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'Lablib' - Shorten and Abbott image The Two Party Political Charade in Oz .., jess, Thursday, May 14 2015, 10:07am
which clearly serves elite interests, maintain their status as the only two horses in the race, even though it is broadly known that both parties are owned by the same plutocratic stable – the colours they wear are purely for show, and that is the point. While only two major parties exist that are capable of forming a real government, the people are stuck with one political agenda regardless of the vote they cast. And it always turns out the same, what can we do for you now Washington and the corporate banker elite? The situation is sickening, as ‘democracy’ – government by and for the MAJORITY -- becomes a meaningless word. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text ‘Out of it’ dulcie, Wednesday, May 13 2015, 9:14am
A common vernacular expression which means, stoned, in la la land, divorced from reality etc, AND it applies not only to the fringe but to entire populations today, especially the American.
international / prose / post

'Honest' Tony image Budget: it’s ‘fair’ because Abbott says so … cyd, Wednesday, May 13 2015, 1:45am
And as we know Abbott is an unrepentant LIAR and disingenuous clown in the service of the big end of town. The FACT that Abbott has CONTINUED to target pensioners, the vulnerable, average wage earners and citizens by juggling the figures -- taking from Tom to pay Paul -- is obvious but not a major measure to fill the void in REVENUE left by tax avoiding multinationals, yet this budget is “fair”, my arse! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text “To see what is in front of one's nose requires constant struggle” -- George Orwell alias, Tuesday, May 12 2015, 1:27pm
As usual Orwell is right on the button; today, as Orwell predicted, few see the forest for the tress, in fact, fewer still see anything that isn’t packaged by the mass media. And so the REAL crisis of climate change, which threatens the tenure of humanity and the earth as we know it, is backgrounded by Kim Kardashian’s tits and empty head. But how much more vacuous are the heads of the digitally captured slave herd that ‘follow’ Kardashian on twit-ter and ‘facefuck?’
international / prose / post

text Crisis of Civilisation jess, Tuesday, May 12 2015, 9:48am
This is a highly informative and balanced (for a change) doco and is recommended viewing for all our readers.
international / prose / post

magic_pentagram.jpg image Apprentice to Magic za'el, Tuesday, May 12 2015, 12:27am
. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Abbott and Hockey image Budget: Multinational Tax “Crack Down” Farce baz, Monday, May 11 2015, 1:19am
The very first consideration to a proposed ‘tax crackdown’ – journalists with integrity spell it out without fear or favour, Mr Jared Owens -- on multinational tax avoiders is that the news/propaganda was published in a Murdoch rag by one of the mass media’s job anxiety journalists under the strict editorial control of Murdoch, who just happens to be among the most culpable tax avoiders in the country/world. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Non-Existence of Being sadh, Sunday, May 10 2015, 10:39am
international / prose / post

Cameron deferring to Murdoch 1. image Transparent – the ‘shock’ of the UK Election justin, Saturday, May 9 2015, 1:49am
Is it really surprising that elite serving, austerity loving, conservatives have been re-elected in Britain? Consider how elite Banker and Corporate elites have installed compliant conservative governments in most western nations to serve the elitist Corporate agenda of debt-slavery, depressed wages, rising costs and austerity for everyone except the elite that enjoy almost unrestrained freedom to plunder and do whatever they like with impunity, which unfortunate reality for the masses, is the direct result of the influence/control elites exercise over THEIR owned and installed political puppets, of which Cameron is a ‘fine’ example. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Lying incompetent dunce, Tony Abbott image Unhinged – Tony Abbott chief Advisor member of tin hat Brigade stacey, Friday, May 8 2015, 3:07am
Maurice Newman, chief business advisor to the Australian PM, ‘honest’ Tony Abbott, has come out; he believes and has gone on record as stating that climate change is a conspiracy designed to install the UN as a one world government – talk about whacko! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The pre-Requisite jude, Thursday, May 7 2015, 11:52am
Prior to any external revolution a transformative internal revolution must occur. All resistant actions that do not issue from NEW visions, which personal transformation affords, are doomed to fail as they necessarily arise from the same cesspool of perverse thought patterns which created the mess that demands change. A perverse cultural consciousness can only re-create itself and nothing really new is achieved, that is the reason history repeats itself.
international / prose / post

