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The Misinformation Industry and its Players -- Edward Snowden
by baz - ICH Thursday, Dec 26 2013, 10:44am
international / prose / post

Hard to believe by the average brain dead, uninformed American citizen, but hard fact it is.


Prior to the release of this Xmas message (below) from Edward Snowden, he stated in a very recent interview that he considered his mission completed, “accomplished;” but if you remember he also said he has the real dirt on the USA but refuses to compromise the world’s leading criminal, civilian killing, terrorist nation -- are you kidding me, WHY? A close examination reveals that Nothing has fundamentally changed as a result of the Snowden leaks except a few people are pissed off by pan NSA surveillance -- hardly new or surprising.

We have known for over half a century that America has no real friends; it has pursued a singular agenda of world domination since WWII; today, official documents are openly titled, The New ‘American’ Century! That title betrays the Truth, no NATO or firm partners/allies, no-one is included and to compound that very clear message, we now know that America spies on its ‘allies,’ they even made a Hollywood movie about it, ‘The Falcon and the Snow Man,’ which is about the CIA deeply interfering with ‘ally’ Australia’s domestic politics.

So what’s really new, nothing! America views every nation as either subservient puppet or non-compliant enemy, but it’s been doing that all along? At this stage I would clarify a point; the fact that American interests have bought (corrupted) most democratic governments in the developed world and their leaders does not qualify it as a friend, it qualifies a ‘control freak’ and reveals a paranoid, autocratic, despotic mentality.

So, after the Snowden ‘revelations,’ of historically known facts, news from Washington is that Snowden’s revelations have forced a re-think and that it now becomes necessary to outline limits for NSA spying but not to eradicate global spying and metadata mining -- in other words Snowden served to soften the public to NSA ‘controlled’ global spying by revealing what appears to be uncontrolled spying, in FACT Snowden revealed nothing! The movie cited above was made before Snowden was born or when he was sucking on the tit, check the release date yourselves, morons, you are hardly worth the research effort!

However, the biggest indicator of something not quite right is that Snowden continues to withhold “devastating" information that would compromise the world’s leading terrorist (civilian killing) invasive, resource pilfering nation -- what type of real whistle blower with morals and a conscience would behave like that? Manning, the bravest wo/man of our age, did not hesitate to reveal criminal activity and expose the LIES and double standards of the U.S. military! Snowden, however, FACILITATES NSA spying, which was and remains illegal to date (but not for long) -- gee, thanks, Edward!

As for all you morons out there, you deserve everything you get; here’s something else you missed that’s completely untrue but designed to induce passive acceptance/compliance in the population, I quote from Snowden:

“A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all. They'll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves -- an unrecorded, unanalyzed thought.”
Well, that is utter garbage as the digital underground is already training their kids and others in counter-surveillance techniques and multiple identity methodologies, among other things; as a matter of fact we are living examples! Google’s chairman Eric ‘Bilderberg’ Schmidt, blurted much the same thing in the mass media, ‘if you want privacy today you will have to fight for it’ -- so, wrong again, Edward!

But it’s easier to believe the defeatist rhetoric of Chomsky, Hedges and Snowden; the State has all the power and we are subject to it! Well, NOTHING could be further from the truth, you dumb fucks! The most powerful social force on earth is the masses and they could, if they were of a mind, completely contain the NSA and any other agency/institution in an instant -- that REALITY has not changed despite all the efforts of Snowden and his ilk. We have NEVER been powerless only divided and DECEIVED by misinformation and clever 'perception management' methodologies!

If you believe the ‘MAN’ has all the power then you ARE fucked -- that is a reality you have BOUGHT for YOURSELF!

Modern digital technology allows for far more freedom today than ever before -- can YOU work out WHY? I’ll give you morons a hint; an old hacker adage goes something like this: “whatever one man makes another man breaks,” the NSA -- indeed the world -- is now slave to digital technologies and the reality is the most skilled in that discipline rule; and if in any doubt allow me to enlighten you; the digital elite work against nefarious, evil, mass murdering nations not for them.

Look up the word INTEGRITY, Edward, and then REVEAL the ENTIRE TRUTH or remain a slave to the nefarious powers.

