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text Ignorance is Slavery Not Bliss nano, Tuesday, Sep 1 2015, 12:49am
The only hope a slave has of a ‘good life’ is to have a benign master that appreciates that slaves are a valuable and dangerous asset to be treated well in order to maintain work performance and to mitigate any inclination to rebel. But what happens when slaves are abundant or in over supply? Slaves become expendable, which eliminates the need for care and humane treatment, they become little more than disposable commodities to be treated with contempt by their masters.
international / prose / post

abbottreject.jpg image Abbott Fails His Six Month Probation cyd, Monday, Aug 31 2015, 10:35am
It seems that conservative politicians share the mass media memory wipe of the broader community, I seem to recall that after the Liberal leadership spill Abbott had six months to prove that he was a capable leader; well, the local media is full of Abbott’s ‘capable’ catastrophes as leader since the spill, one imbecilic scandal after another and to think that conservatives hoped that this leopard would change his spots, in your conservative dreams. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Welcome To The Free Trade Wars Pepe Escobar via juan, Monday, Aug 31 2015, 3:00am
China continues to grow at a not too shabby 7%. And yet, because of the yuan devaluation and the sharp drop in the stock market, in most Western capitals the narrative switched to Armageddon descended over an economic model that generated, over the years, six-fold growth in Chinese GDP.
international / prose / post

text Matrix Of Control joe contra via mike, Sunday, Aug 30 2015, 9:38am
What is society really like? We think, we know our neighborhood, friends, if we really have any, and definitely we know or at least we think we know something about our close relatives as well as extended family mostly through the personal experiences of our lives but also through the narratives that are proliferated among our family members about the society at large and ourselves within this society.
international / prose / post

text Europe in Free Fall The Saker via shaz, Sunday, Aug 30 2015, 9:17am
Europe is in free fall. Nobody can doubt that any more. In fact, the EU is simultaneously suffering from several severe problems and any one of these could potentially become catastrophic. Let’s look at them one by one.
international / prose / post

Peter Dutton and Tony Abbott, lying cowards image Minister RESPONSIBLE for Border Force, LIES through his teeth like his boss Tony Abbott darcy, Sunday, Aug 30 2015, 12:33am
Socially detested PM Tony Abbott, who lied his way into office, has shown the way for his entire party, Peter Dutton the ex-detective minister responsible for the Nazi mentality of HIS new, armed, black uniformed, Border ‘Force’ says that he received advice from Border Force officers regarding randomly checking the public for their visas/papers but didn’t read it, tell Australia another one you gutless, lying hound, your party’s DISHONEST ‘form’ is a matter of pub and social discourse, notwithstanding that the minister and his leader are duty-bound to take full responsibility! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

aussiesheep.jpg image The Global Plague dave, Saturday, Aug 29 2015, 10:45am
And it’s devastating. What other era in modern history has seen such apathetic compliance to the most draconian intrusions on privacy, the erosion of liberties and rights which our forefathers fought and died to attain and preserve, all forfeited with cowardly, reckless abandon by modern generations – what the fuck in wrong with you people? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott, corporate lackey, traitor and dunce image Abbott criticises protest of police state Border 'Force' tactics jake, Friday, Aug 28 2015, 10:48pm
In possibly the most disconnected of Abbott's statements he took aim at true blue Australians that are fully justified in demonstrating against police state tactics. Disconnected dunce Abbott actually said people should be "ashamed" of protecting Australia's freedoms and unique culture. Well, you've heard it from the horse's mouth and it becomes obvious where Abbott stands, clearly against Australian culture. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text "Jesus Was Black" Reveals Newly Found Manuscript Bob Flanagan via jude, Friday, Aug 28 2015, 11:49am
A team of archeologists from the University of Tel Aviv have uncovered a collection of ancient scrolls in the West Bank region, near the Qumran Caves, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were originally uncovered in 1947, and which promise to shed a new light on the life and physical appearance of Jesus Christ.
international / prose / post

Dunce Abbott flanked by Minister Peter Dutton and uniformed ABF spokesperson image Abbott’s Australian Border Force Fiasco dan, Friday, Aug 28 2015, 10:35am
One hardly knows where to begin with the outrage that was to be perpetrated against the Australian public. It begins with the re-branding (a meaningless corporate trick) of the customs and immigration services to the “Australian Border Force,” note the last word of this re-branding. The new ‘force’ has been invested with new powers of course, carrying guns for instance, and new dark uniforms reminiscent of Nazi Germany’s SS – what’s a few wasted millions of taxpayer funds when political tricks and gimmicks may help Abbott gain some popularity and support? But it couldn’t have been more disastrous for DISCONNECTED, DISHONEST, incompetent imbecile, Abbott. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text ‘Islamic State’ Pretext for Western Intervention in Libya Ramzy Baroud via stan, Friday, Aug 28 2015, 12:16am
The is no question that NATO created the current debacle in Libya. So now destructive western forces are looking for an excuse to intervene again -- of course with the same horrific outcomes to be sure.
international / prose / post

