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Every Jihadist and his inbred, tail-biting dog in Syria ...
by hasan Thursday, Jan 23 2014, 12:17am
international / prose / post

Good work Israel, America and Saudi sponsors of al-Qaeda and affiliates; Syria is now a typical Arab, inbred, in-fighting circus -- every rebel group is fighting every other rebel group but that's how its done in inbred Muslim nations. Tribal in-fighting is a cultural tradition. But is Putin able to capitalise on the situation? Methinks no, as his money is stashed in Western banks, a few keystrokes and it's frozen, like the hundreds of billions of Iranian (US dollars) the West illegally impounds! Of course Iran would nuke America for stealing its wealth, wouldn't YOU? Also, note how Zionist bankers froze and stole hundreds of billions in Libyan gold and dollars, even before they murdered Gaddafi!

These 'wars' are pure, criminal, gangster wars of resource theft and territorial acquisition but on an international level with State players; but as Syria has just demonstrated conflicts are easily co-opted and tipped to one side or the other.

Criminal, Zionist controlled America is a good teacher if nothing else, even dumb, inbred Arab Jihadists have caught on!

Quick, we need more (fabricated) 'evidence' of atrocities so Western nations are justified in intervening but first populations must be DUPED/convinced -- you people are as transparent as wet toilet paper, and you are all going DOWN as a result!

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-971.html