The Sweet Taste of Victory
by lixar Thursday, Jan 9 2014, 10:03am
international /
prose /
We need not gloat or exaggerate in the slightest, though, as the much smaller force, we would be fully justified and entitled to do so; no, all we need do at this stage is reveal some basic historical facts/truths about the war on the world’s leading civilian killing, torturing, child killing, extra-judicial murdering, resource plundering, criminal State -- can you guess? Of course only one nation fits that dastardly bill today, indeed, the thoroughly corrupt and profoundly criminal, USA.
However, to appreciate the REAL situation things must be viewed in ‘realpolitik’ mode, for example, when the neo-cons drafted and published their PNAC document (‘manifesto’) they in effect DECLARED WAR on the rest of the world -- the document is titled, “Project For The New American Century;” notably absent are other nations that would share in the hoped for sole supremacy of the USA in the new century!
The mistake made by numerous commentators and analysts regarding this outrageous document is that it is primarily ideological in nature but it should be viewed from a realpolitik perspective, the document is in fact a very clear declaration of WAR, as events over the past decade clearly demonstrate.
We had no misconceptions at the time of its release nor do we miss the point today. As soon as that document was arrogantly and foolishly published -- a monumental mistake -- certain forces immediately went into action, though those actions went largely unnoticed by those not familiar with the new warfare and its sophisticated tactics, strategies and weaponry.
We do not specialise in loud explosions or Hollywood fire fights -- primitive warfare in general. We are the digital elite (warriors) and we are proficient -- without peer actually -- in crippling malfunctions, silent sabotage and devastating data subversions among a host of more subtle tactics/strategies.
Information and methods (selective) were shared with nations beginning to wage the new warfare; the only thing we ALL had in common was a common enemy -- by its own stupid declaration.
The rustic USA has never been noted for its intellectual brilliance, Chomsky and Brezinsky are excellent examples of fifth-rate intellectuals who are proud to work for the criminal powers in the USA.
Historians would recall a favourite adage of WWII ‘the war would be won or lost in the air;’ as was the reality; the allies achieved dominance of the skies and the war was won soon after. However, this war will be won (or lost) in SPACE -- CYBER space! And as was the case yesterday those forces that achieve dominance ‘own’ or rule cyberspace will be victorious.
The current situation is simple, regardless of which national flag is waved in the moronic face of the masses, the (globalist) forces behind that flag are one. Furthermore, the (minority) global plutocracy is illiterate in all matters digital so they are at a huge disadvantage; to compensate for this fatal deficiency they are forced to buy what they need and of course the persons they purchase do not have the skills required to defend against the tactics of the elite class (invisible) Uber warriors!
The world will soon be rid of the star-spangled pestilence; it has already been defeated -- it is dead man falling, but hasn’t hit the ‘ground’ yet.
With the exception of Israel, the entire (cyber) world is united against the mass murdering evil forces of America; a situation that ENSURES its defeat -- take note subservient lackey politicians and misguided American allies.