemed bumbling and unprofessional. It is like two different sets of people. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

John 'aluminium tubing' Howard - may you hang by the neck! imagePDF Document Howard to Face ICC -- The Wheels of Justice turn slowly but grind exceedingly Fine judd, Tuesday, Jan 13 2015, 9:14am
Oz has always been the weak link in the globalist push to launch its ‘perpetual war’ ideology which allows bankers and corporatists to conduct clearly criminal actions via the militaries of puppet governments and steal the precious natural resources of weaker non-US compliant nations. (story and 1 image and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

(Dead man walking) Larry Pickering's biased and inflammatory work image Beyond the Pale -- clearly Inappropriate and Inflammatory but Tolerated in Fascist Queensland suzie, Monday, Jan 12 2015, 11:03pm
Well known ultra-right-wing Australian Gold Coast resident and cartoonist Larry Pickering is abusing the nation’s tolerance, egalitarian principles, free speech and freedom of expression by his distasteful and SELECTIVE attacks on Islam at this most sensitive time. To be fair, which Pickering is not, he has also ‘served it up’ to Catholics, politicians and others in the past but rarely if ever, to the doctrinal genocidal Jews. Allow me to expand on a critical point. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Real Security jude, Monday, Jan 12 2015, 10:39am
So-called world leaders, i.e. puppet facilitators of the unrepresentative policies dictated by a criminal, corporatist and banker elite, are all bleating increased “security,” on queue as expected, after the (managed) terrorist attacks by a few moronic useful idiots that were all very well known to police and intel agencies, interesting!
international / prose / post

Duped Paris Marchers image Media Saturation -- the media orchestrated Paris March and the decline of Reason nano, Sunday, Jan 11 2015, 9:01am
Let’s hear it from the TRUTH shall we? What is the most violent religion in the world today, think before you spew (on media queue) Islam? The truth is Islam barely rates a mention against the staggering number of innocents slaughtered by the US and NATO; shall we coin a slogan/name, as the CFR-directed mass media would -- ‘Christofascism!’ (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Report says police bullet killed Katrina Dawson staff report via stacy, Saturday, Jan 10 2015, 9:43am
Martin Place siege victim Katrina Dawson was struck by a police bullet when officers shot it out with gunman Man Haron Monis at the Lindt Cafe, the police investigation has reportedly revealed.
international / prose / post

text Charlie: Free Press Charade Full Steam Ahead gus, Saturday, Jan 10 2015, 9:26am
It’s amazing how monitored terrorist fanatics mysteriously are taken off watch lists just before they commit their acts of terror, this fact applies in both Oz and France, yet how many western media outlets investigate the obvious question?
international / prose / post

Howard and Abbott image Indonesia Shits in Abbott’s gutless Face darcy, Thursday, Jan 8 2015, 7:45am
Recently, as some may recall, Tony Abbott ordered the AFP to close the case -- ongoing since 1975 -- against the known murderers of the ‘Balibo five.’ Abbott’s cowardly and sucking act was made in order to curry favour with the new Indonesian president, Joko Widodo, as Australia’s coastal guard and navy have been routinely breaching Indonesian sovereignty by illegally entering Indonesian coastal waters, Abbott was desperately, illegally and ineptly attempting to contain the refugee boats leaving Indonesian shores. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Two Party Puppet Show jude, Wednesday, Jan 7 2015, 10:53am
Seriously, is there any thinking person in the world today that has not yet determined that major political parties, regardless of stripe, serve the same anti-democratic, minority, corporate interests? Personally, after years of observation I doubt it.
international / prose / post

Sukhoi SU-30 image Choke on this RAAF and Washington Doormat Tony Abbott Federico Pieraccini via mitch, Wednesday, Jan 7 2015, 12:35am
The appalling facts relating to the Lockheed Martin F-35 over-priced fighter 'lemon' have been known for some time by militaries world-wide, however, those FACTS are now becoming public knowledge. Nonetheless, those facts have not prevented blind obedience to corporate ruled Washington by client States such as Australia. It now clearly becomes a matter of treason to comply blindly and unquestionably to US demands and requests regarding the purchase of faulty, inappropriate and failed superceded equipment, notwithstanding Abbott's recent cowardly compliance to US dictates regarding the horrendously COSTLY re-involvement in the US-created debacle in Iraq. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

FM Julie Bishop with detested 'puckering' leader, Tony Abbott image Oz FM on Iraq Involvement: Correction Ms Bishop stacy, Tuesday, Jan 6 2015, 12:06am
What a tragic attempted sell/lie Ms Bishop, one worthy of your pathologically LYING leader Tony Abbott. The Truth is the Iraqi government is a client of the US and no amount of deflection re: ‘Oz was asked for assistance by the puppet Iraqi government,’ will cut it -- the drover's dog is aware that Washington directs all policies in its vassal States, YOU should know! (story and 1 image)
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