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text ISIL’s Continuing Absurd Existence justin, Monday, Nov 23 2015, 10:31pm
I would raise TWO only searing points here and they are: the world has experienced two world wars in the 20th century, which were waged by roughly evenly matched opponent groups, nevertheless those WORLD wars ended in roughly 4-5 years with MILLIONS of combatants involved. ISIL, a meagre trifling fighting force in comparison to any national military, has persisted for over four years. WHY? Simply due to the fact that it is a proxy fighting force, supported trained and armed by cowardly national/State players. The fledgling ISIL was first deployed in Libya by NATO and the US and has now been let loose on the entire world to enable and facilitate the WESTERN elite agenda of redrawing the national borders of sovereign nations in the Middle East and secondarily to erode all the hard won freedoms and liberties of western populations by facilitating outrageous oppressive police state measures and methods.
international / prose / post

chinarussia_pact.jpg image China Declares War on US/Israeli Proxy Fighting Group ISIL claire, Sunday, Nov 22 2015, 9:20pm
In an undisguised strategic move to support ally Russia, Xi Jingping has finally made an attempt to prove to the world that China has balls – though they may be the size of rice grains -- and is willing to involve his powerful nation in geostrategic affairs, as indeed is an IMPERATIVE for any superpower. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

isil.yilmaz.jpg imagePDF Document Hyper-Saturation Terror Media Campaign Transmits Reverse of Message Intended julie, Sunday, Nov 22 2015, 1:00am
‘Be afraid, be very afraid’ is the message intended in a worldwide media campaign relating to the Paris (false flag) attacks, which is CLEARLY designed to facilitate evermore oppressive Big Brother State control over the masses. However, take a step back and have a good un-emotive view and you’ll piss yourself laughing over the feeble attempts of sinister elites to implement their agenda for global control. (story and 2 images and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

text Woe to ISIL and its Puppet Masters -- Russia Declares War staff report via jill, Saturday, Nov 21 2015, 11:58am
Putin has declared war on ISIL terrorists and those that harbour and support them for the attack on a Russian civilian airliner. The difference between Putin's and US/NATO declarations of war is that Russia's are LEGAL under international law and UN charters, while the USA and NATO continue their illegal wars in various regions around the world. Putin possesses the proof he requires to attack various Gulf States and Turkey though it has not been made public as yet. Nevertheless, the USA, Israel, NATO, Gulf States and Jordan are acutely aware of the fact and their complicity/culpability.
international / prose / post

Vladimir Putin image Washington's New Cloak and Dagger Approach to Putin Paul Craig Roberts via cyd, Friday, Nov 20 2015, 10:55pm
First it should be made very clear that no nation that openly declares its wishes to rule the world -- "Pax Americana" or 'America Über Alles,' and publishes same in its PNAC document, can be trusted. Such a nation has no friends or partners, it has vassals, compliant lackey States and spineless SUBJECTS/followers only. Putin is desperate for allied support and hopes to remove the economic pressure his nation is suffering as a result of a US-instigated and led economic war on the Russian State, however, Putin's undisguised desperation may be prove to be his Achilles heel. We shall see, as history dictates that no hegemonic nation is a real partner to anyone! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

abbottturnbull.jpg image Turnbull does an Abbott baz, Friday, Nov 20 2015, 10:13am
Confronted by the media regarding an alleged refugee boat from Indonesia being towed out to sea after entering Australian waters -- an action in clear breach of UN conventions -- actually towed from a few hundred metres from Christmas Island, Turnbull's response sounded like an echo from the recent past, "I can't help you other than to say that we do not comment on operational matters." Sound familiar? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Pushing for Nuclear War with Russia -- the Zionist Influence in Washington Philip Giraldi via jess, Friday, Nov 20 2015, 7:39am
Something very odd is going on in Washington. I recently attended and spoke at a conference in Washington on “realism and restraint” as a broad formula to reform U.S. foreign policy. Most presentations reflected that agenda more-or-less but oddly one of the speakers said that it was necessary for the United States to mark its place in the world while “carrying a big stick” while another panelist asserted that it was a core mission of the American people to “help other countries striving to be free.” Both were referring to how the U.S. should comport itself vis-à-vis Russia and one had to suspect that they had wandered into the auditorium by mistake, intending instead to visit the nearby American Enterprise Institute.
international / prose / post

text Russia destroys 500 ISIL oil tankers and oil Infrastructure -- military video Nick Pearson via stan, Thursday, Nov 19 2015, 3:30am
A few days after Putin challenged Obama at the G20 regarding unhampered, by the West, kilometres long ISIL oil tanker convoys bound for NATO Turkey, Russia’s air force struck decisively, accurately and humanely by first dropping leaflets warning civilian drivers to flee.

Oh dear, America’s proxy army of fighting goons and mass murderers is being decimated and starved of supply, what now Mr Zbigniew Brzezinski, you war criminal bastard? The cat is out of the bag at last, thanks to Putin’s cunning and tactical genius. Obama’s face is hardly distinguishable under all that egg -- Putin forced him to attack oil convoys which he was previously loath to do. It’s clear, the lot of you should be rounded up and placed on trial for overtly supporting terrorism, mass murder by proxy and creating havoc and needless bloodshed throughout the Middle East, North Africa and the world.

