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Abbott deferring to master Murdoch image Attacks on the Free Press by Abbott is policy in America darcy, Thursday, Aug 13 2015, 9:00am
It is well known that Oz PM, Tony Abbott, is incapable of a sensible original thought or vision, he is an obedient servant of the elite and an attack dog, that’s all he knows as two years of argumentative nothing government clearly indicates. (story and 2 images)
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text The Two Major Party Charade and Why it Continues stella, Thursday, Aug 13 2015, 4:18am
America has entered its carnival election cycle and you guessed it, the corporate mass media is concentrating on the two corporate OWNED major parties as usual. I would add that the nose-ringed American alternative media is also SUBJECT to the orchestrated ruse as its content also refers primarily to the race between Republican and Democrat contenders. So what happened to our experience and knowledge, which has taught us that this absurd ‘race’ is an orchestrated CHARADE and that the winner has already been chosen by the ruling oligarchy/plutocracy? I guess it got lost in the 24 hour news/propaganda cycle of the mass media’s making. We can’t have public memory, experience and knowledge interfering with our game and tight grip on the nation, one could almost hear CFR members and media moguls murmur. Indeed, they can’t, and so a constant stream of the two party ‘race’ is already reaching saturation level.
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Abbott, incompetent lying clown image ISIL hack proves Oz police are a pack of INCOMPETENT dummies Nino Bucci via jason, Wednesday, Aug 12 2015, 10:55am
Aussies know too well that every time Tony Abbott opens his lying mouth it’s to evade, lie, cheat and DISTRACT the public from focusing on his government’s appalling leadership and lack of vision. The Abbott government makes hopeless Rudd and Gillard look like political geniuses, both former leaders at least have successful reforms and policies to their credit – what is Abbott’s record after two years at the helm? More LIES, attacking vulnerable and average Aussies while allowing tax evading multi-nationals and large corporations a free run. (story and 1 image)
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text Mining Giant Credits Activists with Possibly Saving Great Barrier Reef Lauren McCauley via jaxie, Wednesday, Aug 12 2015, 12:32am
Fierce environmental activism is being blamed—and credited—with spurring the potential demise of Australia's controversial Carmichael coal mine project. Indian mining giant Adani on Tuesday lashed out at activists, accusing them of causing delays that prompted financial backers to withdraw their support for the vast Queensland mine and port expansion along the Great Barrier Reef (GBR).
international / prose / post

text Reality, Meaning and Religion jared, Tuesday, Aug 11 2015, 11:48pm
I had occasion for great mirth when I encountered possibly the most tragic, desperate and sorrowful piece I had ever read on the American condition. What made it more tragic was the fact that it was written by seemingly educated thinking people, yet it was painfully apparent they were all SLAVES to the dominant cultural prescription. Not one exhibited a personal connection to the living, infinite cosmos of which we are all a living part.
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text ‘Collateral Damage,' my arse! justin, Tuesday, Aug 11 2015, 2:24am
We are talking millions of innocent human lives here not some scrap garbage or expendable merchandise! Whoever in their right mind could justify the murder of innocent civilians using the phrase, ‘collateral damage’ and hope to evade justice, international laws and conventions, which expressly criminalise the murder of civilians, as drone ‘signature strikes’ clearly do, is either a criminal, out of their mind or both? It’s time to get off the unreality media pills, dreamboats, as someone must pay. Perpetrators or the nation that fails to deal legally with its criminals in high places cannot evade the law or justice forever. There simply is no such thing as killing civilians legally, notwithstanding that every war the US wages today, directly or by proxy, is ILLEGAL.
