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This is not America you Ocker Dunces!
by darcy Saturday, Feb 8 2014, 10:18pm
international / prose / post

So, a Royal Commission into ‘union corruption’ instigated by obedient to the ruling plutocracy, Attorney General, George Brandis, a leading arch-conservative, is now confirmed, so what’s new? This political manoeuvre by the conservative government, already pledged (ON RECORD) to obey minority interests before they were placed into office by the plutocrats is no surprise as conservatives and unrepresentative elitist forces have been engaged in this ideological battle with LABOUR -- not Labor (the sell-out Party) -- since the beginning.

Lackey Attorney General, George Brandis
Lackey Attorney General, George Brandis

But it seems something critical has changed in this long war of attrition, the ability of LABOUR to easily DEFEAT the criminally corrupt, elitist-serving conservatives has weakened. A little matter of provable treason is going begging -- see above embedded link.

Immediately launch a separate well-publicised private inquiry (COUNTER-ATTACK) into Corporate corruption, the scope of which is enormous, and the easily proven serious interference with the process of Oz democracy/government by private, unrepresentative interests; an easily won affair as imbecile Abbott is on record pledging his allegiance to the plutocrats -- Murdoch’s orders to kill the ABC and Rinehart’s Barrier Reef polluting, passport to a coal port in QLD are part of the deal. The evidence couldn’t be more damning/obvious and investigations into Corporate corruption haven’t even begun!

Need I STRESS here that this is a LABOUR/workers fight, a UNION fight, not a bloody entangled relationship with corporate serving corrupt Labor politicians, are you reading this Bill, you elitist arse licker? Of course, it is well known that the best defence is ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK; I have never been on the back foot in my life and have easily defeated my cowardly, pack-rat, opponents. This battle is a GIFT to Oz workers and the UNION MOVEMENT; it actually has the potential to bring down an entire government and finally expose rampant Corporate corruption in Australia -- your move, ‘fall guy’ George, Rupert and Gina! [We do not play fair, we play to WIN, and frankly 'I' can’t wait!]

Of course, we offer our expert strategic and tactical services to the FREE LABOUR/WORKERS MOVEMENT of AUSTRALIA in opposing all forms of unrepresentative elitist rule and combating the rapacious, criminal Corporations and the puppet conservative lackeys they place in government.

Contact us at any time and we will see to it that you anonymously receive the best strategic, game-changing, advice available.

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-995.html