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The ABC and the huge LIE that is Tony Abbott
by baz Wednesday, Jan 29 2014, 10:50am
international / prose / post

Murdoch-installed Oz PM Tony Abbott has a very short memory it seems and LIARS need very good and long memories if they do not wish to lose all credibility.

I would refer to a RECORDED event just prior to Abbott’s placement by Murdoch and other Oz plutocrats to the job of ‘chief errand boy’ for minority, unrepresentative, criminal, ruling elites.

Disingenuous, lackey clown, Tony Abbott
Disingenuous, lackey clown, Tony Abbott

Readers would note from the embedded link above that a portion of the price Abbott pledged to pay for becoming PM was to DISMANTLE and then PRIVATISE what is left of the national broadcaster, the Oz ABC -- the event to which I refer occurred in the middle of 2013, hidden agenda anyone?

I do not wish to add to the excellent investigative work of Getup except to say that Abbott could accurately be described as the ‘slasher PM,’ whose principal task is to surrender what remains of the Oz public sector to the profit-only-driven corporate sector. The ABC was targeted well in advance of any crap or fabricated excuses/LIES that appear in the mass media today, especially Murdoch’s rags -- clearly, Murdoch has been in the U.S. too long if he imagines the same mindless crowd control (‘perception management’) tactics can be applied in informed AUSTRALIA -- unlike the Americans Aussie memories extend past the last 24 hours; just ask former PM, Juliar Gillard!

Readers would also note the distracting and headline-grabbing anti-union campaign launched at precisely the same time as the ABC hatchet campaign -- Abbott and his ministerial cronies are nothing if not obedient errand boys and treasonous lackeys! Abbott and his Libs are attempting to degrade and tarnish an entire Oz tradition on orders from their masters by using a few instances of corruption to sway the masses against unions, which remain the strongest ORGANISED force against the criminal corporate sector in Oz today, has the penny dropped yet?

Notice how there is never any major inquiry into corporate crime and the huge improprieties that are routinely committed by the private sector, especially pollution, the desecration of the environment and the exploitation of less fortunate people/societies.

If a similar spotlight was focused on the criminal private sector by a proper regulatory/investigative body with appropriate powers, few corporations would survive without paying their dues in taxes and reparations. A few CEOs would most likely see the inside of jail cells for THEIR massive crimes and immoral actions -- are you reading this Mr Bill ‘golden haired boy’ Shorten -- the best defence is always a counter-attack with a stronger strategy, you dumb, puppet, fuck!

Errand boy Tony Abbott has proven beyond doubt that he serves unrepresentative foreign minority interests not the broader Australian community; a lawyer could easily build a strong case of treason against this OVERT lackey and traitor.

The most effective response to this traitorous errand boy for the global plutocracy, is to oppose with the utmost vigour everything he has been ordered to do by Murdoch and his ilk-- read and note the listed items well -- they will prove invaluable in the future, especially in any legal (including treason) case against Abbott and his ministerial cronies!

As for Abbott’s score card to date, integrity 0 -- treasonous servility to unrepresentative foreign interests, 10!

The ABC is NOT Kosovo and Aussies are not spineless Serbs, Mr lackey Abbott -- tamper with the (culturally 'sacred') ABC at your own very great risk.

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