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Corporate lackey Tony Abbott lying to the people image US workers work longest hours for lowest pay and holidays in Western World Prof. James Petras via shirl, Monday, Aug 10 2015, 1:54am
Abbott and his conservatives are attempting to create a mini-US in Oz, as their policies CLEARLY indicate. Those policies amount to giving a free ride to tax avoiding multi-nationals, parasitic banks and other large corporations while at the same time CONSTANTLY attacking the vulnerable, students and average workers in our community; so it becomes very relevant indeed to view working and social condtions for average Americans in order to STOP ABBOTT and his team of scurrilous, lying ministers in their treasonous tracks. Australians fought hard for the fair and equitable society they ONCE HAD, the envy of the WORLD. Notwithstanding the damage that major parties have inflicted on traditional Australian values to date, it nevertheless is an easy matter to RESTORE Australia by withdrawing all support from the owned, puppet major parties and installing REPRESENTATIVE independents into office at every local, state and federal election. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Pentagon prepares for hundred year corporate resources war Nafeez Ahmed via stacey, Sunday, Aug 9 2015, 11:38pm
Whatever else could be said about the corporate/banker ruled USA, it is clear that war is the only vision it has. Note, not a word about cooperative relations or business just grab your gun like a bandit and attempt to steal what you should rightfully pay for, as has been done over the past 15 years. Nevertheless, other nations today will not have a bar of it, neocon perpetual war spells disaster for the US and the world and if the masses tolerate this mafia mindset and tactics then they deserve what they get -- fallout if not complete obliteration!
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text Former Defense Intelligence Agency Chief Says Rise of Islamic State Was “A Willful Decision” Brad Hoff via jake, Saturday, Aug 8 2015, 10:35am
In Al Jazeera’s latest Head to Head episode, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Michael Flynn confirms to Mehdi Hasan that not only had he studied the DIA memo predicting the West’s backing of an Islamic State in Syria when it came across his desk in 2012, but even asserts that the White House’s sponsoring of radical jihadists (that would emerge as ISIL and Nusra) against the Syrian regime was “a willful decision.”
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Political lackey Tony Abbott sucks up to Rinehart and Murdoch imagevideo Donald Trump Blows Lid Off Ruling Plutocracy Mike Whitney via jude, Friday, Aug 7 2015, 9:14pm
Last night’s FOX News GOP Presidential Debate Extravaganza featured the most riveting two minute political exchange ever heard on national television. During a brief colloquy between Republican frontrunner Donald Trump and Fox moderator Brett Baier, the pugnacious casino magnate revealed the appalling truth about the American political system, that the big money guys like Trump own the whole crooked contraption lock, stock, and barrel, and that, the nation’s fake political leaders do whatever they’re told to do. Without question, it was most illuminating commentary to ever cross the airwaves. Here’s the entire exchange direct from the transcript: (story and 2 images and 1 video)
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text 'The Dream of Internet Freedom is Dying,' Warns Top Civil Liberties Attorney Lauren McCauley via gail, Friday, Aug 7 2015, 8:59pm
Jennifer Granick, addressing security professionals at the annual Black Hat conference in Las Vegas on August 5, said "the Four Horsemen of the Infocalypse: terrorists, pedophiles, drug dealers, and money launderers" are allowing the government to push for even more regulation and control of the Internet.
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text Ideological Godfather of the Neocons – Leo Strauss jason, Thursday, Aug 6 2015, 12:24am
Strauss espoused the view that the masses are an incoherent rabble incapable of reason and self-determination. They must be managed he said for ‘their’ own good, but especially for the good of the elite that manages them, implied. He taught that the optimum means of crowd management was via fear or appealing to the most basic human emotions rather than reason as the masses lacked that critical ability – he clearly got it right! And so his students, particularly Paul Wolfowitz and other Zionist Jews that subscribed to the views of their Jewish teacher, Strauss, began their assault on American democracy in the 90’s until they succeeded in capturing America using their Zionist banker supporters and puppet president dubya Bush as a means to an end.
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text LIBOR Fraudster Jailed for 14 years – Oversight on Big Banks a Necessity justin, Tuesday, Aug 4 2015, 12:44am
A UK judge handed down a 14 year jail sentence for fraud to a ‘City’ trader who worked for Citi and UBS over his involvement in tampering with the ‘London Interbank Offered Rate,’ commonly known as LIBOR. This makes a grand total of ONE banker that has been given a substantial jail sentence for the massive LIBOR fraud, which would in all probability only be a few years served time at best, yet the elite banking community is aware how pervasive this scandal actually was and that no one person was or is able to rig LIBOR alone, so what of other involved banker criminals, they’re home free!