international / prose / post

Malcolm Turnbull - in need of treatment image Malcolm Turnbull and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) steve, Thursday, Nov 19 2015, 1:08am
Australia has been cursed by severely flawed leaders since NPD suffering ‘show pony/photo op’ Kevin Rudd assumed office though subsequent leaders had other flaws like Gillard allowing Oz to be occupied by a foreign troop presence and demented dunce Abbott, who needs no further explanation, however, Turnbull is in a league all to himself, though ‘do nothing’ Rudd would give him a run for his money. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Paris: No Grave Too Warm for the Political Class to Dance On Thomas Knapp via stacey, Wednesday, Nov 18 2015, 11:35am
For a columnist or pundit, there’s no greater temptation than to get something written — Quick! Now! — about the latest, greatest, deadliest catastrophe. After all, if it bleeds it leads.
international / prose / post

text "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I am watching over it until it blazes." fish, Wednesday, Nov 18 2015, 10:20am
The title is a quote from the Gospel of Thomas attributed to the mythic Christ and before you knee-jerk and imagine I’m some sort of religionist nut, I would state that I am a cultural analyst and my researches and studies bear much fruit, as you will see, read on.
international / prose / post

text Obama Caught Out Ignoring ISIL Oil Tanker Convoys that Extend for Miles to reach NATO Turkey moon of alabama via jane, Tuesday, Nov 17 2015, 11:20pm
If anyone had any doubts about NATO/US proxy fighting force ISIL then get your uninformed mind around some hard facts. ISIL oil tanker convoys transporting Syrian and Iraqi STOLEN oil have been quietly transporting their ill-gotten product to Turkey and then onto western markets at rock bottom prices. However, these convoys which have been plying their criminal trade UNHAMPERED for YEARS, have never been targeted by US/NATO forces! Truck convoys that extend for MILES are hardly missed by blind Freddy let alone Drone and satellite surveillance. But here's the clincher, when Putin exposed the FACT at the recent G20 in Turkey, Obama initially refused to target ISIL convoys that fund their criminal and murderous enterprises but was later FORCED to do so -- work the rest out for yourselves, dreamboats!
international / prose / post

Waleed Aly, Mr 'Integrity' image Tell the Whole Truth Mr Waleed Aly cyd, Tuesday, Nov 17 2015, 5:10am
The Muslim host of a popular TV program on a commercial Australian network ended his show yesterday with a personal statement against ISIL, see video. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Oz FM and US lackey, Julie Bishop, snubbed in Vienna image France Bombs Raqqa Eliminating Major ISIL Targets sol, Monday, Nov 16 2015, 9:57am
In retaliation for the Paris attacks French air force planes conducted 30 bombing raids on Raqqa, the proclaimed capital of IS, which attacks allegedly destroyed major arms and fuel depots. Now, Raqqa is a captured civilian city and civilian casualties must have occurred but of course no mention of that in the partial and extremely selective western mass media, which continues to cover the Paris attacks with no analysis whatsoever – the public are being fed a continuous stream of superficial stories/distractions including emotive Facebook pictures of the casualties instead – smell a rat do we? How about some analysis regarding the massive intel FAILURE in this age of pan surveillance, which somehow always fails to 'keep us safe' or prevent major attacks – tell it to your demented grandmother as it is all unravelling at the propaganda, false flag seams? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Xi jinping image Where is China, Traditionally Perceived as a Nation of Slaves and Cowards by the West? jack, Monday, Nov 16 2015, 12:02am
Okay Mr Xi, NATO now has the excuse (Paris attack) it required to stop refugees pouring into Europe and to intervene in Syria and Iraq against ally Russia, make no mistake; simply read the words of puppet president Hollande and other allied leaders who appear to be singing in a conducted choir if you wish to understand the machinations behind the scenes, though I know you are aware of the plan as indeed is Putin. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Reaping the Whirlwind of Western Support for Extremist Violence Chris Floyd via jess, Sunday, Nov 15 2015, 10:59am
We, the West, overthrew Saddam by violence. We overthrew Gaddafi by violence. We are trying to overthrow Assad by violence. Harsh regimes all — but far less draconian than our Saudi allies, and other tyrannies around the world. What has been the result of these interventions? A hell on earth, one that grows wider and more virulent year after year.
international / prose / post

ISIL and its fleet of Toyotas which materialised from thin air! image If it Walks, Talks and Kills like a terrorist it’s a Terrorist mitch, Sunday, Nov 15 2015, 10:06am
To paraphrase Russian FM, Sergei Lavrov and indeed Russia is making short work of ALL terrorists in Syria much to the chagrin of the USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Jordan, nations that are on record as flagrantly supporting, arming and training what they categorise as “moderate terrorists” -- give reason, common sense and plain English a break! There simply is no such thing as a ‘moderate’ terrorist, but who then would fight America’s proxy wars in the Middle East, North Africa and elsewhere? (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

nukedbuck.jpg image US Gambling on War with Russia in Syria Finian Cunningham via chad, Saturday, Nov 14 2015, 2:09am
As US Secretary of State John Kerry convenes with diplomats from Russia and other nations for a second round of political talks on the Syrian conflict in Vienna this weekend, it is becoming clear that Washington is gambling on a two-prong strategy. But the US gamble carries a grave risk of blowing up into a war with Russia. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Paris: Why Does the USA and its Allies Continue to Support, Train and Arm Terrorists? trudy, Saturday, Nov 14 2015, 12:53am
First, we extend our sympathies to those affected by the barbaric slaughter of civilians in Paris regardless of who is ultimately responsible and behind these barbaric attacks.
international / prose / post

text ISIL and its State Sponsors Must be Indicted For Crimes Against Humanity Vladimir Platov via jane, Friday, Nov 13 2015, 8:58am
They say that 'like attracts like,' so let's put it to the test.

When the USA and NATO decided to crush and dismember former ally Yugoslavia, how did they accomplish their criminal deed? Simple, they utilised the 'divide and conquer' principle which is as old as war itself. However, let's take a look at who the US and NATO sided with in their nefarious aims to gain control of the Balkans, which today houses the largest US military base in Europe, 'Bondsteel' in stolen Kosovo.
international / prose / post

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