Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry     jungledrum.lingama.net/news

by ryall Thursday, Sep 6 2012, 2:01pm
international / poetry / post

if u must go
then go u must
but u take
more than u

a heart
torn from its body
a spirit
carried from its place

tho i gladly
gave my all
heart, soul
every fibre of my being;
i would have given more
but there was nothing more to give,
u have it all
what remains is a shell
a mind in a hollow reed,
a consciousness in agony,
a being

go, where?

is ur departure only for the sake
of taking my heart
from its place
leaving me
writhing in pain
to plumb the stark depths
of black morbidity --
have u any
notion of the consequences
of ur action?

go, why?

i would find some solace
if u gave good reason,
tired strings of worn clichés
compensate no-one

how do u reconcile
love with dispassion,
warm embrace
with cruel disconnection?

only women are capable of such
swift fluctuations,
hot and cold running emotion

leave me with some justification
accuse me of something,
ur awkward excuses satisfy no-one

ur clumsy attempts,
ur probing eyes
assessing the degree of my pain
reveal more than u know,
u are clearly experienced
in these deadly, cruel manoeuvres

if u must go
then go u must
leave me now
i am well versed
in the bliss and agonies
of love won and lost

leave me to roam
the ever widening reaches
of my wounded emotions,
leave me to express
my pain in solitude

swept from rarefied heights
to suffocating depths
leave me
in grief
to suffer in my

Jungle Drum Prose/Poetry. http://jungledrum.lingama.net/news/story-95.html