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Poisoning the nation with LIES
by jude Monday, Dec 30 2013, 11:16pm
international / prose / post

The US propaganda machine, run for and by the plutocratic elite (CFR) is now destroying its own population. So thoroughly vile, reprehensible and monumental are the lies that it spews that the ugly REALITY it attempts to gloss over about the actuality of American activities is now having a profound deleterious psychological effect on the population, which has been exposed to the truth via a multitude of alternative sources for over a decade.

Take for example the biggest LIE of all -- the lie upon which all the other lies depend -- 9/11 and the subsequent orchestrated war on ‘terror’, which has been thoroughly EXPOSED as an inside job, REAL conspiracy. The perfect controlled collapse of WTC (building) 7 is enough proof but even the most superficial analysis reveals a MULTITUDE of flagrant LIES (US military anthrax letters) and critical omissions especially the discovery of military grade active nano-thermite particles (used in demolitions) at ground zero -- WTF! No-one, except the most insular, inbred, banjo playing moron believes mainstream lies and propaganda any more.

However, once a non-reversible course is taken by criminals with too much to lose, they have no choice but to pursue their course to the nihilistic end, much like Hitler and his band of Third Reich criminals -- the question is whether or not the American population will follow the criminal elite to inevitable destruction, as did the German population or RESTORE their Republic before it IMPLODES.

If you base an entire agenda on lies, the lies must continue faster and more often than before until saturation point is reached and the lies become flimsy and comical -- minority criminal elites failed to consider some vital aspects and consequences of their nefarious plans. Take for instance the whopper on WMD and Iraq and the more recent no-fly zone over Libya in which US/NATO did all the flying (26,000 bombing sorties) and civilian killing in order to ‘protect the civilians;’ or the arming and support of al-Qaeda and other Jihadist groups by the USA in order to save Syria from ‘terrorists’ -- give a parakeet’s brain a break! What a thorough travesty for the entire world which is forced to witness America’s monumental and thoroughly TRANSPARENT LIES!

There are so many more instances of painful propaganda and lies that it is little wonder that the largest cause of death in the US military is SUICIDE! Something is NOT quite right, on the battlefield of REALITY, is it? But do policy-makers change tack or is the current destructive, insane course reversed? NO, plutocratic elites still can’t see the bleeding picture or worse, they consider all of us expendable and do not give a second thought to the millions of INNOCENT human beings they have slain in order to fill their coffers with more filthy money -- the great sages of history rightly teach that all the money in the world is not worth the life of one innocent child!

America continues on its terrorist course with kill lists, Drone kills of innocent men, women and children and the direct aggression/intimidation of weaker nations in order to steal their resource wealth. Of course this invites America’s own destruction via retaliation, nuclear or biological, two very feasible and effective responses given the outrageous and INTOLERABLE aggression of the USA over the past decade! Do you remember how Drones were sold to the public as “precision weapons” (more LIES) - tell it to all the innocent women, CHILDREN, civilians, funeral and wedding parties that have been SLAUGHTERED and maimed by this so-called ‘precision’ (terrorist) weapon.

The current US tragedy no longer makes one cry or laugh it boils the blood and creates in every just and moral person a driving passion to see the end of this heinous evil forever.

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