Abbott, Rinehart and Murdoch image Abbott’s Continuing Deceit and his ‘new’ Budget barry, Wednesday, May 6 2015, 11:49pm
All one need do is listen to the distracting garbage his ministers spew endlessly regarding revenue measures, which continue to target the people and ignore tax avoiding multi-nationals, the largest earners and tax avoiders in the land. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Signing up to the Trans-Pacific Partnership is Treason, pure and simple via jude, Wednesday, May 6 2015, 11:40am
Any government or politician that signs up to the ‘TPP,’ a corporate designed plan/strategy to plunder participating nations, would allow multi-national corporations -- the tax avoiding, polluting scourge of the earth – to legally overrule the decisions and authority of elected governments and to seek multi-billion dollar compensation for threatening ‘projected’ (dreamworld) profits.
international / prose / post

text The time for Reform has passed - it is time for Replacement and Reconstruction zed, Wednesday, May 6 2015, 4:17am
The argument for social reform is no longer valid as western governments have strayed so far beyond redemption and correction people are now faced with removing the current corrupt and perverse status quo altogether.
international / prose / post

text The Simplest proves to be the most Difficult today stacey, Tuesday, May 5 2015, 10:08am
Why have the simplest and most effective social actions become difficult? Indeed an intriguing question which I am unable to effectively answer though one obvious culprit in the equation is a media or rather a propaganda neutered population.
international / prose / post

buddhajesusmuhammad.jpg image Lost Opportunities toby, Monday, May 4 2015, 11:01am
The biggest tragedy of the modern age is America. After the collapse of the USSR America was left as the only viable nation able to influence the world, but what did it do, wage peace and co-existence instead of war, no, it chose perpetual war, the surest path to ruin, destruction and losing influence, which is happening to America at speed as I write. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Politically Expendable image Bali 9: AFP Response Bureaucratic and Evasive; no assurances given – UNACCEPTABLE! darcy, Sunday, May 3 2015, 9:01pm
Given that reporters were constrained in their questions and reactions to bureaucratic evasion from AFP officials it nevertheless became clear that the AFP is never to be trusted in any regard whatsoever, as it became tragically evident during questioning by the hamstrung mainstream press that the AFP is a fundamentally political organisation rather than a pure policing (States) organisation that deals effectively with crime and obvious priorities, which DUTY I would remind conservative serving bureaucrats in blue uniform, is to protect ALL Australian lives at all times regardless of political considerations, now that obligation is not ‘fanciful’ it is FUNDAMENTAL. The bottom line is simply that ALL police are duty bound to protect ALL citizens and in the case of the Bali 9 duo, murdered for expedient and political reasons, the AFP clearly FAILED in their responsibility – here’s why: (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

libwtc2.jpg image Putin 'Threatens' to Expose 9/11 as inside job - well, do it you mouse! Gordon Duff via stacie, Sunday, May 3 2015, 12:47am
How much pressure would it require to force a mouse of a leader to fight back? It seems nothing short of a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Russia, which is now becoming a reality.

Putin, a previously elite 'owned' puppet leader, seems to be making hollow threats; if indeed he has evidence of a 9/11 false flag why wouldn't he kick the stool from under the feet of the mass murdering US, which has conveniently placed a noose around its own neck, too easy? Putin made this threat back in February and we are all still waiting for this known coward to back his hollow threats with action. If real evidence existed and was released it would finish the US as the people would finally be forced to reclaim their Republic.
(story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Osama bin Laden image al-Qaeda, ally -- the US is now Choking on its created terrorist Bogeymen Daniel Lazare via greg, Saturday, May 2 2015, 11:48pm
The US leadership has done a 180 degree backflip and adopted reviled terrorist group al-Qaeda as an ally in Syria, what next, the admission that it also created and continues to support, via its Gulf State vassals and Israel, ISIL? Probably not at this time as ISIL has not passed its use-by date as the newly created bogeyman. The point is the extraordinary LACK of integrity and credibility which the US now openly displays to the WORLD, which will no doubt cost it dearly in the immediate and long term future. No-one is able to trust and support a nation that contradicts its own values and direction so dramatically. America's international reputation has never risen above gutter level, now it's in the sewer (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Kill ‘em all doesn’t work it only breeds civil revolt and eventual freedom from oppression zed, Saturday, May 2 2015, 10:31am
Gandhi broke the back of empire with passive resistance but resist Indians did in no uncertain and very brave terms, unarmed and sworn to peaceful protest they were slaughtered in the thousands until they cast off the chains of imperial oppression and exploitation. America has been indiscriminately killing civilians since Vietnam and so it will reap the same result – how could any sane ruling elite hope to persist in the grossly unfair and murderous world they created in order to loot, pillage and steal everything of any value – insanity pure and simple?
international / prose / post

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