As for the moron herd, how does it feel to be so thoroughly dumb, nose-ringed and oppressed? But whatever you do don't unite and restore sanity to the world, that would be a courageous act, you despicable, gutless wonders! It's easier to believe Edward the operative than endeavour to maintain your rights and FIGHT for your freedoms. The evil moneyed elites 'bank' on your disunity and cowardice.

Snowden’s Xmas message follows:
Edward Snowden Christmas Message

Hi, and Merry Christmas.

I'm honored to have the chance to speak with you and your family this year.

Recently, we learned that our governments, working in concert, have created a system of worldwide mass surveillance, watching everything we do.

Great Britain's George Orwell warned us of the danger of this kind of information. The types of collection in the book -- microphones and video cameras, TVs that watch us -- are nothing compared to what we have available today. We have sensors in our pockets that track us everywhere we go.

Think about what this means for the privacy of the average person. A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all. They'll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves -- an unrecorded, unanalyzed thought. And that's a problem, because privacy matters. Privacy is what allows us to determine who we are and who we want to be.

The conversation occurring today will determine the amount of trust we can place both in the technology that surrounds us and the government that regulates it. Together, we can find a better balance. End mass surveillance. And remind the government that if it really wants to know how we feel, asking is always cheaper than spying.

For everyone out there listening, thank you, and Merry Christmas.

UPDATE since initial publication: -- Oz ABC, 28 December:

NSA's phone surveillance program is legal, US judge rules
via Jane Cowan

A US judge has ruled that controversial telephone surveillance by the National Security Agency (NSA) is lawful, calling it a "counter-punch" to terrorism that does not violate Americans' privacy rights.

The ruling comes just 10 days after another judge in Washington deemed the program likely to be unconstitutional.

Judge William Pauley in New York deemed the collection of millions of Americans' phone records lawful and a vital component of the war on Al Qaeda.

"The question for this court is whether the government's bulk telephony metadata program is lawful. This court finds it is," said the 54-page ruling.

The program was first revealed by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, and the judge acknowledged it "vacuums up information about virtually every phone call to, from or within the US".

But he found there was no evidence the government had used the data for any reason other than to investigate and disrupt terrorist attacks.

The judge sided with US spy chiefs who say that US officials can keep the country safe by connecting the dots between archived calls and terrorist suspects.

He quoted the 2004 report by the 9/11 Commission - the panel which investigated the 2001 Al Qaeda attack on the United States - as saying it was a false choice between liberty and security, as "nothing is more apt to imperil civil liberties than the success of a terrorist attack on American soil".

"As the September 11th attacks demonstrate, the cost of missing such a thread can be horrific," he wrote.

"Technology allowed Al Qaeda to operate decentralised and plot international terrorist attacks remotely."

The decision also dismisses a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union challenging the program.

The union says it will appeal against the ruling, which paves the way for a series of legal challenges that will likely be decided by the Supreme Court.

This month, an official panel handed US president Barack Obama a review of the NSA's surveillance program along with more than 40 recommendations to install safeguards and limit its scope.

It puts Mr Obama in the tricky spot between those demanding change and the US intelligence community, but the administration is not expected to significantly curtail the mission.

Snowden, a fugitive from US justice granted temporary asylum in Russia, issued a staunch defence of individual privacy in a speech broadcast on British television on Christmas Day.

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[The above decision was expected by analysts that are able to read U.S. political machinations like a comic book.

This latest ruling opposes a previous decision by a U.S. judge who described NSA spying as certainly in 'breach of the fourth amendment' and "almost Orwellian." It is an established sad fact that most of the U.S. judiciary is corrupt and in the pocket of the plutocracy and/or under agency-government pressure. The USA today almost replicates pre-WWII Nazi Germany, the comparison is almost exact. We should not expect radical remedial change from a castrated and cowardly American population for some time, if at all!

It may be worth quoting a former lecturer in 'semiotics,' the most powerful analytical tool known; "question everything, believe nothing at face value."

Good luck morons, the post-modern age is not about saving society it's about maintaining personal freedom/mobility and saving yourself and your own. Frankly, we are tired of being turned in by the people we have assisted.]

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