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text The American Led New Axis of Evil Jason Hirthler via stix, Monday, Aug 3 2015, 10:46am
The title hardly requires elaboration as recent REAL, as opposed to mass media propaganda, history amply highlights. America and its spineless vassals, particularly NATO, have created the modern world's most destabilising period in history. The US and its vassals have been at war constantly since the engineered, purpose designed, pretext of 9/11. The result is millions of innocents dead, many more millions displaced from war torn and ruined nations and a faltering global economy due to the need to prosecute these corporate/banker wars of resource appropriation and strategic energy corridor acquisitions -- or put simply, corporate/banker wars for PROFIT!
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Tony Abbott with mate Mike Baird, lying bastards image Abbott’s “best police in the world” LIE Exposed Natalie O'Brien via cyd, Saturday, Aug 1 2015, 9:01pm
Informed Aussies can count on two things, 1. that Tony Abbott is a reprehensible pathological LIAR and 2. that our federal police are a bunch of incompetents (Bali 9 etc) – we are now, thanks to the Herald, able to add thieves among the ranks of AFP. (story and 2 images)
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text Erodoğan and Netanyahu Declare War James Petras via jess, Saturday, Aug 1 2015, 7:12pm
The rulers of the two most powerful authoritarian regimes in the Middle East are launching major wars to reconfigure the Middle East. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has declared war by proxy on Iran, announcing full-scale military mobilization within Israel (July 27 -29) and organizing the biggest political campaign of ultra Zionist Jews in Washington. The purpose of this two-pronged propaganda blitz is to defeat the recently signed US-Iranian agreement and start another major Middle East war. Ultimately, Netanyahu intends to take care of his ‘Palestinian Problem’ for good: complete the conquest and occupation of Palestine and expelling the Palestinian people from their homeland – the single most important foreign policy and domestic goal of the Jewish state. In order to do this, Israeli leaders have had to systematically campaign for the destruction of the Palestinians regional supporters and sympathizers – Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Iran.
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text Why Do We Insist On Lying To Ourselves About a Vulnerable Ruling Elite? Sylvain Lamoureux via jaxie, Saturday, Aug 1 2015, 3:55am
As I read, learn and live I see the ever-increasing number of peoples who claim to be "awake". These people with their research, documents, web links; all "evidence" that they must be "awake" lament the existence of the elite 1% controlling the world, poisoning our water and food, wreaking havoc on our financial systems, chem-trails, drugging, killing, torturing, imprisoning... the list is endless. What they don't see is that it is not the 1% but rather the 99% that are the enablers of this catastrophe that we refer to as civilization and which hinders any kind of progression into human evolution.
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John Pilger with Julian Assange image Assange, Pilger and the rest – a cogent lesson in FOLLY for today’s underground elite wakz, Saturday, Aug 1 2015, 2:23am
I hardly know where to begin as the comedy of errors and the ineffective bleating of antiquated journalists and commentators is overwhelming. (story and 1 image)
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Tony Abbott, obedient lackey and reprehensible liar image Known LIAR and deceiver Oz PM Abbott makes awkward recent comments on MH370 wild goose chase jared, Thursday, Jul 30 2015, 9:35pm
Firstly, it should be appreciated that it was DUNCE Abbott, under the directions of Washington, who led the world on a costly wild goose chase for the missing airliner, based solely, at the time, on a semi-submerged shipping container in the Southern Indian Ocean, not in the western Indian Ocean as advised by contributors to this site that have researched ALL available evidence including the known fact that Boeing computer systems allow for hardware backdoor take over by remote systems, probably in this instance, from the highly secretive US military communications station at Diego Garcia. I’m not about to pursue the matter now as the 'wreckage' found in the correct vicinity is unconfirmed to date and as a professional analyst, I do not believe in coincidences or make knee-jerk assumptions based on Murdoch press releases. (story and 1 image)
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PM Tony Abbott and opposition leader Bill Shorten, elite lackeys image No Will No Way mitch, Thursday, Jul 30 2015, 1:19am
It must be accepted that social change/reform only occurs when the majority demand it. The numerous analysts and commentators of the alternative media are “pissing in the wind” revealing facts and truths/REALITY to the masses -- as dubya Bush once expressed it, on elite advice I would hasten to add. So the stark reality that the captured masses would rather line up in the streets to purchase the latest digital gadget rather than assert their social prerogative and exercise democratic influence over their non-representative governments has to be addressed or preaching to the miniscule percent of converted would continue without effect. (story and 3 images)
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