obama_toasting_dead_babies.jpg image Conspiracy Fact jess, Thursday, Aug 27 2015, 9:32am
It doesn’t take a genius to determine that North Africa and the Middle East since American and NATO military interventions are theatres of immeasurable human tragedy today. Prior to the illegal interventions based on lies and various other transparent pretexts, those regions were relatively stable. Today, however, chaos and horror reigns with millions dead and millions more displaced by the destabilising influence of American military interventionism, which amounts to mass murder and the assassination of leaders that refuse to comply with its wishes. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

port_waratah.jpg image Newcastle Divests -- coal is bad Lauren McCauley via dulcie, Thursday, Aug 27 2015, 1:55am
Newcastle, Australia—home to the world's largest coal export port—on Tuesday joined the growing divestment movement after voting to pull its holdings from the country's biggest banks if they continue to fund fossil fuel projects. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text China's Economic 'Miracle' - Exploitation by Western Corporate Elite kuang, Thursday, Aug 27 2015, 1:03am
"Things must change in order to stay the same." China has returned to its imperial elitist structure of hyper-wealth for the few and slavery for the masses. Highly informative video below.
international / prose / post

Desperate dunce Abbott doing a Bush -- get real, you clown image It’s About Trust darcy, Wednesday, Aug 26 2015, 11:16am
Indeed, today, worldwide almost no-one trusts their governments and political leaders, why? Simply due to the FACT that politicians everywhere are a pack of self-interested liars and scoundrels that engage in anything but representing the people and serving the national interest. They lack vision, a coherent narrative and real policies other than what is prescribed/dictated by elite corporate and banker interests -- and who do these institutions represent, themselves of course, so democracy – majority rule -- has become a farce, a pathetic joke everywhere. Is this situation sustainable? You can bet your life it isn’t! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text ‘Digital Disruption’ zed, Tuesday, Aug 25 2015, 8:34am
"Digital disruption" is a quaint term invented and used by the corporate elite to signify massive loss of jobs in the near future -- approximately 40 percent of the current workforce -- due to robotics and the increased automisation of daily life. They view this phenomenon as inevitable, naturally, as it increases profits without the ‘burden’ of the human factor. And so goes the callousness of corporations that too easily forget that it was human workers that propelled them to their current status/success.
international / prose / post

Kevin Andrews and Tony Abbott, two spineless lying clowns image Oz Defence Minister Straining to Comply with Washington's Illegal Request via sal, Tuesday, Aug 25 2015, 2:55am
Oz defence minister Kevin 'Haneef' Andrews, already known for his 'integrity' and servility is straining to comply with Washington's request for Oz to illegally bomb Syria, a sovereign State embroiled in a civil war. Regardless of other factors that act would contravene international law, pure and simple, there are simply no legal excuses to perpetrate this criminal act. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Democracy and Justice Abandoned by the Masses shirl, Tuesday, Aug 25 2015, 12:48am
Don’t kid yourself, you do not live in a functioning democracy no matter where you live in the world today. Plutocracy reigns, mega-wealthy oligarchs and plutocrats openly install and depose servile national leaders (Mr Murdoch) which now consider deceiving populations and serving elite interests as natural.
international / prose / post

MiG-31 image Russian Military Engages in Syria Thierry Meyssan via val, Monday, Aug 24 2015, 11:07pm
A profound and significant change has just occurred in the Levant – the Russian army has begun to engage against terrorism in Syria. Although Russia has been absent from the international scene since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and although it is moving with care, it has just created a Russo-Syrian Commission, has begun supplying weapons, sharing intelligence, and sending advisors. All of this is more or less coordinated with the White House. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Ending Government Rule of the Elites, by the Elites, for the Elites Robert Abele via gail, Monday, Aug 24 2015, 8:27am
By now it is nearly commonplace that the specific American system of capitalist governance has resulted in a hollowing-out of U.S. democracy, which now serves the interests of economic elites rather than the people. One of the primary examples of this is how the Obama administration is handling the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): a top-secret process that will affect the lives of each individual living in the countries which agree to it, yet the negotiators are a few government officials (i.e. the Office of the United States Trade Representative) and 600 corporations,excluding Congress, and with no voice from or for the people themselves, nor any concern involving the citizens (see Paul Craig Roberts, “TTIP: The Corporate Empowerment Act”).
international / prose / post

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